
Clinical case of generalized amyloidosis (ATTR-amyloidosis) with a progressive course of chronic heart failure. Case report
Golubovskaya D., Dren’ E., Yurkina A., Pecherina T., Barbarash O.
Chronic heart failure: New challenges and new perspectives
Tereshchenko S., Zhirov I.
Empagliflozin and heart failure: position paper of the experts on the results of the online meeting and discussion of the EMPEROR-Preserved Trial
Arutyunov G., Lopatin Y., Ametov A., Ageev F., Antsiferov M., Villevalde S., Vinogradova N., Galstyan G., Galyavich A., Gilyarevskiy S., Glezer M., Zhirov I., Ilyin M., Lebedeva A., Nedogoda S., Salukhov V., Tarlovskaya E., Tereshchenko S., Fomin I., Khalimov I., Khasanov N., Cherkashin D., Yakushin S.
Creation of a Russian Federation's register for assessing the physician adherence to the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure
Oshchepkova E., Lazareva N., Satlykova D., Tereshchenko S.
Improvement of the technique of positioning the endocardial electrodes of the cardiac contractility modulation device in patients with CHF with reduced ejection fraction and atrial fibrillation
Safiullina A., Uskach T., Sapelnikov O., Saidova M., Ansheles A., Sergienko V., Amanatova V., Grishin I., Cherkashin D., Akchurin R., Tereschenko S.
Chronic kidney disease and chronic heart failure: impact on prognosis and choice of pathogenetic therapy
Mezhonov E., Reitblat O., Vyalkina Y., Airapetian A., Lazareva N., Ageev F., Blankova Z., Svirida O., Prints Y., Zhirov I., Tereshchenko S., Boytsov S.
SGLT2 inhibitors in acute decompensated heart failure, what do we know?
Lapteva A., Nasonova S., Zhirov I., Tereshchenko S.
Creation of registers as one of the mechanisms for improving medical care for patients with chronic heart failure. Problem state
Reitblat O., Airapetian A., Lazareva N., Mezhonov E., Sorokin E., Prints I., Blankova Z., Svirida O., Ageev F., Zhirov I., Tereshchenko S., Boytsov S.
Efficiency of vaccine prophylaxis concentrated pneumococcal vaccine in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and chronic heart failure
Ignatova G., Antonov V.
Significance of L-carnitine in internal medicine
Sizova Z., Shikh E., Makhova A.
ACE inhibitor quinapril in the treatment of chronic cardiac failure
Gadzhiev A.
Vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular pathology
Podzolkov V., Pokrovskaya A., Panasenko O.
Clinicohemodynamic efficacy of a selective beta-blocker bisoprolol and cytoprotector trimetazidine in the treatment of chronic cardiac failure in patients with ischemic heart disease
Fedorova Т., Ilyina Y., Sotnikova Т., Rybakova M., Loschits N.
Immuno-inflammatory changes (myocarditis?) in chronic heart failure in alcoholic patients
Moiseev V., Goncharov A., Terebilina N., Panchenko L., Kiiakbaev G., Traianova T., Aleksandriia L., Boronets V.
Clinical effectiveness and pharmacokinetics of gliflozin from the point of view of individual genetic characteristics: A review
Golovina E., Vaizova O., Meleshko M., Samoilova I., Podchinenova D., Borozinets A., Matveeva M., Kudlay D.
Motivation for treatment in patients with chronic cardiorenal syndrome
Efremova E., Shutov A., Borodulina E.
N-terminal fragment of the brain natriuretic peptide and proinflammatory cytokines in patients with coronary heart diseas
Shalaev S., Volkova S., Shalaev S., Volkova S.
Impact of trimethasidine therapy on the patterns of arrhythmias and on the parameters of cardiac rhythm variability in patients with chronic heart failure
Nesterova I., Kutuzova A., Sveshnikova Y., Sitnikova М., Nedoshivin А.
New clinical opportunities for mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: focus on antifibrotic effects
Dragomiretskaya N., Tarzimanova A., Kucherova J., Podzolkov V.
Does the lack of left ventricular reverse remodeling always mean non - response to cardiac resynchronization therapy?
Kuznetsov V., Soldatova A., Enina T., Krinochkin D., Dyachkov S.
Clinical efficacy of acute respiratory viral infections prevention in patients with chronic heart failure
Budnevsky A., Shurupova A., Kravchenko A., Tokmachev R.
Prognostic value of biomarkers in chronic heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction
Nikiforova T., Shchekochikhin D., Kopylov F., Syrkin A.
Clinical and pathogenetic features of inflammatory and atrophic changes in the gastroduodenal zone in patients with varying severity of chronic heart failure associated with coronary artery disease
Osadchiĭ V., Bukanova T.
Clinical manifestations of anemia syndrome and its significance in the course of chronic heart failure in elderly patients
Larina V., Bart B.
