
Viral mucosal injuries of gastrointestinal tract organs in patients with lymphoma
Chernova N., Tikhomirov D., Garanzha T., Kliasova G., Roshchina L., Gracheva A., Kostina I., Al'-Radi L., Moiseeva T., Kravchenko S.
Kostryukova E., Zakharzhevskaya N., Kostin P., Ilyina E., Larin A., Gribanov O., Selezneva O., Prikhodko E., Akopian T., Generozov E., Lazarev V., Levitsky S., Kondratov I., Alekseev D., Bazaleev N., Klimova E., Esaulova M., Yuschuk N., Govorun V., Sergienko V.
Herpesviruses in patients after renal transplantation
Dzhumabaeva B., Tikhomirov D., Biryukova L., Tupoleva T., Nesterenko I., Purlo N., Chebotarev D.
Impact of current approaches to laboratory screening of donated blood and its components on hepatitis B virus infection in patients with blood system diseases
Ignatova E., Tupoleva T., Ovchinnikova E., Romanova T., Yaroslavtseva N., Filatov F., Troitskaya V., Kuzmina L., Parovichnikova E., Gaponova T., Savchenko V.
Pharmacotherapy for acute respiratory infections caused by influenza viruses: current possibilities
Zyryanov S., Butranova O., Gaidai D., Kryshen K.
Overexpression of DNA-methyltransferases in persistency of cccDNA pool in chronic hepatitis B
Kostyushev D., Zueva A., Brezgin S., Lipatnikov A., Simirskii V., Glebe D., Volchkova E., Shipulin G., Chulanov V.
A case of sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman disease) in a patient with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and chronic hepatitis B virus infection
Melikian A., Kovrigina A., Giliazitdinova E., Gitis M.
Viruso-bacterial pneumonia, complicated by lightness pulmonary bleeding with death
Chizhova O., Ruslyakova I., Baculin I., Vinnichuk S., Sakharov V.
Hepatitis C can be cured: will hepatitis B become next?
Chulanov V., Zueva A., Kostyushev D., Brezgin S., Volchkova E., Maleyev V.
Differential diagnosis of rheumatic diseases and blood cancers involving the nasal cavity and accessory sinuses
Vasil'ev V., Sokol E., Sedyshev S., Gorodetskiĭ V., Aleksandrova E., Logvinenko O., Pal'shina S., Rodionova E., Radenska-Lopovok S., Probatova N., Kokosadze N., Pavlovskaia A., Kovrigina A., Varlamova E., Safonova T., Borovskaia A., Gaĭduk I., Mukhortova O., Aslanidi I., Nasonov E.
Immunogenetic predictors of a rapid virologic response to antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C
Iushchuk N., Znoĭko O., Balmasova I., Fedoseeva N., Shmeleva E., Dudina K., Klimova E., Petrova T., Trofimov D., Belyĭ P., Safiullina N., Pypkina E.
Prognostic factors in patients with hematological malignancies and concomitant chronic hepatitis C
Nozhkin M., Lioznov D., Antonova T., Gorchakova O., Goldstein E., Popova M., Shneyder T.
Evaluation and management of infectious esophagitis in immunocompromised patients and immunocompetent individuals
Trukhmanov A., Makushina A., Storonova O., Ivashkina N.
Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis in chronic hepatitis C: Genetic aspects
Artemova M., Abdurakhmanov D.
Some aspects of the treatment of adult patients with Epstein-Barr virus infection
Iushchuk N., Shestakova I.
Hepatitis C virus Genotype 3: that "simple", yet that "complex"
Batskikh S., Morozov S., Chulanov V., Pokrovskiĭ V.
History of the discovery and study of tick-borne encephalitis in Russia: three Far Eastern expeditions (1937–1939)
Kolyasnikova N., Zlobin V., Ishmukhametov A., Maleev V.
The long-term prospective study of patients with liver cirrhosis after elimination of the hepatitis C virus
Nabatchikova E., Abdurakhmanov D., Nikulkina E., Rozina T., Tanaschuk E., Nikiforova N., Adonyeva V., Moiseev S.
Hepatitis C virus-associated cryoglobulinemic vasculitis: A 20-year experience with treatment
Ignatova T., Kozlovskaya L., Gordovskaya N., Chernova O., Milovanova S., Novikov P., Nekrasova T., Beketova T., Mukhin N.
Treatment of patients with HBV cirrhosis: Successes, unsolved problems
Bakulin I., Khaĭmenova T., Sidorova I.
Varicella-pox virus infection: features of the course, clinical manifestations, complications, and possibilities for prevention
Prikhodchenko N.
Virus specific antibody - based remedies for the urgent prevention and treatment of Ebola virus disease
Sizikova T., Lebedev V., Borisevich S.
A case of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a HIV-infected female patient
Samotolkina E., Pokrovskaya A., Samotolkina E., Voznesensky S., Petrova E.
Dengue fever in Russian tourists who have come from Thailand
Shestakova I., Iushchuk N., Akinfiev I., Popova T., Sergeeva T., Vdovina E.
HG-viral infection in adults
Lisukova T.
Chronic hepatitis C virus infection: An internist’s opinion (Part 1)
Zubkin M., Chervinko V., Ovchinnikov Y., Kryukov E., Kotenko O.
The efficiency of antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C infected with hepatitis C virus recombinants
Yushchuk N., Znoyko O., Dudina K., Kozina A., Kalininа O.
Hepatitis C virus-related cryoglobulinemic vasculitis with renal involvement: current possibilities of treatment
Gordovskaia N., Kozlovskaia L., Milovanova S., Ignatova T., Korotchaeva I.
Sjogren's syndrome in chronic hepatitis C: clinical features and diagnosis
Chernetsova O., Lopatkina T., Popova I., Vorobyev A., Shipulina О., Safonova T., Ponomarev A.
The analysis of the availability of fixed-dose combinations in antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection in the Russian Federation
Pyadushkina E., Derkach E.
Predictors of the efficiency of short-term interferon-containing therapy using direct-acting antiviral drugs in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1
Kokina K., Bueverov A., Bogomolov P., Matsievich M.
Chronic hepatitis C in Russia: current challenges and prospects
Chulanov V., Pimenov N., Mamonova N., Sagalova O., Shestakova I., Pokrovsky V.
Boceprevir: New possibilities for the antiviral treatment of chronic hepatitis C
Nikitin I., Baĭkova I., Gogova L., Volynkina V., Kisliakov V.
Modern approaches to immunization of patients of rheumatologic profile
Belov B., Tarasova G., Muravyeva N.
The 2013-2014 epidemic season. Hospital monitoring and antiviral therapy for influenza
Kolobukhina L., Burtseva E., Shchelkanov M., Al'khovskiĭ S., Prilipov A., Merkulova L., Kisteneva L., Vartanian R., Kruzhkova I., Trushakova S., Krasnoslobovtsev K., Avdeev S., Sutochnikova O., Bazarova M., Kelli E., Ambrosi O., Malyshev N., L'vov D., Chuchalin A.
Current possibilities for treatment for hepatitis C virus-induced cryoglobulinemic vasculitis and B-cell lymphoma
Ignatova T., Mukhin N.
1 - 36 的 36 信息


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