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Том 88, № 9 (2018)


New Possibilities of the Kabachnik–Fields and Pudovik Reactions in the Phthalocyanine-Catalyzed Syntheses of α-Aminophosphonic and α-Aminophosphinic Acid Derivatives

Shuvalov M., Maklakova S., Rudakova E., Kovaleva N., Makhaeva G., Podrugina T.


The results of systematic studies demonstrated wide possibilities of the three-component Kabachnik–Fields and two-component Pudovik reactions catalyzed by metal phthalocyanines in the synthesis of structurally diverse α-aminophosphonates. Extension of this catalytic method to the synthesis α-aminophosphinates gave rise to a series of α-amino- and α-hydrazinophosphinates based on biogenic amino acids. A number of α-hydrazinophosphonates showed a good antioxidant activity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1761-1775
pages 1761-1775 views

Electrophilic Catalysis in the Synthesis of Aryl Methyl- and Phenylphosphonochloridates

Goryunov E., Goryunova I., Molchanova G., Kudryavtsev I., Baulina T., Khodak A., Strelkova T., Brel V.


The reaction of methyl- and phenylphosphonic dichlorides with phenols in the presence of anhydrous magnesium chloride as catalyst or magnesium metal as precatalyst provides a simple, efficient, and practical method of synthesis of the corresponding aryl methyl- and phenylphosphonochloridates.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1776-1779
pages 1776-1779 views

2,5-Diamino-5,5-diphosphonovaleric Acid as a Ligand for an Osteotropic 188Re Radiopharmaceutical

Tsebrikova G., Ragulin V., Baulin V., German K., Malysheva A., Klement’eva O., Kodina G., Larenkov A., Lyamtseva E., Taratonenkova N., Zhukova M., Tsivadze A.


A modified method for the preparation of 2,5-diamino-5,5-diphosphonovaleric acid (DADP5) has been developed in the search for new synthetically available organic ligands to produce 188Re radiopharmaceuticals with an increased accumulation in the bone tissue. Interaction of the obtained acid with 188Re was studied by radio-TLC. An optimal system for separating unbound 188Re and labeled complex in a yield of at least 95% was found. The biological distribution of 188Re-DADP5 was studied based on direct radiometric data. The osteotropicity of 188Re-DADP5 and its increased accumulation in bone fracture sites, which represent oncological pathology models, was detected at a level comparable to known radiopharmaceuticals.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1780-1785
pages 1780-1785 views

Phosphoryl Analogs of Salicylic Acid: Synthesis and Analgesic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity

Baulin V., Kalashnikova I., Vikharev Y., Vikhareva E., Baulin D., Tsivadze A.


The synthetically convenient method of preparation of unexplored phosphoryl analogs of salicylic acid (2-hydroxyphenylphosphonic and 2-hydroxyphenylphosphinic acids) has been developed for the search of novel nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has been shown that 2-hydroxyphenylphosphinic acid is a lowtoxic compound (LD50 3500 mg/kg) exhibiting analgesic activity significantly higher than both 2-hydroxyphenylphosphonic acid and the reference compound (sodium metamizole).

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1786-1791
pages 1786-1791 views

The First 1-Hydroxypropylidenebisphosphonic Acid with 1,8-Naphthyridinone Substituent: Synthesis and Structure

Bodrin G., Pasechnik M., Matveeva A., Aysin R., Matveev S., Goryunov E., Strelkova T., Brel V.


1-Hydroxy-3-(5,7-dimethyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-1,8-naphthyridin-1-yl)propylidenebisphosphonic acid has been synthesized. The structure of the acid and its precursors synthesized for the first time, 3-(5,7-dimethyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-1,8-naphthyridin-1-yl)propionic acid and the corresponding methyl ester, in the solid state and in the DMSO solution has been elucidated by means of vibrational (IR and Raman) and multinuclear (1H, 13C, and 31P) NMR spectroscopy.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1792-1799
pages 1792-1799 views

Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of New Dialkyl(diaryl)-2-(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(phenylethenyl)pentylphosphonium Salts

Tatarinov D., Terekhova N., Voloshina A., Sapunova A., Lyubina A., Mironov V.


