Lista de artigos

Edição Título Arquivo
Nº 7 (2023) “Fighting Nation” – National Image of Russia in China
Ran R.
Nº 2 (2023) «Журнал – это платформа для обсуждения новых идей, подходов, данных…»
Skvortsov N.
Nº 8 (2023) “Unwanted” Children? Values of Parenting, Rights of Fathers and Mothers in Sociocultural Attitudes of the Russians
Bezrukova O., Samoylova V.
Nº 8 (2023) “Social Form” in the Context of S. L. Frank’s Social Philosophy
Shmerlina I.
Nº 3 (2023) “Human Resources” as a Category of Qualitative Sociology
Ilyin V.
Nº 9 (2023) "Throughout My Life Ii Sociology, I Carried an Interest and Love For It" (interview with G.E. Zborovsky)
Doctorov B.
Nº 4 (2024) «Economy of adoption»: street-level bureaucracy VS. Rural community
Galindabaeva V., Karbainov N.
Nº 5 (2024) Efremenko D. V., Nikolaev V. G. Thinkers of the windy city. Pragmatist social science in Chicago in the first half of the 20th century / Ed. By N. E. Pokrovsky. Moscow: INION RAN, 2024. Reviewed by O.A. Simonova
Simonova O.
Nº 5 (2024) Šhubrt I., Pоdvoyski D. G. Соntemporary sociological theories: how not to go astray in conceptual labyrinths. Мoscow: VTSIOM, 2024. Reviewed by N. V. Romanovskiy
Romanovskiy N.
Nº 2 (2024) 55 Years of Siberian Ethnosociology
Popkov Y.
Nº 6 (2024) III Herzen readings
Sukhanova M.
Nº 9 (2023) VI Kazan Sociological Readings
Eflova M., Maksimova O.
Nº 10 (2023) Vladimir Ze’ev Khanin. From Russia to Israel – and Back? Contemporary Transnational Russian Israeli Diaspora. Potsdam: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022
Nosenko-Stein E.
Nº 1 (2023) XI Valenteev Readings in Demography
Ryazantsev S., Sivoplyasova S.
Nº 4 (2023) XVI Grushin Readings at Lomonosov University
Anikina M., Khroul V.
Nº 7 (2023) XXVIII Sociological Readings in RSSU
Tanatova D., Khayrullina N.
Nº 8 (2023) TOURAINE A. (03.08.1925–09.06.2023)
Vershinina I.
Nº 1 (2023) What is Really Going on in the Field of Culture?
Toschenko Z., Tartygasheva G.
Nº 11 (2023) A.A. Bogdanov as a Sociologist and Utopian: the «Klass für Sich» Problem
Gloveli G.
Nº 6 (2023) Abdulmanapov P.G. Transformation of Demographic Processes in the Republic of Dagestan in Modern Conditions. Makhachkala, 2022. Reviewed by A.Z. Adiev
Adiev A.
Nº 6 (2024) Osipov G. V. is 95
Editorial B.
Nº 10 (2023) Women’s Activity in the Public Sphere: Dynamics of Ethnogender Attitudes in the South of Russia
Klimenko L., Vereshagina A.
Nº 1 (2024) Actual sociological theory problems
Grigoreva E.
Nº 6 (2024) Alcoholism, threat to identity, and migration moods (based on materials of an expedition to the Pskov region)
Belova Y.
Nº 4 (2024) An apology for utopia: on the return of utopian constructions to the mainstream sociological theorizing
Grigoreva E.
Nº 1 (2023) Armenian Diaspora in Russia: Integration vs Repatriation
Pogosyan G., Osadchaya G.
Nº 5 (2024) Associative image of “life in retirement” as an element of social conceptualization of the pension period by russians in working age
Kiselev I., Mikhailova E., Smirnova A.
Nº 6 (2023) Basic Human Values and Social Participation in Russia
Nastina E., Almakaeva A.
Nº 5 (2024) Well-being employment in modern Russia: what is that?
Karavay A.
Nº 4 (2023) Bologna Experience: Successes and Doubts
Klucharev G., Tyurina I.
Nº 7 (2023) Marriage Choice of Immigrants in Russia: Main Characteristics and Relationship with Integration
Endryushko A.
Nº 8 (2023) Vladimir Shubkin as Researcher of Catastrophic Consciousness
Astafyev Y.
Nº 3 (2024) In search of a new middle class: a critical look at the concept of the society of singularities by Andreas Reckwitz
Davydov D.
Nº 4 (2024) Variation of reproductive behavior lines and reproductive cycle types
Antonov A., Karpova V.
Nº 2 (2023) The Vector of an Interdisciplinary Platform of social Work in modern Russia (based on the materials of the All-Russian round table "Domestic social Work in the Transition to a multipolar World")
Skobelina N.
