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Том 50, № 9 (2016)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Halogen diffusion on a Ga-stabilized ζ-GaAs(001)–(4 × 2) surface

Bakulin A., Kulkova S.


The atomic and electronic structure of a Ga-stabilized GaAs(001) surface with the ζ(4 × 2) reconstruction and halogens in a number of symmetric sites on the surface are calculated by the plane-wave projector augmented wave method. The energy barriers of halogen-atom diffusion on this surface are calculated, which allow determination of the most preferred paths of their migration. It is shown that there is a low barrier (0.17–0.23 eV) for the diffusion of all halogens under consideration (I, Br, Cl, F) along the surface gallium dimer, whereas the barrier is significantly higher for diffusion between adjacent gallium dimers. In general, the energy barriers for halogen diffusion in both directions ([110] and [1-10]) point to their high surface mobility, despite high binding energies at a number of surface adsorption sites.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1131-1136
pages 1131-1136 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Low-temperature conductivity of gadolinium sulfides

Mustafaeva S., Asadov S.


In samples of GdSx (x = 1.475–2) of various compositions, the conductivity temperature dependences are investigated for the case of direct current in the low-temperature region (4.2–225 K). The presence of the activation and activationless hopping mechanisms of charge transport over the band gap of the samples of GdSx phases is established. The parameters of localized states in GdSx are determined.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1137-1140
pages 1137-1140 views

Electrical parameters of polycrystalline Sm1–xEuxS rare-earth semiconductors

Kaminskii V., Kazanin M., Romanova M., Kamenskaya G., Sharenkova N.


The electrical parameters of polycrystalline Sm1–xEuxS compounds are studied. The conductivity, concentration of free electrons, their mobility, and the conductivity activation energy are measured as functions of the quantity x. The structural parameters of the compounds are determined. A heterostructure is fabricated with x in the range from 0 to 0.3, and the electrical voltage generated by the structure, when heated to a temperature of T = 450 K, due to the thermovoltaic effect is measured. This voltage is found to be 55 mV. A method for measuring the thermally induced voltage is described. The method provides a means for separating the thermovoltaic effect from the Seebeck effect.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1141-1144
pages 1141-1144 views

Temperature dependence of the band gap of the single-crystal compounds In2S3 and AgIn5S8

Bodnar I.


For the single-crystal compounds In2S3 and AgIn5S8 produced by chemical gas-transport reactions and the Bridgman method (vertical version), the transmission spectra in the region of the fundamental absorption edge are studied in the temperature range from 20 to 300 K. From the recorded spectra, the band gaps of the In2S3 and AgIn5S8 single crystals are determined and the temperature dependences of the band gaps are constructed. It is established that, as the temperature is lowered, the band gap increases for both of the compounds. Calculation of the temperature dependences is performed. It is shown that the calculated and experimental values are in agreement with each other.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1145-1150
pages 1145-1150 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Plasmon–phonon coupling in the infrared reflectance spectra of Bi2Se3 films

Novikova N., Yakovlev V., Kucherenko I.


The results of studies of optical reflection in the far- and mid-infrared spectral regions are reported. The reflectance of five Bi2Se3 topological insulator films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on Si(111) substrates is measured. The characteristic parameters of phonons and plasmons are determined by means of dispersion analysis for multilayer structures. It is found that the plasma frequency in a layer close to the Si–film interface is noticeably higher than that in the film bulk. Calculations of the loss function show that plasmon–phonon coupling plays an important role in Bi2Se3 films. The attenuated total internal reflection method is used to determine the frequency of the surface plasmon–phonon mode.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1151-1155
pages 1151-1155 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Relation between the structural and phase transformations in titanium-oxide films and the electrical and photoelectric properties of TiO2–Si structures

Kalygina V., Egorova I., Novikov V., Prudaev I., Tolbanov O.


The effect of annealing in argon and oxygen plasma on the I–V characteristics and photoresponse of TiO2–Si structures is investigated. The titanium oxide films are prepared by rf magnetron sputtering onto n-Si substrates. The observed features in the behavior of the electrical and photoelectric characteristics of the samples after annealing and treatment in oxygen plasma are attributed to a variation in the phase composition of the oxide film due to the appearance of anatase or rutile crystallites, depending on the treatment conditions.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1156-1162
pages 1156-1162 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Direct exchange between silicon nanocrystals and tunnel oxide traps under illumination on single electron photodetector

Chatbouri S., Troudi M., Sghaier N., Kalboussi A., Aimez V., Drouin D., Souifi A.


