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卷 52, 编号 14 (2018)

Excitons in Nanostructures

Classification of Energy States of the Exciton in Square Quantum Well

Belov P.


The energy states of the exciton in a single square GaAs-based quantum well are obtained from a numerical solution of the three-dimensional Schrödinger equation for the envelope of the exciton wave function. This equation is based on the exciton effective energy operator with a spherical approximation of the Luttinger Hamiltonian. The calculated states are classified based on the types of one-dimensional functions for the factorized form of the wave function. The upper limit for the energies of the exciton states in a quantum well is confirmed by the complex scaling method.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1791-1794
pages 1791-1794 views

Hot Excitons Contribution into the Photoluminescence of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots in CdSe/ZnSe Heterostructures under Different Excitation Conditions

Budkin G., Reznitsky A.


“We present experimental and theoretical study of the photoluminescence in a set of double asymmetric CdSe/ZnSe quantum wells with self-assembled quantum dots separated by rather thick ZnSe barrier. It is found that for a certain ratio between depths of quantum wells hot exciton channel in the photoluminescence excitation spectrum of shallow well is dominant up to the energy interval exceeding 10 longitudinal optical phonons above the bottom of the exciton zone of the ZnSe. A model of the electrons, holes, and excitons transfer within the system of asymmetric quantum wells is developed. We demonstrate that the prevailing of the exciton channel is due to different rate of transitions between quantum wells of excitons and single charge carriers”.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1795-1797
pages 1795-1797 views

Resonant and Nonresonant Nonlinear Absorption in Colloidal Core/Shell Semiconductor Nanoplatelets

Smirnov A., Golinskaya A., Przhiyalkovskii D., Kozlova M., Saidzhonov B., Vasiliev R., Dneprovskii V.


Nonlinear absorption of colloidal solution of core/shell CdSe/CdS nanoplatelets (NPLs) in the case of resonant and nonresonant stationary excitation of the electron/light-hole and electron/heavy-hole exciton transitions was investigated. We have revealed the induced bleaching simultaneously of both exciton transitions. The peculiarities of the nonlinear change in absorption were associated with saturation of exciton transitions absorption due to phase space filling, energy up- and down-conversion mechanisms.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1798-1800
pages 1798-1800 views

Metastable Bound States of the Two-Dimensional Bimagnetoexcitons in the Lowest Landau Levels Approximation

Moskalenko S., Khadzhi P., Podlesny I., Dumanov E., Liberman M., Zubac I.


The possible existence of the bound states of the interacting two-dimensional (2D) magnetoexcitons in the lowest Landau levels (LLLs) approximation was investigated using the Landau gauge description. The magnetoexcitons taking part in the formation of the bound state with resultant wave vector \({\mathbf{k}} = 0\) have opposite in-plane wave vectors \({\mathbf{k}}\) and \( - {\mathbf{k}}\) and look as two electric dipoles with the arms oriented in-plane perpendicularly to the corresponding wave vectors. The bound state of two antiparallel dipoles moving with equal probability in any direction of the plane with equal but antiparallel wave vectors is characterized by the variational wave function of the relative motion \({{\varphi }_{n}}({\mathbf{k}})\) depending on the modulus \({\text{|}}{\mathbf{k}}{\text{|}}\). The spins of two electrons and the effective spins of two holes forming the bound states were combined separately in the symmetric or in the antisymmetric forms \(( \uparrow \downarrow \, + \eta \, \downarrow \uparrow )\) with the same parameter \(\eta = \pm 1\) for electrons and holes. In the case of the variational wave function \({{\varphi }_{2}}(k) = {{(8{{\alpha }^{3}})}^{{1/2}}}{{k}^{2}}l_{0}^{2}\exp [ - \alpha {{k}^{2}}l_{0}^{2}]\) the maximum density of the magnetoexcitons in the momentum space representation is concentrated on the in-plane ring with the radius \({{k}_{r}} = 1{\text{/}}(\sqrt \alpha {{l}_{0}}).\) The stable bound states of the bimagnetoexciton molecule do not exist for both spin orientations. Instead of them, a deep metastable bound state with the activation barrier comparable with the ionization potential \({{I}_{l}}\) of the magnetoexciton with \({\mathbf{k}} = 0\) was revealed in the case \(\eta = 1\) and \(\alpha = 0.5\). In the case \(\eta = - 1\) and \(\alpha = 3.4\) only a shallow metastable bound state can appear.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1801-1805
pages 1801-1805 views