New dialkyl(diaryl)-2-(5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(phenylethenyl)pentylphosphonium salts bearing various substituents at the phosphorus atom were synthesized. Antimicrobial activity of the salts obtained was estimated. Derivatives with 2-methoxyphenyl substituents at the phosphorus atom are most active against grampositive bacteria. Herewith, dibenzyl-substituted phosphonium derivatives possess the best antifungal activity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1800-1805
pages 1800-1805 views

Reactions of Tertiary Phosphines with 3-Halogen-1,2-naphthoquinones as a New Synthetic Approach to 3,3′,4,4′-Tetrahydroxy-1,1′-binaphthyls

Khasiyatullina N., Litvinov I., Mironov V.


A mild and efficient method for the synthesis of new tetrahydroxy-1,1′-binaphthyls containing a halogen atom in the position 3 of the naphthalene moiety was developed. The structure of the tetrahydroxy-1,1′-binaphthyls complexes with the corresponding phosphine oxides was established by NMR spectroscopy.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1806-1811
pages 1806-1811 views

The Kabachnik–Fields Reaction in the Synthesis of Polyaminophosphonate Derivatives of p-tert-Butylthiacalix[4]arene

Shibaeva K., Mostovaya O., Nazarova A., Shurpik D., Shiabiev I., Kuznetsova D., Stoykov I.


Novel derivatives of p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene containing four or eight 1-aminophosphonate groups at the lower rim of the macrocycle in 1,3-alternate conformation have been synthesized via the Kabachnik–Fields reaction. These compounds are promising synthetic receptors for biologically important acids. It has been shown that complete phosphorylation of the first generation dendrimer containing eight primary amino groups is impeded in the case of cyclic ketones.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1812-1817
pages 1812-1817 views

New Furopyridines Containing Pyridoxal and Pyrazolone Fragments

Kibardina L., Trifonov A., Burilov A., Pudovik M.


Reactions of pyridoxal hydrochloride with 5-pyrazolone derivatives in alcohol medium in the presence of concentrated hydrochloric acid led to the formation of new pyrazolones with pyridoxal fragments in the molecule. The corresponding diarylmethanes were formed when using pyridoxal and pyrazolone in a 1: 2 ratio.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1818-1823
pages 1818-1823 views

Phosphorylation of Benzimidazole-2-thiones by Chloroethynylphosphonate

Egorov D., Piterskaya Y., Kartsev D., Polukeev V., Krivchun M., Dogadina A.


The reaction of chloroethynylphosphonates with N-substituted benzimidazole-2-thiones proceeded chemo- and regioselectively with the formation of cyclic zwitterions, namely alkyl (9H-benzo[4,5]imidazo[2,1-b]-thiazol-3-yl-4-ium)phosphonates. Chemo- and regioselective reaction of N-unsubstituted benzimidazole-2-thione with chloroethynylphosphonates led to the production of linear Z-1,2-bis(1H-benzimidazol-2-ylsulfanyl)-ethenylphosphonates.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1824-1831
pages 1824-1831 views

Pyridoxal: A New Alkylating Agent in Reactions with Phenols and Polyphenols

Kibardina L., Trifonov A., Burilov A., Gazizov A., Pudovik M.


A possibility to use pyridoxal as an alkylating agent in the reactions of electrophilic mono-, di-, and trisubstitution in the aromatic core of various phenols and polyphenols was demonstrated for the first time. New types of hydroxyl-containing aromatic aldehydes containing vitamin B6 fragment were obtained, and the conditions for their synthesis were optimized.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1832-1837
pages 1832-1837 views

Synthesis of Macrocyclic Stereoisomers Substituted with Oligolactide Fragments

Gorbachuk V., Padnya P., Stoikov I.


Acylation of cone and 1,3-alternate stereoisomers of hydrazides of p-tert-butylthaicalix[4]arene tetrasubstituted at the lower rim with S,S-lactide in dimethylsulfoxide has afforded the macrocyclic oligolactide derivatives containing 16 (cone) to 24 (1,3-alternate) lactide fragments. It has been shown that nanosized aggregates (80 nm) are formed with silver nitrate in the case of the cone stereoisomer containing the oligolactide fragments at one side of the macrocyclic rim, whereas submicron particles (400 nm) are formed in the case of the 1,3-alternate conformation when the substituents are at different sides of the macrocycle.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1838-1841
pages 1838-1841 views

Synthesis of Phosphorus-Containing Podands―Analogs of Diglycolamide Based on Diphenyl- and Dibutylphosphorylmethanol under Phase Transfer Catalysis Conditions

Kharlamov A., Belus S., Artyushin O., Bondarenko N.


