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卷 51, 编号 1 (2017)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Diffusion of interstitial magnesium in dislocation-free silicon

Shuman V., Lavrent’ev A., Astrov Y., Lodygin A., Portsel L.


The diffusion of magnesium impurity in the temperature range T = 600–800°C in dislocation-free single-crystal silicon wafers of p-type conductivity is studied. The surface layer of the wafer doped with magnesium by the ion implantation technique serves as the diffusion source. Implantation is carried out at an ion energy of 150 keV at doses of 5 × 1014 and 2 × 1015 cm–2. The diffusion coefficient of interstitial magnesium donor centers (Di) is determined by measuring the depth of the p–n junction, which is formed in the sample due to annealing during the time t at a given T. As a result of the study, the dependence Di(T) is found for the first time. The data show that the diffusion process occurs mainly by the interstitial mechanism.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):1-3
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Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Investigations of CuFeS2 semiconductor mineral from ocean rift hydrothermal vent fields by Cu NMR in a local field

Matukhin V., Pogoreltsev A., Gavrilenko A., Garkavyi S., Shmidt E., Babaeva S., Sukhanova A., Terukov E.


The results of investigating natural samples of chalcopyrite mineral CuFeS2 from massive oceanic sulfide ores of the Mid-Atlantic ridge by the 63Cu nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR 63Cu) in a local field at room temperature are presented. The significant width of the resonance lines found in the 63Cu NMR spectrum directly testifies to a wide distribution of local magnetic and electric fields in the investigated chalcopyrite samples. This distribution can be the consequence of an appreciable deviation of the structure of the investigated chalcopyrite samples from the stoichiometric one. The obtained results show that the pulsed 63Cu NMR can be an efficient method for studying the physical properties of deep-water polymetallic sulfides of the World Ocean.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):4-7
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Ballistic magnetotransport in a suspended two-dimensional electron gas with periodic antidot lattices

Zhdanov E., Pogosov A., Budantsev M., Pokhabov D., Bakarov A.


The magnetoresistance of suspended semiconductor nanostructures with a two-dimensional electron gas structured by periodic square antidot lattices is studied. It is shown that the ballistic regime of electron transport is retained after detaching the sample from the substrate. Direct comparative analysis of commensurability oscillations of magnetoresistance and their temperature dependences in samples before and after suspension is performed. It is found that the temperature dependences are almost identical for non-suspended and suspended samples, whereas significant differences are observed in the nonlinear regime, caused by direct current passage. Commensurability oscillations in the suspended samples are more stable with respect to exposure to direct current, which can be presumably explained by electron–electron interaction enhancement after detaching nanostructures from the high-permittivity substrate.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):8-13
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Two-tone nonlinear electrostatic waves in the quantum electron–hole plasma of semiconductors

Dubinov A., Kitayev I.


Longitudinal electrostatic waves in the quantum electron–hole plasma of semiconductors are considered taking into account the degeneracy of electrons and holes and the exchange interaction. It is found in the framework of linear theory that the dispersion curve of longitudinal waves has two branches: plasmon and acoustic. An expression for the critical cutoff frequency for plasma oscillations and an expression for the speed of sound for acoustic vibrations are derived. It is shown that the plasma wave always exists in the form of a superposition of two components, characterized by different periods and wavelengths. Two nonlinear solutions are obtained within nonlinear theory: one in the form of a simple superposition of two tones and the other in the form of beats.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):14-17
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Lifetime of excess electrons in Cu–Zn–Sn–Se powders

Novikov G., Gapanovich M., Gremenok V., Bocharov K., Tsai W., Jeng M., Chang L.


The method of time-resolved microwave photoconductivity at a frequency of 36 GHz in the range of temperatures of 200–300 K is used to study the kinetics of the annihilation of charge carriers in Cu–Zn–Sn–Se powders obtained by the solid-phase method of synthesis in cells. The lifetime of excess electrons at room temperature is found to be shorter than 5 ns. The activation energy for the process of recombination amounted to Ea ~ 0.054 eV.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Atomic and electronic structure of the CdTe(111)B–(2√3 × 4) orthogonal surface

Bekenev V., Zubkova S.


