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Vol 68, No 5 (2023)

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In silico study of solvation effects in solutions of biomolecules: possibilities of an approach based on the 3d-distribution of solvent atomic density

Kruchinin S.E., Fedotova M.V., Kislinskaya E.E., Chuev G.N.


Biomolecular solvation plays one of the key roles in nature. The biological activity of molecules and the performance of their target functions depend on the features of this process. However, the study of the biomolecule hydration is a non-trivial task for both experimental methods and computer simulations. The paper demonstrates the possibilities of the non-empirical 3D-SDFT/3D-RISM approach based on the 3D-distribution of the solvent atomic density to study the features of biomolecule hydration using the example of a number of amino acids such as Gly-ZW, L-Ala-ZW, L-Val-ZW, L -Pro-ZW, two model proteins such as BP-TI (bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor) and PTP1B (protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B), as well as complexes of the PTP1B protein with inhibitors. The presented results show that the approach allows one to describe in detail and at the same time a holistic description of the hydration shell structure of biomolecules.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):837-849
pages 837-849 views

Evaluation of the efficiency of intersystem crossing to a triplet state of fullerene in complexes with amino acids

Buchelnikov A.S., Sokolov P.A., Ramasanoff R.R.


The important photophysical process that determines the efficiency of photosensitizers is saturation of a triplet state by intersystem crossing during light absorption. In the present work, C60 fullerene complexes with amino acids glycine, lysine, methionine and threonine were studied as promising photosensitizers. All these complexes, for which the calculations were done, demonstrate high values of rate constants of transition to triplet states and a high probability of the ability to generate reactive oxygen species through excitation in the visible spectrum. The carboxyl groups of amino acids that are not involved in electronic excitation can be used as the component of specific DNA aptamers for conjugation to photoactive complexes for a tumor-targeting drug delivery system.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):850-855
pages 850-855 views

Composition and mitogenic activity of polysaccharide from Solanum tuberosum L.

Generalov E.A., Yakovenko L.V.


Solanum tuberosum polysaccharide (STP) was isolated from the water extract of Solanum tuberosum L. and purified by ion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography. Its molecular weight was determined by using gel permeation chromatography method and high performance liquid chromatography technique and its monosaccharide composition was analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector and a capillary column. It was shown that STP was consisted of galactose (Gal) and arabinose (Ara) (37.5 and 23.5%, respectively), along with uronic acids (9.7%), glucose monosaccharide residues (15%) and proteins (no less than 9%). The molecular weight of STP was 70 kDa. The Fourier-transform infrared technique was used for structural analysis of STP. The mitogenic activity of extracted polysaccharide is comparable to that of lipopolysaccharide.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):856-862
pages 856-862 views

Impact of electrochemically activated water solution on plant polysaccharides: phenomenology and spectrophotometry

Pogorelov A.G., Ipatova L.G., Panait A.I., Pogorelova M.A., Gulin A.A., Pogorelova V.N.


The determination of changes in the properties of polysaccharides in electrochemically activated water solution were carried out by means of UV-Vis spectrophotometry, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. It was shown how the properties of samples analyzed (agar, modified starch, edible starch) changed depending on a fraction of electrochemically activated water solution (catholyte/anolyte). Our findings demonstrate that the determined changes can be valuable information in designing novel approaches to managing the properties of biological raw material used for food manufacturing process. Furthermore, the technology of electrochemically activated water solutions is a suitable green chemical process that can be translated to industrial level.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):863-870
pages 863-870 views

Conformational particularities of beta-amyloid peptide 25-35

Agaeva G.A., Najafova G.Z.


In Alzheimer's disease, beta-amyloid peptide (Ав) plays an important role in the mechanism of neurodegeneration. A small fragment of Лв(25-35) (with the sequence GSNKGAIIGLLM) is regarded to be the functional domain of Лв, responsible for its neurotoxic properties and represents the biological active region of Лв. Conformational analysis of each C-terminal segment of the peptide by the method of molecular mechanics revealed a limited number of most probable conformations and quite clearly helped to clarify what forces stabilize the structures. The obtained results showed that Лв(25-35) energetically has a propensity for adopting alpha-helix conformation of the C-terminal octapeptide segment. A molecular dynamics method was used to build a model of intramolecular mobility in the Лв(25-35) molecule. It was demonstrated that in low-energy conformations, Лв(25-35), the orientation of flexible structures of the N-terminal region with respect to the structures of the C-terminal region is different.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):871-877
pages 871-877 views

A raman spectroscopic investigation of conformation of flavin adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme of d-amino acid oxidase

Bochkova J.V., Liu W., Brazhe N.A., Zhgun A.A., Maksimov G.V.


