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Volume 53, Nº 16 (2019)

Excitons in Nanostructures

The Indirect Excitons Contribution to the Polarizability of a Dielectric Nanoparticle

Pokutnyi S., Dzyuba V., Amosov A.


The optical properties of dielectric nanostructures strongly depend on dielectric nanoparticles (NP) polarizability which can take the high values even interacting with low-intensity radiation. In this article, we are trying to find out if this is possible for electron transits to indirect exciton (IX) states at the NP surface. Because the exciton energy spectrum depends on NP shape and size, we research these factors influence on NP polarizability within the dipole approximation framework. For a quantitative assessment, we use a nanosystem containing a spherical dielectric alumina nanoparticle in a dielectric medium with a lower permittivity. We estimated the impact of NP size effect on the NP energy spectrum and the NP polarizability in case of exciton transitions to spatially separated electron and hole condition at the interface of dielectric nanoparticle and dielectric medium. Thus, using the variational method, we found that NP polarizability can achieve many orders of magnitude higher values than for atomic and molecular electron transitions case. It’s take place for infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation ranges. Also was found that size-dependence of IE energy spectrum weakly affects on NP polarizability. The obtained results can be used for creating the nano- and heterostructures for advanced nanophotonic applications that operate in conditions of weak optical fields.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2045-2048
pages 2045-2048 views

An Estimate for the Nonradiative Linewidths of the Quasibound Electron-Hole Pairs in Narrow Quantum Wells

Belov P.


The energies and the nonradiative linewidths of the electron-hole quasibound states in narrow GaAs-based quantum wells are calculated by the exterior complex-scaling technique. These states appear in the continuous spectrum of the in-plane relative electron-hole motion, above the well-known exciton states. The nonradiative linewidths of the obtained quasibound states are estimated to be less than 0.1 meV.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2049-2051
pages 2049-2051 views

Emission of Light from Compositionally Graded CdSSe/CdS Heterostructure with Smooth Near-surface Excitonic Potential

Grigorieva N., Sel’kin A.


The low-temperature (T = 2 K) optical spectra (transmission, reflection and luminescence) of a compositionally graded CdS1 – xSex/CdS heterostructure with a low Se content near the sample surface were studied. The Morse potential model of the near-surface exciton potential well is shown to be in a good agreement with the experimental data on the excitonic reflection and makes it possible to identify the radiative recombination channels of free and localized excitons in the structure under study.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2052-2054
pages 2052-2054 views

Two Dimensional Bright and Dark Magnetoexcitons Interacting with Quantum Point Vortices

Moskalenko S., Moskalenko V., Podlesny I., Zubac I.


The theory of the two-dimensional (2D) magnetoexcitons was enlarged in two aspects. One of them takes into account the electron-hole (e–h) exchange Coulomb interaction, which appears when the conduction and the valence electrons belong partially to both bands. The exchange Coulomb interaction gives rise to the Dirac cone dispersion law in the range of small in-plane wave vectors k|| obeying to the condition |k|||l0 < 1, where l0 is the magnetic length. Such dispersion law may change essentially the properties of the high density magnetoexcitons opening the possibility of their Bose-Einstein condensation at different from zero temperatures [1]. Another aspect concerns the high density magnetoexcitons with fractional filling factors in conditions of fractional quantum Hall effects. The Chern-Simons gauge field was introduced into the Hamiltonian of the 2D coplanar e–h system by the unitary transformation. It gives rise to the additional gauge vector potential, the influence of which leads to the anisotropic corrections to the magnetoexciton magnetic mass [2].

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2055-2059
pages 2055-2059 views

Exciton Spectra and Energy Transfer in CdTe/ZnTe Double Quantum Wells Grown by Atomic-Layer Epitaxy

Agekyan V., Chukeev M., Karczewski G., Serov A., Filosofov N., Reznitsky A.