Vascular stiffness and diastolic heart failure
Drapkina O., Kaburova A.
Trends in systemic inflammatory factors and aminoterminal brain natriuretic propeptide in the treatment of chronic heart failure
Egorova E., Kuz'mina M., Mazur V., Kalinkin M., Mazur E., Egorova E., Kuzmina M., Mazur V., Kalinkin M., Mazur E.
Syndrome ofnon-thyroid pathology in patients with cardiovascular diseases (review)
Ametov A., Balashova N., Gilyarevsky S.
Effect of dapagliflozin on the dynamics of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation
Saipudinova K., Uskach T., Shariya M., Ustyuzhanin D., Dobrovolskaya S., Tereshchenko S.
Value of N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide in predicting acute kidney injury in patients with acute decompensated chronic heart failure
Menzorov M., Shutov A., Midlenko V., Larionova N., Morozova I., Akulova O.
Impact of cardiac resynchronization therapy on survival in patients with ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy in clinical practice
Kuznetsov V., Vinogradova T., Enina T., Kolunin G., Kharats V., Pavlov A., Krinochkin D., Belonogov D., Gorbatenko E., Efimova I.
Influence of chronic cardiac failure severity on the course of comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus
Narusov O., Lapina Y., Mareev V., Bolotina M., Shestakova M., Masenko V., Baklanova N., Belenkov Y., Narusov O., Lapina Y., Mareev V., Bolotina M., Shestakova M., Masenko V., Baklanova N., Belenkov Y.
A clinical and economic analysis of the use of dapagliflozin in patients with chronic heart failure in the entire spectrum of left ventricular ejection fraction in the Russian Federation
Nedogoda S., Tereshchenko S., Zhirov I., Salasyuk A., Barykina I., Lutova V., Popova E.
Chronic heart failure: evolution of etiology, prevalence and mortality over the past 20 years
Boytsov S.
Evaluation of the impact of community-acquired pneumonia on short-term and long-term prognosis in a patient with chronic decompensated heart failure
Polyakov D., Fomin I., Valikulova F., Vaisberg A., Kraiem N.
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure. Positions in 2015
Osmolovskaya Y., Zhirov I., Tereshchenko S.
Prognostic value of detection of arterial hypotensive episodes in patients with chronic heart failure
Serov V., Shutov A., Serova D., Shmel'kova E., Shevchenko S.
Baroreflex sensitivity in patients with chronic heart failure: the clinical significance and impact of therapy
Nepoklonov M., Rogoza A., Skvortsov A., Gorieva S., Tereshchenko S., Nepoklonov M., Rogoza A., Skvortsov A., Goriyeva S., Tereshchenko S.
The effectiveness of cardiac contractility modulation in patients with chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation: results of the 12-month follow-up
Safiullina A., Uskach T., Sapelnikov O., Grishin I., Cherkashin D., Amanatova V., Akchurin R., Tereshchenko S.
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists in the treatment of patients with heart failure after myocardial infarction and those with chronic heart failure
Tereshchenko S., Zhirov I., Osmolovskaia I.
Prognostic value of pathogenetic therapy-induced changes in NT-proBNP in patients with chronic heart failure
Mezhonov E., Shalaev S.
Physicalrehabilitation in combined treatment of inpatients withchronic heart failure
Efremushkin G., Antropova O., Osipova I.
Full - transcriptome analysis of miRNA expression in mononuclear cells in patients with acute decompensation of chronic heart failure of various etiologies
Zhirov I., Baulina N., Nasonova S., Osmak G., Matveyeva N., Mindzaev D., Favorova O., Tereshchenko S.
Evaluation of cardiovascular remodeling and epicardial fat thickness in patients with chronic heart failure and metabolic syndrome
Drapkina O., Zyatenkova E.
Vascular remodeling indicators and their impact on prognosis in patients with chronic heart failure
Kosheleva N., Rebrov A.
Inflammatory cardiomyopathy: state-of-the-art
Belyavsky E., Zykov K., Narusov O., Masenko V., Skvortsov A., Shchedrina A., Tereshchenko S.
The possibilities of improving the treatment of chronic heart failure according to the results of a multicenter observational study BYHEART
Tereshchenko S., Cheremisina I., Safiullina A.
Dynamics of adreneractivity after transfer of myocardial infarction: annual observation
Rebrova T., Muslimova E., Alexandrenko V., Afanasiev S., Garganeeva A., Maksimov I.
Galactin-3: diagnostic and prognostic value in patients with chronic heart failure
Aliyeva A., Baykova I., Kislyakov V., Gasanova E., Almazova I., Pinchuk T., Fedulayev Y., Zhbanov I., Perevertov V., Kovtyukh I., Nikitin I., Reznik E.
The role of treatment compliance in combination therapy for heart failure and possibilities of its correction: Generalization of Russian and world experience
Trofimov E., Poskrebysheva A.
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