Based on silver nanoparticles application, surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectra of D-amino acid oxidase from pig kidney were recorded and analyzed. Spectral parameters characteristic of conformational changes in cofactor flavin adenine dinucleotide during activation of the enzyme by D-amino acids were revealed. It was found that enzyme substrate specificity determines the amount of time from the start of of the conformational changes of flavin adenine dinucleotide until they no longer occur: in the presence of D-alanine, registration of the said conformational changes takes up just a few seconds, while it takes 10 min in the presence of D-serine .
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):878-884
pages 878-884 views

Analysis of the secondary structure of chromatin linker proteins HMGB1, H1 and their complexes

Chikhirzhina E.V., Polyanichko A.M.


The nonhistone chromosomal protein HMGB1 and histone H1 are chromatin linker proteins. The functions of linker proteins are closely related to their conformational state. Currently, the structure of proteins that play a key role in the formation of higher levels of chromatin structural organization is being actively studied. In this work, a comparative analysis of the secondary structure of the linker histone H1 and the nonhistone protein HMGB1 was carried out. By using UV-circular dichroism and FTIR spectroscopy it was shown that the positively charged histone H1 binds to the C-terminal fragment of HMGB1, stabilizing the resulting complex and inducing the formation of additional a-helical regions in both proteins.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):885-891
pages 885-891 views

The specificity of interactions between endoinulinase from Aspergillus ficuum and mono-, diand polysaccharides

Makin S.M., Dubovitskaya A.N., Bogomolov D.Y., Kondratyev M.S., Holyavka M.G., Artyukhov V.G.


The aim of this study was to analyze the peculiarities of spatial organization of an endoinulinase molecule from Aspergillus ficuum after its binding to mono-, di-, and polysaccharides. This study examined changes in volume and number of internal cavities upon binding of inulinase to mono- (glucose, fructose), di- (sucrose, mannose), and polysaccharides (inulin). Transformations in the quantity and length of tunnels and pores were described, and the reorganization of the composition and localization of charged and hydrophobic amino acid residues clusters on the surface of the enzyme molecule was analyzed. It was shown that the models of inulinase in the complex with sucrose (an alternative substrate) and mannose (an activator) exhibit the same types of internal structures. The similar pattern was found in the formation of complexes with fructose (a reaction product) and glucose (an inhibitor). In addition, it was established that both charged and hydrophobic clusters do not undergo significant changes in chemical composition after the binding of inulinase to mono-, di-, and polysaccharides, i.e., the interaction between inulinase and carbohydrates mentioned above primarily affects the internal structures of the enzyme. The specificity of the binding of inulinases to various ligands should be taken into account while developing modern industrial biocatalysts based on inulinase.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):892-899
pages 892-899 views

Mechanism of action of the low-frequency electromagnetic field on aqueous solutions of biopolymers

Tekutskaya E.E., Ilchenko G.P., Baryshev M.G.


This paper presents the mechanism of signal transformation by which a signal from the magnetic component of the low-frequency electromagnetic field with extremely low energy is changed into chemical and biochemical signals which elicit a biological response in aqueous solutions of biopolymers based on nucleic acids and proteins. A theoretical model developed shows that the basis of oxidative DNA damage and conformational transitions of proteins is a universal mechanism associated with a change in the amount of the most long-lived form - hydrogen peroxide in a chemical oscillator of mutual transformations of reactive oxygen species under the influence of low-intensity electromagnetic field exposure. It has been experimentally established that the quantitative content of hydrogen peroxide in solutions of biopolymers resonantly depends on the frequency of applied field. Conformational changes in proteins are accompanied by an increase in the availability and activity of the nucleophilic centers that are potential targets for reactive oxygen species. Complete unfolding and denaturation of the amino acid chain of the protein under the influence of low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure do not occur. It has been shown that enhanced hydrogen peroxide formation at 3 Hz and 50 Hz leads to oxidative modification of nitrogenous bases in DNA.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):900-910
pages 900-910 views

Updating nucleosome positions within individual genes using molecular modeling methods and mnase sequencing data

Vasilev V.A., Ryabov D.M., Shaytan A.K., Armeev G.A.


