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Volume 51, Nº 5 (2017)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Negative annealing in silicon after the implantation of high-energy sodium ions

Korol’ V., Zastavnoi A., Kudriavtsev Y., Asomoza R.


The implantation of sodium ions with an energy of 300 keV is carried out into high-resistivity p-Si. The annealing of defects at Tann = 350–450°C and related activation of atoms (the latter occurs at the “tail” of atom distribution) are described by a first-order reaction. At Tann = 450–525°C and irrespective of the ion dose, negative annealing is observed; this annealing is accompanied by an appreciable increase in the surface resistance ρs. According to estimations, the activation energy of this process amounts to ~2 eV. It is our opinion that the annealing is related to the precipitation of sodium donor atoms, which occurs at a depth exceeding by two–three times the projected range Rp of ions. The annealing of defects at Tann = 525–700°C, which leads to a further decrease in ρs, features an activation energy of ~2.1 eV. The hypothesis that the “tail” in the profiles of sodium atoms measured by secondary-ion mass spectroscopy is due to the diffusion of these atoms from the walls of the crater to its center is verified. It is shown that this process is not implemented since the profiles of sodium atoms measured at room temperature do not differ from those measured at–140°C.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):549-555
pages 549-555 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Ab initio calculations of phonon dispersion in CdGa2Se4

Dzhakhangirli Z., Kerimova T., Abdullayev N., Mamedova I., Mamedov N.


The density of phonon states and the phonon dispersion in the Brillouin zone are calculated by the density functional method of. The displacements of atoms in the elementary cell are constructed for vibrations of the A, B, and E symmetries. The calculated frequencies of optical phonons are consistent with the experimentally determined frequencies from the IR-absorption (infrared) and Raman-scattering spectra. In the xy plane, the intersection of low-frequency optical phonons with acoustic phonons is observed.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):556-558
pages 556-558 views

Parameters of ZnO films with p-type conductivity deposited by high-frequency magnetron sputtering

Mezdrogina M., Vinogradov A., Levitskii V., Terukova E., Kozhanova Y., Aglikov A.


It is demonstrated that a reduction in the defect concentration in ZnO films formed by high-frequency magnetron sputtering allows effective doping with acceptor impurities both in the cation (Li) and anion (N+) sublattices and p-type conductivity with reproducible charge-carrier parameters (concentration and mobility) to be obtained. ZnO films are doped with nitrogen by annealing in a high-frequency gas discharge atmosphere. Hall measurements by the Van der Pauw technique show that the deposition of thin Eu layers on the ZnO film surface increases the concentration and mobility of majority charge carriers. The embedding of metal impurities with different ionic radii (Ag and Au) in the cation sublattice of the ZnO films to compensate misfit stresses makes it possible to enhance the concentration of radiative-recombination centers.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):559-564
pages 559-564 views

Picosecond relaxation of band-gap renormalization induced by the Coulomb interaction of charge carriers in GaAs

Ageeva N., Bronevoi I., Zabegaev D., Krivonosov A.


The dynamics of the long-wavelength edge of the spectrum of intrinsic stimulated picosecond emission occurring upon the picosecond pumping of GaAs is studied experimentally. The shortage of bandgap renormalization induced by the Coulomb interaction of charge carriers, compared to renormalization in the quasi-steady state, is observed. It is conceived that the shortage is caused by the fact that, under the experimental conditions of the study, the renormalization relaxation time is in the picosecond region.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):565-570
pages 565-570 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Optical an photoelectric properties odf ZnSe:Ti crystals

Nitsuk Y., Vaksman Y.


The photoconductivity and photoluminescence spectra of ZnSe:Ti crystals in the visible and infrared spectral regions are studied. It is established that the high-temperature impurity-induced photoconductivity of ZnSe:Ti crystals is defined by the optical transitions of electrons from the 3A2(F) ground state to highenergy excited states, with the subsequent thermal transitions of electrons to the conduction band. The efficient excitation of intracenter luminescence of ZnSe:Ti crystals is achieved by light from the region of the intrinsic absorption of Ti2+ ions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):571-575
pages 571-575 views

Electronic excitation transfer from an organic matrix to CdS nanocrystals produced by the Langmuir–Blodgett method

Zarubanov A., Plyusnin V., Zhuravlev K.