A convenient method for preparation of phosphorus-containing podands R2P(O)CH2OCH2X, where X = C(O)NBu2; P(O)R′2, R = R′ = Ph, Bu, R = Ph, R′ = Bu via OH-alkylation of phosphorylmethanols under the phase transfer conditions in the presence of Cs2CO3 was developed. Carbamoyl-substituted dimethyl ethers were synthesized via transformation of phosphorylmethanols to phosphorylmethoxyacetic acids, followed by amidation. Symmetrical bisphosphoryl substituted dimethyl ethers were obtained by reaction of phosphorylmethanols with tosyl chloride in the presence of Cs2CO3. The synthesis of unsymmetrical substituted ether in the presence of Cs2CO3 was complicated by transesterification of phosphorylmethyl tosylate resulting in the formation of symmetrical dimethyl ethers as byproducts.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1842-1849
pages 1842-1849 views

Synthesis, Transport, and Ionophoric Properties of α,ω-Diphosphorylated Azapodands: XI. Membrane Transport of Metals by Phosphorylated Diazapodands

Garifzyanov A., Davletshina N., Gayneev A., Gaynullin A., Cherkasov R.


The membrane transport of rare-earth metals and scandium by new diphosphorylated diazapodands was studied. It was found that the introduction of butyl groups and an additional phosphoryl group on the nitrogen atoms of the terminal aminomethylphosphinoyl groups of azapodands decreases the efficiency of transport of rare-earth metals and increases the selectivity to scandium ion.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1850-1852
pages 1850-1852 views

Modification of Phosphoryl Substituents of Phthalocyanines As a Route to Targeted Tuning of Lipophilic-Hydrophilic Properties

Kalashnikova I., Baulin D., Baulin V., Tsivadze A.


О′,О′-Diethyl-[2-(3,4-dicyanophenoxy)phenyl]phosphonate has been synthesized for the first time and introduced in template condensation on lithium and zinc cations to prepare a series of new neutral and acidic phthalocyanines containing four fragments of 2-oxyphenylphosphonic acid. A scheme of modification of the peripheral substituents at the phosphoryl group was developed allowing a targeted synthesis of phthalocyanine ligands and complexes soluble in organic solvents or aqueous media.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1853-1859
pages 1853-1859 views

Complexing Properties of Organophosphorus Analogs of Nitrilotriacetic Acid: Aminotris(O-alkyl methylenephosphonic Acids)

Garifzyanov A., Shurygin I., Cherkasov R.


A series of tribasic aminotris(O-alkyl methylenephosphonic acids), the closest organophosphorus analogs of nitrilotriacetic acid, a widely known complexone, were synthesized. The acid‒base properties of the synthesized acids were studied, and the stability constants of their 1: 1 complexes with two-charged cations of alkaline-earth and transition metals were determined.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1860-1866
pages 1860-1866 views

Structure and Ion-Selective Properties of 2-Phosphorylphenols

Ivanova I., Baulin V., Pyatova E., Ilyukhin A., Galkina E., Yakushev I., Dorovatovskii P., Tsivadze A.


The structure and ion-selective properties of some 2-phosphorylphenols were studied. It was shown that, irrespective of the nature of the substituents on the benzene ring and on the phosphorus atom, these compounds exhibit potentiometric selectivity to cesium cation. The crystal structures of 2-(diphenylphosphoryl)-4-ethylphenol and 2-[(diphenylphosphoryl)methyl]phenol were established.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1867-1873
pages 1867-1873 views

Synthesis and Properties of Water-Soluble Branched Polyester Poly{3-[3-(morpholin-4-yl)propyl]amino}propionate and Its Copper(II) Complex

Gataulina A., Khasanova E., Ulakhovich N., Kutyrev G., Kutyreva M.


A new water-soluble multidentate ligand based on a second-generation hyperbranched polyester containing 3-(morpholin-4-yl)propionate fragments in the terminal position has been synthesized, and its complex with copper(II) has been obtained. The degree of polyester functionalization with aminopropylmorpholine is 56%.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1874-1879
pages 1874-1879 views

Stabilization of Hydroxy Tautomeric Form of Dimethyl Phosphite in the Coordination Sphere of Carbonyl Complexes of Group VI Metals

Plotnikova A., Kuramshin A., Kolpakova E., Galkin V.