Organization of chromatin plays an important role in regulating the genetic machinery of the cell. The basic unit of chromatin packaging is a nucleosome, which harbors DNA of about 145 base pairs in length. The packaging of genetic material and its accessibility to transcription enzymes and other regulatory chromatin proteins depends on the positions of nucleosomes. MNase sequencing is used to examine nucleosome positions in a genome. MNase sequencing data are sufficient for detecting the presence of nucleosomes on the sequence, but a determination of the precise locations of nucleosomes can be problematic. Accurate determination of nucleosome positions requires additional data filtering and processing. In this study, using MNase sequencing data, a combined method based on geometric analysis of nucleosome chain molecular models is proposed for selecting possible nucleosome positions. The developed algorithm efficiently eliminates inaccessible nucleosome chain combinations and conformationally prohibited nucleosome positions.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):911-919
pages 911-919 views

Searching for sequencing signal anomalies associated with genome structural variations

Bezdvornykh I.V., Cherkasov N.A., Kanapin A.A., Samsonova A.A.


Genomic structural variations (SVs) are one of the main sources of genetic diversity. Structural variants as mutagens may have a significant impact on human health and lead to hereditary diseases and cancers. Existing methods of finding structural variants are based on analysis of high-throughput sequencing data and despite significant progress in the development of the detection methods, there is still a need for improving the identification of structural variations with accuracy appropriate for use in a diagnostic procedure. Analysis of the signal of sequencing coverage (i.e., the number of sequencing fragments that aligned to every point of a genome) holds new potential for the design of approaches for structural variations discovery, and can be used as time-series analysis. Here, we present an approach for identification of patterns in the coverage signal. The method has been developed based on algorithms used for analysis of time series data, namely KNN (K-nearest neighbour) search algorithm and the SAX (Symbolic Aggregation Approximation) method. Using the rich dataset encompassing full genomes of 911 individuals with different ethnic backgrounds generated by the Human Genome Diversity Project initiative, we constructed generalized patterns of signal coverage in the vicinity of breakpoints corresponding to various structural variant types. Also, with the benefit of the SAX models of the motifs we developed a software package for fast detection of anomalies in the coverage signal.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):920-925
pages 920-925 views

Peculiarities of adaptational changes in leukocytes and platelets of yakutian ground squirrels during the pre-hibernation period in autumn

Teplova P.O., Komelina N.P., Lizorkina K.I., Zakharova N.M.


Earlier, it was shown that a series of physiological and biochemical changes in Yakutian long-tailed ground squirrels start to happen during autumn (the pre-hibernation period): in the brain, heart, skeletal muscles, etc. This study was conducted to analyze the composition of peripheral blood cells obtained from Yakutian ground squirrels in autumn, and for the first time an increase in the total number of leukocytes, particularly granulocytes, and a decrease in the number of lymphocytes were observed when compared with those obtained in summer; a shift of the leukogram from the lymphocytic fraction to the granulocytic fraction was revealed. Significant increase in a platelet count and thrombocrit with preservation of the percentage ratio of mature and young cell fractions was shown. Still, information on the cellular components of blood during the autumn season when hibernators prepare for winter months of hibernation remains scarce. Nonetheless, the results of our study indicate that there are very significant adaptive changes that occur in leukocytes and platelets of ground squirrels in this period. Possible causes of these changes are discussed.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):926-931
pages 926-931 views

A study on the radiosensitivity and induction of adaptive response in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with secondary immunodeficiency syndrome

Rozanova O.M., Smirnova E.N., Belyakova T.A., Strelnikova N.S.