The absorption, photoluminescence, and photoluminescence excitation spectra of CdS nanocrystals formed by the Langmuir–Blodgett method are explored. Features of the absorption and photoluminescence excitation spectra defined by optical transitions in the matrix and nanocrystals are identified. The efficiency of electronic excitation transfer from an organic matrix to nanocrystals is studied. It is shown that charge carriers efficiently transfer from the matrix to electron and hole size-quantization levels in nanocrystals and to acceptor defect levels in the band gap of nanocrystals. A large Stokes shift defined by fine exciton structure (bright and dark excitons) is observed. The shift is in the range 140–220 meV for nanocrystals 2.4 and 2.0 nm in radius.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):576-581
pages 576-581 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Modification of the surface of GaAs and observation of surface enhanced Raman scattering after the diffusion of indium

Vlasov A., Karlina L., Komissarenko F., Ankudinov A.


The results of studies of the surface of GaAs in the presence of indium and phosphorus surfactants are reported. It is shown that, as a result of their diffusion (annealing) at a temperature of 650–670°C, clusters enriched with indium are formed in the GaAs surface region. The clusters can be seen as bright spots in an image obtained by a scanning electron microscope with the use of an in-lens detector. At the same time, studies of the morphology of this surface with an atomic-force microscope show a decrease in the root-meansquare roughness of the surface after annealing (diffusion), which is indicative of the incorporation of In atoms into the GaAs crystal lattice. The clusters are responsible for changes in the Raman spectra. Specifically, an increase in the signal intensity due to surface-enhanced Raman scattering and a shift of the vibration frequency in the surface region are observed. It is found that cluster formation is defined by the crystallographic orientation of the surface and by the technological conditions of surface preparation.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):582-585
pages 582-585 views

Morphology, optical, and adsorption properties of copper-oxide layers deposited from complex compound solutions

Matyushkin L., Reshetnikova A., Andronov A., Afonicheva P., Myakin S., Permiakov N., Moshnikov V.


A technique for synthesizing gas-sensing copper-oxide layers by layer-by-layer deposition onto glass and plastic substrates is considered. Deposition is based on the oxidation of a copper–ammonia complex by hydrogen peroxide. Layers synthesized at various numbers of deposition cycles are studied by atomicforce microscopy and transmission spectroscopy methods (300–1000 nm). The spectral shape indicates the mixed nature of the oxide with predominant copper oxide (I) Cu2O with a corresponding band gap of 2.1 eV. The layers have a continuous granular structure. The surface concentration of Brönsted acid adsorption sites with pKa ≈ 2.5 (OH acid groups), determined by the indicator method, is 560 μmol/m2 for the initial films, and threefold increases after heat treatment at 80°C for 30 min. The results obtained are interesting for the use of the described technology for fabricating copper-oxide active layers in gas-sensing sensors operating at room temperature.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):586-590
pages 586-590 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Origin of discrepancies in the experimental values of the barrier height at metal–semiconductor junctions

Askerov S., Abdullayeva L., Hasanov M.


A possible explanation is suggested for discrepancies between experimental values obtained by different authors for the barrier height at the same metal–semiconductor junction. It is supposed that the problem is caused primarily by the structural inhomogeneity of the metal. As a result, the junction behaves as an assembly of a large number of subjunctions connected in parallel. To determine the effect of metal inhomogeneity on the properties of a junction, the dependence of the barrier height in a Schottky diode on the junction area is investigated under the assumption that, with an increase in the area of a junction between a singlecrystal semiconductor and a polycrystalline metal, the degree of inhomogeneity and, thus, the number of subjunctions, increases.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):591-593
pages 591-593 views

Specific features of ballistic electron transport in double-level open systems in a large-amplitude high-frequency electric field

Pashkovskii A.


Analytical expressions for electron coefficients of transmission and reflection in a large-amplitude high-frequency electric field, with a frequency close to resonance, for asymmetric double- and triple-barrier resonant tunneling structures with thin high barriers forming open two-level systems are reported. The dependences of the width and shape of resonant levels on the high-frequency field amplitude are investigated. It is shown that, in these structures there are almost always conditions at which nonresonant scattering channels near the quantum levels can become absolutely transparent.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):594-603
pages 594-603 views

Injection-induced terahertz electroluminescence from silicon p–n structures

Zakhar’in A., Vasilyev Y., Sobolev N., Zabrodskii V., Egorov S., Andrianov A.