The interaction of dimethyl phosphite with hexacarbonyls of the chromium group metals in a nonpolar solvent has afforded metal(0) σ44-(dimethyl phosphite)pentacarbonyls containing a hydroxy tautomeric form of dimethyl phosphite in the coordination sphere. Hydrogen of the phosphite OH group in the metal(0) σ44-(dimethyl phosphite)pentacarbonyls exhibited a significant acidity, strongest for the chromium complexes. Due to the significant acidity of the phosphite hydroxyl, the metal(0) σ44-(dimethyl phosphite)-pentacarbonyls are intermediates in the electrophilic version of the Pudovik reaction.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1880-1885
pages 1880-1885 views

Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Assessment of Some Computationally Bioactive 1,2-Oxazole Derivatives

Arshad M.


1,2-Oxazole derivatives 1–6 were designed and evaluated computationally to calculate the physicochemical properties and the bioactivity score by Mol-inspiration, and were determined to possess very good activity score. 1,2-Oxazoles were then synthesized, characterized by FT-IR, 1H NMR and mass spectroscopy, and tested for antibacterial activity against the pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis). The antibacterial therapeutic effect strongly supported the prior computational results. Four synthesized compounds 2, 4–6 demonstrated antibacterial potential higher than the standard drug Ciprofloxacin.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1886-1891
pages 1886-1891 views

One-Pot Four Component Synthesis of 3-Amino-1-(1H-indol-2-yl)-5,10-dioxo-5,10-dihydro-1H-pyrazolo[1,2-b]phthalazine Derivatives Mediated by [DBUH][OAc]

Jeevan Raghavendra G., Siddaiah V.


One-pot, four component, green, and efficient synthesis of 3-amino-1-(5-nitro-1H-indol-2-yl)-5,10-dioxo-5,10-dihydro-1H-pyrazolo[1,2-b]phthalazine derivatives by reaction of phthalic anhydride with hydrazine hydrate, 5-nitro-1H-indole-3-carboxaldehyde–indole-3-carboxaldehydes and malononitrile–ethyl cyanoacetate in the presence of [DBUH][OAc] at 60–65°C is developed. The method is characterized by short reaction time, high yields, and purity of products formed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1892-1898
pages 1892-1898 views

Solid Acid Supported on Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Highly Efficient and Retrievable Catalyst for the Synthesis 2-Substituted Benzothiazoles

Gorjizadeh M., Sayyahi S.


The use of a recyclable heterogeneous nanomagnetic solid acid catalyst, [Fe3O4@SiO2@(CH2)3NPC–SO3H]Cl, in a simple and highly efficient synthesis of benzothiazole derivatives by the reaction of aldehydes and o-aminothiophenol in water is reported. The MNP catalyst was characterized by FT-IR spectra, SEM, and TGA analysis, and vibrating sample magnetometery (VSM). The catalyst can be separated and recycled repeatedly by an external magnet without a significant loss in yield.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1899-1903
pages 1899-1903 views

Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Bis-3,5-disubstituted Isoxazoles Based Chalcones

Sunitha V., Kumar A., Mahesh M., Shankaraiah P., Jalapathi P., Lincoln C.


A series of bis-isoxazoles blended chalcones 7a–7j are synthesized in high yields. The combination of three pharmacologically active moieties in a single scaffold results in the synergistic effect in their bioactivity. All the newly synthesized compounds are characterized by IR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy. The target compounds 7a–7j are assessed for their antimicrobial activity and these demonstrate high to excellent activity against tested bacterial and fungal strains. The products 7f, 7h, 7j, and 7i demonstrate potent antimicrobial activity at concentrations 75 and 100 μg/mL.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1904-1911
pages 1904-1911 views

Influence of 4-[(E)-(4′-Heptyloxyphenyl)diazenyl]phthalonitrile on the Properties of a Cyanobiphenyl Liquid Crystal Mixture

Novikov I., Tikhomirova T., Aleksandriiskii V., Burmistrov V., Shaposhnikov G., Koifman O.