In this paper we present the trapping of photogenerated charge carriers for 300 s resulted by their direct exchange under illumination between a few silicon nanocrystals (ncs-Si) embedded in an oxide tunnel layer (SiOx = 1.5) and the tunnel oxide traps levels for a single electron photodetector (photo-SET or nanopixel). At first place, the presence of a photocurrent limited in the inversion zone under illumination in the I–V curves confirms the creation of a pair electron/hole (e–h) at high energy. This photogenerated charge carriers can be trapped in the oxide. Using the capacitance-voltage under illumination (the photo-CV measurements) we show a hysteresis chargement limited in the inversion area, indicating that the photo-generated charge carriers are stored at traps levels at the interface and within ncs-Si. The direct exchange of the photogenerated charge carriers between the interface traps levels and the ncs-Si contributed on the photomemory effect for 300 s for our nanopixel at room temperature.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1163-1167
pages 1163-1167 views

Calculation of the Schottky barrier and current–voltage characteristics of metal–alloy structures based on silicon carbide

Altuhov V., Kasyanenko I., Sankin A., Bilalov B., Sigov A.


A simple but nonlinear model of the defect density at a metal–semiconductor interface, when a Schottky barrier is formed by surface defects states localized at the interface, is developed. It is shown that taking the nonlinear dependence of the Fermi level on the defect density into account leads to a Schottky barrier increase by 15–25%. The calculated barrier heights are used to analyze the current–voltage characteristics of n-M/p-(SiC)1–x(AlN)x structures. The results of calculations are compared to experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1168-1172
pages 1168-1172 views

On the fractal nature of light-emitting structures based on III–N nanomaterials and related phenomena

Petrov V., Sidorov V., Talnishnikh N., Chernyakov A., Shabunina E., Shmidt N., Usikov A., Helava H., Makarov Y.


It is shown that a three-dimensional fractal–percolation system is formed in nanomaterials of light-emitting InGaN/GaN and AlGaN/GaN structures in the presence of conducting extended defects and local inhomogeneities of the composition of the solid solutions; this system determines the electrophysical properties of light-emitting diodes fabricated on the basis of these structures. The geometry and properties of this system depend nonlinearly on the degree of disorder in the nanomaterial of the structures, on the value of the injection current, and on the rate of alloy growth.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1173-1179
pages 1173-1179 views

Optical properties of hybrid quantum-confined structures with high absorbance

Nadtochiy A., Kalyuzhnyy N., Mintairov S., Payusov A., Rouvimov S., Maximov M., Zhukov A.


The methods of photoluminescence and photoconductivity spectroscopy and the spectroscopy of photocurrent of a p–i–n structure are used to study samples with hybrid quantum-confined medium “quantum well–dots” (QWD) structures grown on GaAs substrates. The significant contribution of QWD states, which extends the GaAs absorption range to 1075 nm, is found in the photoconductivity and photocurrent spectra. The absorption and luminescence of the quantum-confined structures possess characteristic features of quantum wells. Analysis of the photocurrent and photoconductivity spectra demonstrate that the excitation of carriers from localized QWD states has a combined nature: at temperatures lower than 100 K and an electric-field strength of below 40 kV/cm, excitation is possible via tunneling to the matrix, while at higher temperatures thermal activation coming into play. Also, lateral photoconductivity is observed in the layers of quantum-confined structures.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1180-1185
pages 1180-1185 views

Optical properties of InGaAs/InGaAlAs quantum wells for the 1520–1580 nm spectral range

Gladyshev A., Novikov I., Karachinsky L., Denisov D., Blokhin S., Blokhin A., Nadtochiy A., Kurochkin A., Egorov A.


