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Volume 51, Nº 9 (2017)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Residual stresses in silicon and their evolution upon heat treatment and irradiation

Matyash I., Minailova I., Serdega B., Khirunenko L.


The distributions of internal stresses in undoped and tin-doped silicon and the influence of electron irradiation with an energy of 5 MeV and of heat treatment at 450°C on the stresses are studied. The stresses are measured by a method based on the detection of birefringence by modulation polarimetry. It is shown that tin-doped silicon includes stripes of point defects with a nonuniform distribution of residual stresses of up to 20 kg cm–2. Heat treatment at 450°C induces an increase in the residual stresses in the sample to 50 kg cm–2. It is established that the radiation defects formed upon the irradiation of tin-doped silicon reduce the residual stresses to 2–3 kg cm–2.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1107-1110
pages 1107-1110 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Experimental studies of the effects of atomic ordering in epitaxial GaxIn1 – xP alloys on their optical properties

Seredin P., Goloshchapov D., Lenshin A., Lukin A., Khudyakov Y., Arsentyev I., Prutskij T.


The properties of epitaxial GaxIn1 – xP alloys with an ordered arrangement of atoms in the crystal lattice are studied by a number of spectroscopic methods. The alloys are grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition onto single-crystal GaAs(100) substrates. It is shown that, under conditions of the coherent growth of an ordered GaxIn1 – xP alloy on a GaAs(100) substrate, atomic ordering results in radical modifications of the optical properties of the semiconductor compared to the properties of disordered alloys. Among these modifications are a decrease in the band gap and an increase in the luminescence intensity. From the data of dispersion analysis of the infrared dispersion spectra and from ultraviolet spectroscopy data obtained in the transmittance–reflection mode of measurements, the basic optical characteristics, specifically, the dispersion of the refractive index and the high-frequency permittivity of GaxIn1 – xP alloys with ordering are determined. All of the experimental data are in good agreement with the developed theoretical concepts.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1111-1118
pages 1111-1118 views

Temperature dependence of the atomic structure and electrical activity of defects in ZnSb thermoelectric lightly doped with copper

Prokofieva L., Nasredinov F., Konstantinov P., Shabaldin A.


A model for describing the temperature dependence of the defect microstructure in high-efficiency ZnSb thermoelectric with a copper content of 0.1 at % is chosen. The temperature dependences of the chargecarrier density and mobility for thermal cycle I (300–700–300 K) are analyzed taking into account the features of the crystal structure and covalent chemical bond in ZnSb. The basic defect structure (at temperatures of T = 560–605 K) is the state when all Cu atoms are equally distributed between sites of both sublattices and behave as acceptors, and the number of intrinsic donor and acceptor defects is much smaller. The effect of the latter becomes noticeable when the temperature goes beyond the above-mentioned range. At T > 605 K, extra acceptors (antisite ZnSb) occur; upon cooling below 560 K, Cu2 dimers arise and the electrical activity of the impurity lowers. Dimer decay upon heating leads to growth in the concentration with temperature up to saturation in the above-mentioned range. Additional thermal cycles II–VIII are performed; the observed changes in the temperature dependences of the hole concentration and mobility are discussed in the context of the investigated model.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1119-1126
pages 1119-1126 views

Optical properties of metamorphic hybrid heterostuctures for vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers operating in the 1300-nm spectral range

Karachinsky L., Novikov I., Blokhin S., Bobrov M., Zadiranov Y., Troshkov S., Egorov A., Babichev A., Kryzhanovskaya N., Moiseev E., Gladyshev A.


The possibility of fabricating hybrid metamorphic heterostructures for vertical-cavity surfaceemitting lasers working in the 1300-nm spectral range is demonstrated. The metamorphic semiconductor part of the heterostructure with a GaAs/AlGaAs distributed Bragg reflector and an active region based on InAlGaAs/InGaAs quantum wells is grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on a GaAs (100) substrate. The top dielectric mirror with a SiO2/Ta2O5 distributed Bragg reflector is formed by magnetron sputtering. The spectra of the room-temperature microphotoluminescence of these vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser heterostructures are studied under 532-nm excitation in the power range of 0–70 mW (with a focused-beam diameter of ~1 μm). The superlinear dependence of the photoluminescence intensity on the excitation power, narrowing of the photoluminescence peaks, and a change in the modal composition may be indications of lasing. The results obtained give evidence that the technology of the metamorphic growth of heterostructures on GaAs substrates can be used for the fabrication of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers working in the 1300- nm spectral range.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1127-1132
pages 1127-1132 views

Influence of measurement temperature on the luminescence properties of (113) defects in oxygen-implanted silicon

Sobolev N., Kalyadin A., Shek E., Shtel’makh K.