The photoluminescence and excitation of luminescence spectra of a series of samples containing two CdTe layers D1 and D2 with a nominal thickness of 1.5 and 4 monolayers in a ZnTe matrix were studied. The samples differ in the width of the ZnTe spacer separating the D1 and D2 inserts and constituting 15, 25, 35, 45 and 55 monolayers (samples nos. 1–5, respectively). ZnTe layers are grown on a GaAs substrate by the standard molecular beam epitaxy mode, while CdTe inserts are grown in atomic layer epitaxy mode. It is shown that when the barrier thickness is less than 25 monolayers electronic states in the quantum wells formed by D1 and D2 layers are tunnel-coupled, and only one band is recorded in the emission spectrum, caused by the recombination of excitons in the deep quantum well. At larger thicknesses of the spacer, two bands I1 and I2 are observed in the luminescence spectrum, which are associated with the recombination of excitons in shallow (D1) and deep (D2) wells, respectively. It was found that the intensity ratio I1/I2 significantly depends on the energy and intensity of the excitation. Possible origin of these dependences are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2060-2063
pages 2060-2063 views

Nanostructures Technology

Study of Structural Modification of Composites with Ge Nanoclusters by Optical and Electron Microscopy Methods

Astankova K., Gorokhov E., Azarov I., Volodin V., Latyshev A.


Composites consisting of Ge nanoclusters embedded in GeO2 matrix were modified by selective removal of the germanium dioxide in deionized water or HF. Thin (up to 200 nm) and thick (300−1500 nm) GeO2{Ge-NCs} heterolayers were studied before and after the etching using Raman spectroscopy, scanning and spectral ellipsometry, scanning electron microscopy. It was found that a stable skeletal framework from agglomerated Ge nanoparticles (amorphous or crystalline) was formed after the etching of thin GeO2{Ge-NCs} heterolayers. When removal the GeO2 matrix from a thick GeO2{Ge-NCs} heterolayer, released Ge nanoclusters were arranged in a vertically ordered chains.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2064-2067
pages 2064-2067 views

Widening the Length Distributions in Irregular Arrays of Self-Catalyzed III–V Nanowires

Berdnikov Y., Sibirev N., Koryakin A.


In this work, we account the local variations of nanowire number density to extend the previous approaches to modeling of III–V nanowire length distributions in lithography-free self-catalyzed growth processes. We calculate the growth rate controlled by the re-evaporation of group V atoms from the substrate and derive the analytical expressions for length distributions in irregular arrays of nanowires. The obtained theoretical results fit well the experimentally observed statistics of self-catalyzed GaAs nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si/SiOx substrates.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2068-2071
pages 2068-2071 views

Ultrasonic-Assisted Exfoliation of Graphitic Carbon Nitride and its Electrocatalytic Performance in Process of Ethanol Reforming

Chebanenko M., Zakharova N., Lobinsky A., Popkov V.


Graphitic carbon nitride was synthesized via thermolysis of urea and then ultrasonic exfoliated from colloidal solution to obtain phase pure ultrafine powder of g-C3N4. It was shown that ultrasonic-assisted exfoliation of the initial graphitic carbon nitride powder leads to an increase in its phase purity (PXRD), a change in the morphology (SEM), a decrease in the band gap from 2.93 eV to 2.85 eV (DRS) and an increase in the specific surface from 58.6 m2/g to 136.7 m2/g (BET). In addition, it was found that the exfoliated g-C3N4 is an effective catalyst for the process of electrocatalytic reforming – the hydrogen evolution from the water-alcohol solution. Based on volamperometry, it was found that the hydrogen overpotential of graphitic carbon nitride is equal to 249 mV (at 10 mA/cm2), and the Taffel slope is 112 mV/dec. The results of cyclic voltammetry of the electrode based on exfoliated g-C3N4 indicate its high stability, which allows us to consider the exfoliated graphitic carbon nitride as a promising basis of materials for electrocatalytic reforming of alcohols.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2072-2077
pages 2072-2077 views

Optical Properties of Short-Period InAs/GaSb Superlattices Grown by MOCVD

Danilov L., Levin R., Nevedomskyi V., Pushnyi B.


This paper reports the structural and photoluminescent study results of heterostructure with short-period InAs/GaSb superlattice grown by MOCVD with 8/10 ML period thickness. The photoluminescence spectra was observed in the range of 3–5 μm with intensity peak at 3.8 μm. SL minibands theoretical calculation with a high accuracy confirmed the experimental data obtained. This indicates that the specified structural parameters match the chosen growth conditions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2078-2081
pages 2078-2081 views

Photoactive ZnO–Al2O3 Transparent Coatings and Nanocomposites Prepared by a Simple Polymer-Salt Synthesis

Maslennikov S., Evstropiev S., Gridchin V., Soshnikov I.


