
Predicting the Conditions for the Vapor-Phase Epitaxy of the III–V Compounds
Vigdorovich E.
Template Synthesis of Monodisperse Spherical Nanocomposite SiO2/GaN:Eu3+ Particles
Stovpiaga E., Eurov D., Kurdyukov D., Smirnov A., Yagovkina M., Yakovlev D., Golubev V.
On the laser detachment of n-GaN films from substrates, based on the strong absorption of IR light by free charge carriers in n+-GaN substrates
Virko M., Kogotkov V., Leonidov A., Voronenkov V., Rebane Y., Zubrilov A., Gorbunov R., Latyshev P., Bochkareva N., Lelikov Y., Tarhin D., Smirnov A., Davydov V., Shreter Y.
Structural and Morphological Properties of Hybrid Heterostructures Based on GaN Grown on a Compliant por-Si(111) Substrate
Seredin P., Goloshchapov D., Zolotukhin D., Lenshin A., Mizerov A., Arsentyev I., Leiste H., Rinke M.
Investigation of the Anisotropy of the Structural Properties of GaN(0001) Layers Grown by MOVPE on a-Plane (11\(\bar {2}\)0) Sapphire
Yunin P., Drozdov Y., Khrykin O., Grigoryev V.
Dependence of mobility on the electron concentration upon scattering at polar optical phonons in AIII–N nitrides
Borisenko S.
Effect of Thermal Annealing on the Photovoltaic Properties of GaP/Si Heterostructures Fabricated by Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
Uvarov A., Zelentsov K., Gudovskikh A.
The Effect of the Composition of a Carrier Gas during the Growth of a Mn delta-Layer on the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of GaAs Structures
Kalentyeva I., Vikhrova O., Danilov Y., Zvonkov B., Kudrin A., Antonov I.
Layer-by-layer composition and structure of silicon subjected to combined gallium and nitrogen ion implantation for the ion synthesis of gallium nitride
Korolev D., Mikhaylov A., Belov A., Vasiliev V., Guseinov D., Okulich E., Shemukhin A., Surodin S., Nikolitchev D., Nezhdanov A., Pirogov A., Pavlov D., Tetelbaum D.
Investigation of the Current–Voltage Characteristics of New MnO2/GaAs(100) and V2O5/GaAs(100) Heterostructures Subjected to Heat Treatment
Sladkopevtsev B., Kotov G., Arsentyev I., Shashkin I., Mittova I., Tomina E., Samsonov A., Kostenko P.
Raman Spectra of Thick Epitaxial GaN Layers Formed on SiC by the Sublimation Sandwich Method
Anisimov A., Wolfson A., Mokhov E.
Halogen adsorption at an As-stabilized β2–GaAs (001)–(2 × 4) surface
Bakulin A., Kulkova S.
Microstructural Evolution of MOVPE Grown GaN by the Carrier Gas
Demir I., Altuntas I., Kasapoğlu A., Mobtakeri S., Gür E., Elagoz S.
Studying the Effect of Electrically Active Impurities Coming from Trimethylgallium Synthesized by Different Means on the Electrophysical Characteristics of Gallium Arsenide Epitaxial Layers
Revin M., Kotkov A., Ivanov V., Rad’kov Y., Svinkov N., Artemov A., Gribov B.
Study of the structure and composition of the strained epitaxial layer in the InAlAs/GaAs(100) heterostructure by transmission electron microscopy
Lovygin M., Borgardt N., Bugaev A., Volkov R., Seibt M.
Quantum Efficiency of Gallium Nitride–Based Heterostructures with GaInN Quantum Wells
Vigdorovich E.
High-Resistivity Gallium Antimonide Produced by Metal–Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy
Levin R., Vlasov A., Smirnov A., Pushnyi B.
Verification of the Hypothesis on the Thermoelastic Nature of Deformation of a (0001)GaN Layer Grown on the Sapphire a-Cut
Drozdov Y., Khrikin O., Yunin P.
GaAs/InGaAsN heterostructures for multi-junction solar cells
Nikitina E., Gudovskikh A., Lazarenko A., Pirogov E., Sobolev M., Zelentsov K., Morozov I., Egorov A.
High-Voltage AlInGaN LED Chips
Markov L., Kukushkin M., Pavlyuchenko A., Smirnova I., Itkinson G., Osipov O.
Plasma Chemical Etching of Gallium Arsenide in C2F5Cl-Based Inductively Coupled Plasma
Okhapkin A., Yunin P., Drozdov M., Kraev S., Skorokhodov E., Shashkin V.
Possibility of the use of intermediate carbidsiliconoxide nanolayers on polydiamond substrates for gallium nitride layers epitaxy
Averichkin P., Donskov A., Dukhnovsky M., Knyazev S., Kozlova Y., Yugova T., Belogorokhov I.
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