Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 52, № 3 (2018)

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Electrical Breakdown in Pure n- and p-Si

Bannaya V., Nikitina E.


The results of calculations of the dependences of the kinetic coefficients of impact ionization and thermal recombination on an electric field in pure silicon are presented. By analogy with germanium, the dependences of the breakdown field Еbr on the material compensation ratio K are calculated. The validity of such calculation is justified in detail. The Еbr(K) curves are presented and compared with experimental data in the weak-compensation region. Matching with experimental results at which satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment is observed is performed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):273-277
pages 273-277 views

Isoelectronic Oxygen Centers and Conductivity of CdS Crystals Compared with PbS Crystals

Morozova N., Miroshnikov B.


The influence of oxygen on the electrical properties of PbS are well known. The goal of this study is to compare and reveal this phenomenon in CdS(O) single crystals, which we have studied in detail previously. The experiments are performed for CdS single crystals with a known oxygen concentration, deviation from stoichiometry, and definite set of intrinsic point defects. They allow us to confirm the results described for PbS and clarify their nature. It is shown that the phenomenon is based on the capture of free charge carriers— electrons—by acceptor-like isoelectronic OS centers with the subsequent formation of associates having a complex structure. Previous conclusions on the dissolution mechanism of oxygen in CdS with deviations from stoichiometry are confirmed. Variations in the electrical properties in oxygen-activated PbS(O), similarly to CdS(O), showed that isoelectronic oxygen centers OS are present in lead sulfide.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):278-281
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Electronic Structure of Four-Element Clathrates of the Ba–Zn–Si–Ge System

Borshch N., Kurganskii S.


The results of calculations of the electronic structure of four-component crystals based on silicon and germanium are reported. The calculations are performed by the method of linearized augmented plane waves. Analysis of the results of calculation makes it possible to determine the dependence of the crystals’ properties on the relation between the numbers of silicon and germanium atoms in the elementary cell and also on the positions of substituting zinc atoms.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):282-286
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Optical Transitions in ZnSe and CdTe Crystals with Involvement of the Cation d Bands

Sobolev V., Perevoshchikov D.


The permittivity spectra ε1(E) and ε2(E) of ZnSe and CdTe crystals are calculated in the range of 10–25 eV using their experimental reflectance spectra and Kramers–Kronig integral relations. The spectra are decomposed into thirteen and twelve separate transition bands for ZnSe and CdTe, respectively, using the improved nonparametric combined Argand diagram technique. The main spectral parameters, including the maximum energies and halfwidths and oscillator strengths, are determined. The oscillator strengths are found to be within 0.1–1.4 for ZnSe and 0.2–0.7 for CdTe. The obtained ε2(E) bands are due to interband and exciton transitions with the involvement of cation core d bands of both crystals under consideration.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):287-293
pages 287-293 views

Mechanism of the Generation of Donor–Acceptor Pairs in Heavily Doped n-ZrNiSn with the Ga Acceptor Impurity

Romaka V., Rogl P., Frushart D., Kaczorowski D.


The nature of the mechanism of the simultaneous generation of donor–acceptor pairs under heavy doping of n-ZrNiSn intermetallic semiconductor with the Ga acceptor impurity is established. Such spatial arrangement in the crystal lattice of ZrNiSn1–xGax is found when the rate of movement of the Fermi level εF found from calculations of the density distribution of electron states coincides with that experimentally established from dependences lnρ(1/T). It is shown that when the Ga impurity atom (4s24p1) occupies the 4b sites of Sn atoms (5s25p2), structural defects of both acceptor nature and donor nature in the form of vacancies in the 4b site are simultaneously generated. The results are discussed in the scope of the Shklovskii–Efros model of a heavily doped and compensated semiconductor.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):294-304
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Deep Radiation-Induced Defect Centers Created by a Fast Neutron Flux in CdZnTe Single Crystals

Plyatsko S., Rashkovetskyi L.


The effect of a fast neutron flux (Φ = 1014–1015 cm–2) on the electrical and photoluminescence properties of p-CdZnTe single crystals is studied. Isothermal annealing is performed (T = 400–500 K), and the activation energy of the dissociation of radiation-induced defects is determined at ED ≈ 0.75 eV.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):305-309
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Formation of Radiation Defects by Proton Braking in Lightly Doped n- and p-SiC Layers

Kozlovski V., Vasil’ev A., Karaseov P., Lebedev A.