Influence of the measurement temperature in the range 5–130 K on the photoluminescence spectra of (113) defects in Si implanted with 350-keV oxygen ions at doses of 3.7 × 1014 cm–2 and annealed at a temperature of 700°C for 1 h in a chlorine-containing atmosphere is studied. The temperature dependence of the line intensity is characterized by portions of intensity increase with an activation energy of 23.1 meV and intensity quenching with activation energies of 41.9 and 178.3 meV. With increasing temperature, the lines are shifted to longer wavelengths and their FWHM increases.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1133-1135
pages 1133-1135 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Generation of surface electron states with a silicon–ultrathin-oxide interface under the field-induced damage of metal–oxide–semiconductor structures

Goldman E., Levashov S., Naryshkina V., Chucheva G.


The high-frequency capacitance–voltage characteristics of metal–oxide–semiconductor structures on n-Si substrates with an oxide thickness of 39 Å are studied upon being subjected to damage by field stress. It is shown that the action of a high, but pre-breakdown electric field on an ultrathin insulating layer brings about the formation of a large number of additional localized interface electron states with an energy level arranged at 0.14 eV below the conduction band of silicon. It is found that, as the field stress is increased, the recharging of newly formed centers provides the accumulation of excess charge up to 8 × 1012 cm–2 at the silicon–oxide interface. The lifetime of localized centers created under field stress is two days, after which the dependences of the charge localized at the semiconductor–insulator interface on the voltage at the gate after and before field stress are practically the same.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1136-1140
pages 1136-1140 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

On the delta-type doping of GaAs-based heterostructures with manganese compounds

Moiseev K., Nevedomsky V., Kudriavtsev Y., Escobosa-Echavarria A., Lopez-Lopez M.


Heterostructures, which incorporate GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells and are doped with spatially remote monatomic Mn layers, are formed on GaAs(001) substrate under conditions of multilayer buildup by the method of molecular-beam epitaxy. Combined studies of the obtained samples were performed by the method of secondary-ion mass spectrometry, by measurements of X-ray diffraction, and using a transmission electron microscope. The heterostructures under study with a doping impurity concentration amounting to 0.5 single layers are elastically stressed and demonstrate planar clearly defined interfaces without visible extended or point defects. A method for visualization of the distribution of the manganese concentration in the three-dimensional GaAs matrix in the vicinity of a quantum well is suggested. According to experimental results, there is a probability for manganese diffusion into the GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum well when the critical thickness of the GaAs buffer layer is decreased to a value smaller than 3 nm.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1141-1147
pages 1141-1147 views

Effect of electrostatic shielding on the photoelectric properties of heterostructures with deep QWs

Danilov L., Mikhailova M., Andreev I., Zegrya G.


The effect of the electrostatic potential induced by charge carriers of the same sign, localized in a deep quantum well, on the current–voltage characteristics of photodetector heterostructures is theoretically analyzed. It is shown for the example of a p–i–n structure with a single deep quantum well in the i-type region that the shielding of an external electric field makes the differential photoconductivity of the heterostructure higher than that in a p–i–n structure without an intermediate 2D layer.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1148-1152
pages 1148-1152 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

High-temperature annealing of macroporous silicon in an inert-gas flow

Astrova E., Preobrazhenskiy N., Pavlov S., Voronkov V.


Interest in the sintering of macroporous silicon is due to the possibility of purposefully modifying its structure. The annealing of macroporous structures in an atmosphere of Ar, instead of H2, simplifies the requirements to equipment and safety engineering. The sintering of macroporous silicon as result of annealing at T = 1000–1280°C in a horizontal tube purged with high-purity gases: Ar or Ar + 3%H2 is examined. Experiments were conducted with layers having deep cylindrical macropores produced by the electrochemical etching of samples with seed pits on their surface (ordered pores) and without seeds (random pores). The morphology of the porous structure and the changes in this structure upon annealing are studied with electron and optical microscopes. It is shown that, depending on the pore diameter and treatment temperature, the following transformation occurs: the pore surface is smoothed, pores are closed and a surface crust is formed, cylindrical pores are spheroidized and decompose into isolated hollow spheres, and a fine structure and faceting are formed. It is shown that the (111) planes have the minimal surface energy. It is found that the annealing of macroporous silicon in an inert gas leads to strong thermal etching, which is manifested in the fact that the porosity increases or even the porous layer at the sample edge fully disappears. Moreover, an oxide layer appears as a film, beads, or long filaments forming a glass wool upon annealing, especially at low temperatures. These features can be attributed to the presence of trace amounts of an oxidizing agent in the inert gas, which causes the formation of highly volatile SiO and products formed in the reaction involving this compound.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1153-1163
pages 1153-1163 views