The article presents the study of ZnO–Al2O3 thin coatings prepared by a polymer-salt method using the polyvinylpyrrolidone and zinc nitrate and tin (IV) chloride solutions. The materials were studied by spectroscopic methods and SEM analysis. It was found that prepared coatings have transparency in visible spectral range and demonstrate the ability to generate singlet oxygen under UV irradiation.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2082-2084
pages 2082-2084 views

The Cavity-Effect in Site-Controlled GaN Nanocolumns with InGaN Insertions

Kazanov D., Evropeytsev E., Shubina T.


We have studied optical properties of site-controlled GaN nanocolumns (NCs) with an insertion of InGaN QW grown on the micro-cone patterned substrate. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy reveals two bands emission. Comparison of these spectra with the emission of a separate nanocolumn, recorded by μ-CL with high spatial resolution, allows us to ascribe the higher energy band to emission from the InGaN QW situated on the top of NCs, while the lower-energy band originates from the QW in the rest area. By the modeling of the decay times and amplitudes of PL decay curves, we have exhibited a significant enhancement of signal from the QW inside the NCs. Investigation of the NCs as a Fabry-Perót cavity at eigenfrequencies around the optical transitions has revealed that the cavity modes can provide significant enhancement of the emission from the inserted QW owing to the Purcell factor.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2085-2089
pages 2085-2089 views

Synthesis and Comparison of the Electrical Properties of Polyaniline and Poly[(N-2-hydroxyethyl)aniline]

Khadieva A., Gorbachuk V., Latypov R., Stoikov I.


Supramolecular structures (domains, associates, nanoparticles) based on conjugated polymers are attractive basis for creating new materials for use in modern electronics. In this work we propose a mechanochemical method of synthesis of electrochemically active aniline- and N-(2-hydroxyethyl)aniline-based polymers. The effect of hydroxyethyl moieties on self-assembly of nanoparticles has been studied. Methods of dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy have shown formation of nanosized particles of polyaniline and submicron particles of poly[(N-2-hydroxyethyl)aniline]. The electrical properties of materials were investigated: conductivity of polyaniline is 0.14 Sm/cm, which is constant over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies; conductivity of poly[(N-2-hydroxyethyl)aniline] is in range 2 × 10–9–1 × 10–6 Sm/cm, which strongly depends on temperature and alternating current frequency.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2090-2093
pages 2090-2093 views

Femtosecond Laser-Induced Periodical Nanomodification of Surface Composition

Ionin A., Kudryashov S., Makarov S.


Nanoscale periodical chemical composition modification of different two-component compound materials GaAs, CdTe, W0.5C and TiC was realized for the first time through multi-shot femtosecond laser irradiation of their surfaces. The resulting surface modification represents periodical nanoscale ripples with different chemical composition in valleys and ridges. The underlying mechanism is related to a sequence of elementary processes, such as laser excitation surface plasmon-polariton, their interference with the incident laser radiation, inhomogeneous surface heating and incongruent cavitation-like material removal. The latter mechanism is responsible for higher evaporation rate of the components with higher volatility, resulting in growth of surface concentration of low-volatility components.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2094-2099
pages 2094-2099 views

Etching of Disc and Ring Patterns in Si3N4/GaN Structure by Ga+ FIB

Mitrofanov M., Voznyuk G., Rodin S., Lundin W., Evtikhiev V., Tsatsulnikov A.


The work presents experimental data of Ga+ focused ion beam etching of disc and ring patterns in Si3N4/GaN structure. The reasons for the difference in etching depth between the discs and the rings are described.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2100-2102
pages 2100-2102 views

The Influence of the Crystal Structure of the GaSb–InAs Matrix on the Formation of InSb Quantum Dots

Parkhomenko Y., Dement’ev P., Moiseev K.