The optical properties of elastically strained semiconductor heterostructures with InGaAs/InGaAlAs quantum wells (QWs), intended for use in the formation of the active region of lasers emitting in the spectral range 1520–1580 nm, are studied. Active regions with varied lattice mismatch between the InGaAs QWs and the InP substrate are fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy. The maximum lattice mismatch for the InGaAs QWs is +2%. The optical properties of the elastically strained InGaAlAs/InGaAs/InP heterostructures are studied by the photoluminescence method in the temperature range from 20 to 140°C at various power densities of the excitation laser. Investigation of the optical properties of InGaAlAs/InGaAs/InP experimental samples confirms the feasibility of using the developed elastically strained heterostructures for the fabrication of active regions for laser diodes with high temperature stability.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1186-1190
pages 1186-1190 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Photoluminescence spectra of thin films of ZnTPP–C60 and CuTPP–C60 molecular complexes

Elistratova M., Zakharova I., Romanov N., Panevin V., Kvyatkovskii O.


The results of studies of thin composite films of zinc and copper tetraphenylporphyrins with different fractions of fullerene C60 are reported. The photoluminescence spectra are recorded, and the composition and surface morphology are analyzed by means of scanning electron microscopy. The results show a difference in the structure of films with two types of metals (Zn, Cu) entering into the complex of the porphyrin macrocycle. An additional long-wavelength photoluminescence band at 1.4 eV is detected for the first time, which is evidence of the formation of ZnTPP–C60 molecular complexes from a gas-dynamic vapor flow upon condensation. In CuTPP thin films, the processes of self-assembly into nanowires 20 nm in diameter and up to 50 µm in length and the formation of nanoheterojunctions upon the addition of fullerene C60 are observed. Quantum-chemical calculations in the context of density-functional theory are carried out to interpret the experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1191-1197
pages 1191-1197 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Laser sintering of a TiO2 nanoporous film on a flexible substrate for application in solar cells

Malyukov S., Sayenko A., Kirichenko I.


The selective laser sintering of TiO2-film nanoparticles on a plastic conductive substrate is considered for application in flexible dye-sensitized solar cells. It is shown that the absorbed energy of the laser radiation during laser sintering promotes electrical-contact formation between TiO2 nanoparticles without damaging the plastic conductive substrate. The choice of a near-infrared laser radiation (wavelength of 1064 nm) provides an efficient laser-sintering process. The laser-sintering method promotes a decrease in recombination losses in the TiO2 film and an improvement in the charge-collection efficiency, which can result in an increase in the efficiency of such solar cells. Furthermore, the efficient-laser sintering method has a great potential for application in the roll-to-roll technology of the fabrication of high-efficiency flexible solar cells.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1198-1202
pages 1198-1202 views

Dielectric properties of layered FeGaInS4 single crystals in an alternating electric field

Mammadov F., Niftiyev N.


The results of investigations of the frequency and temperature dependences of dielectric losses and the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity in FeGaInS4 single crystals are presented. Their experimental values are determined. It is established that the loss tangent and the imaginary part of the permittivity of FeGaInS4 single crystals in a field with frequencies of 104–106 Hz decrease inversely proportional to the frequency (tanδ ~ 1/ω), and the conductivity is characterized by the band–hopping mechanism. For FeGaInS4, the relaxation time is calculated, and it is established that there is a mechanism of electron polarization caused by thermal motion in this crystal.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1203-1207
pages 1203-1207 views

Terahertz response of DNA oligonucleotides on the surface of silicon nanostructures

Bagraev N., Chernev A., Klyachkin L., Malyarenko A., Emel’yanov A., Dubina M.


The possibility of identifying DNA oligonucleotides deposited onto the region of the edge channels of silicon nanostructures is considered. The role of various THz (terahertz) radiation harmonics of silicon nanostructures in the resonance response of oligonucleotides is analyzed. In particular, this makes it possible to compare single-stranded 100_ and 50_mer DNA oligonucleotides. A technique for the rapid identification of different oligonucleotides by measuring changes in the conductance and transverse potential difference of silicon nanostructures with microcavities, embedded in the edge channels for selecting THz radiation characteristics, is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1208-1215
pages 1208-1215 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

On methods of determining the band gap of semiconductor structures with p–n junctions

Vikulin I., Korobitsyn B., Kriskiv S.


