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卷 53, 编号 12 (2019)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

High-Resistivity Gallium Antimonide Produced by Metal–Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy

Levin R., Vlasov A., Smirnov A., Pushnyi B.


The results of studies of nominally undoped epitaxial p-GaSb layers grown by metal–organic vapor-phase epitaxy at a ratio TMSb/TEGa in the range from 1 to 50 are reported. At the ratio TMSb/TEGa = 50, GaSb epitaxial layers, whose resistivity is 400 Ω cm, are produced. It is shown that, for such layers, the crystal quality assessed by several methods remains comparable to the quality of n-GaSb substrates used for the growth of nominally undoped GaSb layers.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1563-1567
pages 1563-1567 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Effect of Irradiation with 15-MeV Protons on Low Frequency Noise in Power SiC MOSFETs

Lebedev A., Levinshtein M., Ivanov P., Kozlovski V., Strel’chuk A., Shabunina E., Fursin L.


Low frequency noise is studied in 4H-SiC power metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) irradiated with 15-MeV protons. Irradiation is carried out at room temperature in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 50 kHz upon irradiation with doses Φ of 1012 to 6 × 1013 cm–2. The frequency dependence of the spectral noise density SI follows the law SI ∝ 1/f with good accuracy. A correlation between the saturation current of the output characteristic Id(Vd) and the low-frequency noise level is traced. At doses in the range 1012 cm–2 ≤ Φ ≤ 6 × 1013 cm–2, the saturation current varies within about 20%, whereas the noise level changes by two orders of magnitude. The results of noise spectroscopy are used to estimate the trap density in the gate oxide, Ntv. In unirradiated structures, Ntv ≈ 5.4 × 1018 cm–3 eV–1. At Φ = 6 × 1013 cm–2, Ntv increases to ~7.2 × 1019 cm–3 eV–1.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1568-1572
pages 1568-1572 views

Recombination of Mobile Carriers Across Boron Excited Levels in Silicon at Low Temperatures

Muratov T.


Carrier recombination through shallow boron-impurity centers in doped weakly compensated silicon is studied. Much attention is paid to theoretical explanation of the “empirical” temperature dependences of the carrier lifetime τ(T) in the temperature range of (1.7–4.2) K at the doping level nB ≥ 1014 cm–3 and compensation ≤10% (nd + na ≤ 1013 cm–3. It is possible to rather accurately determine that the shallow excited level with a binding energy of 5 meV (3s-state) is quasi-resonant. Approximate formulas for the trapping efficiency are obtained. The effect of “weak” magnetic field (102–103) G on the capture coefficient is studied; it is shown that the “weak” magnetic field slightly reduces the lifetime of carriers, thus stimulating their recombination.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1573-1577
pages 1573-1577 views

On the Characteristic Features of the Impurity Energy Spectrum in Arsenides

Kamiliov I., Daunov M., Gajiev G., Arslanov R.


The impurity energy spectrum of undoped n-type GaAs, InAs, CdSnAs2, CdGeAs2, and CdTe, ZnO bulk crystals is studied based on a quantitative analysis of the baric and temperature dependences of the kinetic coefficients. It is found that the deep-level donor center corresponds to the intrinsic vacancy defect in the anion sublattice in the above-listed semiconductors. The conclusion on the nature of the donor center, i.e., the vacancy in the anion sublattice, is based on the fact that, in contrast to shallow impurity centers which trace the intrinsic band under uniform pressure, to which they are genetically related, the energy of deep impurity centers with respect to absolute vacuum remains constant under isotropic compression of the lattice. Therefore, it seems favorable to study the evolution of the carrier energy spectrum in semiconductors under uniform-pressure conditions. The energy-level positions with respect to the conduction-band edge and pressure coefficients of the energy gaps between them and the corresponding conduction-band bottom are determined. The shift of the energy level of the deep donor center to the conduction-band depth with decreasing band gap is observed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1578-1583
pages 1578-1583 views

First-Principles Investigation of Electronic Properties of GaAsxSb1 –x Ternary Alloys

Singh A., Chandra D., Kattayat S., Kumar S., Alvi P., Rathi A.