Infrared Microwave Phenomena in Nanostructures

Quantum Rings Dressed by a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field

Kibis O., Kozin V., Iorsh I., Shelykh I.


We demonstrate theoretically that the interaction of quantum rings with a high-frequency off-resonant electromagnetic field (dressing field) substantially renormalizes their electronic properties. Particularly, it is shown that a linearly polarized dressing field decreases the spin splitting arisen from the Rashba spin-orbit interaction, whereas a circularly polarized field splits electron states corresponding to mutually opposite directions of angular momentum. As a consequence, the dressing field can serve as an effective tool to control spin and transport characteristics of the quantum rings and be potentially exploited in optoelectronic applications.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1806-1808
pages 1806-1808 views

Effect of the Conductive Channel Cut-Off on Operation of n+nn+ GaN NW-Based Gunn Diode

Mozharov A., Vasiliev A., Komissarenko F., Bolshakov A., Sapunov G., Fedorov V., Cirlin G., Mukhin I.


Nowadays modern science and technology require development of efficient electromagnetic emitters covering far GHz and THz ranges. Semiconductor elements with negative differential resistance (NDR) such as Gunn diodes based on GaAs and InP are well-established powerful microwave emitters. In this work the Gunn diode structure based on single GaN nanowire with the potential of THz device development was proposed and investigated both theoretically and experimentally. According to the results of the numerical modeling, the Gunn generation can be obtained in the proposed geometry. Dependence of the doping concentration on the NW length necessary for the electrons domain formation was obtained. The nanostructures were grown via molecular beam epitaxy technique. Contacts to single nanowires were fabricated with the combination of e-beam lithography and thermal evaporation. It was shown experimentally that the volt-ampere characteristics of the GaN nanowire structure possess current saturation region. Experimental results correspond well to proposed numerical model.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1809-1812
pages 1809-1812 views

Terahertz Optoelectronics of Quantum Rings and Nanohelices

Collier T., Alexeev A., Downing C., Kibis O., Portnoi M.


We outline a range of proposals on using quantum rings and nanohelices for terahertz device implementations. We show that an Aharonov-Bohm quantum ring system and a double-gated quantum ring system both permit control over the polarization properties of the associated terahertz radiation. In addition, we review the superlattice properties of a mathematically similar system, that of a nanohelix in external electric fields, which reveals negative differential conductance.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1813-1816
pages 1813-1816 views

The Oscillations in ESR Spectra of Mn0.11Hg0.89Te in X- and Q-Bands

Shestakov A., Fazlizhanov I., Yatsyk I., Ibragimova M., Shustov V., Lyadov N., Eremina R.


The object of the investigation was n-type mercury chalcogenide (Mn0.11Hg0.89Te) monocrystal which was grown by crystallization from a two-phase mixture with replenishment of the melt from a tellurium solution. The investigations of microwave absorption derivative (dP/dH) showed the existence of strong high and low frequency oscillations in the magnetic field in the temperature range 4.2–20 K. The concentration and effective mass of charge carrier were determined from oscillation period and temperature dependence of oscillation amplitude.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1817-1821
pages 1817-1821 views

Microcavity and Photonic Crystals

Experimental Study of Spontaneous Emission in the Bragg Multiple Quantum Wells Structure of InAs Monolayers Embedded in a GaAs Matrix

Pozina G., Kaliteevski M., Nikitina E., Gubaidullin A., Morozov K., Girshova E., Ivanov K., Egorov A.