This study examined radiosensitivity at low and high dose exposure to X-rays in human lymphocytes and the ability of low and high dose radiation to induce radioadaptive response when the peripheral blood cells from patients with secondary immune deficiency syndrome and healthy donors of different ages were irradiated in vitro. The frequency of micronuclei in cytochalasin-blocked binuclear lymphocytes in culture served as an indication of cytogenetic damage. It was found that the spontaneous level of cytogenetic damage in blood lymphocytes of patients with secondary immune deficiency syndrome was 2.5 times greater than that of healthy young and older volunteers and there was also a substantial interindividual variability in outcome parameters as compared to the data of control groups. There were no differences in mean values for radiosensitivity at low and high dose exposure of X-rays between the groups. In all groups, no correlation was shown between the spontaneous level of micronuclei in lymphocytes and the radiosensitivity of individuals. The adaptive response was induced with the same frequency and to the same extent in lymphocytes in patients with secondary immune deficiency syndrome and in healthy donors of different ages.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):932-940
pages 932-940 views

Effect of taxifolin, a conjugate of taxifolin with glyoxylic acid, and naringenin on the functional activity of neutrophils

Shubina V.S., Kobyakova M.I., Shatalin Y.V.


The aim of the present work was to study the effects of taxifolin, a conjugate of taxifolin with glyoxylic acid, and naringenin on phagocytosis of latex beads by neutrophils and adhesive properties of these cells. It was shown that taxifolin had no effect on the phagocytic activity and adhesive properties of neutrophils. A conjugate of taxifolin with glyoxylic acid strongly inhibited the phagocytic activity of neutrophils. At the same time, the conjugate significantly enhanced adhesion of these cells. Naringenin decreased phagocytic activity of neutrophils, though to a lesser extent than the conjugate did. Naringenin also inhibited adhesion of neutrophils. Thus, the data collected during our study indicate that polyphenols may influence the functional activity of neutrophils that can play an important role in the modulation of inflammation, especially when prolonged activation of neutrophils leads to tissue damage.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):941-948
pages 941-948 views

The effect of molixan, a disulfide-containing immunomodulator, on Na+ transport across frog skin epithelium

Melnitskaya A.V., Krutetskaya Z.I., Antonov V.G., Krutetskaya N.I.


The effect of molixan, a disulfide-containing immunomodulator which is an analogue of oxidized glutathione, on Na+ transport across frog skin epithelium has been studied. Using the voltage-clamp technique, the capacity of molixan to modulate Na+ transport across frog skin epithelium has been revealed for the first time. It was also found that when molixan is applied to the apical surface of frog skin, it suppresses Na+ transport, while molixan added on the basolateral surface may mimic the effect of insulin and stimulate Na+ transport. The results obtained indicate that oxidized glutathione and its analogs molixan and glutoxim unidirectionally modulate Na+ transport across frog skin.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):949-953
pages 949-953 views

Cellular response to exposure to ionizing radiation and light in the presence of a photosensitizer

Akulinichev S.V., Glukhov S.I., Efremenko A.V., Kokontsev D.A., Kuznetsova E.A., Martynova V.V., Feofanov A.V., Yakovlev I.A.


This study has been conducted to investigate the effects of X-ray irradiation in combination with photodynamic therapy on human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 used as a lung cancer model. It has been established that the concomitant use of these two types of radiation leads to much lower survival rate of tumor cells than that observed after the sequential use of these types of radiation or exposure to each type of radiation measured separately. For different combinations of the two mentioned types of radiation, the mRNA expression levels of some genes involved in cell cycle regulation (p21, DINOL), apoptosis (BAX, PUMA), and DNA repair (PARP1, OGG1, Rad51, Lig4) were determined in cells. The highest level of expression after exposure to different combinations of radiation was observed for the lncRNA DINOL gene. The increased expression of the BAX and PUMA genes indicates the development of apoptosis. The results obtained confirm that there is synergism in X-ray radiation and photodynamic therapy due to the concomitant use of these types of radiation.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):954-963
pages 954-963 views

Cell cycle parameters and ornithine decarboxylase activity in the red bone marrow of hibernating ground squirrels Urocitellus undulatus

Aksyonova G.E., Logvinovich O.S., Afanasyev V.N., Lizorkina K.I.