Injection-induced terahertz electroluminescence from silicon p+n structures is observed at helium temperatures. Structures fabricated by the diffusion of boron into a phosphorus-doped n-Si substrate are studied. Relatively narrow luminescence lines are observed in the luminescence spectra against a broad smooth background. The spectral position of a number of emission lines corresponds to optical transitions between excited donor states and the ground state of phosphorus donors. The intracenter optical transitions of electrons at phosphorus donors are excited as a result of recombination processes occurring in the n-type region of the structure under the injection of nonequilibrium holes. A number of other lines in the terahertz emission spectra are associated with intracenter transitions at acceptor centers, which are also excited as a result of injection. The structureless background in the electroluminescence spectra may be due to terahertz emission upon the intraband energy relaxation of “hot” carriers having an effective temperature exceeding the lattice temperature. These “hot” carriers appear in the structure under injection conditions.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):604-607
pages 604-607 views

Characteristics of the Schottky barriers of two-terminal thin-film Al/nano-Si film/ITO structures

Kononov N., Dorofeev S.


The temperature dependence of the Schottky-barrier height and series resistance of two-terminal thin-film Al/nano-Si film/ITO structures are determined from the current—voltage (I–V) characteristics in the temperature range of 20–150°C. It is found that the form of the I–V characteristic at all investigated temperatures can be described by a model of two Schottky diodes connected back-to-back. For these diodes, the general formula is obtained, which allows the construction of functions approximating experimental curves with high accuracy. Based on this formula, a computational model is built, which generalizes the theoretical data obtained by S.K. Cheung and N.W. Cheung widely used for analyzing the I–V characteristics of single Schottky diodes. A technique is developed for calculating the Schottky-barrier heights in a system of two Schottky diodes connected back-to-back, their ideality factors, and the series resistance of the system. It is established that the barrier heights in the investigated temperature range are ~1 eV. According to the temperature dependence of the barrier height, such large values result from the presence of a SiOx (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) oxide layer at the nanoparticle boundaries. Charge carriers can overcome this layer by means of thermal excitation or tunneling. It is established that the intrinsic Schottky-barrier height of the Al/nc-Si film and nc-Si film/ITO junctions is ~0.1 eV. The activation dependences of the series resistance of the Al/nc-Si film/ITO structures and impedance spectra show that combined electric-charge transport related to ionic and electronic conductivity takes place in the structures under study. It is shown that the contribution of the electronic conductivity to the total transport process increases as the sample temperature is raised.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):608-616
pages 608-616 views

Electronic structure of single-layer superlattices (GeC)1(SiC)1, (SnC)1(SiC)1, and (SnC)1(GeC)1

Basalaev Y., Malysheva E.


The crystal and electronic structures of GeC, SiC, and SnC crystals and superlattices based on them, GeC/SiC, SnC/SiC, and SnC/GeC, are modeled within density functional theory. The equilibrium lattice constants are obtained, the band spectra and densities of states are calculated, and the specific features of the formation of the valence band and chemical bonding in these crystals and superlattices are studied.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):617-620
pages 617-620 views

Photoelectric characteristics of silicon carbide–silicon structures grown by the atomic substitution method in a silicon crystal lattice

Grashchenko A., Feoktistov N., Osipov A., Kalinina E., Kukushkin S.


Data obtained in an experimental study of the photoelectric characteristics of silicon–silicon carbide structures grown by the atomic substitution method on silicon (100) and (111) substrates are presented. It is found that the maximum sunlight conversion efficiency of a silicon–silicon carbide (silicon carbide–silicon) heterojunction is 5.4%. The theory of dilatation dipole formation upon synthesis by the atomic substitution method is used to account for the mechanism of electrical barrier formation at the silicon–silicon carbide interface.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):621-627
pages 621-627 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Energy transfer from TPD to CdSe/CdS/ZnS colloidal nanocrystals

Kurochkin N., Katsaba A., Ambrozevich S., Vitukhnovsky A., Vashchenko A., Tananaev P.