The atomic and electronic structure of four variants of Te-terminated CdTe(111)B–(2√3 × 4) orthogonal polar surface (ideal, relaxed, reconstructed, and reconstructed with subsequent relaxation) are calculated ab initio for the first time. The surface is modeled by a film composed of 12 atomic layers with a vacuum gap of ~16 Å in the layered superlattice approximation. To close Cd dangling bonds on the opposite side of the film, 24 fictitious hydrogen atoms with a charge of 1.5 electrons each are added. Ab initio calculations are performed using the Quantum Espresso program based on density functional theory. It is demonstrated that relaxation leads to splitting of the four upper layers. The band energy structures and total and layer-by-layer densities of electronic states for the four surface variants are calculated and analyzed.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):23-33
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On the growth, structure, and surface morphology of epitaxial CdTe films

Nuriyev I., Mehrabova M., Nazarov A., Sadigov R., Hasanov N.


The structure and surface morphology of epitaxial CdTe films grown on glassy substrates with and without compensation with an additional Te vapor source during growth are studied. The optimal conditions of the production of structurally perfect epitaxial films with a pure smooth surface with no inclusions of another phase (Tso = 1000–1100 K, Tsu = 570–670 K) are determined. It is established that, on glassy substrates, the epitaxial films grow via the (111) plane of the face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice with the parameter a = 6.481 Å. By varying the temperature of the main and compensating sources, CdTe films with n- and p-type conductivity are produced.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):34-37
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Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Cyclotron resonance of dirac fermions in InAs/GaSb/InAs quantum wells

Krishtopenko S., Ikonnikov A., Maremyanin K., Bovkun L., Spirin K., Kadykov A., Marcinkiewicz M., Ruffenach S., Consejo C., Teppe F., Knap W., Semyagin B., Putyato M., Emelyanov E., Preobrazhenskii V., Gavrilenko V.


The band structure of three-layer symmetric InAs/GaSb/InAs quantum wells confined between AlSb barriers is analyzed theoretically. It is shown that, depending on the thicknesses of the InAs and GaSb layers, a normal band structure, a gapless state with a Dirac cone at the center of the Brillouin zone, or inverted band structure (two-dimensional topological insulator) can be realized in this system. Measurements of the cyclotron resonance in structures with gapless band spectra carried out for different electron concentrations confirm the existence of massless Dirac fermions in InAs/GaSb/InAs quantum wells.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):38-42
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Spin-dependent tunneling recombination in heterostructures with a magnetic layer

Denisov K., Rozhansky I., Averkiev N., Lähderanta E.


We propose a mechanism for the generation of spin polarization in semiconductor heterostructures with a quantum well and a magnetic impurity layer spatially separated from it. The spin polarization of carriers in a quantum well originates from spin-dependent tunneling recombination at impurity states in the magnetic layer, which is accompanied by a fast linear increase in the degree of circular polarization of photoluminescence from the quantum well. Two situations are theoretically considered. In the first case, resonant tunneling to the spin-split sublevels of the impurity center occurs and spin polarization is caused by different populations of resonance levels in the quantum well for opposite spin projections. In the second, nonresonant case, the spin-split impurity level lies above the occupied states of electrons in the quantum well and plays the role of an intermediate state in the two-stage coherent spin-dependent recombination of an electron from the quantum well and a hole in the impurity layer. The developed theory allows us to explain both qualitatively and quantitatively the kinetics of photoexcited electrons in experiments with photoluminescence with time resolution in Mn-doped InGaAs heterostructures.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):43-48
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Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Formation and properties of the buried isolating silicon-dioxide layer in double-layer “porous silicon-on-insulator” structures

Ivlev K., Roslikov V., Bolotov V., Knyazev E., Ponomareva I., Kan V., Davletkildeev N.


The oxidation of mesoporous silicon in a double-layer “macroporous silicon–mesoporous silicon” structure is studied. The morphology and dielectric properties of the buried insulating layer are investigated using electron microscopy, ellipsometry, and electrical measurements. Specific defects (so-called spikes) are revealed between the oxidized macropore walls in macroporous silicon and the oxidation crossing fronts in mesoporous silicon. It is found that, at an initial porosity of mesoporous silicon of 60%, three-stage thermal oxidation leads to the formation of buried silicon-dioxide layers with an electric-field breakdown strength of Ebr ~ 104–105 V/cm. Multilayered “porous silicon-on-insulator” structures are shown to be promising for integrated chemical micro- and nanosensors.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):49-53
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Study of the parameters of nanoscale layers in nanoheterostructures based on II–VI semiconductor compounds

Karavaev M., Kirilenko D., Ivanova E., Popova T., Sitnikova A., Sedova I., Zamoryanskaya M.