During the hibernation season, the values for the parameters of the cell cycle of red bone marrow cells in the hibernating ground squirrels Urocitellus undulatus, when they return to an active-like state between periods of torpor and interbout arousal, do not differ from those observed in summer-active animals. In animals that enter a state of torpor, the cumulative percentage of cells in the resting phase (G0 phase) and pre-synthesis phase (G1 phase) increased from 71.8 to 76.0%, the percentage of cells in the synthesis phase (S phase) decreased from 19.3 to 15.3% compared to those animals that return to an active-like state between periods of torpor and interbout arousal. The cumulative percentage of cells in the post DNA synthesis phase (G2 phase) and mitosis (M) does not change, but (G2 + M)/S ratio increases. When animals enter a state of torpor, changes in parameter values are observed when the animal’s body temperature drops below 25°C, this effect refers to a system whose thermal relaxation time is a nonmonotonic function of the initial temperature. The activity of the key enzyme of polyamine synthesis ornithine decarboxylase, a marker of cell activation and proliferation during interbout arousal does not significantly differ from that observed in summer-active animals; the enzymatic activity decreases sharply, when animals decrease their body temperature below 25°C and enter a state of torpor, and this activity remains at a low level during hibernation and arousal until body temperature reaches 30°C. The role of changes in the parameter values associated with proliferative activity in adaptation of hematopoietic tissue during hibernation of the Yakutian ground squirrel is discussed.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):964-972
pages 964-972 views

Effect of combined use of melatonin and diethyldithiocarbamate on the N1E-115 cell line (a clone of cells from mouse neuroblastoma C-1300)

Myakisheva S.N., Baburina Y.L., Kobyakova M.I., Krestinin R.R., Sotnikova L.D., Krestinina O.V.


A study has been made on the effects of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate and melatonin and their interaction on proliferative activity, the variation in cytosolic Ca2+, membrane potential and reactive oxygen species production in the neuroblastoma N1E-115 cell line (a clone of cells from mouse neuroblastoma C-1300). This study showed that combined use of diethyldithiocarbamates and melatonin inhibited proliferation and enhanced cell differentiation. At the same time, the content of Bcl-2 decreased, while the content of Bax increased, that were likely to trigger an apoptotic cascade. However, the use of these two drugs in combination did not enhance the observed effects. Therefore, this study suggests that the mechanisms by which diethyldithiocarbamates and melatonin act are apparently different.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):973-981
pages 973-981 views

Comparative cytotoxic activity of lutein or cisplatin doped with liposomes against breast cancer cell lines after radiotherapy

Lafta R.A., Shafaa M.W., Darwish W.M., El-nagdy M.S.


Interactions of the anticancer drug cisplatin or the antioxidant drug lutein with liposomes as model membranes were characterized. All liposomes had the almost spherical shape, taking into account that lyposomes without the said drugs were more evenly dispersed and tended to aggregate less. The mean size diameter of empty liposomal samples was 617.90 ± 75.64 nm, while liposomes loaded with cisplatin, lutein and a cisplatin+lutein combination were 425.60 ± 64.74 nm, 877.85 ± 93.90 nm and 189.91 ± 136.84 nm, respectively, in diameter. The incorporation of cisplatin or lutein into liposome membranes resulted in an increase in the zeta potential values. The lowest zeta potential value was achieved in lyposomes containing cisplatin in combination with lutein. The addition of cisplatin to liposomes caused a shift in the melting temperature towards higher values than those of the main peak of empty liposomes indicating a conformational disorder within the phospholipids. Encapsulation of lutein into liposomes resulted in the disappearance of the main characteristic endothermic peak of pure liposomes. FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the interaction of lutein or cisplatin with functional groups in liposomes. In the absence of external gamma-irradiation, the IC50 value for free lutein in the cytotoxic assay with MCF-7 treated cells was 10.62 gg/ml, while free cisplatin showed the IC50 value of 41.02 gg/ml. IC50 was 65.84 gg/ml and 34.29 gg/ml for nanoliposomal lutein and cisplatin, respectively. Using the combined therapy of gamma irradiation at dose rate 5 Gray followed by 10 Gray, the IC50 value for free lutein changed from 17.0 to 9.5 gg/ml. IC50 for free cisplatin changed from 51.00 to 43.09 gg/ml. This study showed that cytotoxic effect of a standard form of lutein is stronger than that of nanoliposomal lutein. The current evidence reveals a new regimen for the treatment during which replacing cisplatin with free lutein increases anticancer activity against the MCF-7 cancer cell line.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):982-998
pages 982-998 views

Low-active forms of cellulosolitic microorganisms in archaeological contexts

Plekhanova L.N., Udaltsov S.N., Syrovatko A.S., Kashirskaya N.N.