The efficiency of electronic-excitation energy transfer from organic semiconductor TPD to CdSe/CdS/ZnS nanocrystals passivated with different organic ligands is investigated. It is shown that the rate of energy transfer from TPD to nanocrystals decreases with increasing thickness of the passivation coating. It is suggested that the Förster mechanism is responsible for the excitation transfer.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):628-631
pages 628-631 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

On the photoconductivity of TlInSe2

Ismailov N., Abilov C., Gasanova M.


The current–voltage (I–V) and photocurrent–light intensity (Ipc–Φ) characteristics and the photoconductivity relaxation kinetics of TlInSe2 single crystals are investigated. Anomalously long relaxation times (τ ≈ 103 s) and some other specific features of the photoconductivity are observed, which are explained within the barrier theory of inhomogeneous semiconductors. The heights of the drift and recombination barriers are found to be, respectively, Edr ≈ 0.1 eV and Er ≈ 0.45 eV.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):632-635
pages 632-635 views

Carbon Systems

Effect of hydrogen desorption on the mechanical properties and electron structure of diamond-like carbon nanothreads

Podlivaev A., Openov L.


The effect of hydrogen desorption on the mechanical stiffness, intrinsic vibrational spectrum, and electron density of states in structurally diamond-like carbon nanothreads is studied in the context of the tight binding model. It is shown that the stiffness only slightly varies in the initial stage of desorption and starts noticeably decreasing after the desorption of ~20% of hydrogen atoms. As hydrogen is desorbed, energy levels that finally form an impurity band appear in the band gap.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):636-639
pages 636-639 views

Effect of intercalated hydrogen on the electron state of quasi-free graphene on a SiC substrate

Davydov S.


To judge the role of intercalated hydrogen in the doping of quasi-free epitaxial graphene, two systems, specifically, (i) the graphene–NH-SiC{0001} and (ii) graphene–hydrogen single layer–NH-SiC{0001} structures (N = 4, 6) are considered. In case (i), the shift of the Dirac point of epitaxial graphene is induced by the electrostatic potential of spontaneous polarization of the substrate; in case (ii), the shift is due to the field of a double electrical layer formed because of the absorption of hydrogen atoms. It is shown that, in case (ii) compared to case (i), the concentration of holes in graphene is higher and the concentration of electrons is lower. This result is consistent with the currently available experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):640-644
pages 640-644 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Laser (λ = 809 nm) power converter based on GaAs

Khvostikov V., Sorokina S., Potapovich N., Khvostikova O., Timoshina N.


Laser-power converters with a wavelength of λ = 809 nm are fabricated on the basis of single-junction AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures grown by the method of liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE). Photovoltaic modules with an operating voltage of 4 V for converting radiation of various densities are developed and tested. Two approaches—without the use of optical concentrating systems and with the use of Fresnel lenses are investigated. A monochromatic conversion efficiency exceeding 44% is attained with a photovoltaic module based on 64 laser-radiation converters 0.04 cm2 in area and a concentrating system made of a quartz-lens matrix.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):645-648
pages 645-648 views

Study of the voltage drop process for the case of high-power thyristors switched in the impact-ionization mode

Gusev A., Lyubutin S., Rukin S., Tsyranov S.


The voltage drop process for the case of high-power thyristors switched to the conducting state by an impact-ionization wave excited by means of an overvoltage pulse with a nanosecond rise time is studied. In experiments, a voltage with a rise rate dU/dt in the range of 0.5 to 6 kV/ns is applied to a thyristor with an operating voltage of 2 kV. Numerical simulation shows that the calculated and experimentally observed voltage drop times are in quantitative agreement only when the structure active area through which the switching current flows depends on dU/dt. The active area increases with dU/dt and with increasing initial silicon resistivity. In this case, the active area steadily approaches the total structure area at dU/dt > 12 kV/ns.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):649-656
pages 649-656 views

Experimental and theoretical studies of the characteristics of position-sensitive photodetectors based on n-CdSe/mica epitaxial layers

Senokosov E., Chukita V., Khamidullin R., Cheban V., Odin I., Chukichev M.