Wide-gap ZnSe-based nanoheterostructures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy are studied by local cathodoluminescence and X-ray microanalysis. It is shown that the used methods allow nondestructive determination of the depth, elemental composition, and geometrical parameters of the nanoscale ZnCdSe layer. The accuracy of the results is verified by transmission electron microscopy. The research techniques are based on the possibility of varying the primary electron-beam energy, which results in changes in the regions of characteristic X-ray and cathodoluminescence generation.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):54-60
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Fabrication of oxide heterostructures for promising solar cells of a new generation

Bobkov A., Lashkova N., Maximov A., Moshnikov V., Nalimova S.


The prospects of the fabrication of solar cells based on metal oxides (ZnO formed by the hydrothermal method) with a bulk heterojunction are considered. The results of synthesizing zinc-oxide nanorods on different seed layers are presented. The important role of seed-layer formation is noted. It is shown that the structure of nanorod arrays can be controlled using a surfactant. Faceted nanorods are obtained, which are promising for designing new-generation solar cells.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):61-65
pages 61-65 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Optimization of the parameters of power sources excited by β-radiation

Bulyarskiy S., Lakalin A., Abanin I., Amelichev V., Svetuhin V.


The experimental results and calculations of the efficiency of the energy conversion of Ni-63 β-radiation sources to electricity using silicon p–i–n diodes are presented. All calculations are performed taking into account the energy distribution of β-electrons. An expression for the converter open-circuit voltage is derived taking into account the distribution of high-energy electrons in the space-charge region of the p–i–n diode. Ways of optimizing the converter parameters by improving the technology of diodes and optimizing the emitter active layer and i-region thicknesses of the semiconductor converter are shown. The distribution of the conversion losses to the source and radiation detector and the losses to high-energy electron entry into the semiconductor is calculated. Experimental values of the conversion efficiency of 0.4–0.7% are in good agreement with the calculated parameters.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):66-72
pages 66-72 views

Effect of active-region “volume” on the radiative properties of laser heterostructures with radiation output through the substrate

Nekorkin S., Zvonkov B., Baidus N., Dikareva N., Vikhrova O., Afonenko A., Ushakov D.


The radiative properties of InGaAs/GaAs/InGaP laser structures with radiation output through the substrate depending on the number of quantum wells in the active region and laser diodes on their basis are investigated. It is established that the presence of six–eight quantum wells in the active region is optimum from the viewpoint of observable values of the threshold current and the output optical power of lasers.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):73-77
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Anodes for Li-ion batteries based on p-Si with self-organized macropores

Preobrazhenskiy N., Astrova E., Pavlov S., Voronkov V., Rumyantsev A., Zhdanov V.


The practical application of microstructured anodes produced by the electrochemical etching of single-crystal silicon is limited by their cost. The proposed approach will make it possible to reduce the cost for several reasons: less stringent requirements to the quality of the initial material due to the replacement of n-Si with p-Si, the exclusion of operations that are aimed at the formation of nucleation centers, and the repeated use of a silicon substrate. The formation of random macropores in 10–20 Ω cm p-Si (100) in a 4% solution of hydrofluoric acid in dimethylformamide is studied and the role of chemical etching is revealed. The dependences on the current density are obtained for the etching rate, morphology of the porous layers, effective valence, pore density, and average pore diameter. The part played by chemical dissolution in the electrolyte is determined. A technology is developed for the deposition of 50-μ-thick porous layers. This technology combines successive detachments of several membranes from the same substrate and provides enhanced porosity (~70%). The electrochemical characteristics of anodes formed from these membranes are examined, and 120+ test cycles are performed in the mode with the charge capacity limited to 1000 mA h/g at a current of 0.2 A/g.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):78-87
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Influence of double- and triple-layer antireflection coatings on the formation of photocurrents in multijunction III–V solar cells

Musalinov S., Anzulevich A., Bychkov I., Gudovskikh A., Shvarts M.