This article presents the results of the study on low-active forms of cellulosolitic microorganisms in the soils of archaeological sites. The objects of the study were soils with traces of wooden structures in Vyatichi burials (12th century). To date, traces of wood are not visible at the macro level. The data obtained are compared with the results of a laboratory experiment to determine rates of cellulose decomposition in soils from various archaeological contexts. Cellulosolitic activity was determined by the application method. It has been shown that the cellulase activity of soils with traces of burial wooden structures is 20% of the level of modern soils. This suggests the awakening or presence of living, low-active microorganisms that have survived in the soil for 800 years.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):999-1007
pages 999-1007 views

The inversion of the inotropic effect of isoproterenol in the rat myocardium during deep hypothermia

Samodurova C.V., Turin F.V., Averin A.S.


The present study examined the effects of the в-adrenergic receptor agonist, isoproterenol, on contractile activity of right ventricle papillary muscles in the rat heart at near-physiological temperature (30°C) and under conditions of deep hypothermia (10°C). Isoproterenol exerts a pronounced positive inotropic effect at 30°C. After agonist addition, the force of contraction increases from 1.2 ± 0.1 mN in control to 2.4 ± 0.4 mN that leads to a reliable acceleration of time parameters of contraction. So, time-to-maximum contraction decreased from 101 ± 6 ms to 85 ± 4 ms; time-to-50% relaxation declined from 55 ± 3 ms to 36 ± 1 ms. Under hypothermic conditions, isoproterenol produced a powerful negative inotropic effect, reducing the force of contraction from 2.2 ± 0.4 mN to 1.2 ± 0.4 mN. Similarly as at 30°C, there was a tendency for increase in contraction speed, so time-to-maximum contraction decreased from 717 ± 52 ms to 624 ± 50 ms, and time-to-50% relaxation was shortened from 667 ± 86 ms to 450 ± 40 ms. Thus, under conditions of deep hypothermia at 10°C, the isoproterenol-induced inotropy changes from positive to negative, while negative lusitropic effect remains clear.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1008-1013
pages 1008-1013 views

Role of nitric oxide and calcium ions in the effects of hydrogen sulfide on contractile activity of rat jejunum

Sorokina D.M., Shaidullov I.F., Gizzatullin A.R., Sitdikov F.G., Sitdikova G.F.


This study was performed to explore the role of nitric oxide, intracellular and extracellular calcium in the effects of hydrogen sulfide on spontaneous and carbachol-induced contractions of a rat jejunum preparation during a isometric contraction. Application of H2S donor, sodium hydrosulfide, led to a decrease in tonic tension, the amplitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions, as well as in the amplitude induced by carbachol, a nonspecific acetylcholine receptor agonist. Inhibiting the production of endogenous NO synthesis by with L-NAME, the effect of H2S donor remained unchanged, while in the presence of SNAP, a NO donor, the effects of NaHS on the amplitude of spontaneous and carbachol-induced contractions were less pronounced. Dantrolene, a ryanodine receptor inhibitor was used to stop a decrease in tonic tension in the presence of NaHS. The calcium-free solution reduced the inhibitory effect of NaHS on carbachol-induced contractions. This suggests that the inhibitory effect of H2S is associated with the dynamics of the intracellular concentration of calcium ions, and the interaction between NO and H2S occurs at the level of common targets of two gases.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1014-1021
pages 1014-1021 views

Minimal model for the dependence of stresses in the wall of a cerebral vessel on the parameters of a smooth muscle cell

Shadrina N.K.


A minimal mathematical model of the wall of a small arterial vessel is described. This model is created based on the published results of experiments performed on rat cerebral vessels. It is assumed that the active stress has only a circumferential component and depends on the circumferential stretch, calcium concentration in the cytoplasm, and the membrane potential of smooth muscle cells. The presented model for a small artery can qualitatively reproduce the results of more sophisticated models for other vessels under normal physiological conditions. Unlike a similar model, that accounts for only one cellular parameter, the addition of membrane potential as one of the main parameters was crucial to reveal a qualitative change in the dependency of circumferential stress on stretch and the radial coordinate with an alteration in vascular tone. At fixed values of membrane potential and calcium concentration in the phase of a development of vascular tone, stress decreases as it approaches the outer wall of the vessel and increases as stretch increases, and after it is formed, the direction of changes in the circumferential stress reverses.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1022-1030
pages 1022-1030 views

Proteostasis of heat shock protein 90 in skeletal muscles of the long-tailed ground squirrel during hibernation

Gritsyna Y.V., Popova S.S., Mikhailova G.Z., Bobyleva L.G., Udaltsov S.N., Morenkov O.S., Zakharova N.M., Vikhlyantsev I.M.


