
Issue Title File
Vol 46, No 5 (2017) Low-noise amplifier for the range of 57–64 GHz with grounding holes through photolake layer PDF
Krapukhin D.V., Mal’tsev P.P.
Vol 46, No 5 (2017) Investigation of the features of integrating nonvolatile FRAM elements with CMOS technology PDF
Orlov O.M., Voronov D.D., Izmailov R.A., Krasnikov G.Y.
Vol 46, No 5 (2017) Modeling SiO2 leakage currents caused by electrical overloads PDF
Polunin V.A.
Vol 46, No 5 (2017) Small-signal optimization approach to design of microwave signal switch ICs on MOS transistors PDF
Elesin V.V., Nazarova G.N., Usachev N.A., Chukov G.V.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) Effect of the mixture composition on the electrophysical parameters and emission spectra of CF2Cl2/Ar and CF2Cl2/He plasma PDF
Pivovarenok S.A.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) Copper etching kinetics in a high-frequency discharge of freon R12 PDF
Dunaev A.V., Murin D.B.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) Calculating the high-frequency electrical conductivity of a thin semiconductor film for different specular reflection coefficients of its surface PDF
Kuznetsova I.A., Romanov D.N., Savenko O.V., Yushkanov A.A.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) Effect of constructional features of the insulating gap of open TiN–SiO2–W and Si–SiO2–W “sandwich” structures on the process of their electroforming PDF
Mordvintsev V.M., Kudryavtsev S.E.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) Integrated optical-controlled diamond sensors PDF
Tsukanov A.V.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) Optimization of ohmic contacts to n-GaAs layers of heterobipolar nanoheterostructures PDF
Egorkin V.I., Zemlyakov V.E., Nezhentsev A.V., Garmash V.I.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) A technique for the local doping and correction of the conductivity of PbSnTe epitaxial layers via indium diffusion from superficial nanometer-thick films PDF
Ishchenko D.V., Kuchumov B.M.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) Diffusion model of the ionization response of LSI elements under exposure to heavy charged particles PDF
Sogoyan A.V., Chumakov A.I.
Vol 46, No 4 (2017) Method of radiational identification of a plant and characterization of integrated circuit technology PDF
Sogoyan A.V., Davydov G.G., Artamonov A.S., Kolosova A.S., Telets V.A., Nikiforrov A.Y., Ozhegin Y.A., Kameneva A.S., Moskovskaya Y.M.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Functional testing of digital signal processors in radiation experiments PDF
Marfin V.A., Nekrasov P.V., Kalashnikov O.A., Nikiforov A.Y.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Specifics of electromagnetic radiation effects on integrated circuits PDF
Skorobogatov P.K., Gerasimchuk O.A., Epifantsev K.A., Telets V.A.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Simulation of impact of the HCP on the CNT-nanosensor by the molecular dynamics method PDF
Sogoyan A.V., Boychenko D.V., Demidova A.V.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Methods of functional-logic simulation of radiation-induced failures of electronic systems based on the fuzzy state machine model PDF
Barbashov V.M., Kalashnikov O.A.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Stability analysis of monolithic integrated circuit of microwave signal converter to the influence of special factors PDF
Kagirina K.A., Fedorov Y.V., Lavrukhin D.V., Gamkrelidze S.A., Gnatyuk D.L., Zuev A.V., Ruban O.A., Gromov D.V.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Resistive switching in mesoscopic heterostructures based on Nd2–xCexCuO4–y epitaxial films PDF
Tulina N.A., Ivanov A.A., Rossolenko A.N., Shmytko I.M., Ionov A.M., Mozhchil’ R.N., Borisenko I.Y.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Study of transient processes in a p-i-n photodetector using the nonstationary physical-topological model PDF
Ryndin E.A., Pisarenko I.V.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Circuit model for functionally integrated injection laser modulators PDF
Konoplev B.G., Ryndin E.A., Denisenko M.A.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Effect of Ar and He additives on the kinetics of GaAs etching in CF2Cl2 plasma PDF
Pivovarenok S.A.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Power switching transistors based on gallium nitride epitaxial heterostructures PDF
Erofeev E.V., Fedin I.V., Yurjev Y.N.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Partitioning very hard semiconductor sapphire wafers into monolithic integrated circuits using laser controlled thermal cleavage PDF
Shchavruk N.V., Redkin S.V., Trofimov A.A., Ivanova N.E., Skripnichenko A.S., Kondratenko V.S., Styran V.V.
Vol 46, No 3 (2017) Graphene flexible touchscreen with integrated analog-digital converter PDF
Vlasov A.I., Terent’ev D.S., Shakhnov V.A.
201 - 225 of 328 Items << < 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > >> 

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