Time-resolved photoluminescence of a Bragg structure of InAs-monolayer quantum wells in GaAs matrix was experimentally studied with. Comparison of luminescence patterns from the side and from the surface of a sample showed that Bragg-type ordering of quantum wells leads to a substantial alteration of the photoluminescence spectra including appearance of additional radiative modes. The sample side spectrum contains a single line corresponding to a ground state of an exciton. The surface spectrum at high excitation levels a new radiation line appears whose frequency and propagation angle correspond to the Bragg condition for quantum wells. A numerical calculation of the modal Purcell factor explains why the radiative emission amplification occurs only at a set of specific angles and frequencies, as opposed to the whole range that satisfies the Bragg condition.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1822-1826
pages 1822-1826 views

Dynamic Compression of Spinor Exciton-Polariton Systems in Semiconductor Microcavities

Demenev A., Brichkin A., Gavrilov S., Gippius N., Kulakovskii V.


The dynamically compressed coherent exciton-polariton condensate state was implemented at the low polariton (LP) band bottom in GaAs microcavity resonantly excited in a wide range of wavevectors by the convergent 2.5-ps long Gaussian linearly polarized beam when the active region of the cavity was ahead of the waist. Formation of the dynamically compressed condensate state at the LP band bottom and its further dynamics are shown to be well described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The state persists for several picosecond until LP-LP repulsion causes its expansion in both spatial and momentum spaces. Dynamic compression of an elliptically polarized LP system is found to occur without preserving its initial polarization: the dynamic compression of weakly interacting components with σ+ and σ polarization occurs almost independently.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1827-1832
pages 1827-1832 views

Nanostructure Devices

Electromechanical Switch Based on InxGa1 –xAs Nanowires

Alekseev P., Sharov V., Dunaevskiy M., Cirlin G., Reznik R., Berkovits V.


Piezoresistance effect of the InxGa1 –xAs nanowires was studied by scanning probe microscopy. The effect was investigated by measuring of the IV curves with simultaneous bending of the nanowire by the probe. A modulation of the conductivity of In0.85Ga0.15As NWs induced by a mechanical stress exceeding three orders of magnitude was observed. For the explanation a model based on the surface states is presented. Such an observation opens new ways for the design of electromechanical switches with record parameters.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1833-1835
pages 1833-1835 views

CNT-Based Label-Free Electrochemical Sensing of Native DNA with Allele Single Nucleotide Polymorphism

Grushevskaya H., Krylova N., Lipnevich I., Babenka A., Egorova V., Chakukov R.


A label-free high-performance electrochemical sensing of single nucleotide polymorphism in native genomic DNA samples from cancer tissues, in oncogene-specific complementary DNA and in amplicons has been carried out on bundles of few-walled carboxylated carbon nanotubes, surface of which was coated with electron-dense layer of probe DNA. High selectivity and sensitivity of the novel DNA-nanosensor are ensured by the following features. Firstly, a complementary-hybridization signal is enhanced by resonance between plasmons in carbon nanotubes and dipole oscillations of hydrated nucleic acids located in near-electrode Helmholtz double layer of the impedance sensor. Secondly, a decoration of carbon nanotubes by adhered metal atoms in a high-spin state leads to Fermi level stabilization for the carbon nanotube bundles.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1836-1838
pages 1836-1838 views

Photoacoustic Generation with Surface Noble Metal Nanostructures

Mikitchuk A., Kozadaev K.