Uniform arrays of the InSb quantum dots with a surface density of nQD = 2 × 109 cm–2 were obtained by liquid phase epitaxy on a matrix layer based on a multicomponent InGaAsSb solid solution lattice-matched with the GaSb substrate. The change in the composition of the cationic part of the matrix by using the epitaxial matrix layer allowed to lower the temperature of the epitaxy to T = 430°C and determined the shape of a typical InSb quantum dot in the form of a truncated cone with average values of height h = 3 nm and diameter d = 30 nm, which corresponded to the aspect ratio L = h/d = 0.1.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2103-2105
pages 2103-2105 views

Examination of Self-Catalyzed III–V Nanowire Growth by Monte Carlo Simulation

Nastovjak A., Usenkova A., Shwartz N., Neizvestny I.


The main features of self-catalyzed III–V nanowire growth according to the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism were analyzed using Monte Carlo simulation. The nanowire growth kinetics, flux ratio influence on the nanowire morphology and growth rate were considered. For some growth conditions, the self-equalization effect of metal drop sizes during the self-catalyzed III–V nanowire growth was demonstrated. It is revealed that, only under the adsorption growth mode, all drop sizes reach a single stationary value.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2106-2109
pages 2106-2109 views

The Study of Nanoindentation of Atomically Flat GaAs Surface using the Tip of Atomic-Force Microscope

Prasolov N., Ermakov I., Gutkin A., Solov’ev V., Dorogin L., Konnikov S., Brunkov P.


It was shown that the nanoindentation treatment of the atomically flat GaAs surface with the tip of atomic-force microscope in contact mode allows to produce small size pits with the depth in the range from a few tenths of nm up to a 1.5 nm. The experimental data can be qualitatively described on the base of kinetic concept of fracture of solid state developed by Zhurkov, which suppose the generation of defects and subsequent destruction of the GaAs surface. The molecular dynamics modelling confirmed thermally activated destruction of a few top atomic layers under indentation. The presented technology could be used to form the shape of solid state surfaces with subnanometer resolution in depth without wet etching processes.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2110-2114
pages 2110-2114 views

XAFS Investigation of Nanoparticle Formation in 64Zn+ Ion Implanted and Thermo Oxidized Quartz

Khramov E., Privezentsev V., Palagushkin A.


The silica glass substrates were implanted by 64Zn+ ions with dose of 5 × 1016 cm−2 and energy of 50 keV. During implantation the ion beam current density was less than 0.5 μA/cm2 to avoid the substrate magnetically heating. After implantation, the substrates were subjected to isochronous for 1h heat treatment in oxygen atmosphere at temperature range from 400 up to 1000oC with a step of 100oC. Zn K-edge EXAFS spectra were measured in fluorescent mode. According to Zn K-edge EXAFS data, Zn in as implanted state and after oxidation at 800oC is fully oxidized and surrounded by O atoms with coordination number of 4. However, in as implanted state there were disordered orientation of Zn atoms, and ordered tetrahedral coordination occurs only after heat treatment at 800oC.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2115-2117
pages 2115-2117 views

Selective Epitaxy of Submicron GaN Structures

Lundin W., Tsatsulnikov A., Rodin S., Sakharov A., Mitrofanov M., Levitskii I., Voznyuk G., Evtikhiev V.


The effect of the growth temperature and the flow of trimethylgallium on the process of selective epitaxy of gallium nitride in windows of submicron size have been studied. The conditions under which homogeneous nucleation and coalescence of nuclei are combined with a low growth rate are determined. The steady growth of variously oriented gallium nitride strips with a height of 50 nm and a width of 600 nm was realized.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2118-2120
pages 2118-2120 views

Effect of Annealing on Luminescence of InGaN/GaN Structures Etched by a Focused Ion Beam

Sakharov A., Kaliteevskii M., Voznyuk G., Levitskii I., Mitrofanov M., Tsatsulnikov A., Lundin W., Rodin S., Usov S., Evtikhiev V.


The effect of annealing temperature and time on the luminescence intensity of the InGaN/GaN heterostructure subjected to ion beam etching was studied. We show that annealing at a temperature of 1100°C makes it possible to eliminate the radiation defects in the GaN layers that arise in the etching process with a focused Ga+ ion beam (30 keV).