The possibility of determining the band gap of homogeneous p–n structures from the properties of the current–voltage characteristics at two temperatures (room temperature and temperatures 30 to 50°C higher) is shown. A working formula for the calculation is derived, and practical application of the formula in determining the band gap is illustrated by the example of p–n structures based on silicon, gallium arsenide, and gallium phosphide. The results are in agreement with commonly accepted data with an accuracy of 1%. In addition, the possibility of determining the band gap of homogeneous p–n structures from the capacitance–voltage characteristics recorded at the above-indicated temperatures is shown.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1216-1219
pages 1216-1219 views

Photovoltaic laser-power converter based on AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures

Khvostikov V., Kalyuzhnyy N., Mintairov S., Sorokina S., Potapovich N., Emelyanov V., Timoshina N., Andreev V.


Photovoltaic laser-power converters for a wavelength of λ = 809 nm are developed and fabricated on the basis of single-junction AlGaAs/GaAs structures grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy. The parameters of the photovoltaic structure constituted by an optical “window” and a cladding layer are optimized by mathematical simulation. Photovoltaic converters with areas of S = 10.2 and 12.2 mm2 and 4 cm2 are fabricated and studied. For photocells with S = 10.2 mm2, the monochromatic efficiency (η) was 60% at a current density of 5.9 A/cm2. A photovoltaic module with a working voltage of 4 V (η = 56.3% at 0.34 A/cm2) is assembled.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1220-1224
pages 1220-1224 views

On the problem of internal optical loss and current leakage in laser heterostructures based on AlGaInAs/InP solid solutions

Veselov D., Shashkin I., Bakhvalov K., Lyutetskiy A., Pikhtin N., Rastegaeva M., Slipchenko S., Bechvay E., Strelets V., Shamakhov V., Tarasov I.


Semiconductor lasers based on MOCVD-grown AlGaInAs/InP separate-confinement heterostructures are studied. It is shown that raising only the energy-gap width of AlGaInAs-waveguides without the introduction of additional barriers results in more pronounced current leakage into the cladding layers. It is found that the introduction of additional barrier layers at the waveguide–cladding-layer interface blocks current leakage into the cladding layers, but results in an increase in the internal optical loss with increasing pump current. It is experimentally demonstrated that the introduction of blocking layers makes it possible to obtain maximum values of the internal quantum efficiency of stimulated emission (92%) and continuouswave output optical power (3.2 W) in semiconductor lasers in the eye-safe wavelength range (1400–1600 nm).

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1225-1230
pages 1225-1230 views

Synthesis and study of thin TiO2 films doped with silver nanoparticles for the antireflection coatings and transparent contacts of photovoltaic converters

Lunin L., Lunina M., Kravtsov A., Sysoev I., Blinov A.


Problems associated with the deposition and studies of the properties of thin titanium-dioxide films doped with silver nanoparticles, which can be used as antireflection coatings and transparent contacts in the fabrication of solar cells, are analyzed. The method of deposition onto a rotating substrate is used for synthesis. The structural and optical properties and the surface morphology of the TiO2–Ag films are examined. It is shown that the concentration of Ag nanoparticles in the reaction mixture affects the thickness of the resulting films, their refractive index, and their conductivity. The introduction of Ag nanoparticles into titanium-dioxide films gives rise to an absorption band at 420–430 nm, associated with the plasmon resonance in silver. Calcination at 400°C leads to a decrease in the intensity of this absorption band.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1231-1235
pages 1231-1235 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Formation of the low-resistivity compound Cu3Ge by low-temperature treatment in an atomic hydrogen flux

Erofeev E., Kazimirov A., Fedin I., Kagadei V.


The systematic features of the formation of the low-resistivity compound Cu3Ge by low-temperature treatment of a Cu/Ge two-layer system in an atomic hydrogen flux are studied. The Cu/Ge two-layer system is deposited onto an i-GaAs substrate. Treatment of the Cu/Ge/i-GaAs system, in which the layer thicknesses are, correspondingly, 122 and 78 nm, in atomic hydrogen with a flux density of 1015 at cm2 s–1 for 2.5–10 min at room temperature induces the interdiffusion of Cu and Ge, with the formation of a polycrystalline film containing the stoichiometric Cu3Ge phase. The film consists of vertically oriented grains 100–150 nm in size and exhibits a minimum resistivity of 4.5 µΩ cm. Variations in the time of treatment of the Cu/Ge/i-GaAs samples in atomic hydrogen affect the Cu and Ge depth distribution, the phase composition of the films, and their resistivity. Experimental observation of the synthesis of the Cu3Ge compound at room temperature suggests that treatment in atomic hydrogen has a stimulating effect on both the diffusion of Cu and Ge and the chemical reaction of Cu3Ge-compound formation. These processes can be activated by the energy released upon the recombination of hydrogen atoms adsorbed at the surface of the Cu/Ge/i-GaAs sample.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1236-1240
pages 1236-1240 views

