Hepatitis C virus Genotype 3: that "simple", yet that "complex"

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The data on natural course of chronic viral hepatitis C infection (HCV) and the efficacy of antiviral treatment depending on virus genotype are summarized in the article. The significance of virus genotype in progression of liver febrosis and liver steatosis is discussed. It is pointed out that chronic HCV infection caused by genotype 3 is characterized by a more aggressive clinical course of disease and less favorable prognosis. Optimal approaches to the management of patients with genotype 3 of chronic HCV infection as well as perspectives of antiviral therapy in this group of patients are discussed in the article.

About the authors

S N Batskikh

ФБУН "Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии" Роспотребнадзора

Email: zdoc@mail.ru
111123 Москва, ул. Новогиреевская, 3а

S V Morozov

ФГБУ "НИИ питания" РАМН, Москва

Email: morosoffsv@mail.ru

V P Chulanov

ФБУН "Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии" Роспотребнадзора

Email: vladimir.chulanov@pcr.ru

V I Pokrovskiĭ

ФБУН "Центральный НИИ эпидемиологии" Роспотребнадзора

Email: info@crie.ru


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