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Том 50, № 7 (2016)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Solubility of oxygen in CdS single crystals and their physicochemical properties

Morozova N., Kanakhin A., Shnitnikov A.


The specific features of oxygen dissolution in CdS using the example of single crystals grown by the gas-transport method with deviations from stoichiometry at 1100°C are considered. The effect of various types of intrinsic point defects in crystals of different composition on the form in the presence of oxygen is analyzed. It is shown that the most stable composition thermodynamically is that corresponding to nonstoichiometric “self-activated cadmium sulphide” stabilized with oxygen.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):849-852
pages 849-852 views

Structural and optical properties of GaAs(100) with a thin surface layer doped with chromium

Seredin P., Fedyukin A., Arsentyev I., Vavilova L., Tarasov I., Prutskij T., Leiste H., Rinke M.


The aim of this study is to explore the structural and optical properties of single-crystal GaAs(100) doped with Cr atoms by burning them into the substrate at high temperatures. The diffusion of chromium into single-crystal GaAs(100) substrates brings about the formation of a thin (~20–40 μm) GaAs:Cr transition layer. In this case, chromium atoms are incorporated into the gallium-arsenide crystal lattice and occupy the regular atomic sites of the metal sublattice. As the chromium diffusion time is increased, such behavior of the dopant impurity yields changes in the energy structure of GaAs, a decrease in the absorption at free charge carriers, and a lowering of the surface recombination rate. As a result, the photoluminescence signal from the sample is significantly enhanced.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):853-859
pages 853-859 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Features of conductivity mechanisms in heavily doped compensated V1–xTixFeSb Semiconductor

Romaka V., Rogl P., Romaka V., Kaczorowski D., Stadnyk Y., Krayovskyy V., Horyn A.


The crystal and electronic structure and also the energy and kinetic properties of n-VFeSb semiconductor heavily doped with the Ti acceptor impurity are investigated in the temperature and Ti concentration ranges of T = 4.2–400 K and NATi ≈ 9.5 × 1019–3.6 × 1021 cm–3 (x = 0.005–0.20), respectively. The complex mechanism of the generation of acceptor and donor structural defects is established. It is demonstrated that the presence of vacancies at Sb atomic sites in n-VFeSb gives rise to donor structural defects (“a priori doping”). Substitution of the Ti dopant for V in VFeSb leads simultaneously to the generation of acceptortype structural defects, a decrease in the number of donor defects, and their removal in the concentration range of 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.03 via the occupation of vacancies by Sb atoms, and the generation of donor defects due to the occurrence of vacancies and an increase in their number. The result obtained underlies the technique for fabricating new n-VFeSb-based thermoelectric materials. The results are discussed in the context of the Shklovsky–Efros model for a heavily doped compensated semiconductor.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):860-868
pages 860-868 views

Effect of thallium doping on the mobility of electrons in Bi2Se3 and holes in Sb2Te3

Kudryashov A., Kytin V., Lunin R., Kulbachinskii V., Banerjee A.


The Shubnikov–de Haas effect and the Hall effect in n-Bi2–xTlxSe3 (x = 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04) and p-Sb2–xTlxTe3 (x = 0, 0.005, 0.015, 0.05) single crystals are studied. The carrier mobilities and their changes upon Tl doping are calculated by the Fourier spectra of oscillations. It is found shown that Tl doping decreases the electron concentration in n-Bi2–xTlxSe3 and increases the electron mobility. In p-Sb2–xTlxTe3, both the hole concentration and mobility decrease upon Tl doping. The change in the crystal defect concentration, which leads to these effects, is discussed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):869-875
pages 869-875 views

Electron exchange between tin impurity U centers in PbSzSe1–z alloys

Marchenko A., Terukov E., Seregin P., Rasnjuk A., Kiselev V.


Using emission 119mmSn(119mSn) and 119Sb(119mSn) Mössbauer spectroscopy, it is shown that impurity tin atoms in PbSzSe1–z alloys substitute lead atoms and are two-electron donors with negative correlation energy (U centers). It is found that the energy levels related to impurity tin atoms are in the lower half of the band gap at z ≥ 0.5 against the background of allowed valence-band states at z ≤ 0.4. The electron exchange between neutral and doubly ionized tin U centers in partially compensated Pb0.99Sn0.005Na0.005SzSe1–z alloys is studied. The activation energy of this process decreases from 0.111(5) eV for a composition with z = 1 to 0.049(5) eV for compositions with c ≤ 0. For all z, the exchange is implemented via the simultaneous transfer of two electrons using delocalized valence-band states.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):876-882
pages 876-882 views

Field dependence of the electron drift velocity along the hexagonal axis of 4H-SiC

Ivanov P., Potapov A., Samsonova T., Grekhov I.