The mesomorphic properties of 4-[(E)-(4′-heptyloxyphenyl)diazenyl]phthalonitrile (7O-AB-CN2) were studied by polarization microscopy and DSC method. Liquid crystalline phase formation was observed over a broad temperature range of 92 to 181°C. The influence of 7O-AB-CN2 on the mesomorphic, dielectric, and optical properties of a liquid crystalline mixture of n-alkyloxycyanobiphenyls was examined. Enhancement of the dielectric anisotropy of the mesomorphic composition due to high polarity of 7O-AB-CN2 and its effective inclusion into the liquid crystalline matrix was revealed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1958-1962
pages 1958-1962 views

Hydrotreating of a Vacuum Gas Oil-Heavy Coker Gas Oil Mixture

Tomina N., Solmanov P., Maksimov N., Moiseev A., Pimerzin A., Zanozina I., Babintseva M.


Changes in the chemical composition of the vacuum gas oil in a mixture with heavy coker gas oil in the presence of industrial and laboratory NiMoW/P2O5–Al2O3 catalyst were studied. The support used was γ-Al2O3, prepared from AlOOH powder TH-60 (Sasol), with the following textural characteristics: SBET = 205 m2/g, Vpore = 0.682 cm3/g, Reff = 48 Å. Alumina was modified with P2O5 by incipient wetness impregnation with a solution of phosphoric acid (reagent grade), followed by drying and calcination. The catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation with a combined solution of Mo, W, and Ni compounds. Before the catalytic test, the catalysts were subjected to sulfidation directly in the hydrotreating reactor of a laboratory setup in a stream of H2S/H2 = 70/30 vol %/vol % under 0.11 MPa pressure for 2 h at 500°C. The catalytic properties of the catalysts synthesized were examined under the following conditions: temperature of 360 and 390°C, hydrogen pressure of 5.0 MPa, liquid hourly space velocity of 1.0 h–1, volume ratio of hydrogen to feed of 1000: 1 nL/L, catalyst loading (0.50–0.25 mm fraction) 27 cm3. The reactor temperature was controlled accurately to within 1°C, pressure, to within 0.1 MPa, feed rate, to within 0.2 mL/h, and hydrogen flow, to within 0.2 L/h. During the process the contents of sulfur and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as the hydrocarbon-type content and carbon content of the feed and the hydrogenates, were determined. After the tests the catalysts were studied by differential thermal analysis in combination with thermogravimetry (DTA-TGA).

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1963-1969
pages 1963-1969 views

Hydrotreating of Mixtures of Straight-Run Diesel Fraction with Coker Gas Oil over Modified Co(Ni)-Mo/Al2O3Catalysts

Tomina N., Maksimov N., Solmanov P., Samsonov M., Moiseev A., Pimerzin A.


The effect from the P2O5 introduction on the activity of Co(Ni)-Mo/Al2O3 catalysts in hydrotreating reactions of petroleum feedstock was examined. As support served γ-Al2O3, prepared from aluminum hydroxide AlOOH powder TH-60 (Sasol), with the following textural characteristics: SBET = 205 m2/g, Vpore = 0.682 cm3/g, Reff = 48 Å. In order to optimize the amount of the modifier the catalyst samples were modified with 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0 wt % P2O5. The support was impregnated with an aqueous solution of H3PO4, and this was followed by drying and calcination. The modified supports were impregnated with an aqueous solution of the active phase precursors. The catalyst samples were examined by temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) of ammonia; they were sulfided before the tests. Their catalytic properties were studied in a micro-flow bench-scale reactor under hydrogen pressure in the hydrotreating reactions of mixtures of straight-run diesel fraction with light coker gas oil and of straight-run diesel fraction with catalytically cracked light gas oil. The activities of the catalysts were determined in hydrodesulfurization and hydrogenation reactions. After the test the catalysts were subjected to differential thermal analysis in combination with thermogravimetry (DTA-TGA). The relationship between the acidity of the oxide form of the catalysts and the catalyst activity in hydrogenation reactions was demonstrated. The influence of the amount of the modifier introduced on the catalyst activity and the content of coke on the catalysts after the test was elucidated.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1970-1975
pages 1970-1975 views

Effect of the Composition of the Medium on the Selectivity of Deactivation of Skeletal Nickel Catalyst

Afineevskii A., Lukin M., Prozorov D.