Compositional variations in GaAs based ternary alloys have exhibited wide range alterations in electronic properties. In the present paper, first-principles study of GaAsxSb1 – x ternary alloys have been presented and discussed. Density functional theory (DFT) computation based on the full-potential (linearized) augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW) method has been utilized to calculate the Density of States (DOS) and the band structure of ternary alloys GaAsxSb1 – x (x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1). The calculations were performed using the exchange-correlation energy functional from Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof, a generalized-gradient approximation (GGAPBE) and Becke-Johnson exchange potential with local-density approximation (BJLDA) available within the framework of WIEN2k code. As compared to PBE, the results obtained from BJLDA are in close agreement with other experimental works. The DOS results show a reduction in bandgap as the Sb fraction is increased in GaAsxSb1 – x ternary alloys. The bandgap obtained by PBE and BJLDA are found to deviate from Vegard’s law, i.e., it doesn’t vary linearly with composition. However, the bandgap obtained by BJLD is found to closely match Vegard’s law when the bowing parameter is considered.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1584-1592
pages 1584-1592 views

Temperature Dependence of the Band Gap of MnAgIn7S12 Single Crystals

Bodnar I., Chan B., Pavlovskii V., Svitsiankou I., Yablonskii G.


MnAgIn7S12 single crystals 16 mm in diameter and ~40 mm in length are grown by planar crystallization of the melt. It is shown that the material grown crystallizes with the formation of the cubic spinel structure. From the transmittance spectra recorded in the region of fundamental absorption in the temperature range 10–320 K, the band gap Eg of the single crystals and its temperature dependence are determined. The dependence has a shape typical of most semiconductor materials: as the temperature is lowered, the band gap Eg increases. A calculation is carried out, and it is shown that the calculated values are in agreement with the experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1593-1596
pages 1593-1596 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Features of the Temperature Dependences of the Photoconductivity of Organometallic CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Films

Amasev D., Tameev A., Kazanskii A.


The effect of temperature on the photoconductivity and its spectral dependence for thin films of organometallic CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite is studied. The measurements performed at temperatures below room temperature reveal the features of the change in the photoconductivity with temperature in the region of the phase transition from the tetragonal to orthorhombic structure (140–170 K). On the basis of analysis of the effect of temperature on the nature of the change in the spectral dependences of the photoconductivity in the phase-transition region, mechanisms are proposed, which clarify the observed change in the photoconductivity.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1597-1602
pages 1597-1602 views

The Effect of Various Annealing Cooling Rates on Electrical and Morphological Properties of TiO2 Thin Films

Asalzadeh S., Yasserian K.


This paper investigates the effect of various postannealing cooling rates on structural and electrical properties of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) thin films. TiO2 thin films were deposited on a silicon substrate using DC magnetron sputtering technique. After annealing TiO2 thin films at 600°C, to investigate the effect of different cooling rates on TiO2 thin films, samples were cooled down from 600°C to room temperature under 3 different rates: 2°C/min, 6°C/min, and 8°C/min. The Surface morphology, crystal structure, and electrical properties of the samples were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Four-point probe (FPP) techniques. It is found that the rate of decreasing temperature after annealing can affect the morphology structure and electrical resistivity of TiO2. The sample with 2°C/min cooling rate has the largest grain size and highest electrical resistivity, while the sample with 8°C/min cooling rate has the smallest grain size and lowest electrical resistivity.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1603-1607
pages 1603-1607 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Excitonic Effects and Impurity–Defect Emission in GaAs/AlGaAs Structures Used for the Production of Mid-IR Photodetectors

Krivobok V., Litvinov D., Nikolaev S., Onishchenko E., Pashkeev D., Chernopittsky M., Grigor’eva L.