We investigated changes in the content of heat shock protein 90 in m. soleus (comprised of mainly fibers expressing the MyHC slow isoform I) and m. gastrocnemius (composed of mainly fibers expressing the MyHC fast isoforms II) of the long-tailed ground squirrel Urocitellus undulatus in different periods of the annual cycle: summer activity (seasonal control), hypothermia/torpor, winter (interbout) activity. The content of the protein in both muscles was found not to change throughout the entire hibernation period despite the development of atrophic changes, more pronounced in fast m. gastrocnemius. The role of HSP90 in maintaining the stability of giant sarcomeric titin protein molecules is discussed with reference to animal's entry into and exit from hypothermia, when the activity of calpain proteases increases due to the increased content of Ca2+ in the cytosol of muscle cells; and with respect to the torpor, when the activity of calpains is, most likely, not inhibited completely. During the interbout activity with an observed increased titin turnover in squirrel's striated muscles, a constant content of HSP90 appears to be required for the correct folding of newly synthesized titin molecules and their integration into sarcomeres, as well as for the removal of misfolded titin molecules and other proteins. Thus, HSP90 proteostasis in skeletal muscles of the long-tailed ground squirrel can contribute to maintaining a steady-state level of titin and, possibly, other sarcomeric proteins during hibernation, which, in turn, will contribute to maintaining a highly ordered sarcomeric structure and the necessary level of muscle contractile activity in different phases of the torpor-arousal cycle.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1031-1037
pages 1031-1037 views

Modeling the critical fliker fusion frequency in the human visual system

Lyapunov S.I., Shoshina I.I., Lyapunov I.S.


The temporal resolving power of the visual system is essential for the perception of the objective world. The lowest sampling rate of a sequence of images at which perception becomes fused is called the critical flicker fusion frequency. The variety of experimental data on critical frequency thresholds can be explained from a point of view of a model of the contrast sensitivity of the visual system that based on the tremor modulation signal. The model describes the dependence of critical frequency on stimulus brightness, adaptation brightness, duration, and the angular size of the stimulus. This model demonstrates that for bright stimuli with short duration and a large angular size, critical frequency values lie in the range up to 1000 Hz; the frame rate of 300-500 Hz should be considered optimal for the visual system; for small-sized angular stimuli, the critical frequency lies in the low-frequency region. Differences in the rate of flicker fusion can be explained by temporal sensitivity of magno- and parvocellular neurons.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1038-1045
pages 1038-1045 views

A complex system of the mouse brain - selection for successful solution of a cognitive test

Poletaeva I.I., Perepelkina O.V., Zorina Z.A.


The study provides a review of experimental research on selection of mice that yields positive results. The selection of mice was high (the task required mice to understand that an object which has become invisible, still exists and could be found) and poor performance in a cognitive test. The results obtained revealed better short term memory in mice, selected for high performance scores, and that these mice also showed higher performance in tests for novelty and attention. This suggests that differences between mice used in the experiment are associated not only with cognitive abilities in tests, but also with more pronounced “executive functions”.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1046-1056
pages 1046-1056 views

Trend analysis of the current epidemic situation and analysis of factors underlying local uneven spread of covid cases

Perevaryukha A.Y.