The effect of the composition of the catalytic system (the nature and composition of the solvent, specifically, aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide and their mixtures with aliphatic alcohols with the alcohol concentration of 0.11 mole fractions) and additions of a catalyst poison (sodium sulfide) on the catalytic activity of skeletal nickel in the liquid-phase hydrogenation of the carbon‒carbon double bond in sodium maleate was studied. The assumption was made on the decisive role of the solvent in changing the activity of skeletal nickel in the hydrogenation reaction of sodium maleate, which is primarily associated with the redistribution of individual forms of adsorbed hydrogen. In was found that in the water‒sodium hydroxide‒monohydric alcohol solvent skeletal nickel undergoes selective deactivation at the NaOH concentration of 0.01 M, antiselective deactivation at the NaOH concentration of 0.10 M, and variable deactivation at the NaOH concentration of 1.0 M. It is shown that in some cases sodium sulfide additions exert a promoting effect on skeletal nickel in the hydrogenation of sodium maleate.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1976-1980
pages 1976-1980 views

Use of Mechanochemical Activation and Ultrasonic Treatment for the Synthesis of LTA Zeolite

Gordina N., Prokof’ev V., Kochetkov S.


The processes of LTA zeolite synthesis from mixtures of metakaolin and solid sodium hydroxide with an overstoichiometric quantity of alumina (molar composition of the mixture Al2O3·2SiO2: NaOH: Al2O3 = 6: 12: 2) were examined in relation to the treatment method used in the first step (mechanochemical activation or ultrasonic treatment). Formation of cubic sodium aluminate in the first step was established in both cases. Subsequent heat treatment in the case of mechanical activation resulted in the synthesis of the LTA zeolite, and in the case of ultrasonic treatment, in the synthesis of sodium aluminosilicates. After final hydrothermal crystallization the LTA zeolite quantity exceeded 95 wt %. The zeolite phase morphology was shown to depend on the treatment method used in the first step of the synthesis.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1981-1989
pages 1981-1989 views

Tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine and Its Copper Complex in Surface Modification of Nonwoven Polymer Materials

Gornukhina O., Vershinina I., Golubchikov O.


Immobilization of tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine and its copper complex on a chemically activated surface of nonwoven polypropylene and Dacron materials was studied with the aim of creating new materials with antimicrobial properties. A method of the chemical activation of the surface of the studied materials by aminolysis was developed. It was shown that chemical activation leads to a change in the roughness of the polymer surface and formation of nitrogen-containing surface functional groups, which increases the sorption capacity of the studied materials. The modified non-woven materials exhibit a sustained antimicrobial activity.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1990-1995
pages 1990-1995 views

Some Aspects of Metal Exchange Between Cadmium Porhyrinate Octa-(4-bromophenyl)porphyrin and Cobalt Chloride in Organic Solvents

Zvezdina S., Chizhova N., Mamardashvili N.


The metal-exchange reaction between Cd(II) octa-(4-bromophenyl)porphyrinate and cobalt chloride in DMF and DMSO was studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The kinetic parameters of the metal-exchange reaction were calculated. A possible mechanism of the reaction was established. An effect of the nature of the solvent and metal salt on the reaction rate was revealed. Comparative analysis of the apparent rate constants of the metal exchange reaction between CoCl2 and Cd(II) octa-(4-bromophenyl)porphyrinates and Cd(II) octa-(4-bromophenyl)tetraazaporphyrinate in DMF and DMSO was performed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1996-1999
pages 1996-1999 views

Synthon-Based Approach to the Design of Macroheterocyclic Compounds Using Diaminothiadiazoles and Diamonotriazoles

Danilova E., Kudayarova T., Islyaikin M., Koifman O.


Synthesis and properties of 2,5-diamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole, 3,5-diamino-1,2,4-thiadiazole, 3,5-diamino-1H-1,2,4-triazole, 3N-alkyl-5-amino-3-imino-1,3,4-thiadiazolines, 2N-alkyl-5-amino-3-imino-1,2,4-thiadiazolines, and 1-alkyl-3,5-diamino-1,2,4-triazoles as building blocks of macroheterocycles compounds are reviewed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):2000-2012
pages 2000-2012 views

4-{(Z)-[4-(Diethylamino)phenyldiazenyl]}phthalonitirle and Phthalocyanines Thereof

Antonov D., Tikhomirova T., Zav’yalov A., Shaposhnikov G.


4{(Z)-[4-(Diethylamino)phenyldiazenyl]}phthalonitrile was synthesized by diazotization and azo coupling and used to prepare tetrakis-4-(4-{(Z)-[4-(diethylamino)phenyl]diazenyl})phthalocyanine and its cobalt, nickel, zinc and magnesium complexes by template synthesis. The spectral properties of the synthesized compounds were studied.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):2013-2019
pages 2013-2019 views

Synthesis and Properties of Cobalt(II) Tetrakis-[4,5-di(4′-carboxy)phenylene(oxy/sulfanyl/amino)]phthalocyanines

Morozova A., Znoiko S., Vashurin A., Zav’yalov A., Maizlish V., Shaposhnikov G.