Nº 2 (2023) Relationship of Trust in Local Self-Gevernment and Participation in Self-Governing Practices
Maykova E., Simonova E.
Nº 3 (2024) Types of capital in the field of “silver volunteering”
Iarskaia E., Yarskaya V., Kononenko R.
Nº 8 (2023) Vladimir Nikolaevich Shubkin: Fate and Creativity
Cherednichenko G.
Nº 1 (2023) The Influence of the Population's Lending on the Level of Suicide in the Russia Regions
Sanaeva O., Doroshenko S.
Nº 6 (2024) The (no)impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on everyday self-care: consolidating the effects
Lebedeva-Nesevria N., Sharypova S.
Nº 3 (2024) Vladimir bekhterev and Pitirim Sorokin – scientific alliance in the name of sociology
Lomonosova M., Bulanova M.
Nº 1 (2024) Intraregional migration in Yakutia: causes and strategies of population behavior
Neustroeva A., Barashkova A.
Nº 5 (2023) Война в предметном поле современной зарубежной социологии
Obraztsov I.
Nº 1 (2023) Issues of General and Social Psychoneurology / Ed. A.I. Geimanovich; Labor and the Nervous System / Ed. A.I. Geimanovich; Conditioned Reflexes / Ed. G.V. Vollbort: A Consolidated Review
Sorokin P.
Nº 11 (2023) Russians’ Perception of the Conflict with Ukraine: Testing the “Spiral of Silence” Hypothesis
Zvonovsky V., Khodykin A.
Nº 10 (2023) Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Promises of Everett Lee: Toward a Critique of Migration Theories
Lisitsyn P., Stepanov A., Orlova N.
Nº 9 (2023) Гарольду Ефимовичу Зборовскому – 85 лет!
Социологические исследования Р.
Nº 2 (2023) Geopolitical Challenges And Russian Sociology
Kravchenko S.
Nº 6 (2024) Gilinsky Ya.I. is 90
Editorial B.
Nº 11 (2023) Urban Research in the Focus of Socio-Humanitarian Analytics
Shirokalova G., Savchenko I.
Nº 4 (2024) Citizens of Russia on hybrid socio-political reality in the country
Levashov V.
Nº 9 (2023) Гроссмейстер брачно-семейных цифровизаций
Antonov A.
Nº 6 (2024) Changes in global and Russian theoretical sociology
Romanovskiy N.
Nº 6 (2024) Postmodern deviantology: problems and prospects
Gilinsky Y.
Nº 10 (2023) Demographic Potential of the Republic of Buryatia: Dynamics and Factors of Reduction Under New Challenges
Byuraeva Y.
Nº 1 (2024) Dynamics of employment in Russia (2018 – mid-2023)
Anisimov R.
Nº 2 (2024) Temporal and Cross-Regional Variance in Environmental Protest Activity of Russians (2007–2021)
Semenov A., Snarski Y., Tkacheva T.
Nº 1 (2024) Dynamics of ideals in contemporary Russia: а system analysis
Klupt M.
Nº 1 (2024) Dynamics of inter-ethnic attitudes of Russians: research results 1995–2023
Voronina N.
Nº 5 (2024) Work day duration dynamics in the post-soviet era
Kozyreva P., Nizamova A., Smirnov A.
Nº 7 (2023) Dynamics of Reproductive Attitudes of Adult Fertile Women in St. Petersburg (2011–2021)
Argunova E.
Nº 2 (2024) The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict Disscussions in China’s Internet Space
Li M., Han M., Abdyraramanova H.
Nº 6 (2023) Differentiation in Russians' Perception of Inequality and Their Dynamics
Салмина А.
Nº 5 (2024) Labor relations differentiation in a modern high-tech enterprise (а case study)
Bocharov V.
Nº 5 (2023) Dichotomy and Two-Component Polytomy in Contemporary Sociology
Pasovets Y.
Nº 2 (2024) Trust as a Determinant of Subjective Well-Being in Russia
Antipina O., Krivitskaya A.
Nº 8 (2023) Trust as a Private Good in the Context of Social Capital
Mond D.
Nº 9 (2023) Doctoral Dissertations in Sociology in 2012-2022. In Russia: Statistics, Analytics
Zyryanov V.
Nº 9 (2023) Doctor's Dissertations in Sociology Approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2012-2022
Zyryanov V.
Nº 3 (2023) Reability of Public Opinion Polls in China
Qin L., Babich N.
Nº 9 (2023) Drobyshev Readings: Ethnic and Social Dimensions
Mukomel V., Shchegolkova E.
Nº 6 (2023) Wives of Diplomats: Career Opportunities in a Situation of Professional Family Interaction
Ivanova E.
