
New clinical and organizational approaches to preventing cardiovascular diseases in the primary health care system
Boĭtsov S.A., Kalinina A.M., Ipatov P.V.
Non-specific prevention of COVID-19 during vaccination against a new coronavirus infection: results of a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial
Avdeeva M.G., Belousova O.N., Orlova E.A., Khamitov R.F., Shvarts Y.G., Kravchenko I.E.
Legionnaires disease: history of the discovery, the main stages of the study pathogen and infection
Tartakovsky I.S., Maleev V.V.
Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. A role of a polyclinic therapist in timely diagnosis and treatment
Galkin V.A., Galkin V.A.
Molecular serological characteristics of weak D antigen types of the Rhesus system
Golovkina L.L., Stremoukhova A.G., Pushkina T.D., Kalandarov R.S., Atroshchenko G.V., Vasilyeva M.N., Surin V.L., Salomashkina V.V., Pshenichnikova O.S., Miterev G.Y., Parovichnikova E.N., Savchenko V.G.
Prevention of noncommunicable diseases in a local therapist's practice: Content, problems, solution ways, and prospects
Boĭtsov S.A., Vylegzhanin S.V.
Prevalence of ischemic heart disease, its main risk factors and efficacy of long-term multifactorial prevention at enterprises in some regions of the Russian Federation
Tozhiev M.S., Norbekov M.S., Shestov D.В., Khvan Y.E., Vorobyev A.M., Terebov A.A., Suyundikov S.Т., Marchenko A.M., Kashirina M.L., Klimova M.Y., Makritsa A.N., Bondarenko V.V., Teplyakov V.C., Avdeeva G.P.
Prevention of ischemic stroke in atrial fibrillation from the point of view of a neurologist. Standards and real clinical practice
Maksimova M.Y., Fonyakin A.V., Geraskina L.A.
Pneumoconiosises: modern view
Babanov S.A., Strizhakov L.A., Lebedeva M.V., Fomin V.V., Budash D.S., Baikova A.G.
Arterial bed stiffness in patients with different cardiovascular risk factors
Nosov A.E., Baydina A.S., Ivashova Y.A., Vlasova E.M., Alekseev V.B.
Let sleeping dogs lie ..., but bail out your friend
Pokrovskiĭ V.V.
Analysis of fatal outcomes from pulmonary thromboembolism in young subjects
Fesenko O.V., Sinopal'nikov A.I., Glechikov A.V.
Myocardial infarction in elderly patients.Role of beta-adrenoblockers in its treatment and secondaryprevention
Komissarenko I.A.
Kidney health for everyone everywhere – from prevention to detection and equitable access to care
Kam-Tao Li P., Garcia-Garcia G., Lui S., Andreoli S., Wing-Shing Fung W., Hradsky A., Kumaraswami L., Liakopoulos V., Rakhimova Z., Saadi G., Strani L., Ulasi I., Kalantar-Zadeh K.
23-year dynamics (1994-2016) relationships to its health, behavioral characteristics and prevention of cardiovascular diseases among women 25-44 years in Russia /Siberia
Gafarov V.V., Panov D.O., Gromova E.A., Gagulin I.V., Gafarova A.V., Krymov E.A.
Results of malignancy detection during prophylactic medical examinations in 2013—2014
Aleksandrova L.M., Starinsky V.V., Kalinina A.M., Kaprin A.D., Boytsov S.A.
Personalized therapy for diabetes mellitus: the path from disease to the patient
Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V.
Results of implementation of a hypertension control program in Russia in 2002-2012
Chazova I.E., Oshchepkova E.V.
Iodine prophylaxis in pregnant women: a comparativeanalysis of different methods efficacy in conditions of goiter endemia
Turovinina Е.F., Suplotova L.A., Khramova E.В., Smetanina S.A.
The molecular marker of the preconditioning phenomenon HIF1α is a new pathway for early detection of visceral hypoxic conditions
Cherkashin D.V., Lyubimov A.V.
Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants for heart diseases
Kondratieva T.B., Popova L.V., Bokarev I.N.
Results of circulatory disease detection during prophylactic medical examination of the adult population: the first two years’ experience
Kalinina A.M., Ipatov P.V., Kushunina D.V., Egorov V.A., Drozdova L.Y., Boytsov S.A.
Current views on the role of probiotics in the prevention and treatment of different diseases: Focus on Linex
Ushkalova E.A.