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2121-2124
pages 2121-2124 views

Initial Stages of Planar GaAs Nanowire Growth—Monte Carlo Simulation

Spirina A., Neizvestny I., Shwartz N.


The initial stages of planar self-catalyzed GaAs nanowire growth via the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism are considered by a kinetic lattice Monte Carlo model. The shapes of the nanocrystals being formed under a catalyzed droplet are presented for three GaAs substrate orientations (111)A, (111)B, (001). The most stable planar GaAs nanowire growth was observed on GaAs(111)A substrates.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2125-2128
pages 2125-2128 views

Quantum Wells and Quantum Dots

Influence of Impurities on Polarization Properties of Lattice Vibrations

Bairamov B., Toporov V., Bayramov F.


On the example of synthetic single crystal diamond with negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy center (NV)—center, we have experimentally reviled the changes in the polarized spectrum of the first-order Raman scattering due to the presence of nitrogen impurities. It has been found the appearance of rather intense spectra of the Brillouin zone-center optical phonons in an unpredictable crossed polarization of the incident and scattered light, while in the previously reported Raman data it was observed only in parallel polarization of the incident and scattered light. Such a recovery of Raman intensity is prescribed to the change of the local symmetry from the point group Oh to C3v in accordance with the results of Raman scattering polarization rules based on conclusions of the group theory. The data make obvious also the observation of the strong in-coming resonance with the nitrogen NV 0 center electronic transition.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2129-2132
pages 2129-2132 views

Kinetics of Photoluminescence Decay of Colloidal Quantum Dots: Reversible Trapping of Photogenerated Charge Carriers

Bodunov E., Simões Gamboa A.


A function for the analysis of the non-exponential kinetics of photoluminescence decay of colloidal quantum dots at room temperature is presented. The function takes into account trapping and detrapping of photogenerated charge carriers with physically meaningful parameters (time constant, trapping and detrapping rate constants, and average number of traps per quantum dot). Its validity is tested by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy experiments with drop-cast films of CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2133-2136
pages 2133-2136 views

Electronic States in Cylindrical Core-Multi-Shell Nanowire

Rudakov A., Kokurin I.


The recent advances in nanowire (NW) growth technology have made possible the growth of more complex structures such as core-multi-shell (CMS) NWs. We propose the approach for calculation of electron subbands in cylindrical CMS NWs within the simple effective mass approximation. Numerical results are presented for GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As radial heterostructure with AlGaAs-core and 4 alternate GaAs and AlGaAs shells. The influence of an effective mass difference in heterolayers is discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2137-2139
pages 2137-2139 views

Observation of Intralayer and Interlayer Excitons in Monolayered WSe2/WS2 Heterostructure

Shah M., Schneider L., Rahimi-Iman A.


The atomically thin two-dimensional semiconductors of the material family of transition-metal dichalcogenides exhibit astonishing many-particle physics dominated by the formation of tightly bound planar-confined excitons due to strong in-plane Coulomb interaction. In addition to bright excitonic features, the presence of various dark excitonic states also has been experimentally observed very recently in this material family. In addition to that, a different type of exciton emerges when a van-der-Waals heterostructure is assembled by deterministically stacking two different monolayer TMDCs. Here, we demonstrate a WSe2/WS2 type-II heterostructure where the electrons transfer to the WS2 layer whereas the holes transfer to the WSe2 layer, thereby giving rise to interlayer excitons. The interlayer interaction depends on the coupling strength of the heterostructure which determines the luminescence spectrum. Such spectrum features contributions from individual layers as well as the heterobilayer configuration. These results and findings open new approaches for bandgap engineering using strongly hybridized bandstructures.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2140-2146
pages 2140-2146 views

Probability Density Operator and Darwin Term in ID Spinless Semi-Relativistic System

Rumyantsev E., Kunavin P., Germanenko A.