The results of simulation by the transfer-matrix method of TiO2/SiO2 double-layer and TiO2/Si3N4/SiO2 triple-layer antireflection coatings for multijunction InGaP/GaAs/Ge heterostructure solar cells are presented. The TiO2/SiO2 double-layer antireflection coating is experimentally developed and optimized. The experimental spectral dependences of the external quantum yield of the InGaP/GaAs/Ge heterostructure solar cell and optical characteristics of antireflection coatings, obtained in the simulation, are used to determine the photogenerated current densities of each subcell in the InGaP/GaAs/Ge solar cell under AM1.5D irradiation conditions (1000 W/m2) and for the case of zero reflection loss. It is shown in the simulation that the optimized TiO2/Si3N4/SiO2 triple-layer antireflection coating provides a 2.3 mA/cm2 gain in the photocurrent density for the Ge subcell under AM1.5D conditions in comparison with the TiO2/SiO2 double-layer antireflection coating under consideration. This thereby provides an increase in the fill factor of the current–voltage curve and in the output electric power of the multijunction solar cell.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):88-92
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Optimization of structural and growth parameters of metamorphic InGaAs photovoltaic converters grown by MOCVD

Rybalchenko D., Mintairov S., Salii R., Shvarts M., Timoshina N., Kalyuzhnyy N.


Metamorphic Ga0.76In0.24As heterostructures for photovoltaic converters are grown by the MOCVD (metal–organic chemical vapor deposition) technique. It is found that, due to the valence-band offset at the p-In0.24Al0.76As/p-In0.24Ga0.76As (wide-gap window/emitter) heterointerface, a potential barrier for holes arises as a result of a low carrier concentration in the wide-gap material. The use of an InAlGaAs solid solution with an Al content lower than 40% makes it possible to raise the hole concentration in the widegap window up ~9 × 1018 cm–3 and completely remove the potential barrier, thereby reducing the series resistance of the device. The parameters of an GaInAs metamorphic buffer layer with a stepwise In content profile are calculated and its epitaxial growth conditions are optimized, which improves carrier collection from the n-GaInAs base region and provides a quantum efficiency of 83% at a wavelength of 1064 nm. Optimization of the metamorphic heterostructure of the photovoltaic converter results in that its conversion efficiency for laser light with a wavelength of 1064 nm is 38.5%.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):93-99
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

InGaN/GaN light-emitting diode microwires of submillimeter length

Lundin W., Rodin S., Sakharov A., Lundina E., Usov S., Zadiranov Y., Troshkov S., Tsatsulnikov A.


Microcrystalline wire-like InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes designed as core–shell structures 400–600 μm in length are grown by metal–organic vapor-phase epitaxy on sapphire and silicon substrates. The technology of the titanium-nanolayer-induced ultrafast growth of nanowire and microwire crystals is used. As a current is passed through the microcrystals, an electroluminescence signal is observed in the blue–green spectral region.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):100-103
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Surface texture of single-crystal silicon oxidized under a thin V2O5 layer

Nikitin S., Verbitskiy V., Nashchekin A., Trapeznikova I., Bobyl A., Terukova E.


The process of surface texturing of single-crystal silicon oxidized under a V2O5 layer is studied. Intense silicon oxidation at the Si–V2O5 interface begins at a temperature of 903 K which is 200 K below than upon silicon thermal oxidation in an oxygen atmosphere. A silicon dioxide layer 30–50 nm thick with SiO2 inclusions in silicon depth up to 400 nm is formed at the V2O5–Si interface. The diffusion coefficient of atomic oxygen through the silicon-dioxide layer at 903 K is determined (D ≥ 2 × 10–15 cm2 s–1). A model of low-temperature silicon oxidation, based on atomic oxygen diffusion from V2O5 through the SiO2 layer to silicon, and SiOx precipitate formation in silicon is proposed. After removing the V2O5 and silicon-dioxide layers, texture is formed on the silicon surface, which intensely scatters light in the wavelength range of 300–550 nm and is important in the texturing of the front and rear surfaces of solar cells.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):104-109
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Nanoscale Cu2O films: Radio-frequency magnetron sputtering and structural and optical studies

Kudryashov D., Gudovskikh A., Babichev A., Filimonov A., Mozharov A., Agekyan V., Borisov E., Serov A., Filosofov N.