This research has been carried out by analyzing the specific processes of the local epidemic dynamics of COVID by comparing the qualitative differences in fluctuations in 2020 and 2023. Methods of nonlinear dynamics of the development of epidemic processes in a rapidly changing situation were used to identify and qualify trends and unique situations that sometimes changed extremely fast. A distinctive feature of the modern pandemic is a rather sharp change in local trends: the effect of the fading of the primary outbreak of the disease and the sudden sharp onset of a new epidemic wave after a long trend of decreasing daily infections. Minimization of the exposure to viral infections did not prevent spreading the virus but created the illusion of success. The existing experience in generating forecasts of epidemic outbreaks based on models of past epidemic processes could not help when faced with a new evolving virus. The previously obtained understanding of the development and completion of epidemic processes of influenza virus strains more likely hindered the prediction of the scenario for the completion of the spread of a new infection, which is also associated with the eventual nature of the process and a variety of dynamic situations. A victory over COVID in the phase of the minimum after the wave, which was announced by many countries, turned out to be premature. New Zealand and Japan, which opted for a strict lockdown strategy in 2020, had a surge of COVID cases in early 2023 because new strains came into circulation. Outbreaks of respiratory diseases known as the Spanish flu and swine flu pandemics, data from which were used by many countries to make predictions, had run their course naturally in two or three waves of illness. At the beginning of 2023, against the backdrop of a global positive trend, some countries have reported a record rise in both mortality and daily morbidity due to the emergence of locally circulating “alarm” strains. A current stage on isolation of stable regional strains substantiates the classification of a series of differentiated properties of the dynamics of regional epidemic situations. Among the observed epidemic effects, extreme phenomena in the form of instantaneous bifurcation destruction of established regimes such as a sharp transition from long-term damped oscillations to a new exponential outbreak in some infections are separately highlighted. The selected options for the development of epidemic transient oscillatory processes are separately introduced in equation forms with delay for local epidemic trends. Equations are proposed to describe three variants of development of the observed stages of local epidemics. The task of constructing a generalized predictive model of a pandemic to describe interrelated regional processes at this stage seems insoluble.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1057-1073
pages 1057-1073 views

High- dose nitric oxide gas inhalation for HIV infection

Pekshev A.V., Vagapov A.B., Sharapov N.A., Vanin A.F.


Therapeutic effect of high-dose nitric oxide gas inhalation (NO concentration was not less than than 1000 ppm) on two patients with HIV infection was shown. Inhaled NO therapy led to a rapid decrease in viral load to an undetectable level which was persistent even after analytical treatment interruption. It is suggested that HIV infection is controlled by nitrosonium (NO+) cations, the oxidized form of neutral NO molecules that enter the blood. Subsequent conversion of NO+ cations into nitrite anions due to a reaction with hydroxyl ions is inhibited by the binding of NO+ cations and chloride anions leading to the formation of nitrosyl chloride in the blood. Further entry of nitrosyl chloride into cells and tissues ensures NO+ transfer to them. Interaction between nitrosyl chloride and thiols requires the appearance of relevant S-nitrosothiols as NO donors in cells and tissues.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1074-1080
pages 1074-1080 views

Structural and functional assessment of the condition of wound bed using microwave dielectrometry and laser doppler flowmetry

Martusevich A.K., Surovegina A.V., Nazarov V.V., Fedotova A.S.


The aim of the work was to develop and test a combined method for assessing the structural and functional features of the burn wound and periwound area with the use of microwave dielectrometry and Dopplerometry. The study was performed on twenty Wistar rats, thermal injuries from contact were created on each rat, and ten healthy animals. The assessment of the wound condition was performed 24 and 72 hours after burn injury. The study of the dielectric properties of tissues was carried out using a hardware and software complex for near-field resonant microwave sensing. From the results of our studies, it can be concluded that in the early post-injury period (within the first days), a sharp coordinated decrease in the intensity of microcirculation and dielectric permittivity is observed in the wound tissues, gradually and partially restored by the end of the third day after burning. The increased microcirculatory blood flow to the periwound area, leading to an increase in the degree of tissue hydration was observed, and as a consequence, the values of these two indices became higher. In addition, it has been shown that during thermal trauma, a regulatory imbalance of factors providing capillary blood flow around a burn wound area and surrounding tissues is formed, which is compensatory in nature and, in the absence of adequate correction, contributes to the inhibition of regeneration processes. Thus, the combination of the methods used in this study may potentially provide more specific information for a description of the structural and functional features of the analyzed tissue and their dynamics. This is clearly shown by the example of an experimental burn wound.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1081-1087
pages 1081-1087 views

On illusion of flying dreams. the mechanism of their occurrence

Ivanitskii G.R.


It is shown that there is no need to resort to exoteric hypotheses to explain flying in a dream. From a biophysical point of view, the phenomenon of "flying in a dream" is based on the already studied adaptive mechanisms and daily rhythms of the human body. During sleep, the brain's arousal thresholds are lowered, making it easier to arouse the brain with weak signals. This study considers one of the mechanisms of such excitation with a change in body position, which is perceived by the brain in the rapid eye movement sleep phase as a decrease in body weight, which, under certain conditions, can cause the illusion of flying in the brain.
Biofizika. 2023;68(5):1088-1102
pages 1088-1102 views

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