Phthalonitriles with fragments of 4-hydroxy, 4-mercapto and 4-aminobenzoic acids were synthesized by nucleophilic substitution in 4-bromo-5-nitrophthalonitrile. The synthesized phthalonitriles were used to prepare octasubstituted cobalt phthalocyanines by template synthesis. The spectral properties of the products were studied.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):2020-2027
pages 2020-2027 views

Influence of the Nature of the Nitrogen-Containing Base on the Kinetic Stability of Tetra(1,2,5-thiadiazolo)porphyrazine in Dimethyl Sulfoxide

Petrov O., Kiselev A., Syrbu S.


The state of tetrakis(1,2,5-thiadizole)porphyrazine in the DMSO medium was studied. The protontransfer complex that formed was found to be quite stable. This complex was shown to decompose in some strong base solutions after some delay. The influence of either the nature of nitrogen-containing base and NH acidity of the porphyrazine macrocycle on the destruction kinetics of proton-transfer tetrakis(1,2,5-thiadizole)-porphyrazine complexes was investigated.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):2028-2033
pages 2028-2033 views

Letters to the Editor

Kabachnik–Fields Reaction in the Synthesis of New Acetal-Containing Aminophosphine Oxides

Vagapova L., Abdrakhmanova N., Burilov A., Garifzyanov A., Bukharov S., Pudovik M.


The Kabachnik–Fields reaction in a ternary system of 4,4-diethoxybutylamine–dialkyl(tolyl)-phosphine acid–3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (or paraformoldehyde) afforded new aminophosphine oxides containing 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenol moiety and an acetal group.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1912-1914
pages 1912-1914 views

Synthesis of 2-Amino-5-hydroxy-5-phosphonovaleric Acid

Ragulin V.


The synthesis of a new analog of 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (AP5), namely 2-amino-5-hydroxy-5-phosphonovaleric acid, by successive Michael addition of acetamidomalonic ester to acrolein and Abramov’s phosphorylation of the aldehydes formed in situ was developed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1915-1917
pages 1915-1917 views

Reactions of Pyridoxal with Heterocycles Containing Primary Amino Group

Kibardina L., Trifonov A., Pudovik E., Burilov A., Pudovik M.


New nitrogen-containing derivatives of pyridoxal were obtained as a result of its reaction with various amines. The reactions with amines bearing a heterocyclic fragment (pyridine, pyrimidine, quinoline, piperidine) furnished the final products stabilized in an aminoacetal form. The product prepared from 2-aminomethylpiperidine has an imidazolidine fragment in the molecule.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1918-1921
pages 1918-1921 views

N-Propargyl-α-aminophosphonates in 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition with Azide-Containing Pharmacophores

Sokolov V., Aksinenko A.


Some transformations of N-propargyl-α-aminophosphonates synthesized by the Kubachnik–Fields reaction were studied in copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition with azide-containing pharmacophores (phenothiazine, tetrahydrocarbazole, carbazole, and 3,5-dimethyl-1-aminoadamantane) leading to the formation of the corresponding 1,4-substituted 1,2,3-triazoles and allowing the introduction of a diethoxyphosphoryl fragment into the molecules of potential neuroprotectors.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1922-1926
pages 1922-1926 views

Synthesis of Functionalized Tris(2-propoxyphenyl)phosphine Oxides as Precursors of Tripodal Propeller-Shaped Ligands

Baulina Т., Kudryavtsev I., Sykat G., Brel’ V.


A series of precursors of novel tripodal ligands (2-XCH2CH2CH2OC6H4)3PO, where X = AcO, HO, MeSO2O, Br, N3, were synthesized by the alkylation of the starting tris(2-hydroxyphenyl)phosphine oxide with 3-bromopropyl acetate followed by hydrolysis of the resulting triacetate to triol and conversion of the latter to trimesylate. Treratment of the resulting trimesylate with LiBr or NaN3 was used to prepare the corresponding tribromo or triazido derivatives.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1927-1930
pages 1927-1930 views

Vinylation of Tetrahydro-γ-carbolines

Sokolov V., Aksinenko A., Epishina T., Goreva T.


