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Volume 51, Nº 3 (2017)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Single crystals of (FeIn2S4)x · (CuIn5S8)1–x alloys: Crystal structure, nuclear gamma resonance spectra, and thermal expansion

Bodnar I., Zhafar M., Kasyuk Y., Fedotova Y.


FeIn2S4 and CuIn5S8 compounds and (FeIn2S4)x · (CuIn5S8)1–x alloy single crystals are grown by planar crystallization. It is shown that both of the initial FeIn2S4 and CuIn5S8 compounds and alloys on their basis crystallize with the formation of the cubic spinel structure. It is established that the unit-cell parameter a linearly varies with the composition parameter x. By means of nuclear gamma resonance spectroscopy in the transmission mode of measurements, the local states of iron ions in the alloys are studied. For the single crystals grown in the study, thermal expansion is explored using the dilatometry technique, the thermal-expansion coefficients are determined, and the Debye temperature and rms (root-mean-square) dynamic displacements are calculated.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):279-284
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Crystal defects in solar cells produced by the method of thermomigration

Lozovskii V., Lomov A., Lunin L., Seredin B., Chesnokov Y.


The results of studying the crystal structure of regions in silicon, recrystallized during the course of thermomigration of the liquid Si–Al zone in the volume of the silicon substrate, are reported (similar regions doped with an acceptor impurity are used to obtain high-voltage solar cells). X-ray methods (including measurements of both diffraction-reflection curves and topograms) and also high-resolution electron microscopy indicate that single-crystal regions in the form of a series of thin strips or rectangular grids are formed as a result of the thermomigration of liquid zones. Dislocation half-loops are detected in the surface layers of the front and back surfaces of the substrate. {311}-type defects are observed in the recrystallized regions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):285-289
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Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Improvement in the accuracy of determining impurity compensation in pure weakly compensated germanium from breakdown-field strength

Bannaya V.


It is shown that measurement of the electric-breakdown field Ebr in a classically high magnetic field (H) at T = 4.2 K makes it possible to determine the value of the degree of compensation K in pure germanium with K < 50% much more precisely than at H = 0. The parameter S = Ebr/H is introduced and its dependence S = f(K) is calculated; the obtained curve makes it possible to determine K if H and Ebr are known. To decrease the resistance of the samples, it is recommended that measurements be carried out under “impurity” illumination. It is shown that the value of Ebr is invariable at low intensities of such excitation.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):290-292
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Atomic configuration and charge state of hydrogen at dislocations in silicon

Vysotskii N., Loshachenko A., Vyvenko O.


The effect of the introduction of hydrogen upon the vibration spectra and electrical characteristics of samples with dislocation networks at the interface of bonded silicon wafers was studied. In order to improve the sensitivity of measurements and to distinguish the signal from dislocation networks in Raman spectra, thin foils conventionally prepared for transmission electron microscopy were used as the sample under investigation. In the samples with dislocation networks, a Raman peak at 2000 cm–1 was observed. This peak survived after annealing at a temperature of T = 500°C and was not observed in reference samples. Comparison of the experimental data with currently available theoretical calculations allowed one to attribute the observed peak to neutral hydrogen atoms H0 at the center of Si–Si bonds. The peak is metastable in the ideal lattice, but becomes stable in the vicinity of dislocations.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):293-298
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Effect of the energy of bombarding electrons on the conductivity of n-4H-SiC (CVD) epitaxial layers

Kozlovski V., Lebedev A., Strel’chuk A., Davidovskaya K., Vasil’ev A., Makarenko L.


The electrical characteristics of epitaxial layers of n-4H-SiC (CVD) irradiated with 0.9 and 3.5MeV electrons are studied. It is shown that the donor removal rate becomes nearly four times higher as the energy of impinging electrons increases by a factor of 4, although the formation cross section of primary radiation defects (Frenkel pairs in the carbon sublattice) responsible for conductivity compensation of the material is almost energy independent in this range. It is assumed that the reason for the observed differences is the influence exerted by primary knocked-out atoms. First, cascade processes start to manifest themselves with increasing energy of primary knocked-out atoms. Second, the average distance between genetically related Frenkel pairs grows, and, as a consequence, the fraction of defects that do not recombine under irradiation becomes larger. The recombination radius of Frenkel pairs in the carbon sublattice is estimated and the possible charge state of the recombining components is assessed.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):299-304
pages 299-304 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Effect of H+ implantation on the optical properties of semi-insulating GaAs crystals in the IR spectral region

Klyui N., Lozinskii V., Liptuga A., Dikusha V., Oksanych A., Kogdas’ M., Perekhrest A., Pritchin S.