Epitaxial growth of GaN/AlN/InAlN heterostructures for HEMTs in horizontal MOCVD reactors with different designs

Tsatsulnikov A., Lundin W., Sakharov A., Zavarin E., Usov S., Nikolaev A., Yagovkina M., Ustinov V., Cherkashin N.


The epitaxial growth of InAlN layers and GaN/AlN/InAlN heterostructures for HEMTs in growth systems with horizontal reactors of the sizes 1 × 2", 3 × 2", and 6 × 2" is investigated. Studies of the structural properties of the grown InAlN layers and electrophysical parameters of the GaN/AlN/InAlN heterostructures show that the optimal quality of epitaxial growth is attained upon a compromise between the growth conditions for InGaN and AlGaN. A comparison of the epitaxial growth in different reactors shows that optimal conditions are realized in small-scale reactors which make possible the suppression of parasitic reactions in the gas phase. In addition, the size of the reactor should be sufficient to provide highly homogeneous heterostructure parameters over area for the subsequent fabrication of devices. The optimal compositions and thicknesses of the InAlN layer for attaining the highest conductance in GaN/AlN/InAlN transistor heterostructures.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1241-1247
pages 1241-1247 views

Conditions of growth of high-quality relaxed Si1–xGex layers with a high Ge content by the vapor-phase decomposition of monogermane on a sublimating Si hot wire

Shengurov V., Chalkov V., Denisov S., Matveev S., Nezhdanov A., Mashin A., Filatov D., Stepikhova M., Krasilnik Z.


The conditions of the epitaxial growth of high-quality relaxed Si1–xGex layers by the combined method of the sublimation molecular-beam epitaxy and vapor-phase decomposition of monogermane on a hot wire are considered. The combined growth procedure proposed provides a means for growing Si1–xGex layers with a thickness of up to 2 µm and larger. At reduced growth temperatures (TS = 325–350°C), the procedure allows the growth of Si1–xGex layers with a small surface roughness (rms ≈ 2 nm) and a low density of threading dislocations. The photoluminescence intensity of Si1–xGex:Er layers is significantly (more than five times) higher than the photoluminescence intensity of layers produced under standard growth conditions (TS ≈ 500°C) and possess an external quantum efficiency estimated at a level of ~0.4%.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1248-1253
pages 1248-1253 views

Synthesis of ZnO-based nanostructures for heterostructure photovoltaic cells

Lashkova N., Maximov A., Ryabko A., Bobkov A., Moshnikov V., Terukov E.


A model describing heterostructure solar cells based on zinc and copper oxides is developed. Seed layers of ZnO and CuO are synthesized by spray pyrolysis. To form a bulk heterojunction, ZnO nanorods are grown by hydrothermal synthesis. The morphological, electricaland optical properties of the fabricated structures are investigated.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1254-1260
pages 1254-1260 views

Growth features and spectroscopic structure investigations of nanoprofiled AlN films formed on misoriented GaAs substrates

Seredin P., Goloshchapov D., Lenshin A., Lukin A., Fedyukin A., Arsentyev I., Bondarev A., Lubyanskiy Y., Tarasov I.


Nanostructured aluminum-nitride films are formed by reactive ion-plasma sputtering onto GaAs substrates with different orientations. The properties of the films are studied via structural analysis, atomic force microscopy, and infrared and visible–ultraviolet spectroscopy. The aluminum-nitride films can have a refractive index in the range of 1.6–4.0 at a wavelength of ~250 nm and an optical band gap of ~5 eV. It is shown that the morphology, surface composition, and optical characteristics of AlN/GaAs heterophase systems can be controlled using misoriented GaAs substrates.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(9):1261-1272
pages 1261-1272 views

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