The forward current–voltage characteristics of mesa-epitaxial 4H-SiC Schottky diodes are measured in high electric fields (up to 4 × 105 V/cm) in the n-type base region. A semi-empirical formula for the field dependence of the electron drift velocity in 4H-SiC along the hexagonal axis of the crystal is derived. It is shown that the saturated drift velocity is (1.55 ± 0.05) × 107 cm/s in electric fields higher than 2 × 105 V/cm.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):883-887
pages 883-887 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Effect of coulomb correlations on luminescence and absorption in compensated semiconductors

Bogoslovskiy N., Petrov P., Ivánov Y., Averkiev N., Tsendin K.


The spectra of donor–acceptor light absorption and luminescence in lightly doped and lightly compensated semiconductors are calculated. In the photoluminescence calculation, two limiting cases of long and short carrier lifetimes relative to the carrier-energy relaxation time are considered. It is shown that, at long lifetimes, the photoluminescence spectrum is significantly shifted toward longer wavelengths due to the relaxation of minority charge carriers. At intermediate lifetimes, the photoluminescence spectrum consists of two peaks, which is in good agreement with the experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):888-893
pages 888-893 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Local emission spectroscopy of surface micrograins in AIIIBV semiconductors

Zhukov N., Gluhovskoy E., Mosiyash D.


The density-of-states spectra and the parameters of levels of electron states in locally chosen surface micrograins of indium antimonide and arsenide and gallium arsenide are studied with a tunneling electron microscope in the field-emission mode of measurements. By correlating the current–voltage characteristics with the formula for the probability of emission via levels, the activation energies of the levels (ψ) and the lifetimes of electrons at the levels (τ) are determined. Two types of levels for electron localization are identified. These are levels in the micrograin bulk (ψ ≈ 0.75, 1.15, and 1.59 eV for n-InSb, n-InAs, and n-GaAs, respectively; τ ~ 10–8–10–7 s) and in the surface region of an i-InSb micrograin (ψ ~ 0.73, 1.33, 1.85, 2.15, 5.1 eV; τ ≈ 5 × 10–8–3 × 10–7 s). A physical model involving the Coulomb-interaction-induced localization of light electrons and their size quantization determined by the electron effective mass, energy, and concentration and by the surface curvature of the micrograin is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):894-900
pages 894-900 views

Indium nanowires at the silicon surface

Kozhukhov A., Sheglov D., Latyshev A.


Conductive indium nanowires up to 50 nm in width and up to 10 μm in length are fabricated on the surface of silicon by local resputtering from the probe of an atomic-force microscope. The transfer of indium from the probe of the atomic-force microscope onto the silicon surface is initiated by applying a potential between the probe and the surface as they approach each other to spacings, at which the mutual repulsive force is ~10–7 N. The conductivity of the nanowires ranges from 7 × 10–3 to 4 × 10–2 Ω cm, which is several orders of magnitude lower than that in the case of the alternative technique of heat transfer.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):901-903
pages 901-903 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Specific features of the cathodoluminescence spectra of AlInGaN QWs, caused by the influence of phase separation and internal electric fields

Kuznetsova Y., Jmerik V., Nechaev D., Kuznetsov A., Zamoryanskaya M.


The specific features of the cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra in AlInGaN heterostructures, caused by the influence of phase separation and internal electric fields, observed at varied CL excitation density, are studied. It is shown that the evolution of the CL spectrum and the variation in the spectral position of emission lines of nanoscale layers with current density in the primary electron beam makes it possible to identify the occurrence of phase separation in the layer and, in the absence of this separation, to estimate the electric-field strength in the active region of the structure.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):904-909
pages 904-909 views

Effect of multicomponent InAsSbP matrix surface on formation of InSb quantum dots at MOVPE growth

Romanov V., Dement’ev P., Moiseev K.


Indium-antimonide quantum dots (7–9 × 109 cm2) are produced on an InAs(001) substrate by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy at a temperature of T = 440°C. Epitaxial deposition occurred simultaneously onto an InAs binary matrix and an InAsSbP quaternary alloy matrix layer lattice-matched to the InAs substrate in terms of the lattice parameter. Transformation of the quantum-dot shape and size is studied in relation to the chemical composition of the working matrix surface, onto which the quantum dots are deposited. The use of a multicomponent layer makes it possible to control the lattice parameter of the matrix and the strains produced in the system during the formation of self-assembled quantum dots.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):910-914
pages 910-914 views

Terahertz emission from CdHgTe/HgTe quantum wells with an inverted band structure

Vasilyev Y., Mikhailov N., Vasilyeva G., Ivánov Y., Zakhar’in A., Andrianov A., Vorobiev L., Firsov D., Grigoriev M., Antonov A., Ikonnikov A., Gavrilenko V.