The optical properties of semi-insulating GaAs crystals subjected to multienergy hydrogen-ion implantation and treatment in a high-frequency electromagnetic field are studied in the infrared spectral region. It is established that such combined treatment provides a means for substantially increasing the transmittance of GaAs crystals to values characteristic of crystals of high optical quality. On the basis of analysis of the infrared transmittance and reflectance data, Raman spectroscopy data, and atomic-force microscopy data on the surface morphology of the crystals, a physical model is proposed to interpret the effects experimentally observed in the crystals. The model takes into account the interaction of radiation defects with the initial structural defects in the crystals as well as the effect of compensation of defect centers by hydrogen during high-frequency treatment.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):305-309
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Terahertz-radiation generation in low-temperature InGaAs epitaxial films on (100) and (411) InP substrates

Galiev G., Grekhov M., Kitaeva G., Klimov E., Klochkov A., Kolentsova O., Kornienko V., Kuznetsov K., Maltsev P., Pushkarev S.


The spectrum and waveforms of broadband terahertz-radiation pulses generated by low-temperature In0.53Ga0.47As epitaxial films under femtosecond laser pumping are investigated by terahertz time-resolved spectroscopy. The In0.53Ga0.47As films are fabricated by molecular-beam epitaxy at a temperature of 200°C under different arsenic pressures on (100)-oriented InP substrates and, for the first time, on (411)A InP substrates. The surface morphology of the samples is studied by atomic-force microscopy and the structural quality is established by high-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis. It is found that the amplitude of terahertz radiation from the LT-InGaAs layers on the (411)A InP substrates exceeds that from similar layers formed on the (100) InP substrates by a factor of 3–5.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):310-317
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Effect of temperature and doping with Cu on the reflectance spectra of PbSb2Te4 crystals

Nemov S., Ulashkevich Y.


For the anisotropic PbSb2Te4 single crystal, the effect of temperature and doping with Cu on the reflectance spectrum R(ν) is studied for reflection from a cleavage plane orthogonal to the trigonal axis C3. It is found that the spectrum is complex in structure and exhibits a sharp increase in the reflectance in the far-infrared region and two minima in the mid-infrared region. It is shown that the experimentally observed feature of the reflectance spectra can be quantitatively described in the context of the Drude–Lorentz theory, with the dielectric function that takes into account the contributions of hole plasma oscillations and two optical lattice vibrations at different frequencies. The static conductivity estimated from optical data is in good agreement with the results of electrical measurements of the dc conductivity.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):318-321
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Radiative d–d transitions at tungsten centers in II–VI semiconductors

Ushakov V., Krivobok V., Pruchkina A.


The luminescence spectra of W impurity centers in II–VI semiconductors, specifically, ZnSe, CdS, and CdSe, are studied. It is found that, if the electron system of 5d (W) centers is considered instead of the electron system of 3d (Cr) centers, the spectral characteristics of the impurity radiation are substantially changed. The electron transitions are identified in accordance with Tanabe–Sugano diagrams of crystal field theory. With consideration for the specific features of the spectra, it is established that, in the crystals under study, radiative transitions at 5d W centers occur between levels with different spins in the region of a weak crystal field.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):322-325
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Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

On the size and temperature dependence of the energy gap in cadmium-selenide quantum dots embedded in fluorophosphate glasses

Lipatova Z., Kolobkova E., Babkina A., Nikonorov N.