Nº 5 (2023) Life Goals of Youth and Ways to Achieve Them (a survey in the South-Western and Southern regions of Russia)
Reutov E., Reutova M.
Nº 5 (2024) The lifeworld of labor workers: preferences and institutional possibilities
Anisimov R., Klimova S.
Nº 5 (2024) А life in social theory (interview with Stephen Park Turner)
Mitupova S.
Nº 4 (2024) Employment in personal subsidiary farm: ethnic and regional features (the case of Khakassia)
Lushnikova O.
Nº 1 (2024) Employers’ request for employee independence: analysis of vacancies on recruiting sites
Korshunov I., Shirkova N., Sorokin P.
Nº 2 (2023) Does Precarity of Employment Affect All Spheres of Life?
Temnitskiy A.
Nº 7 (2023) ”Silence Game” as a Form of Social Interaction
Spirkina A.
Nº 6 (2024) Ideology vs utopia: old contradictions and new conflicts in modern societies
Cнernysh M.
Nº 1 (2023) Selected Business Correspondence of Sociologists P.A. Sorokin and R. Thurnwald (1928–1954)
Sorokin P.
Nº 5 (2024) Exploring population heterogeneities
Noskova A., Bikkinina D.
Nº 7 (2023) Individual and Generational Futures in the Urban Youth Narratives in St. Petersburg
Nartova N.
Nº 7 (2023) Innovative Resources and Trajectories of Russian Employees in Modern Conditions
Bocharov V., Klimova S.
Nº 1 (2023) Foreign Workers in Russia: Employers' Opinions
Mukomel V., Denisenko M.
Nº 6 (2024) Intelligentsia and the social contract
Kolosova E.
Nº 1 (2024) Artificial sociality in the light of old and new theoretical and methodological approaches
Shmerlina I.
Nº 7 (2023) Corrective Labor Colony ‘Perm‑36’ in the Memory of Neighbouring Villages Residents
Riazanova S., Mitrofanova A.
Nº 3 (2024) Research problem as a key aspect of scientific publications in a sociological journal
Kolomiets V.
Nº 11 (2023) Historical consciousness of Russians – a book and its problematic field
Romanovskiy N.
Nº 1 (2023) To the 100th Anniversary of Academician V.G. Afanasyev
Afanasyev A.
Nº 2 (2023) Romanovsky N.V. is 85!
Editorial B.
Nº 1 (2024) On the question of fixing the national-language composition of the population in the All-Russian population census 2020–2021
Gabdrakhmanova G., Alòs i Font H.
Nº 3 (2023) On the History of Empirical Research of Young Workers in the Urals
Pavlov B.
Nº 1 (2023) Evaluation of Social Well-Being of Kazakhstan’s Students
Abdiraimova G., Verevkin A., Lifanova T.
Nº 3 (2024) Personnel problems of modern higher education
Levchenko N.
Nº 5 (2023) How to Get Truthful Answers in Sensitive Research (On the methodological potential of the nominative techniquе)
Myagkov A.
Nº 3 (2023) Fellow Degree: Motives for Thesis Defence and Professional Occupation
Simakova A., Pakhomov S., Gurtov V.
Nº 4 (2023) The Quality of Employment of Hired and Self-Employed Workers in Russia
Baimurzina G., Valiakhmetov R., Bocharov V.
Nº 4 (2024) Classic university under modern challenges
Osipova N., Kanevsky P.
Nº 2 (2023) Kozyrkov V.P., Pridatchenko M.V., Shalyutina N.V. Sociology of Culture in a Digital Society: a textbook. Ed. by V.P. Kozyrkov. St. Petersburg: Aleteya, 2021. Reviewed by G.S. Shirokalova
Shirokalova G.
Nº 5 (2023) Communication in interviews with teenagers on sensitive topics
Yashina M., Zharikova A.
Nº 2 (2024) Congress of Socio-Political Researchers of the Turkic World
Eflova M., Maximova O.
Nº 3 (2023) Consolidation of Russian Society in New Geopolitical Realities
Belyaeva L.
Nº 2 (2024) The Contours of an Interdisciplinary Concept of the Synergistic Complexities
Kravchenko S.
Nº 4 (2023) Contours of the Migration Crisis of 2020–2022 in Russia
Shustov A.
Nº 3 (2023) Conceptual Reconstruction of Karl Marx’s Ecology: Sociological Aspect
Kondrashov P.
Nº 2 (2024) Books in Brief
Бийжанова Э.
Nº 6 (2024) Crisis and stabilization dynamics of mass consciousness in Russian society
Savin S.
Nº 7 (2023) A. E. Krukhmalev (25.06.1937–10.06.2023)
Социологические исследования Р.