A convenient method for vinylation of tetrahydro-γ-carbolines with ethane-1,2-diyl dimethanesulfonate in the presence of sodium hydride was proposed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1931-1933
pages 1931-1933 views

Synthesis of 2-Arylpyrrolidines by Reactions of 3-Arylidene-1-pyrrolines with Phenols

Smolobochkin A., Melyashova A., Gazizov A., Burilov A., Pudovik M.


The reaction of 3-arylidene-1-pyrrolines with phenols yielded 2-arylpyrrolidines. The proposed method makes it possible to obtain pyrrolidines containing a phenol fragment in the position 2 in high yields and under mild conditions.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1934-1937
pages 1934-1937 views

Trimethylchlorosilane-Catalyzed Intramolecular Cyclization of 2-(2-Benzylideneaminoethyloxy)-1-phenylbenzo[e]-1,3,2-azaoxaphosphorin-4-one

Dimukhametov M., Ivkova G., Khayarov K., Musin R., Mironov V.


A catalytic effect of trimethylchlorosilane on the intramolecular cyclization of 2-(2-benzylideneaminoethyloxy)-1-phenylbenzo[e]-1,3,2-azaoxaphosphorin-4-one into 3,4-benzo-5,10-diphenyl-1,5-diaza-7-oxabicyclo[]decane-2,6-dione, formed as two diastereomers in a 1: 1 ratio, was studied.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1938-1940
pages 1938-1940 views

2H-Benzo[e]-1,2-oxaphosphorine Related Heterocycles as Precursors for the Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Bicyclic Phosphonates

Sadykova Y., Sadikova L., Zalaltdinova A., Sultanova Z., Burilov A., Pudovik M.


The reaction of 2-hydroxy-5,7,8-trimethyl-2-oxobenzo[e]-1,2-oxaphosphorine with thionyl chloride yielded the pyrophosphonate product, which was isolated and characterized for the first time. Subsequent treatment of it with phosphorus pentachloride led to the formation of new types of unsymmetrical cage phosphonates.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1941-1943
pages 1941-1943 views

Reaction of Methyl (2-Methylidene)-3-oxolup-20(29)-en-28-oate with Dimethyl Trimethylsilyl Phosphite

Tsepaeva O., Nemtarev A., Abdullin T., Kuznetsova E., Mironov V.


A method of phosphorylation of pentacyclic triterpenoids derivatives containing an α,β-unsaturated carbonyl fragment in the ring A was described by the example of the reaction of methyl (2-methylidene)-3-oxolup-20(29)-en-28-oate with dimethyl trimethylsilyl phosphite. Methyl 2-dimethoxyphosphorylmethyl-3-oxolup-20(29)-en-28-oate was obtained as two epimers in a 2: 1 ratio in a 70% yield.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1944-1947
pages 1944-1947 views

Allobetulin Ring A Contraction Effected by Sulfur Diethylaminotrifluoride

Fedorov A., Samoilenko D., Shafeeva M., Abzianidze V., Trishin Y.


The action of sulfur diethylaminotrifluoride on 19β,28-epoxyoleanan-3-ol (allobetulin) causes dehydration of the terpenoid and isomerization of the ring A via its contraction to isopropylcyclopentene ring resulting in 19β,28-epoxy-A-neo-18α-olean-3(5)-ene (α-allobetulin) in a high yield.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1948-1950
pages 1948-1950 views

Synthesis of Copper-Silver Bicomponent Nanoparticles in the Presence of Nitrilotrimethylenephosphonic Acid

Erokhina E., Galashina V., Dymnikova N., Moryganov A.


Synthesis of stable mixed nanoparticles (SMNs) by chemical co-reduction of copper and silver complexonates with sodium borohydride in an open system with the access of air oxygen was studied for the first time the. Variation of the Cu2+ to Ag+ molar ratio within 1: (0.05–0.5) enabled targeted formation of differently structured nanoparticles (core-shell type), CucoreAgshell and AgcoreCushell. It was found that, by choosing appropriate synthesis conditions, it is possible to produce oxidation-resistant copper particles protected by a shell of a precious metal or to involve the copper complex of nitrilotrimethylenephosphonic acid in silver reduction. The resulting SMNs may become widely used for obtaining various functional materials.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2018;88(9):1951-1957
pages 1951-1957 views

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