The temperature and size dependences of the energy gap in CdSe quantum dots with diameters of 2.4, 4.0, and 5.2 nm embedded in fluorophosphate glasses are investigated. It is shown that the temperature coefficient of the band gap dEg/dT in the quantum dots differs from the bulk value and depends strictly on the dot size. It is found that, furthermore, the energy of each transition in these quantum dots is characterized by an individual temperature coefficient dE/dT.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):326-328
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Valence-band offsets in strained SiGeSn/Si layers with different tin contents

Bloshkin A., Yakimov A., Timofeev V., Tuktamyshev A., Nikiforov A., Murashov V.


Admittance spectroscopy is used to study hole states in Si0.7–yGe0.3Sny/Si quantum wells in the tin content range y = 0.04–0.1. It is found that the hole binding energy increases with tin content. The hole size-quantization energies in structures containing a pseudomorphic Si0.7–yGe0.3Sny layer in the Si matrix are determined using the 6-band kp method. The valence-band offset at the Si0.7–yGe0.3Sny heterointerface is determined by combining the numerical calculation results and experimental data. It is found that the dependence of the experimental values of the valence-band offsets between pseudomorphic Si0.7–yGe0.3Sny layers and Si on the tin content is described by the expression ΔEVexp = (0.21 ± 0.01) + (3.35 ± 7.8 × 10–4)y eV.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):329-334
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Structure and properties of nanostructured ZnO arrays and ZnO/Ag nanocomposites fabricated by pulsed electrodeposition

Kopach V., Klepikova K., Klochko N., Khrypunov G., Korsun V., Lyubov V., Kirichenko M., Kopach A.


We investigate the structure, surface morphology, and optical properties of nanostructured ZnO arrays fabricated by pulsed electrodeposition, Ag nanoparticles precipitated from colloidal solutions, and a ZnO/Ag nanocomposite based on them. The electronic and electrical parameters of the ZnO arrays and ZnO/Ag nanocomposites are analyzed by studying the I–V and C–V characteristics. Optimal modes for fabricating the ZnO/Ag heterostructures with the high stability and sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation as promising materials for use in photodetectors, gas sensors, and photocatalysts are determined.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):335-343
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Temperature dependences of the electrical parameters of anisotype NiO/CdTe heterojunctions

Parkhomenko H., Solovan M., Mostovyi A., Ulyanytsky K., Maryanchuk P.


The I–V characteristics of NiO/CdTe heterostructures fabricated by reactive magnetron sputtering are measured at different temperatures. It is established that current transport through the NiO/CdTe heterojunction is mainly controlled via generation–recombination and tunneling under forward bias and via tunneling under reverse bias. The investigated heterostructures generate an open-circuit voltage of Voc = 0.26 V and a short-circuit current density of Isc = 58.7 μA/cm2 at an illumination intensity of 80 mW/cm2.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):344-348
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Formation of silicon nanocrystals in multilayer nanoperiodic a-SiOx/insulator structures from the results of synchrotron investigations

Turishchev S., Terekhov V., Koyuda D., Ershov A., Mashin A., Parinova E., Nesterov D., Grachev D., Karabanova I., Domashevskaya E.


The problem of the efficiency of the controllable formation of arrays of silicon nanoparticles is studied on the basis of detailed investigations of the electronic structure of multilayer nanoperiodic a-SiOx/SiO2, a-SiOx/Аl2О3, and a-SiOx/ZrO2 compounds. Using synchrotron radiation and the X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy technique, a modification is revealed for the investigated structures under the effect of high-temperature annealing at the highest temperature of 1100°C; this modification is attributed to the formation of silicon nanocrystals in the layers of photoluminescent multilayer structures.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):349-352
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Multilayer photosensitive structures based on porous silicon and rare-earth-element compounds: Study of spectral characteristics

Kirsanov N., Latukhina N., Lizunkova D., Rogozhina G., Stepikhova M.


The spectral characteristics of the specular reflectance, photosensitivity, and photoluminescence (PL) of multilayer structures based on porous silicon with rare-earth-element (REE) ions are investigated. It is shown that the photosensitivity of these structures in the wavelength range of 0.4–1.0 μm is higher than in structures free of REEs. The structures with Er3+ ions exhibit a luminescence response at room temperature in the spectral range from 1.1 to 1.7 μm. The PL spectrum of the erbium impurity is characterized by a fine line structure, which is determined by the splitting of the 4I15/2 multiplet of the Er3+ ion. It is shown that the structures with a porous layer on the working surface have a much lower reflectance in the entire spectral range under study (0.2–1.0 μm).

