Iodine prophylaxis in pregnant women: a comparativeanalysis of different methods efficacy in conditions of goiter endemia

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Aim. To assess efficacy of different methods of iodine prophylaxis in pregnant women living in conditions of goiter endemia.
Material and methods. Standard clinical, laboratory and device tests for iodine deficiency according
to WHO criteria were made in 156 pregnant women living in the territory affected by goiter endemia.
Of them, 121 examinees had no thyroid pathology, 35 ones had diffuse euthyroid goiter. All of them
received different kinds of iodine prophylaxis.
Results. The occurrence of neonatal TTH values over 5 iU/l in neonates born by mothers free of thyroid pathology on potassium iodide prophylaxis when pregnant was 9.1%. This is much lower than in
conventional iodine prophylaxis - 17.24% (p < 0.01). A comparative analysis of the efficacy of potassium iodide-200 in pregnant women with diffuse euthyroid goiter and its combination with L-thy
roxin has shown that by the effect on lessening frequency of neonatal ТТЯ over 5 Ш/l the above
schemes do not differ significantly, thyroid reduction is more prominent in pregnant women on thyroxine with potassium iodide.
Conclusion. The index of neonatal TTH is an objective criterium to control efficacy of different methods of iodine prophylaxis in pregnancy.

About the authors

Е F Turovinina

Тюменская государственная медицинская академия

Тюменская государственная медицинская академия

L A Suplotova

Тюменская государственная медицинская академия

Тюменская государственная медицинская академия

E В Khramova

Тюменская государственная медицинская академия

Тюменская государственная медицинская академия

S A Smetanina

Тюменская государственная медицинская академия

Тюменская государственная медицинская академия


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