A series of undoped GaAs/AlxGa1 –xAs multiple quantum well heterostructures, whose doped analogs are used for the production of photodetectors operating in the spectral range 8–12 μm, is fabricated by molecular-beam epitaxy. For the heterostructures, the spectral position of absorption lines corresponding to the allowed transitions between quantum-confined electron and hole levels in GaAs layers is established. The influence of impurity–defect states on the luminescence and absorption spectra of quantum wells is studied. The excitonic corrections for the allowed transitions are determined in relation to the quantum-well width and the aluminum content in the barrier layers. The role of excitonic effects in restoring the structure of single-electron states from interband-absorption spectra (luminescence-excitation spectra) and the relationship between these states and the working region of IR photodetectors based on GaAs/AlxGa1 –xAs quantum wells are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1608-1616
pages 1608-1616 views

Electron–Phonon Interaction in Quantum Wells Based on Uniaxial Materials

Maslov A., Proshina O.


The interaction of charged particles with interface optical phonons in quantum wells composed of uniaxially symmetric materials is studied theoretically. It is shown that the character of this interaction depends considerably on the degree of anisotropy of the phonon spectrum in the materials forming the quantum well and the barriers. In the case of strong anisotropy, the interaction turns out to be significantly weaker than it is in similar structures made of materials with cubic symmetry. In the case of weak phonon anisotropy, the interaction of charged particles with optical phonons can under certain conditions be described by a Fröhlich-type coupling constant, and both weak and strong electron–phonon interaction can take place in different structures. The results obtained extend the possibilities of the optical diagnostics of quantum nanostructures.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1617-1621
pages 1617-1621 views

Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Powder based Multifunctional Pressure, Displacement and Gradient of Temperature Sensors

Muhammad Tariq Saeed Chani ., Karimov K., Asiri A.


This work presents the fabrication and investigation of the multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and graphene pristine powders based multifunctional pressure, displacement and gradient of temperature sensors. The effect of pressure on the resistance, Seebeck coefficient , thermoelectric voltage and current of the sensors was measured by changing pressure from 0 to 1.65 kgf/cm2, while the effect of temperature gradient on the resistance, thermoelectric voltage and current of the sensors was measured up to the temperature gradient of 34–36°C. Dependence of the resistance on longitudinal compressive displacement up to 100 μm was investigated. It was found that the resistance, Seebeck coefficient and thermoelectric voltage of the CNT and graphene powders decreased with increasing pressure, while the thermoelectric current increased with pressure. Moreover, with increasing temperature gradient and average temperature a considerable increase was observed in thermoelectric current and voltage, while the increase in resistances was moderate. The increase in longitudinal displacement resulted in the compression of the samples that caused to decrease the resistances of the samples, especially in the case of samples made from CNT and graphene both. The simulation of the experimental results was carried out by using of linear functions and the results of simulations were in good agreement with experimental results.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1622-1629
pages 1622-1629 views

De Haas–van Alphen Oscillations of the Silicon Nanostructure in Weak Magnetic Fields at Room Temperature. Density of States

Romanov V., Kozhevnikov V., Tracey C., Bagraev N.


The field dependence of magnetization of a silicon nanosandwich measured at room temperature in weak magnetic fields manifests de Haas–van Alphen oscillations, the behavior of which is explained under the condition of the dependence of the effective carrier mass on the external magnetic field.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1629-1632
pages 1629-1632 views

Thermodynamic Description of Oscillations of the Magnetization of a Silicon Nanostructure in Weak Fields at Room Temperature. Density of States

Romanov V., Kozhevnikov V., Bagraev N.


The observation of de Haas–van Alphen oscillations when studying the silicon nanostructure at room temperature in weak magnetic fields enables the use of thermodynamic relations to calculate the density of states at the Fermi level at critical values of external magnetic-field strengths for integer filling factors.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1633-1636
pages 1633-1636 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Effect of the Samarium Impurity on the Local Structure of Se95Te5 Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor and Current Passage through Al–Se95Te5〈Sm〉–Te Structures

Ataeva S., Mekhtieva S., Isaev A., Garibova S., Huseynova A.