Thin layers of noble metal (Ag, Au) nanoparticles on the surface of optical fiber edge are studied from the viewpoint of photoacoustic fiber-optic generation. In this paper we present theoretical investigation of laser radiation absorbtion by the monolayer of noble metal nanoparticles deposited on the surface of the optical fiber edge. Different nanostructures on the edge of the optical fiber are proposed for effective photoacoustic generation based on lasers with wavelength of 405, 445, 450, 510–530 nm.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1839-1842
pages 1839-1842 views

Ultrathin Barrier InAlN/GaN Heterostructures for HEMTs

Sakharov A., Kurbanova N., Demchenko O., Sim P., Yagovkina M., Tsatsulnikov A., Usov S., Zakheim D., Zavarin E., Lundin W., Velikovskiy L.


InAlN/AlN/GaN semiconductor heterostructures with a barrier thickness of 5–13 nm have been grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on sapphire and SiC substrates. Optimization of GaN buffer and InAlN layers allows fabricating structures with sheet conductivity values below 210 Ohm/sq. High electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) fabricated from such structures show drain current value exceeding 1.25 A/mm with maximum transconductance of 450 mS/mm. Use of thin in situ Si3N4 capping allows to fabricate and compare HEMT and MIS-HEMTs.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1843-1845
pages 1843-1845 views

Luminescent Methane Sensor Based on Energy Transfer from ZnS:Mn2+ Quantum Dots to Analyte Molecule

Sergeev A., Sergeeva K., Leonov A., Postnova I., Voznesenskiy S.


Manganese-doped zinc sulfide quantum dots were synthesized by chemical precipitation in an aqueous solution in the presence of glutathione as the capping agent. Obtained samples show dual emission band with maximums at 2.11 eV (Mn2+) and about 3.1 eV (intrinsic defects of ZnS QDs). Under exposure to methane in the concentration range from 100 to 2000 ppm the ZnS:Mn2+ emission spectrum is changed significantly. It was shown, the luminescent sensor response occurs due to photoinduced electron transfer from QDs to methane molecule resulting in QD luminescence quenching and luminescence lifetime decreasing.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1846-1848
pages 1846-1848 views


Gold Nanoclusters at the Interface Au/GaAs(001): Preparation, Characterization, and Plasmonic Spectroscopy

Berkovits V., Kosobukin V., Ulin V., Soldatenkov F., Makarenko I., Levitskii V.


Local plasmons of gold nanoclusters formed at Au/GaAs interface are observed and investigated. The gold nanoclusters are prepared by thermal annealing of thin Au films deposited on GaAs(001) surface. In order to prevent chemical interaction between Au and GaAs at high temperatures, a thin layer of GaN is formed on GaAs substrate surface by chemical nitridation in hydrazine sulfide solution prior to deposition of Au. Typical shapes and sizes of Au nanoclusters are obtained from STM characterization of samples in ultrahigh vacuum followed by measuring and calculating their optical reflectivity spectra. In general, the reflectivity spectra of Au/GaAs samples reveal two resonant peaks at the energies about 1.55 and 2.15 eV. The former peak dominates for oxidized GaAs(001) substrates, while the latter peak is clearly visible for nitridized GaAs substrates. Theoretical analysis of the optical spectra of Au/GaAs interface using a model of Au nanospheroids allows us to assign the reflectance peak at 2.15 eV to local plasmons of Au nanoclusters which look like oblate islands on a Au/GaAs(001) sample. In turn, the peak at 1.55 eV is assigned to plasmons of Au nanoclusters prolate perpendicularly to the surface of GaAs crystal in whose near-surface region these Au clusters are buried.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1849-1852
pages 1849-1852 views

Spectral-Kinetic Properties of Nanosized Nickel Phthalocyanine Films on Silver Nanoparticle Monolayers

Buganov O., Zamkovets A., Ponyavina A., Tikhomirov S.