Mathematical simulation of the cascade of displacements in SiC is used to consider the specific features of Frenkel-pair generation upon the scattering of 8- and 15-MeV protons. The distribution histograms of energies acquired not only by primary knocked-out atoms, but also by recoil atoms generated in displacement cascades, are calculated. An analysis of the histograms considers two energy ranges. In the first range of “low” energies, the spontaneous recombination of genetically related Frenkel pairs is dominant. Recoil atoms in the second range have a higher energy, which enables these atoms to leave the spontaneousrecombination zone and dissociate into isolated components. The compensation of lightly doped n- and p-4H-SiC samples grown by gas-phase epitaxy is experimentally studied under irradiation with 8- and 15-MeV protons. The carrier removal rates are measured. The calculated and experimental data are compared and estimates are obtained for the size of the spontaneous-recombination zone.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):310-315
pages 310-315 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Surface Nanostructures Forming during the Early Stages of the Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching of Silicon. Optical Properties of Silver Nanoparticles

Zharova Y., Tolmachev V., Bednaya A., Pavlov S.


In this two-part work, nanostructures formed in a three-step process of metal-assisted chemical etching of silicon are investigated. In the first part (present publication), the process of the chemical deposition of a layer of self-assembled silver nanoparticles on the surface of a silicon wafer (the first stage of metalassisted chemical etching) is studied. This layer, on the one hand, serves as a catalyst for the subsequent etching of silicon, and, on the other hand, represents a kind of mask for the formation of a certain topology of the emerging Si nanowires. The morphology of the obtained 40- to 60-nm-thick silver nanoparticle layers is investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The spectral dependences of the ellipsometric angles Ψ and Δ are measured using spectroscopic ellipsometry (λ = 250–900nm), and the complex dielectric function of the silver nanolayers is determined from these spectra. The dielectric function features a characteristic plasmon resonance peak in the ultraviolet spectral range. The study of the optical properties of Si nanofilament layers which form during the early stages of metal-assisted chemical etching will be reported as the second part of this work in a separate publication.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):316-319
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Influence of the Thermal Conditions of Fabrication and Treatment on the Optical Properties of In2O3 Films

Tikhii A., Nikolaenko Y., Zhikhareva Y., Kornievets A., Zhikharev I.


In2O3 films on Al2O3 (012) substrates are fabricated by dc magnetron sputtering at various temperatures (20–600°C). The effect of annealing and the substrate temperature on the film properties are studied by the ellipsometric method and the optical transmission method. Refractive-index profiles are constructed and band gaps for direct and indirect transitions are found. It is established that annealing leads to densification of the film material and unifies the refractive index. Annealing also decreases and unifies the energies of band-to-band transitions, which can be explained by lowering the influence of barriers in annealed films. However, the band gap for direct transitions varies greater than for indirect transitions. This fact can be associated with the mechanism of indirect transitions, notably, the participation of phonons facilitates interband transitions even if they are hindered by extra barriers caused by grain boundaries. The latter can be indirect evidence of the actuality of indirect transitions in indium oxide.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):320-323
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Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Specific Features of the Optical Characteristics of Porous Silicon and Their Modification by Chemical Treatment of the Surface

Lenshin A.


Comparative studies of the specific features of the composition and photoluminescence properties of porous silicon with different morphologies are carried out by infrared and photoluminescence spectroscopy. On the basis of the experimental data and commonly accepted theoretical models, the main factors that influence the photoluminescence intensity and its deterioration upon the exposure of porous silicon to directed radiation in the visible region are established. By the example of porous silicon with 50–100 nm pores, the possibility of improving the above characteristics by chemical treatment in polyacrylic acid is shown.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):324-330
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Effect of Low γ-Radiation Doses on the Optical Properties of Porous Silicon

Bilenko D., Belobrovaya O., Terin D., Galushka V., Galushka I., Zharkova E., Polyanskaya V., Sidorov V., Yagudin I.