The effect of samarium doping on the local structure and morphological features of the surface of a Se95Te5 chalcogenide glassy semiconductor film is investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis and atomic force microscopy, and the effect of doping on the current flow through Al–Se95Te5〈Sm〉–Te structures is examined by measuring the IV characteristics in the steady-state mode. The results obtained are interpreted using Lampert’s theory of injection currents, the Elliott void-cluster model, and the Mott and Street charged defects model proposed for chalcogenide glasses.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1637-1645
pages 1637-1645 views

Charge Transfer in Gap Structures Based on the Chalcogenide System (As2Se3)100 –xBix

Castro R., Khanin S., Smirnov A., Kononov A.


The results of investigating charge-transfer processes in thin layers of a vitreous system (As2Se3)100 – xBix are presented. A power-law dependence of the conductivity on the frequency and a decrease in the exponent s with increasing temperature are found. Charge transfer is a thermally activated process with two regions in the temperature dependence of the conductivity with the activation energies E1 = 0.12 ± 0.01 eV and E2 = 0.23 ± 0.01 eV, respectively. The results are explained in terms of the correlated barrier hopping (CBH) model of hopping conductivity in disordered systems. The main microparameters of the system are calculated: the density of localized states (N), the hopping length (Rω), and the largest height of the potential barrier (WM).

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1646-1650
pages 1646-1650 views

Parameters of Lateral and Unsteady Cord Currents in a Cylindrical Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor

Sovtus N., Mynbaev K.


The heat-conduction equation describing the current cord in a semiconductor is approximately solved for a Ge–Sb–Te semiconductor system of cylindrical configuration. It is shown that the cord current at infinitely long times is proportional to the squared maximum temperature at the cord center and inversely proportional to the applied electric field. The scale of the lateral current perpendicular to the main cord current is estimated. It is found that the lateral current is low in comparison with the cord current; hence, the formation of lateral cords growing from the main cord is highly improbable.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1651-1655
pages 1651-1655 views

Synthesis and Characterization of Semiconductor Polymer Doped with FeCl3 and I2

Bouabdallah Daho ., Fontanesi C., Messori M., Dehbi A., Belfedal A.


The conductive polymer-based applications combine low cost, simple manufacturing procedure, flexibility and other properties. However, the low viscosity and solubility of these polymers make it difficult to produce layers by using industrial techniques. Among the most commonly used conjugated conductive organic polymers we can mention polyacetylene, polythiophene, polypyrrole, polyaniline, etc. In order to test them in further applications, new copolymers of thiophene and p-methoxybenzaldehyde were synthesized. The copolymers obtained will be characterized by several techniques (NMR, UV, CV, ATG, and electrical characterization). The study of the optical properties after doping is performed according to oxidation-reduction reactions by FeCl3, I2, in order to apprehend the redox behavior of this copolymer. The calculated value of energy gap \(E_{g}^{{cv}}\) of the studied polymers shows a decrease with the oxidation agent doping according to their oxidation potential, from 2.48 eV for the no doped copolymer passing by 2.22 eV for the copolymer doped with I2 and up to 1.5 eV for the copolymer doped with FeCl3. The decrease of the energy gap with the doping (FeCl3 and I2) corresponds to the increase of the conductivity with doping from 2.85 × 10–5 S m–1 for no doped polymer to 7.86 × 10–5 S m–1 for copolymer doped with I2 and 1.55 × 10–4 S m–1 for copolymer doped with FeCl3.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1656-1664
pages 1656-1664 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Effects of Doping of Lead Sulfide with Silver on the Lattice and Optical Properties of Pb1 –xAgxS Solid Solutions

Sadovnikov S.