Nanoscale copper (I) oxide layers are formed by magnetron-assisted sputtering onto glassy and silicon substrates in an oxygen-free environment at room temperature, and the structural and optical properties of the layers are studied. It is shown that copper oxide formed on a silicon substrate exhibits a lower degree of disorder than that formed on a glassy substrate, which is supported by the observation of a higher intensity and a smaller half-width of reflections in the diffraction pattern. The highest intensity of reflections in the diffraction pattern is observed for Cu2O films grown on silicon at a magnetron power of 150 W. The absorption and transmittance spectra of these Cu2O films are in agreement with the well-known spectra of bulk crystals. In the Raman spectra of the films, phonons inherent in the crystal lattice of cubic Cu2O crystals are identified.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):110-114
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On the laser lift-off of lightly doped micrometer-thick n-GaN films from substrates via the absorption of IR radiation in sapphire

Zubrilov A., Gorbunov R., Latishev F., Bochkareva N., Lelikov Y., Tarkhin D., Smirnov A., Davydov V., Sheremet I., Shreter Y., Voronenkov V., Virko M., Kogotkov V., Leonidov A., Pinchuk A.


The intense absorption of CO2 laser radiation in sapphire is used to separate GaN films from GaN templates on sapphire. Scanning of the sapphire substrate by the laser leads to the thermal dissociation of GaN at the GaN/sapphire interface and to the detachment of GaN films from the sapphire. The threshold density of the laser energy at which n-GaN started to dissociate is 1.6 ± 0.5 J/cm2. The mechanical-stress distribution and the surface morphology of GaN films and sapphire substrates before and after laser lift-off are studied by Raman spectroscopy, atomic-force microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. A vertical Schottky diode with a forward current density of 100 A/cm2 at a voltage of 2 V and a maximum reverse voltage of 150 V is fabricated on the basis of a 9-μm-thick detached n-GaN film.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):115-121
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Epitaxial AlxGa1 – xAs:Mg alloys with different conductivity types

Seredin P., Lenshin A., Arsentiev I., Zhabotinskii A., Nikolaev D., Tarasov I., Shamakhov V., Prutskij T., Leiste H., Rinke M.


The structural, optical, and energy properties of epitaxial AlxGa1 – xAs:Mg/GaAs(100) heterostructures at different levels of doping with Mg are studied by high-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis and Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopies. It is shown that, by choosing the technological conditions of AlxGa1–xAs:Mg alloy production, it is possible to achieve not only different conductivity types, but also substantially different charge-carrier concentrations in an epitaxial film.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):122-130
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PEALD grown high-k ZrO2 thin films on SiC group IV compound semiconductor

Khairnar A., Patil V., Agrawal K., Salunke R., Mahajan A.


The study of ZrO2 thin films on SiC group IV compound semiconductor has been studied as a high mobility substrates. The ZrO2 thin films were deposited using the Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition System. The thickness of the thin films were measured using ellipsometer and found to be 5.47 nm. The deposited ZrO2 thin films were post deposition annealed in rapid thermal annealing chamber at temperature of 400°С. The atomic force microscopy and X-гау photoelectron spectroscopy has been carried out to study the surface topography, roughness and chemical composition of thin film, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):131-133
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Application of B12N12 and B12P12 as two fullerene-like semiconductors for adsorption of halomethane: Density functional theory study

Rad A.


We examined and discussed the interaction of two halomethanes (mono-chloromethane (MCM), and mono-fluoromethane (MFM)) with B12N12 and B12P12 fullerene-like nanocages as semiconductor based on density functional theory (DFT). We calculated adsorption energies and followed the changes in the electronic structure of semiconductors upon adsorption of MCM and MFM. We found that the adsorption on the B12N12 nano-cluster is energetically more favorable compared to B12P12 nano-cluster. Also for both systems we found higher values of adsorption energy for MFM than for MCM. We found that upon adsorption of above-mentioned species on these two fullerene-like semiconductors, the HOMO–LUMO distributions and also the gap energy for each system did not change significantly, which correspond to the physisorption process. As a result, B12N12 is a more appropriate nano-cluster to be used as a selective sensor for halomethanes, especially for MFM.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(1):134-138
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