We have investigated spectral and spectral-kinetic properties of hybrid (organic semiconductor-plasmonic metal) nanocomposites on the base of silver nanoparticle monolayers and thin nickel phthalocyanine (NiPc) films. The spectroscopic results obtained by the femtosecond pump-probe technique demonstrate an enhancement of the fast optical response in the range of long-wavelength NiPc electronic absorption bands when the NiPc thin films contact with silver nanoparticles. This could be assigned to the plasmon-related modification and the enhancement of hybrid structures absorption at its steady-state absorption spectra.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1853-1856
pages 1853-1856 views

Transverse Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in Magnetite Covered by Array of Gold Nanostripes

Dyakov S., Pevtsov A., Gippius N., Tikhodeev S., Verbin S., Pavlov S., Yavsin D., Akimov I., Spitzer F., Bayer M.


We study theoretically and experimentally a magneto-optical Kerr effect (TMOKE) in magnetite film covered by sub-wavelength grating consisting of gold nanostripes. Our rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA) simulations of optical reflection and transmission coefficients of the structure under study predict a multiple enhancement of TMOKE response in transmission as compared with a plain magnetite film without gold nanostripes. We demonstrate that due to the high absorption losses in magnetite film, the quality factors of the optical resonances in our sample are low which results in wide areas on the dispersion diagram where the TMOKE can be observed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1857-1860
pages 1857-1860 views

Spontaneous Emission Amplification in Silver—Organic Periodic Structures and Tamm Plasmon Structures

Morozov K., Ivanov K., Selenin N., Mikhrin S., de Sa Pereira D., Menelaou C., Monkman A., Kaliteevski M.


We have investigated Tamm plasmon structure and periodic metal-dielectric structures with active organic CBP (N,N-dicarbazolyl-4,4-biphenyl) layer. Tamm structure is based on SiO2/TiO2 5 pairs DBR, with 26 nm CBP and 50 nm silver layer on the top of it. Two periodic silver-organic structures using thermal evaporation technique with different CBP layer thickness (15 and 30 nm) was fabricated. The rate of fluorescence intensity decay of Tamm plasmon and periodic structures was experimentally measured in near ultraviolet region. We demonstrate, that decay time of CBP fluorescence intensity in Tamm plasmon structure and periodic metal-organic structures decreases several times.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1861-1864
pages 1861-1864 views

Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanostructures

Weak Magnetic Field Resonance Effects in Diamond with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers

Filimonenko D., Yasinskii V., Nizovtsev A., Kilin S.


The photoluminescence intensity of the ensemble of NV centers in diamond at weak magnetic field was studied. Two resonances were revealed in the region of weak magnetic fields: the first resonance with a width of the order of 20 G, and the second resonance with a width of the order of 180 G. The presence of these optical resonances makes it possible to propose a new concept for creating magnetic field sensors based on a diamond with an ensemble of NV centers without the use of a microwave field.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1865-1867
pages 1865-1867 views

On Derivation of Dresselhaus Spin-Splitting Hamiltonians in One-Dimensional Electron Systems

Kokurin I.


Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor structures of materials without inversion center (e.g. zinc-blende AIIIBV) possess the zero-field conduction band spin-splitting (Dresselhaus term), which is linear and cubic in wavevector k, that arises from cubic in k splitting in bulk material. At low carrier concentration the cubic term is usually negligible. However, if we will be interested in the following dimensional quantization (in 2D plane) and the character width in this direction is comparable with the width of 2D-structure, then we have to take into account k3-terms as well (even at low concentrations), that after quantization leads to comparable contribution that arises from k-linear term. We propose the general procedure for derivation of Dresselhaus spin-splitting Hamiltonian applicable for any curvilinear 1D-structures. The simple examples for the cases of quantum wire (QWr) and quantum ring (QR) defined in usual [001]-grown 2D-structure are presented.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1868-1870
pages 1868-1870 views

Spin Injection and Accumulation in the Planar NiFe–InSb–NiFe and NiFe–Cu–NiFe Spin Valves

Nikulin Y., Khivintsev Y., Veselov A., Filimonov Y.