Single-phase cubic Pb1 –xAgxS limited solid solutions based on PbS with a metal sublattice doped with Ag are produced. The maximal relative content of Ag in the Pb1 –xAgxS solid solutions reaches up to x = 0.15. The thermal expansion of semiconductor Pb1 –xAgxS solid solutions is first measured by the dilatometry technique in the temperature range from 295 to 580 K. The replacement of Pb atoms by Ag atoms in Pb1 –xAgxS results in a decrease in the coefficient of thermal expansion, which is due to a change in the anharmonicity of atomic vibrations and a slight increase in the elastic properties. For single-crystal PbS particles and Pb1 –xAgxS solid solutions, the spatial distributions of the modulus of elasticity E, the Poisson ratio μ, and the linear compressibility β in relation to the (hkl) direction are determined. The reflectance spectra of synthesized PbS, Ag2S, and Pb1 –xAgxS powders are recorded, and it is shown that the replacement of Pb by Ag in PbS is accompanied by an increase in the band gap.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1665-1671
pages 1665-1671 views

Carbon Systems

Edge Doping in Graphene Devices on SiO2 Substrates

Vasilyeva G., Smirnov D., Vasilyev Y., Greshnov A., Haug R.


The conductivity of single layer and bilayer graphene ribbons 0.5–4 μm in width fabricated by oxygen plasma etching is studied experimentally. The dependence of the electron concentration in graphene on the ribbon width is revealed. This effect is explained by the edge doping of graphene due to defects arranged in SiO2 near the ribbon edges. The method of the formation of abrupt pn junctions in graphene and structures with a constant electron concentration gradient in the graphene plane with the help of edge doping is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1672-1676
pages 1672-1676 views

Current–Voltage Characteristics of Composite Graphene–Nanotube Films with Irregular Nanotube Arrangement

Glukhova O., Slepchenkov M., Mitrofanov V., Barkov P.


Topological models of graphene/CNT composite films are constructed. The films consist of tubes lying irregularly between graphene single layers parallel to them and covalently bound with graphene. The distance between the tubes is measured in graphene hexagons (H1 and H2) between ribs participating in the formation of covalent bonds. It is shown that only films based on zigzag (n, 0)-type tubes with an even number n are energetically stable. The film with the tube (10.0) and arrangement step 6/8 is most stable according to the investigations. It is found that the energy gap is present in the band structure of all studied film models and is in the range of 0.41–0.73 eV.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1677-1682
pages 1677-1682 views

Modification of Carbon-Nanotube Wettability by Ion Irradiation

Morkovkin A., Vorobyeva E., Evseev A., Balakshin Y., Shemukhin A.


The results of investigating the wettability of commercial multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) Taunit-MD under irradiation with 120-keV Ar+ ions with various fluences are presented. The structure of the irradiated MWCNTs is investigated using Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis of the samples. The dependences of the average diameter of the MWCNTs, the O2 concentration, and defects in the MWCNT samples on the irradiation fluence, as well as their effect on the wettability with distilled water, ethylene glycol, and cyclohexane are considered. The possibility and prospects of using ion-beam modification methods for controlled variation of the wettability with the aim of creating a MWCNT coating, which is hydrophobic or hydrophilic to various types of liquids, are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1683-1687
pages 1683-1687 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

On the Application of Schottky Contacts in the Microwave, Extremely High Frequency, and THz Ranges

Torkhov N., Babak L., Kokolov A.


The broad range of possibilities for optimizing the design and electrical parameters of crystals of Schottky diodes, manufactured according to the mesa–substrate and mesa–mesa planar technologies with anode terminals in the form of an air bridge with a whisker, along with the use of higher quality compact models, make it possible to efficiently exploit the physical potential of Schottky contacts when designing monolithic integrated circuits according to diode technologies, increase their reliability, and overcome the significant lag of semiconductor electronics behind optoelectronics in the terahertz (THz) frequency range.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1688-1698
pages 1688-1698 views

InGaAlP/GaAs Injection Lasers of the Orange Optical Range (~600 nm)

Nadtochiy A., Shchukin V., Cherkashin N., Denneulin T., Zhukov A., Maximov M., Gordeev N., Payusov A., Kulagina M., Shernyakov Y., Ledentsov N.


