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Vol 46, No 4 (2017)


Integrated optical-controlled diamond sensors

Tsukanov A.V.


The review gives an idea about a special class of solid-state high-technology external field sensors based on diamond microstructures with optically active defects. Several types of such devices, including magnetometers, electrometers, and thermometers, are considered, which represent quantum chips containing a sensitive element (diamond structure), control and measurement units (laser, microwave signal source, and detector), and an interface of the interaction between them. The functional characteristics of the sensors determining the sphere of their application are described.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):225-242
pages 225-242 views

Effect of constructional features of the insulating gap of open TiN–SiO2–W and Si–SiO2–W “sandwich” structures on the process of their electroforming

Mordvintsev V.M., Kudryavtsev S.E.


It is experimentally shown that the introduction of an additional dielectrical layer several nanometers thick (more than 2.5 and 1.3 nm for TiO2 and SiO2, respectively) into open TiN–SiO2–W and Si–SiO2–W “sandwich”-structures on their anode (lower electrode, i.e., TiN and Si, respectively) in series with respect to the conducting medium formed in the insulating gap during electroformation appreciably decreases the probability of an electrical breakdown. This effect is produced by the limitation of the current by the resistance of an additional dielectrical layer at the prebreakdown level. Some experimental dependences of the probability of successfully electroforming on the thickness of an additional dielectrical layer (TiO2) are obtained for the TiN–SiO2–W structure.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):243-251
pages 243-251 views

Calculating the high-frequency electrical conductivity of a thin semiconductor film for different specular reflection coefficients of its surface

Kuznetsova I.A., Romanov D.N., Savenko O.V., Yushkanov A.A.


In this paper, using the kinetic method, we calculate the conductivity of a thin semiconductor layer in an alternating electric field taking into account the different specular reflection coefficients of its surfaces. No constraints are imposed on the relation between the free path length of the electrons (holes) and the thickness of the layer. The dependences are analyzed of the modulus and the argument of the dimensionless conductivity on the dimensionless thickness of the layer, the dimensionless frequency of the external electric field, and specular reflection coefficient of one of its surfaces. The results are compared with the theoretical calculations and the experimental data for a metal film.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):252-260
pages 252-260 views

Copper etching kinetics in a high-frequency discharge of freon R12

Dunaev A.V., Murin D.B.


Some specific features of the interaction between copper and freon R12 and the effect of the treatment time and external plasma parameters (temperature, bias power, applied power, and gas pressure) on the copper etching rate are experimentally studied. Activation energies (within the studied temperature range) are established to be typical for heterogeneous reactions controlled by adsorption-desorption processes, thus indicating the key role of ion bombardment in activating the desorption of a passivating film. The surface quality of the treated specimens was analyzed by atomic force microscopy.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):261-266
pages 261-266 views

Effect of the mixture composition on the electrophysical parameters and emission spectra of CF2Cl2/Ar and CF2Cl2/He plasma

Pivovarenok S.A.


The effect of the mixture was analyzed on the electrophysical parameters and emission spectra of CF2Cl2/Ar and CF2Cl2/He plasma. Data on the gas temperature and reduced electric field intensity are obtained. Based on the analysis of the plasma emission spectra, it is suggested that the dilution of CF2Cl2 with argon or helium, even in a 1-to-1 ratio, does not cause significant changes in the concentration of Cl atoms.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):267-271
pages 267-271 views

Optimization of ohmic contacts to n-GaAs layers of heterobipolar nanoheterostructures

Egorkin V.I., Zemlyakov V.E., Nezhentsev A.V., Garmash V.I.


This paper investigates ohmic contacts to n-GaAs layers of the heterobipolar nanoheterostructures obtained through electron-beam evaporation of Ge, Au, Ni, and Au layer-by-layer. The effect of the firing time and temperature on the contact resistance is considered. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the ohmic contacts, a firing installation of a special design and a firing technique are developed. The technique ensures the minimum contact resistance for the minimum size of a transition layer, satisfactory morphology, and even edges of the contacts.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):272-276
pages 272-276 views

A technique for the local doping and correction of the conductivity of PbSnTe epitaxial layers via indium diffusion from superficial nanometer-thick films

Ishchenko D.V., Kuchumov B.M.


A technique is described for the local indium doping of epitaxial films of a p-type PbSnTe solid solution to obtain a metal-insulator transition at liquid-helium temperatures. The indium was diffused from the surface of the film, from an In layer several nanometers thick, whereas the shape and size of the doped layer were set by a mask. It is emphasized that the oxide layer should be removed before indium deposition, and that the thickness of the deposited indium layer should be precisely chosen based on the thickness of the PbSnTe film. The results of using this technique for films having different compositions and the results of measurements performed on a planar p-i-p structure are considered.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):277-281
pages 277-281 views

Diffusion model of the ionization response of LSI elements under exposure to heavy charged particles

Sogoyan A.V., Chumakov A.I.


An analytical model to evaluate the ionization response of a group of closely located p-n junctions under exposure to a separate heavy charged particle (HCP) in a diffusive approximation is proposed. It is revealed that, taking into account, the inhomogeneous boundary conditions leads to larger values of the collected charge in a separate sensitive area than in estimations in a classical approximation in the case of homogeneous boundary conditions. It is shown that in modern submicron VLSIs it is possible to increase the collected charge through the amplification properties of a parasitic bipolar transistor.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):282-289
pages 282-289 views

Method of radiational identification of a plant and characterization of integrated circuit technology

Sogoyan A.V., Davydov G.G., Artamonov A.S., Kolosova A.S., Telets V.A., Nikiforrov A.Y., Ozhegin Y.A., Kameneva A.S., Moskovskaya Y.M.


A methodical approach for the identification of a plant and characterization of integrated circuit technology based on an analysis of the features of a radiation response is proposed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):290-296
pages 290-296 views


Erratum to: “Thin film negative electrode based on silicon composite for lithium-ion batteries”

Airapetov A.A., Vasiliev S.V., Kulova T.L., Lebedev M.E., Metlitskaya A.V., Mironenko A.A., Nikol’skaya N.F., Odinokov V.V., Pavlov G.Y., Pukhov D.E., Rudyi A.S., Skundin A.M., Sologub V.A., Fedorov I.S., Churilov A.B.
Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):297-297
pages 297-297 views

Erratum to: “Thin-film positive electrode based on vanadium oxides for lithium-ion accumulators”

Vasil’ev S.V., Gerashchenko V.N., Kulova T.L., Lebedev M.E., Mazaletskii L.A., Metlitskaya A.V., Mironenko A.A., Moskovskii S.B., Nikol’skaya N.F., Pukhov D.E., Rudyi A.S., Skundin A.M., Sologub V.A., Fedorov I.S., Churilov A.B.
Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):298-298
pages 298-298 views

Erratum to: “Influence of external conditions on physical processes and plasma parameters in a model of a high-frequency hybrid plasma system”

Aleksandrov A.F., Petrov A.K., Vavilin K.V., Kral’kina E.A., Neklyudova P.A., Nikonov A.M., Pavlov V.B., Airapetov A.A., Odinokov V.V., Pavlov G.Y., Sologub V.A.
Russian Microelectronics. 2017;46(4):299-299
pages 299-299 views

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