Use of Furamag to prevent inflammatory complications during endoscopic operations in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and urolithiasis
Neĭmark A.I., Simashkevich A.V.
Current approaches to prevention and treatment of antiphospholipid syndrome
Nasonov E.L.
Analysis of the impact of vaccination of pneumococcal infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in combination with diabetes
Ignatova G.L., Blinova E.V., Antonov V.N., Grebneva I.V.
New opportunities for the prevention of gastric cancer
Maev I.G., Kazyulin A.N.
The etiopathogenetic bases for antibacterial therapy and prevention of urinary tract infections
Kayukov I.G.
Dengue fever in Russian tourists who have come from Thailand
Shestakova I.V., Iushchuk N.D., Akinfiev I.B., Popova T.I., Sergeeva T.V., Vdovina E.T.
Experience in preventing cardiovascular diseases in our country
Boĭtsov S.A., Oganov R.G.
Recurrence of gastropathies caused by administration of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs
Karateev A.Е.
Chronic hepatitis B in rheumatic diseases: issues of screening and reactivation of infection: A review
Gridneva G.I., Belov B.S., Aronova E.S.
Duodenal intubation: present view (on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of duodenal intubation)
Maksimov V.A., Maksimov V.A.
Infective endocarditis in the elderly: The current view of the problem
Taradin G.G., Vatutin N.T., Prendergast B.D., Newton J.D., Chaus E.A., Smyrnova A.S.
Acetylsalicylic acid for the prevention of primary myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke
Samorodskaya I.V., Bolotova E.V., Boytsov S.A.
Use of darunavir in HIV-infected women during pregnancy
Afonina L.I., Voronin E.E.
Prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases in rheumatoid arthritis
Novikova D.S., Popkova T.V., Nasonov E.L., Novikova D.S., Popkova T.V., Nasonov E.L.
Current medico-ecological aspects of internal medicines in urbanic North
Karpin V.A.
Computer multimedia case history as a present-day tool of keepingrecords
Shklovsky-Kordi N.Е., Zingerman В.V., Goldberg S.V., Velichko S.A., Gudilina Y.Y., Kaplanov K.D., Klimenko S.V., Kravchenko S.K., Kremenetskaya A.M., Kobelyatsky V.F., Kostochkina S.V., Margolin O.V., Rivkind N.В., Freidin Y.L., Erlikh L., Vorobyev A.I.
Pneumonia: Regional experience with prevention programs
Chuchalin A.G., Onishchenko G.G., Kolosov V.P., Kurganova O.P., Tezikov N.L., Manakov L.G., Gulevich M.P., Perelman Y.M.
Analysis of the state-of-the-art of consulting medical care to patients with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis or its risk according to the data of a questionnaire survey (GLUCOST study)
Baranova I.A., Ershova O.B., Anaev E.K., Anokhina T.N., Anoshenkova О.N., Batyn S.Z., Belyaeva E.A., Bolshakova T.Y., Volkorezov I.A., Eliseeva L.N., Kashnazarova E.V., Kinyaikin M.F., Kirpikova M.N., Klyuchnikova E.P., Korolev M.A., Kuneevskaya I.V., Masneva L.V., Muradyants A.A., Otteva E.N., Petrachkova T.N., Peshekhonova L.K., Povzun A.S., Raskina T.A., Smirnova M.L., Toroptsova N.V., Khasanova R.B., Shamsutdinova N.G., Shaporova N.L., Shitova N.S., Shkireeva S.Y., Shostak N.A., Lesnyak O.M.
Current possibilities in the outpatient treatment of postmyocardial infarction
Nesterov I.I.
ACE inhibitors in the treatment of ischemicheart disease and prevention of its complications (review)
Schekotov V.V.
Prospects for personalized Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy. Pro et contra
Simanenkov V.I., Alekseenko S.A.
Clinical significance of biliary sludge
Il'chenko A.A., Ilchenko A.A.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in Russia
Pokrovsky V.V.
Identification of circulatory diseases and their risk during medical examination of an adult population: Methodological aspects
Kalinina A.M., Ipatov P.V., Kaminskaia A.K., Kushunina D.V.
Experience with Invirase as part of triple therapy as the drug of choice in the perinatal prevention of HIV transmission in the Ulyanovsk Region
Salminskaia O.I.
Practical prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in patients with diabetesmellitus type 2 in an endocrinological department
Daurbekova L.V., Orlov V.A., Gilyarevsky S.R., Abirova E.S., Murzabekova L.I.
1 - 49 of 49 Items

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