Spin injection and accumulation have been studied for NiFe–InSb–NiFe and NiFe–Cu–NiFe planar spin valves with direct injection current I in nonlocal (NLSV) and local (LSV) measurement configurations at temperature 8–300 K. The value of the generated voltage U and the character of the dependence U(I) drastically changed for currents I greater some critical value Ic due to thermoelectric effects. For NLSV configuration and currents I<Ic the value of U is of 2–3 order of magnitude higher for NiFe–InSb–NiFe (U ≈ 1–3 mV at 300 K) structures in comparison with NiFe–Cu–NiFe (U ≈ 4–20 µV at 8 K). For LSV geometry electrical detection of spin current was observed only for NiFe–Cu–NiFe structure, where for I<Ic the magnetoresistance (MR) effect of the order 0.5% was detected. For currents I of 1.5–2% higher than Ic the MR of the order of 10–30% was observed for both NLSV and LSV configurations for studied structures.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1871-1874
pages 1871-1874 views

Fabrication and DC/AC Characterization of 3-Terminal Ferromagnet/Silicon Spintronics Devices

Tarasov A., Ovchinnikov S., Varnakov S., Yakovlev I., Smolyarova T., Baron F., Rautskii M., Bondarev I., Lukyanenko A., Volkov N.


CMOS and SOI technology compatible structures and devices are currently intensively investigated by many research groups, since various effects observed in such structures can be relatively easy implemented in electronic devices thereby expanding their functionality. The most promising is the research and development of spintronic devices, which will allow using both electron charge and spin degrees of freedom for transmission, storage and processing of information. In this work we report the fabrication process of 3-terminal (3-T) ferromagnet/silicon devices of two types. First is the planar Fe3Si/Si 3-T structure with 5 μm gap between closest ferromagnetic electrodes. Second is silicon nanowire back-gate transistor with Fe film source and drain synthesized on SOI substrate. Transport and magnetotransport properties of both devices are investigated.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1875-1878
pages 1875-1878 views


Increasing Spin-Orbital Coupling at Relativistic Exchange Interaction of Electron-Hole Pairs in Graphene

Grushevskaya H., Krylov G.


Graphene model with a high-energy k · p-Hamiltonian has been proposed. A feature of the model is the increasing spin-orbital coupling at relativistic exchange interactions of electron-hole pairs. Topological nontriviality of the model has been established by non-abelian Zak phase calculations. It has been shown that the homotopy group of the model is Z2 × Z4.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1879-1881
pages 1879-1881 views

High Quality Graphene Grown by Sublimation on 4H-SiC (0001)

Lebedev A., Bokai K., Gushchina E., Dunaevskiy M., Eliseyev I., Smirnov A., Lebedev S., Usachov D., Davydov V., Pezoldt J.


The structural and electronic characteristics of epitaxial graphene films grown by thermal decomposition of the Si face of a semi-insulating 4H-SiC substrate in an argon environment have been studied by a large set of analytical techniques. It is shown that the results of a complex study make it possible to optimize the growth parameters and develop a reliable technology for the growth of high-quality single-layer graphene films. The charge-carrier concentration in the graphene layer was within 7 × 1011–1 × 1012 cm–2, and the maximum mobility of electrons at room temperature approached 6000 cm2/(V s).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1882-1885
pages 1882-1885 views

Model of Metamaterial Based on Graphene Scrolls and Carbon Nanotubes with Negative Refractive Index

Siahlo A., Poklonski N., Vyrko S., Ratkevich S.


The structure of a new metamaterial with negative permittivity and permeability that is made of periodically positioned graphene/boron nitride nanoscrolls and carbon nanotubes is proposed. The parameters of the metamaterial structure with a negative refractive index for the frequency of an electromagnetic wave within the visible range (namely, from near infrared to yellow) are calculated.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1886-1889
pages 1886-1889 views

Absorption in Finite-Length Chevron-Type Graphene Nanoribbons

Saroka V., Abdelsalam H., Demin V., Grassano D., Kuten S., Pushkarchuk A., Pulci O.