The experimental results of studying the output characteristics of four-contact semiconductor position-sensitive photodetectors fabricated on the basis of photosensitive n-CdSe/mica epitaxial layers are presented. The position sensitivity of layers was theoretically analyzed based on elementary current flow theory and the electric dipole model. It is found that the theoretical characteristics of the coordinate sensitivity of the studied position-sensitive photodetectors correlate with the experimental dependences in terms of both curve shape and positions of the maxima. The results of determining the specific spectral sensitivity indicate the prospects for n-CdSe layers as position-sensitive photodetectors.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):657-662
pages 657-662 views

On the stimulated emission of InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs laser structures grown by MOCVD on exact and inclined Ge/Si(001) substrates

Aleshkin V., Baidus N., Dubinov A., Krasilnik Z., Nekorkin S., Novikov A., Rykov A., Yurasov D., Yablonskiy A.


GaAs/AlGaAs laser structures with InGaAs quantum wells are grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on exact Si(001) substrates and substrates inclined by 4° to the [011] axis with a relaxed Ge buffer layer, emitting in the transparency region of bulk silicon (the wavelength is longer than 1100 nm at room temperature). The threshold power densities of stimulated emission, observed for the structures grown on exact and inclined substrates are 45 and 37 kW/cm2, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):663-666
pages 663-666 views

Formation of a p-type emitter with the involvement of surfactants in GaAs photoelectric converters

Karlina L., Vlasov A., Ber B., Kazantsev D., Timoshina N., Kulagina M., Smirnov A.


The comparative characteristics of photovoltaic converters (of laser radiation) based on gallium arsenide with a p-type emitter formed by gas-phase diffusion in the presence of surfactants (isovalent impurities) and without them are reported. It is shown that the use of indium and phosphorus in the process of the formation of a p–n junction significantly affects the characteristics of the obtained devices.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):667-671
pages 667-671 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

InAs QDs in a metamorphic In0.25Ga0.75As matrix, grown by MOCVD

Mintairov S., Kalyuzhnyy N., Maximov M., Nadtochiy A., Nevedomskiy V., Zhukov A.


InAs quantum dots (QDs) in a metamorphic InGaAs matrix are grown by MOVPE (metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy) on GaAs substrates. The QDs emit light in the range 1380–1400 nm at room temperature. A multilayer metamorphic buffer (MB) consisting of nine sublayers, each having a thickness of ~200 nm, is used to grow the structures. In each of the first seven sublayers, the indium content x successively increases by ~3.5% to reach a final value of 24.5%. Then a compensating sublayer with x = 28% and a final dislocation-free sublayer with x = 24.5% are grown. It is shown that the elastic strain relaxes with dislocation bending at both interfaces in the third, from the surface, sublayer, with the top layer being free of dislocations at both interfaces. The QDs are formed in the metamorphic matrix by the deposition of 2–2.5 InAs single layers at 520°C, with the subsequent overgrowth of a thin InGaAs layer (cap layer) at the same temperature. It is found that, to improve the optical and structural quality of the samples, it is necessary to raise the growth rate and reduce the concentration of indium in the cap layer with respect to the corresponding growth parameters of the last layer of the metamorphic buffer.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):672-678
pages 672-678 views

Ab initio studies of structural, electronic, optical, elastic and thermal properties of CuGaTe2

Singh P., Sharma S., Kumari S., Saraswat V., Sharma D., Verma A.


We have performed ab initio calculations for the structural, electronic, optical, elastic and thermal properties of CuGaTe2. In this study, we used an accurate full potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method to find the equilibrium structural parameters and to compute the full elastic tensors. We report electronic and optical properties with the recently developed density functional of Tran and Blaha. Furthermore, optical features such as dielectric functions, refractive indices, extinction coefficient, optical reflectivity, absorption coefficients, optical conductivities, were calculated for photon energies up to 30 eV. The thermodynamical properties such as Debye temperature, entropy and Gruneisen parameter, bulk modulus and hardness were calculated employing the quasi-harmonic Debye model at different temperatures (0–1000 K) and pressures (0–8 GPa) and the silent results were interpreted. Most of the investigated parameters are reported for the first time.

Semiconductors. 2017;51(5):679-687
pages 679-687 views

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