The terahertz electroluminescence from Cd0.7Hg0.3Te/HgTe quantum wells with an inverted band structure in lateral electric fields is experimentally detected and studied. The emission-spectrum maximum for wells 6.5 and 7 nm wide is near 6 meV which corresponds to interband optical transitions. The emission is explained by state depletion in the valence band and conduction band filling due to Zener tunneling, which is confirmed by power-law current–voltage characteristics.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):915-919
pages 915-919 views

Semi-insulating 4H-SiC layers formed by the implantation of high-energy (53 MeV) argon ions into n-type epitaxial films

Ivanov P., Kudoyarov M., Kozlovski M., Potapov A., Samsonova T.


It is shown that 9-μm-thick semi-insulating surface layers can be formed in moderately doped n-type silicon carbide (donor concentration 2 × 1016 cm–3) via the comparatively low-dose (7 × 1011 cm–2) implantation of high-energy (53 MeV) argon ions. The free-carrier removal rate is estimated at ~104 cm–1. The resistivity of the semi-insulator is no less than 7 × 1012 Ω cm. Analysis of the monopolar current of electron injection into the semi-insulator shows that the impurity-conductivity compensation is due to radiationinduced defects pinning the equilibrium Fermi level at a depth of 1.16 eV below the conduction-band bottom. The density of defect states at the Fermi level is 2.7 × 1016 cm2 eV–1.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):920-923
pages 920-923 views

Study of deep levels in GaAs p–i–n structures

Sobolev M., Soldatenkov F., Kozlov V.


An experimental study of the capacitance–voltage (C–V) characteristics and deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) of p+p0in0 structures based on undoped GaAs, grown by liquid-phase epitaxy at two crystallization-onset temperatures To (950 and 850°C), with optical illumination switched off and on, are performed. It is shown that the p0, i, and n0 layers of epitaxial structures are characterized by the presence of defects with deep donor- and acceptor-type levels in concentrations comparable with those of shallow donors and acceptors. Interface states are found, which manifest themselves in the C–V characteristics at different measurement temperatures and optical illumination; these states form an additive constant. A distinct temperature dependence of the steady-state capacitance of the structures is revealed. It is found that the injection of minority carriers under an applied positive filling pulse and optical recharging lead to modification of the structure and, correspondingly, the DLTS spectra of the p+p0in0 structures. It is revealed that the p+p0in0 GaAs structures grown at To = 850°C are characterized by a lack of interface states and that the recharging of acceptor-type deep traps under illumination does not change the C–V characteristics. The conventionally measured DLTS spectra reveal the presence of two hole traps: HL5 and HL2, which are typical of GaAs layers.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):924-928
pages 924-928 views

Photovoltage and photocurrent in Pd–oxide–InP structures in a hydrogen medium

Imenkov A., Grebenshchikova E., Shutaev V., Ospennikov A., Sherstnev V., Yakovlev Y.


Pd–oxide–InP (MOS) structures are fabricated, and their physical and photoelectric properties in a hydrogen atmosphere are investigated. It is established that a decrease in photovoltage of the structure and a large increase in photocurrent in the circuit are observed under the pulsed effect of hydrogen on the structure with a palladium layer illuminated by a light-emitting diode (LED of the wavelength λ = 0.9 μm). The kinetics and mechanism of the variation in the photovoltage and photocurrent are considered. It is assumed that the photovoltage decreases because of the ionization of hydrogen atoms in the Pd layer, and the photocurrent increases due to the thermionic emission of nonequilibrium electrons from the Pd layer into the semiconductor. On the basis of results of the investigations, the sensitive element for an optoelectronic hydrogen sensor is developed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):929-934
pages 929-934 views

Optical properties of p–i–n structures based on amorphous hydrogenated silicon with silicon nanocrystals formed via nanosecond laser annealing

Krivyakin G., Volodin V., Kochubei S., Kamaev G., Purkrt A., Remes Z., Fajgar R., Stuchliková T., Stuchlik J.