Nº 3 (2023) L.N. Kogan and Russian Sociology (to the 100th Anniversary of His Birth)
Zborovsky G.
Nº 8 (2023) Motivation Trap on Russian Labour Market
Karacharovskiy V., Guruleva M.
Nº 2 (2023) Older People And The Pandemic: Social Exclusion, Heterogeneity Of The Groups Of Seniors And Intersectionality Of Age Inequalities
Kienko T.
Nº 2 (2023) Small Russian Rown: Practices Of Interaction Between Municipal Autyorities And Business
Chirikova A., Ledyaev V.
Nº 2 (2023) Marxism Captived To Intersectionality
Davydov D.
Nº 11 (2023) Media Consumption by Different Age Groups
Poluekhtova I.
Nº 3 (2023) Mediated Orthodoxy: Mission in China
Ostrovskaya E., Badmatsyrenov T., Vasilieva S.
Nº 1 (2024) Intergenerational differences in skills: human capital shift in contemporary Russia
Popov D., Strelnikova A.
Nº 4 (2024) Methodology of the comparative sociology of trust (case study of Russia and China)
Jin J., Veselov Y., Skvortsov N.
Nº 4 (2023) Migrants from Uzbekistan in the Moscow Agglomeration: Assessment of Migration Experience
Osadchaya G.
Nº 2 (2023) Migratory Emotions And Political Attitudes Of Siberian And Far Eastern Students: Correlational Problem
Shashkova Y., Aseev S.
Nº 10 (2023) Migration of the Population in the Border Region: Status and Trends (the Case of the Saratov Region)
Loginova L., Shcheblanova V.
Nº 8 (2023) World Outlook and General Scientific Prerequisites of the Logico-Meaningful Method of Pitirim Sorokin’s “Dynamics”: a Reconstruction
Golovin N.
Nº 5 (2024) The multigenerational family as a strategic resource for Russia’s national security
Rostovskaya T.
Nº 1 (2024) Youth of Russian Regions
Volkov Y.
Nº 3 (2024) Russian scientists’ motivation and research performance issue
Temnitskiy A.
Nº 4 (2023) Men in Modern Russian Society
Rostovskaya T.
Nº 3 (2023) Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like among His Constructs? (Part 1)
Podvoyskiy D.
Nº 4 (2023) Men, Women, … Tribes, Peoples: What Does a Person’s Life Look Like Among His/Her Constructs?
Podvoyskiy D.
Nº 1 (2024) Thinking against empire: anticolonial thought as social theory
Go J.
Nº 3 (2024) N.A. Berdyaev: strokes to the portrait of a social philosopher
Malinkin A.
Nº 10 (2023) On the Way to a Sovereign Russian Civilization
Titarenko L.
Nº 9 (2023) Towards the Future: Continuing Education and its Legitimation in Machine Execution
Klucharev G.
Nº 11 (2023) Not a Renewal, but a Second Birth
Doctorov B.
Nº 2 (2024) The Impossibility of Socialism. Part 2. The new Individualism
Davydov D.
Nº 1 (2024) The impossibility of socialism: part 1. Class kaleidoscope
Davydov D.
Nº 1 (2023) Some of the New Works in the Field of "Philosophical" and "Empirical-Inductive" Sociology: Consolidated Review
Sorokin P.
Nº 4 (2023) Nonrandomized Techniques for Sensitive Surveys: Comparative Analyses
Myagkov A.
Nº 3 (2023) What Would an Interview about the Sociology of Culture with the Teacher Look Like
Vishnevsky Y.
Nº 11 (2023) Informality in Society: Searching for Explorative Methodology
Levicheva V., Dimans S.
Nº 10 (2023) Fuzzy Classifications in the Typological Analysis of Workers by Employment Instability
Kuchenkova A., Tatarova G.
Nº 1 (2023) Nikolai Lapin: Researcher and Science Promoter
Belyaeva L.
Nº 1 (2023) The New Social Reality (about XXIV Kharchev' Readings)
Romanovskiy N., Demidenko S.
Nº 6 (2024) A new page in the history of Russian sociology
Toshchenko Z.
Nº 3 (2024) New vectors for the development of science and higher education in the XXI century
Grabelnykh T., Sablina N.
Nº 8 (2023) About the XIV Ural Demographic Forum
Neklyudova N., Pyshmintseva O.
Nº 2 (2024) About the Future the Eurasian Migration System
Peshkova V.
Nº 8 (2023) Reproducing Intellectual Labor Specialists: Institutional Imbalances and Gaps
Zborovsky G., Ambarova P.
Nº 4 (2023) Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part I.
Gofman A.
Nº 5 (2023) Domination of Domination Idea: “The Will to Power” in Contemporary Social Theory. Part II
Gofman A.
1 - 150 de 335 resultados 1 2 3 > >> 

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