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):353-356
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Optical properties of hybrid quantum-well–dots nanostructures grown by MOCVD

Mintairov S., Kalyuzhnyy N., Nadtochiy A., Maximov M., Rouvimov S., Zhukov A.


The deposition of InxGa1–xAs with an indium content of 0.3–0.5 and an average thickness of 3–27 single layers on a GaAs wafer by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) at low temperatures results in the appearance of thickness and composition modulations in the layers being formed. Such structures can be considered to be intermediate nanostructures between ideal quantum wells and quantum dots. Depending on the average thickness and composition of the layers, the wavelength of the photoluminescence peak for the hybrid InGaAs quantum well–dots nanostructures varies from 950 to 1100 nm. The optimal average InxGa1–xAs thicknesses and compositions at which the emission wavelength is the longest with a high quantum efficiency retained are determined.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):357-362
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Phase modulation of mid-infrared radiation in double-quantum-well structures under a lateral electric field

Balagula R., Vinnichenko M., Makhov I., Sofronov A., Firsov D., Vorobjev L.


The modulation of polarized radiation by GaAs/AlGaAs structures with tunnel-coupled double quantum wells in a strong lateral electric field is studied. The spectra of the variation in the refractive index under a lateral electric field in the vicinity of the intersubband resonance are experimentally investigated.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):363-366
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Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Specific features of the capacitance–voltage characteristics of a Cu–SiO2p-InSb MIS structure

Aliev R., Gajiev G., Gadzhialiev M., Ismailov A., Pirmagomedov Z.


The capacitance–voltage and conductance–voltage characteristics of InSb-based MIS structures are measured at different probe signal frequencies with the aim of studying the influence exerted by the technological-synthesis conditions on the capacitive properties of these structures. The influence of positive charge built into the insulator on the sample characteristics is discussed. This influence manifests itself as a sharp capacitance “switch” upon changing the polarity of a low-field (E < 106 V/cm) external signal.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):367-369
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A study of deep centers in microplasma channels in GaP light-emitting diodes with green-emission spectrum

Ionychev V., Shesterkina A.


The statistical delay of microplasma breakdown in GaP light-emitting diodes with the green-emission spectrum is studied. The unusual profound effect of deep centers on the statistical delay of avalanche breakdown is observed in the temperature range of 300–380 K; this effect is caused by a variation in the charge state of these centers due to a reduction in the reverse bias applied to the pn junction. Four deep levels are revealed and their parameters are determined.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):370-373
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Current–voltage characteristics of high-voltage 4H-SiC p+n0n+ diodes in the avalanche breakdown mode

Ivanov P., Potapov A., Samsonova T., Grekhov I.


p+n0n+ 4H-SiC diodes with homogeneous avalanche breakdown at 1860 V are fabricated. The pulse current–voltage characteristics are measured in the avalanche-breakdown mode up to a current density of 4000 A/cm2. It is shown that the avalanche-breakdown voltage increases with increasing temperature. The following diode parameters are determined: the avalanche resistance (8.6 × 10–2 Ω cm2), the electron drift velocity in the n0 base at electric fields higher than 106 V/cm (7.8 × 106 cm/s), and the relative temperature coefficient of the breakdown voltage (2.1 × 10–4 K–1).

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):374-378
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AlN/GaN heterostructures for normally-off transistors

Zhuravlev K., Malin T., Mansurov V., Tereshenko O., Abgaryan K., Reviznikov D., Zemlyakov V., Egorkin V., Parnes Y., Tikhomirov V., Prosvirin I.


The structure of AlN/GaN heterostructures with an ultrathin AlN barrier is calculated for normally-off transistors. The molecular-beam epitaxy technology of in situ passivated SiN/AlN/GaN heterostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas is developed. Normally-off transistors with a maximum current density of ~1 A/mm, a saturation voltage of 1 V, a transconductance of 350 mS/mm, and a breakdown voltage of more than 60 V are demonstrated. Gate lag and drain lag effects are almost lacking in these transistors.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):379-386
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Pulsed laser deposition of AlxGa1–xAs and GaP thin films onto Si substrates for photoelectric converters

Lunin L., Lunina M., Devitsky O., Sysoev I.