Silicon nanocrystals are formed in the i layers of p–i–n structures based on a-Si:H using pulsed laser annealing. An excimer XeCl laser with a wavelength of 308 nm and a pulse duration of 15 ns is used. The laser fluence is varied from 100 (below the melting threshold) to 250 mJ/cm2 (above the threshold). The nanocrystal sizes are estimated by analyzing Raman spectra using the phonon confinement model. The average is from 2.5 to 3.5 nm, depending on the laser-annealing parameters. Current–voltage measurements show that the fabricated p–i–n structures possess diode characteristics. An electroluminescence signal in the infrared (IR) range is detected for the p–i–n structures with Si nanocrystals; the peak position (0.9–1 eV) varies with the laser-annealing parameters. Radiative transitions are presumably related to the nanocrystal–amorphous-matrix interface states. The proposed approach can be used to produce light-emitting diodes on non-refractory substrates.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):935-940
pages 935-940 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Voltage oscillations in the case of the switching effect in thin layers of Ge–Sb–Te chalcogenides in the current mode

Fefelov S., Kazakova L., Arsova D., Kozyukhin S., Tsendin K., Prikhodko O.


The I–V characteristics obtained for layers of chalcogenide vitreous semiconductor of the Ge–Sb–Te system in the current-generator mode are investigated. The instability region, i.e., the region of conductivity oscillations, observed in the case of the switching effect under conditions of a set current is revealed. The key parameters describing these oscillations and the conditions of their occurrence are investigated in detail. Analysis of the obtained data shows that, to explain the oscillations in the instability region, it is necessary to take into account an increase in the current density and the process of heat exchange between the current filament that arises in the film upon switching and the environment.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):941-946
pages 941-946 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Nonlinear optical response of planar and spherical CdSe nanocrystals

Selyukov A., Isaev A., Vitukhnovsky A., Litvak V., Katsaba A., Korshunov V., Vasiliev R.


The nonlinear optical response of a colloidal solution of planar CdSe semiconductor nanocrystals (nanoplatelets) is studied for the first time. The nonlinear optical response of these nanoparticles is compared to that of spherical CdSe nanocrystals (quantum dots). The photoinduced nonlinearity is attributed to the optical generation of long-lived charge carriers in the nanoobjects under study. It is shown that, upon the exposure of a cell with the solution of nanoparticles to focused continuous-wave (cw) laser radiation with a wavelength of 473 nm, the nonlinear optical responses of CdSe nanoplatelets and quantum dots are somewhat different at identical optical densities at the above-indicated wavelength. The differences are supposedly associated with a higher diffusion rate of spherical nanoparticles in the solution because of their smaller size compared to that of nanoplatelets.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):947-950
pages 947-950 views

Carbon Systems

Electron-diffraction study of graphene-film growth stages during the thermal destruction of 6H-SiC (000\(\bar 1\)) in vacuum

Kotousova I., Lebedev S., Lebedev A.


The structure of graphene layers grown by sublimation on a 6H-SiC (000\(\bar 1\)) substrate surface is studied by electron diffraction depending on the sublimation temperature and substrate-surface pretreatment method. It is shown that the use of polishing sublimation etching of the substrate before thermal destruction at a temperature of 1350°C on the substrate surface results in the formation of single-crystal graphene domains with graphene-lattice rotation by 30° with respect to the SiC lattice and a small fraction of amorphous domains. An increase in the temperature to 1500°C leads to the partial formation of a polycrystalline graphene phase with turbostratic structure while retaining the preferred orientation of graphene crystallites as at 1350°C. The use of pregrowth annealing before thermal destruction makes it possible to grow a graphene film with a more ordered and homogeneous structure without inclusions of amorphous and polycrystalline components. The preferred orientation of graphene domains in the film remains unchanged.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):951-956
pages 951-956 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Effect of the anode-emitter injection efficiency on the characteristics of hybrid SIT–MOS transistors

Kyuregyan A., Gorbatyuk A., Ivanov B.


The possibility of optimizing high-voltage hybrid SIT–MOP transistors (HSMTs) by means of a local reduction in lifetime near the anode emitter and/ or by decreasing its injection efficiency by three different methods is studied using two-dimensional numerical simulation. It is shown that all four optimization methods are equivalent from the physical point of view and make it possible to decrease the turn-off energy loss Eoff by 30–40%, as in insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). However, all other conditions being equal, the energy Eoff in the HSMT appeared 15–35% lower than in equivalent trench IGBTs.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):957-962
pages 957-962 views

Electrochemical lithiation of silicon with varied crystallographic orientation

Astrova E., Rumyantsev A., Li G., Nashchekin A., Kazantsev D., Ber B., Zhdanov V.