Characteristic properties of macroporous silicon sintering in an argon atmosphere

Astrova E., Preobrazhenskiy N., Pavlov S., Voronkov V.


The temperature and time dependences of the sintering of macroporous silicon in Ar or Ar + 3% H2 are studied. The contribution of various mechanisms governing this process is determined. The specific features of the sintering of macroporous silicon are examined by means of isochronous and isothermal annealing of the samples with ordered and random macropores in the temperature range 1000–1225°C. It is found that the sintering of macroporous silicon under atmospheric pressure in an inert gas flow containing 2 × 10–4% O2 is greatly affected by thermal etching. Thermal etching competes with the substance-transfer processes characteristic of sintering and hinders the formation of a defect-free surface crust. The reason for etching consists in that gaseous silicon monoxide is generated and then carried away by the gas flow. The etching effect is dominant in the low-temperature range and is independent of whether H2 is added. The values obtained for the activation energy of the silicon diffusion coefficient, Ea = 2.57 eV, and for the exponent n = 3.31–3.74 in the time dependence of the pore radius, r ~ t1/n are indicative of a mixed substance-transfer mechanism via the surface and volume diffusion of silicon atoms.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1164-1173
pages 1164-1173 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Derivation of an analytical expression for a physical process from an experimental curve with kinks

Davydov V., Kharitonov S., Lugina N., Melnik K.


A technique for deriving an analytical expression describing an experimental curve with one or several kinks is proposed. Depending on the pattern of the partial processes involved in the resulting process, derivation is based on calculating either their sum or geometric mean. “Participation functions” of the processes, whose run is determined by the coordinate of the intersection point of the processes and the “accuracy parameter,” are introduced into these expressions in order to increase the approximation accuracy. The choice of these parameters provides a correspondence between the approximation accuracy and the accuracy of measuring the experimental curve. Application of this technique in analytical calculations consisting of a combination of several processes and in the derivation of an analytical expression for an experimental curve with kinks is demonstrated. The thus obtained approximating expression, characterized by clarity, a high approximation accuracy, and physical simplicity, may be used to calculate other characteristics of a semiconductor device.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1174-1179
pages 1174-1179 views

Degradation of micromorphous thin-film silicon (α-Si/μc-Si) solar modules: Evaluation of seasonal efficiency based on the data of monitoring

Bogdanov D., Gorbatovskii G., Verbitskii V., Bobyl A., Terukov E.


A method for assessing the efficiency of α-Si/μc-Si solar modules is developed; the method is based on monitoring current and voltage at the point of highest voltage and on measuring the temperature at the surface of the module. The technique for assessment of the parameters of the α-Si/μc-Si modules in the course of their operation after initial degradation of the module is described; the results of parameter evaluation are compared with the values measured in the laboratory. The error in evaluating parameters was no larger than 3%; this error amounted to 0.36% in the case of estimating the parameters under standard conditions and maximal power of the module. This method can be used for evaluating a module’s efficiency and for short-term prediction (day, week) of the power generated by a solar power plant under conditions of operation using standard tools for monitoring.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1180-1185
pages 1180-1185 views

Hopping conductivity and dielectric relaxation in Schottky barriers on GaN

Bochkareva N., Voronenkov V., Gorbunov R., Virko M., Kogotkov V., Leonidov A., Vorontsov-Velyaminov P., Sheremet I., Shreter Y.