Pulsed laser deposition is used to produce AlGaAs and GaP thin films (with a thickness of less than 1 μm) on Si substrates. Methods for reducing the number of structural defects in the films are analyzed, and the effect of strains upon AlGaAs/Si and GaP/Si heterostructures is established by Raman spectroscopy. The application of Al0.3Ga0.7As and GaP films as wide-gap windows of silicon photoelectric converters is examined. The spectral characteristics of photocells based on Al0.3Ga0.7As/Si and GaP/Si heterostructures are studied. The heterostructures can be used as the first pn junction of a Si-based multijunction photoelectric converter.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):387-391
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Properties of ZnO:Er3+ films obtained by the sol–gel method

Malyutina-Bronskaya V., Semchenko A., Sidsky V., Fedorov V.


Polycrystalline and single-phase ZnO:Al:Er3+ films are synthesized by the sol–gel method (based on different types of solvents) on surfaces of single-crystal silicon and glass. The electrical measurement data (current–voltage and capacitance–voltage characteristics) show that these ZnO:Al:Er3+ films are photosensitive. The introduction of Er3+ rare-earth ions into a zinc-oxide film manifests itself in photosensitivity of the current–voltage and capacitance–voltage characteristics to light in the visible and infrared (IR) spectral ranges. The results of this study indicate that ZnO:Al:Er3+ films synthesized by the sol–gel method can be used to design optoelectronic devices, in particular, to form solar-cell active layers.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):392-395
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Separation of III–N/SiC epitaxial heterostructure from a Si substrate and their transfer to other substrate types

Kukushkin S., Osipov A., Red’kov A.


A chemical-etching based method for separating GaN/AlN and AlN epitaxial heterostructures grown on silicon with a silicon-carbide buffer layer and transferring them to substrates of any type is developed. GaN/AlN/SiC and AlN/SiC heterostructures 2.5 μm and 18 μm thick, respectively, are separated and transferred to a glass substrate. It is shown that a silicon-carbide buffer layer on silicon, grown by the substitution method, has a developed subsurface structure which allows easy separation of the film from the substrate and promotes the relaxation of elastic energy caused by a difference in thermal-expansion coefficients of the film and substrate. It is shown that mechanical stresses in the film after its separation from the silicon substrate almost completely relaxed.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):396-401
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Structural and optical properties of silicon-carbide nanowires produced by the high-temperature carbonization of silicon nanostructures

Pavlikov A., Latukhina N., Chepurnov V., Timoshenko V.


Silicon-carbide (SiC) nanowire structures 40–50 nm in diameter are produced by the high-temperature carbonization of porous silicon and silicon nanowires. The SiC nanowires are studied by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and infrared reflectance spectroscopy. The X-ray structural and Raman data suggest that the cubic 3C-SiC polytype is dominant in the samples under study. The shape of the infrared reflectance spectrum in the region of the reststrahlen band 800–900 cm–1 is indicative of the presence of free charge carriers. The possibility of using SiC nanowires in microelectronic, photonic, and gas-sensing devices is discussed.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):402-406
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Effect of energy density on the target on SnO2:Sb film properties when using a high-speed particle separator

Parshina L., Khramova O., Novodvorsky O., Lotin A., Petukhov I., Putilin F., Shcherbachev K.


SnO2:Sb thin films are grown by pulsed laser deposition with high-speed particle separation on quartz-glass substrates without post-deposition annealing under different deposition conditions in the range of the energy densities on the target from 3.4 to 6.8 J/cm2. Their optical, structural, and electrical properties are studied. It is found that the energy density on the target affects the SnO2:Sb film conductivity and transmittance. The optimum conditions of film growth by the droplet-free pulsed laser deposition method are determined. A resistivity minimum of 1.2 × 10–3 Ω cm is observed at an energy density on the target of 4.6 J/cm2, a substrate temperature of 300°C, and an oxygen pressure of 20 mTorr in the vacuum chamber during deposition.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(3):407-411
pages 407-411 views

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