The anisotropy of lithium intercalation into the silicon anodes of Li-ion batteries is studied on microstructures having the form of a grid with 0.5-μm-thick vertical walls and on silicon wafers of varied orientation. Electrochemical lithiation is performed at room temperature in the galvanostatic mode. The charging curves of the microstructure and flat Si anodes are examined. Secondary-ion mass spectroscopy is used to determine the distribution of intercalated Li atoms across the wafer thickness. The experimental data are analyzed in terms of the two-phase model in which the lithiation process is limited by the propagation velocity of the front between the amorphous alloy with a high Li content and the crystalline Si substrate. The relationship between the rates of Li intercalation into different crystallographic planes: (110), (111), and (100), is found to be V110: V111: V100 = 3.1: 1.1: 1.0. It is demonstrated that microstructure anodes with (110) walls have the highest cycle life and withstand ~600 cycles when charged and discharged at a rate of 0.36 C.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):963-969
pages 963-969 views

On current spreading in solar cells: a two-parameter tube model

Mintairov M., Evstropov V., Mintairov S., Timoshina N., Shvarts M., Kalyuzhnyy N.


The phenomenon of current spreading is essential for concentrator solar cells since it limits the conversion efficiency at high sunlight-concentration ratios. A model, which describes the regularities of the above phenomenon, is proposed and developed. The model uses a stylized representation of current lines and, respectively, of current tubes; it includes two resistive parameters accounting for the variable lateral (horizontal) component and the constant vertical component of the resistance of each tube. In the model the fact that the thickness of the spreading region is much less than the distance between the contact grid strips is taken into account. The calculated current—voltage (I–V) characteristics of a solar cell in the resistive and a nonresistive cases are obtained. The spreading-resistance I–V characteristic obtained by the voltage subtraction of these characteristics is nonlinear and depends on the photogenerated current. Thus, the equivalent electrical circuit of a solar cell includes a lumped nonlinear resistance, which depends parametrically on the photogenerated current. The comparison of experimental and calculated I–V characteristics by the example of Ge, GaAs, and GaInP solar cells is performed and both resistive parameters of the model are determined. The model describes correctly the regularities of spreading in single-junction solar cells and can be extended to multijunction solar cells.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):970-975
pages 970-975 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Quantum dots grown in the InSb/GaSb system by liquid-phase epitaxy

Parkhomenko Y., Dement’ev P., Moiseev K.


The first results of the liquid-phase epitaxial growth of quantum dots in the InSb/GaSb system and atomic-force microscopy data on the structural characteristics of the quantum dots are reported. It is shown that the surface density, shape, and size of nanoislands depend on the deposition temperature and the chemical properties of the matrix surface. Arrays of InSb quantum dots on GaSb (001) substrates are produced in the temperature range T = 450–465°C. The average dimensions of the quantum dots correspond to a height of h = 3 nm and a base dimension of D = 30 nm; the surface density is 3 × 109 cm–2.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):976-979
pages 976-979 views

Chloride epitaxy of β-Ga2O3 layers grown on c-sapphire substrates

Nikolaev V., Pechnikov A., Stepanov S., Sharofidinov S., Golovatenko A., Nikitina I., Smirnov A., Bugrov V., Romanov A., Brunkov P., Kirilenko D.


The method of chloride epitaxy is employed to grow β-Ga2O3 epitaxial layers on a c-sapphire substrate. Purified dry air is used as the source of oxygen. The layers are studied using the methods of X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. It is found that the growth plane of the layers is (\(\bar 2\)01), parallel to the substrate surface. The layers consist of separate large crystalline grains of three different in-plane orientations rotated relative to each other in the growth plane by 60°. Misorientation can be caused by the different symmetry of the substrate and the epitaxial layer.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):980-983
pages 980-983 views

Technique for forming ITO films with a controlled refractive index

Kukushkin M., Zakheim D., Pavlov S., Markov L., Smirnova I., Pavluchenko A.


A new method for fabricating transparent conducting coatings based on indium-tin oxide (ITO) with a controlled refractive index is proposed. This method implies the successive deposition of material by electron-beam evaporation and magnetron sputtering. Sputtered coatings with different densities (and, correspondingly, different refractive indices) can be obtained by varying the ratio of the mass fractions of material deposited by different methods. As an example, films with effective refractive indices of 1.2, 1.4, and 1.7 in the wavelength range of 440–460 nm are fabricated. Two-layer ITO coatings with controlled refractive indices of the layers are also formed by the proposed method. Thus, multilayer transparent conducting coatings with desired optical parameters can be produced.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(7):984-988
pages 984-988 views

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