Using a combination of the density functional theory and tight-binding calculations, we study electronic and optical properties of asymmetric chevron-type graphene nanoribbons recently synthesized with atomic precision. We demonstrate that the low-energy optical selection rules in such infinite chiral ribbons are more reminiscent of those for zigzag rather than for armchair ribbons. It is also shown that, starting from about 25 nm long ribbons, the low-energy absorption and therefore the selection rules of infinitely long ribbons are well reproduced in the finite cluster approach. Hence, ribbons longer than 25 nm (about 28 unit cells) can be treated as infinitely long ones.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1890-1893
pages 1890-1893 views

Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices

Low Threshold Lasing in InP/GaInP Quantum Dot Microdisks

Lebedev D., Bykov V., Shelaev A., Smirnov V., Buriak P., Romanova A., Juska G., Gocalinska A., Pelucchi E., Guseva Y., Troshkov S., Kulagina M., Vlasov A., Mintairov A.


We report a realization of room temperature lasing threshold of 1 μW in GaInP microdisk containing a few self-aggregated InP/GaInP quantum dots (QDs) grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. InP/GaInP QD microdisk cavities emitting in the spectral range of 700–800 nm and having the size of ~2 μm, free spectral range of ~35 nm and quality factors Q ~ 4000 were formed by wet chemical etching. Low dot density (~2 μm–2) and large dot size (~150 nm), suggesting a single dot lasing and maximum overlap of QD and cavity mode, were achieved using deposition of 3 ML of InP layer at 700°C.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1894-1897
pages 1894-1897 views

Annealing of FIB-Induced Defects in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure

Levitskii I., Mitrofanov M., Voznyuk G., Nikolaev D., Mizerov M., Evtikhiev V.


We present results of experiments concerning the loss of internal quantum efficiency of the GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure due to the focused ion beam-induced radiation defects. Firstly we show that 300°C annealing in the high vacuum conditions leads to a partial recovery of the internal quantum efficiency and, therefore, photoluminescence regains some of its intensity. Secondly we show that 620°C annealing in the presence of As vapor leads up to 80% recovery of the internal quantum efficiency depending on the etching depth. Achieved results proves focused ion beam technique to be potent for the fabrication of photonic structures based on A3B5 materials containing active layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1898-1900
pages 1898-1900 views

Diode Lasers with Near-Surface Active Region

Payusov A., Gordeev N., Serin A., Kulagina M., Kalyuzhnyy N., Mintairov S., Maximov M., Zhukov A.


Edge-emitting diode lasers with shallow location of a quantum-well active region at a depth of 0.92 μm were developed and their thermal resistance was evaluated from the analysis of true spontaneous emission spectra through the top contact window. Owing to a close spacing between the active region and laser heatsink, effective heat removal is achieved under continuous wave operation that is characterized by a low value of specific thermal resistance of 6 × 10–3 K/(W cm2).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1901-1904
pages 1901-1904 views

A Search for Asymmetric Barrier Layers for 1550 nm Al-Free Diode Lasers

Zubov F., Muretova M., Asryan L., Semenova E., Maximov M., Korenev V., Savelyev A., Zhukov A.


A search for materials suitable for implementation of 1.55 µm Al-free diode lasers based on InP with asymmetric barrier (AB) layers is conducted. It is shown that a very high (over 106) suppression ratio of the parasitic electron flux can be achieved using common III–V alloys for the ABs. Hence placing such ABs in the immediate vicinity of the active region should completely suppress the parasitic recombination in the waveguide. Several optimal AB designs are proposed that are based on one of the following alloys: Al-free GaInPSb, ternary AlInAs, or quaternary AlGaInAs with a low Al-content. As an important and beneficial byproduct of utilization of such ABs, an improvement of majority carrier capture into the active region occurs.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(14):1905-1908
pages 1905-1908 views