We derive one-electron/hole probability density in ID semi-relativistic system within quantum field approach, considered as an alternative to Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation. We propose to consider single wall semiconductor carbon nanotube as the physical realization of such ID system. Application of Bogoluybov transformation to nanotube two-band Dirac-like k·p Hamiltonian predicts the additional smearing of position probability density as regards common quantum mechanical smearing, described by the square of wave function. It is shown, that under application of external potential, the revealed difference causes arising of non-local Darwin-like terms in the one-component Salpeter equations, describing separately positive and negative energy states. It is shown within proposed approach that the predicted peculiarity of defined probability density is due to unusual behavior of position operator in multi band k·p problem.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2147-2150
pages 2147-2150 views

Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of ZnS:Mn2+ Quantum Dots

Sergeeva K., Sergeev A., Postnova I., Shchipunov Y., Voznesenskiy S.


The photocatalytic activity of Mn2+ doped ZnS quantum dots stabilized by glutathione capping agent in aqueous media was studied in situ by photoluminescence spectroscopy. The methylene blue was chosen as model organic dye for photodecomposition under excitation in near UV-range. It is shown that the rate of photodegradation of the methylene blue depends strictly on the concentration of the manganese activator ions and the presence of its own intrinsic defects in the host ZnS crystal lattice. It is found that the most effective photocatalyst are ZnS quantum dots doped with 0.25 at % of Mn2+ providing the total dye decolorization within 5 minutes.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2151-2154
pages 2151-2154 views

Differential Absorption Features of CdSe QDs in the Case of Resonant and Nonresonant Excitons Excitation

Smirnov A., Golinskaya A., Zharkova E., Bubenov S., Dorofeev S., Dneprovskii V.


Nanosecond differential absorption measurements of spherical CdSe QDs at the quasi-stationary resonant and nonresonant excitation of basic exciton transitions are reported. The significant decrease in absorption and saturation of the basic exciton transition 1Sh3/2–1Se are explained by the state filling effect. The observed blue shift of differential absorption minima with increasing pump intensities was explained by strong exciton–phonon interaction. In addition, the 2Sh3/2–1Se exciton transition bleaching and induced absorption of mixed 1Ph3/2–1Pe and 2Sh1/2–1Se exciton transitions were found.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2155-2157
pages 2155-2157 views

Electronic and Optical Properties of Perovskite Quantum-Dot Dimer

Tepliakov N., Vovk I., Leonov M., Baranov A., Fedorov A., Rukhlenko I.


In this work, we present a comprehensive theoretical modelling of a chiral dimer made of two perovskite quantum dots (QDs). Taking into account the bright triplet exciton of QDs, we calculate the energies of the dimer’s quantum states and analyze the dependence of these energies on the dimer geometry. We also compute the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the dimer and establish the optimal dimer parameters for maximizing its CD response. Our results show that the perovskite QD dimers feature a strong and tunable chiroptical response, making these superstructures attractive for chiral application.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2158-2161
pages 2158-2161 views

Dielectric Measurements of Polymer Composite Based on CdS Quantum Dots in Low Density Polyethylene at Microwave Frequencies

Ushakov N., Kosobudsky I.


CdS nanoparticles (NPs) as quantum dots (QDs) added into low density polyethylene (LDPE) can significantly change the MW dielectric properties of the composites. Introducing into the matrix of low density polyethylene CdS QDs increase the dielectric constant of more than twice. CdS QDs with concentration of 5 wt % to 20 wt % were prepared by the method of high-speed thermal decomposition. The size of CdS nanoparticles ranged from 2 nm to 7 nm. Experimental samples based on polymer-based nanocomposite in the form of thick films with a thickness of 80 to 100 microns were prepared by thermocompression. Complex dielectric permittivity of thick film samples was measured by T/R method from 2 to 8 GHz at room temperature (25°C). For samples with 20 wt % CdS NPs size effect was found. The change of dielectric properties of polymer composite materials is associated with the size of QDs. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss increases with decreasing size of the quantum dots. It is shown that the highest mean value of the dielectric constant and dielectric loss at a frequency range of 5 GHz to 8 GHz for cadmium sulfide nanoparticles with size of 4 nm were 12 and 189 dB/m, respectively. For QDs with ones of 6 nm average dielectric constant and dielectric loss were 5.8 and 134 dB/m, respectively. The effective dielectric constant and dielectric losses in the microwave range can be changed by CdS QDs of different sizes what consequently increases the possibility of using polymer nanocomposites as core elements of the microwave band-pass filters for various purposes.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(16):2162-2165
pages 2162-2165 views

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