A study of the current and capacitance dependences on the forward voltage in Au/n-GaN Schottky diodes, the sub-band optical absorption spectra, and the defect photoluminescence in n-GaN bulk crystals and thin layers is reported. It is shown that defect-assisted tunneling is the dominant transport mechanism for forward-biased Schottky contacts on n-GaN. The dependences of the current and capacitance on forward bias reflect the energy spectrum of defects in the band gap of n-GaN: the rise in the density of deep states responsible for yellow photoluminescence in GaN with increasing energy and the steep exponential tail of states with an Urbach energy of EU = 50 meV near the conduction-band edge. A decrease in the frequency of electron hops near the Au/n-GaN interface results in a wide distribution of local dielectric relaxation times and in a dramatic transformation of the electric-field distribution in the space-charge region under forward biases.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1186-1193
pages 1186-1193 views

Transient switch-off of a 4H-SiC bipolar transistor from the deep-saturation mode

Yuferev V., Levinshtein M., Ivanov P., Zhang J., Palmour J.


The transient switch-off of a bipolar 4H-SiC transistor from the deep-saturation mode is studied by performing 1D numerical simulation. Switch-off in the zero base current mode and in the mode of switching-off with a negative base current is examined. It is shown that at quite real values of the switching-off base current, the switch-off time can be made ~40 times shorter than the switch-off time at zero base current. The delay time can also be made substantially (several times) shorter. It is noted that, in the deep saturation mode in which the conductivity of the collector layer is highly modulated by minority carriers, the bipolar transistor can operate in the continuous mode at a rather high current density.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1194-1199
pages 1194-1199 views

Electric-field sensor based on a double quantum dot in a microcavity

Tsukanov A., Chekmachev V.


A scheme for an optical quantum external-electric-field sensor based on a double quantum dot placed in a high-Q semiconductor microcavity is proposed. A model of the dynamic processes occurring in this system is developed, its spectral characteristics are investigated, and the noise stability of the sensor is examined. It is demonstrated that, owing to design features, the device has a number of advantages, including high sensitivity, the presence of different excitation and measurement channels, and the possibility of accurate determination of the spatial field distribution.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1200-1207
pages 1200-1207 views

High-power nano- and picosecond optoelectronic switches based on high-voltage silicon structures with p–n junctions: I. Physics of the switching process

Kyuregyan A.


The switching of high-voltage silicon photodiodes, phototransistors, and photothyristors exposed to picosecond laser pulses quasi-homogeneous over illumination area is numerically simulated for the first time. An analysis of the results makes it possible to obtain “empirical” relations between the main switch parameters (energy of control pulses, light absorbance, and structure area) and the parameters characterizing the switching transition process in a circuit with resistive load. For some of these relations, approximate analytical formulas well describing the simulation results are derived. It is noted that the differences between switching processes in three types of structures appears only at long pulses at the final stage, when the blocking capability of photodiodes and phototransistors is recovered.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1208-1213
pages 1208-1213 views

High-power nano- and picosecond optoelectronic switches based on high-voltage silicon structures with p–n junctions: II. Energy efficiency

Kyuregyan A.


The energy efficiency of optoelectronic switches based on high-voltage silicon photodiodes, phototransistors, and photothyristors controlled by picosecond laser pulses during the formation of voltage pulses on resistive load RL is studied for the first time. It is shown that at the given values of the resistive load RL, pulse amplitude UR and duration tR, there exist optimum device areas, energies, and absorbances of control radiation providing a maximum total switch efficiency of ~0.92. All three switch types feature almost the same efficiency at short tR; at longer tR, photothyristors have a noticeable advantage.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1214-1217
pages 1214-1217 views

Electrical and thermal properties of photoconductive antennas based on InxGa1 – xAs (x > 0.3) with a metamorphic buffer layer for the generation of terahertz radiation

Ponomarev D., Khabibullin R., Yachmenev A., Pavlov A., Slapovskiy D., Glinskiy I., Lavrukhin D., Ruban O., Maltsev P.


The results of studies of the electrical and thermal properties of photoconductive antennas for terahertz-radiation generation are reported; these antennas are fabricated on the basis of low-temperaturegrown GaAs (LT-GaAs) and InxGa1 – xAs with an increased content of indium (x > 0.3). It is shown that the power of Joule heating PH due to the effect of “dark” current in InxGa1 – xAs exceeds the same quantity in LT-GaAs by three–five times. This is due to the high intrinsic conductivity of InxGa1 – xAs at x > 0.38. Heatremoval equipment for the photoconductive antenna has been developed and fabricated. The results of numerical simulation show that the use of a heat sink makes it possible to reduce the operating temperature of the antenna based on LT-GaAs by 16%, of the antenna based on In0.38Ga0.62As by 40%, and for antennas based on In0.53Ga0.47As by 64%.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1218-1223
pages 1218-1223 views

Collective modes in coupled semiconductor disk lasers in the case of whispering-gallery modes

Royz M., Baranov A., Imenkov A., Burenina D., Pivovarova A., Monakhov A., Grebenshchikova E., Yakovlev Y.