Lasing in the orange spectral range (599–605 nm) is demonstrated for (AlxGa1 –x)0.5In0.5P–GaAs laser diodes grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on GaAs (211)A and (322)A substrates. The active region consists of four layers of InxGa1 –xP vertically coupled quantum dots. The leakage of nonequilibrium electrons from the active region is suppressed by barriers consisting of four quantum-confinement layers of the InGaAlP solid solution with a high Ga content. The maximal optical output power in the pulsed regime is 800 mW and is limited by the catastrophic optical degradation of mirrors. The lasers fabricated from structures grown on (322)A substrates have a lower threshold current density, higher differential quantum efficiency, and smaller internal losses when compared with lasers fabricated from structures grown on (211)A substrates, which is explained by the higher barrier for nonequilibrium electrons in the first case.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1699-1704
pages 1699-1704 views

Ga(In)AsP Lateral Nanostructures as the Optical Component of GaAs-Based Photovoltaic Converters

Karlina L., Vlasov A., Shvarts M., Soshnikov I., Smirnova I., Komissarenko F., Ankudinov A.


The possibility of using lateral Ga(In)AsP nanostructures grown by the catalytic method in a quasi-closed volume from phosphorus and indium vapors on the GaAs (100) surface as an antireflection coating for photovoltaic devices is considered for the first time. It is shown that, at a fixed growth temperature, it is possible to control the surface morphology by changing the growth duration. The surface morphology is examined by scanning electron and atomic force microscopies. It is shown that the antireflection properties of the surface in the range 400–800 nm are related to its structure. The use of such a coating in GaAs-based photocells demonstrated a significant increase in the external quantum yield of photovoltaic converters.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1705-1708
pages 1705-1708 views

GaAs-Based Laser Diode with InGaAs Waveguide Quantum Wells

Dikareva N., Zvonkov B., Samartsev I., Nekorkin S., Baidus N., Dubinov A.


The results of studying a GaAs-based laser with InGaAs waveguide quantum wells, which operates at room temperature in the electric-pumping mode, are presented. The minimal generation threshold is 15 A. Stable lasing at a wavelength of 1010 nm is attained, and the width of the radiation pattern in the plane perpendicular to the structure layers is (10 ± 2)°.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1709-1711
pages 1709-1711 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Deposition of Amorphous and Microcrystalline Films of Silicon by the Gas-Jet Plasma-Chemical Method

Shchukin V., Konstantinov V., Sharafutdinov R.


Uniform thin films of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon are obtained within the forevacuum range of pressures by the gas-jet plasma-chemical method with the activation of gas by an electron beam. The effect of the flow rate of the carrier gas argon, the concentration of monosilane, the pressure in the reaction chamber, material of the substrate, and value of the current of the activating electron beam on the rate of deposition, photosensitivity, and crystallinity of the layers of silicon is investigated. For the amorphous silicon films, deposition rates of >1 nm/s are achieved, and for layers with a crystallinity exceeding 60%, the rate of deposition exceeded 0.6 nm/s. It is found that the substrate material does not have an effect on the structure of the deposited layers of silicon and the rate of their deposition.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1712-1716
pages 1712-1716 views

Metal-Assisted Photochemical Etching of N- and Ga-Polar GaN Epitaxial Layers

Mokhov D., Berezovskaya T., Nikitina E., Shubina K., Mizerov A., Bouravleuv A.


The results of studies of photochemical etching processes, which were carried out without applying external voltage, for structures with Ga- and N-polar GaN layers synthesized by molecular-beam epitaxy with the plasma activation of nitrogen are reported. It is shown that the etching rates of layers with different polarities are markedly different. At the same time, the use of gold-based masks instead of titanium-based ones for the etching of GaN layers also provides a means for increasing the rate of layer etching.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1717-1723
pages 1717-1723 views

InxAl1 –xN Solid Solutions: Composition Stability Issues

Brudnyi V., Vilisova M., Velikovskiy L.


The phase diagrams of the InxAl1 –xN solid solutions and conditions for their growth by magnetron sputtering and molecular beam and metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy are analyzed. The mutual equilibrium solubility in a wide range of compositions of the thick solution layers is near zero. Elastic misfit stresses in the InxAl1 –xN thin layers narrow the unstable immiscibility gap. By optimizing the growth conditions, one can obtain high-quality homogeneous InxAl1 –xN films for fabricating barrier layers in InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(12):1724-1730
pages 1724-1730 views