Samples of coupled semiconductor disk laser based on quantum-dimensional GaInAsSb/AlGaAsSb nanoheterostructures (emission wavelength of λ ≈ 2.28 μm) operating in the whispering-gallery modes are fabricated and studied. The emission spectra and directivity patterns are studied for laser systems of two types, i.e., coupled disk lasers with a bridge between resonators and those without it. It is found that both types of these lasers generate collective modes with an intermodal difference twice as small as that for a single disk laser. It is suggested that this effect is caused by the propagation of radiation from one disk laser to the other.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1224-1228
pages 1224-1228 views

High-voltage MIS-gated GaN transistors

Erofeev E., Fedin I., Fedina V., Stepanenko M., Yuryeva A.


Transistors with a high electron mobility based on AlGaN/GaN epitaxial heterostructures are promising component types for creating high-power electronic devices of the next generation. This is due both to a high charge-carrier mobility in the transistor channel and a high electric durability of the material making it possible to achieve high breakdown voltages. For use in power switching devices, normally off GaN transistors operating in the enrichment mode are required. To create normally off GaN transistors, the subgate region on the basis of p-GaN doped with magnesium is more often used. However, optimization of the p-GaN epitaxial-layer thickness and doping level makes it possible to achieve a threshold voltage close to Vth = +2 V for the on-mode of GaN transistors. In this study, it is shown that the use of a subgate MIS (metal–insulator–semiconductor) structure involved in p-GaN transistors results in an increase in the threshold voltage for the on-mode to Vth = +6.8 V, which depends on the subgate-insulator thickness in a wide range. In addition, it is established that the use of the MIS structure results in a decrease in the initial transistor current and the gate current in the on mode, which enables us to decrease the energy losses when controlling powerful GaN transistors.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1229-1232
pages 1229-1232 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Formation of low-dimensional structures in the InSb/AlAs heterosystem

Abramkin D., Bakarov A., Putyato M., Emelyanov E., Kolotovkina D., Gutakovskii A., Shamirzaev T.


Low-dimensional quantum-well and nanoisland heterostructures formed in the InSb/AlAs system by molecular-beam epitaxy are studied by transmission electron microscopy and steady-state photoluminescence spectroscopy. The structures are grown under conditions of alternate In and Sb deposition (the socalled atomic-layer epitaxy mode) and the simultaneous deposition of materials (the traditional molecularbeam epitaxy mode). In both modes of growth, at a nominal amount of the deposited material in a single layer, large-sized (200 nm–1 μm) imperfect islands arranged on the InxAl1 – xSbyAs1–y quantum-well layer are formed. In the heterostructures grown under conditions of atomic layer epitaxy, the islands are surrounded by ring-shaped arrays of much smaller (~10 nm), coherently strained islands consisting of the InxAl1 – xSbyAs1 – y alloy as well. The composition of the alloy is defined by the intermixing of Group-V materials in the stage of InSb deposition and by the intermixing of materials because of the segregation of In and Sb atoms during overgrowth of the InSb layer by an AlAs layer.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1233-1239
pages 1233-1239 views

Specific features of the ion-beam synthesis of Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 thin films

Tyschenko I., Cherkov A., Volodin V., Voelskow M.


The systematic features of the formation of Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 thin films implanted with Ge+ ions and then subjected to high-temperature annealing (1130°C) are studied in relation to hydrostatic pressure. It is established that annealing at atmospheric pressure is accompanied by the diffusion of Ge atoms from the implantation region to the Si substrate and does not induce the formation of Ge nanocrystals. An increase in pressure during annealing yields a deceleration in the diffusion of germanium into silicon and is accompanied by the formation of twinned lamellae at the Si/SiO2 interface (at pressures of ~103 bar) or by the nucleation and growth of Ge nanocrystals (at pressures of ~104 bar) in the SiO2 film. The results are discussed on the basis of the concept of a change in the activation volume of the formation and migration of point defects under conditions of compression.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(9):1240-1246
pages 1240-1246 views

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