The possibility of modifying the photoluminescence properties of porous silicon by irradiation with low doses of γ photons from a 226Ra radioisotope source and bremsstrahlung is demonstrated. The position of the longest photoluminescence wavelength tends to shift to the short-wavelength region of the spectrum. The emission efficiency increases upon irradiation of both the substrate and the layer formed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):331-334
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Carbon Systems

Electron–Electron and Electron–Phonon Interactions in Graphene on a Semiconductor Substrate: Simple Estimations

Davydov S.


The problem of epitaxial graphene formed on a semiconductor substrate is considered in the context of the extended Hubbard and Holstein–Hubbard models for electron–electron and electron–phonon interactions. The Haldane–Anderson model is chosen for the density of states of the substrate. Three regions of the phase diagram, specifically, spin- and charge-density waves and a spin- and charge-homogeneous paramagnetic state are considered. For a number of special cases used as examples, the similarities and differences of the electron states of graphene on semiconductor and metal substrates are demonstrated. It is shown that the main difference arises, if the Dirac point of graphene lies within the band gap of the semiconductor. Numerical estimations are performed for a SiC substrate.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):335-340
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Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Optimal Doping of Diode Current Interrupters

Kyuregyan A.


An analytical solution to the problem of a decrease in energy losses Ω in diode current interrupters is derived for the stage of recovery of the blocking ability due to optimization of the dopant distribution N(x) over the structure thickness. The distribution N(x) close to optimal is found; it makes it possible to decrease Ω by 30–55% compared with standard design interrupters with homogeneously doped high-resistivity layers.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):341-347
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Schottky-Barrier Model Nonlinear in Surface-State Concentration and Calculation of the I–V Characteristics of Diodes Based on SiC and Its Solid Solutions in the Composite Charge-Transport Model

Altukhov V., Sankin A., Sigov A., Sysoev D., Yanukyan E., Filippova S.


A modified Schottky-barrier model, which is nonlinear in terms of the surface-state concentration and contains a local quasi-Fermi level at the interface induced by excess surface charge, is proposed. Such an approach makes it possible to explain the observed similarity of the I–V characteristics of diodes with the Schottky barrier M/(SiC)1–x(AlN)x and those of heterojunctions based on SiC and its solid solutions taking into account Φg ≈ ΦB. The results of calculations of the Schottky-barrier heights are consistent with the experimental data obtained from measurements of the photocurrent for metals (M): Al, Ti, Cr, and Ni. The I–V characteristics in the composite–additive model of charge transport agree with the experimental data for the n-M/p-(SiC)1–x(AlN)x and n-6H-SiC/p-(SiC)0.85(AlN)0.15 systems.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):348-351
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Field-Effect Transistor Based on the Proton Conductivity of Graphene Oxide and Nafion Films

Smirnov V., Mokrushin A., Denisov N., Dobrovolskii Y.


Proton conductivity in graphene oxide and Nafion films depending on humidity and voltages across electrodes is studied in the model of a field-effect transistor. The electrical characteristics of the films are similar to one another, but the mobility of positive charges in Nafion and the current gain are higher by 2–3 orders of magnitude compared with graphene oxide. The negative ion current in graphene-oxide films at positive bias voltage is significant compared with the proton current (up to ~10%), while it is almost lacking in Nafion films (<1%).

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):352-358
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Mechanism and Behavior of the Light Flux Decrease in Light-Emitting Diodes Based on AlGaN/InGaN/GaN Structures with Quantum Wells upon Prolonged Direct-Current Flow of Various Densities

Manyakhin F.


The mechanism of the light-flux decrease in light-emitting diodes based on AlGaN/InGaN/GaN heterostructures with quantum holes is determined. The light-flux decrease is associated with point-defect generation in the heterostructure active region due to interaction of the semiconductor lattice with hot carriers formed in the mode of deviation of the current–voltage characteristic from the exponential one. An analytical expression for the light-flux decrease upon prolonged current flow, which is confirmed by experimental results, is derived. It is shown that the behavior of the dependence of the light flux on the lifetime is strongly affected by the nonuniform distribution of indium in quantum wells.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):359-365
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Modification of Photovoltaic Laser-Power (λ = 808 nm) Converters Grown by LPE

Khvostikov V., Sorokina S., Potapovich N., Khvostikova O., Timoshina N., Shvarts M.


Laser-power converters for the wavelength λ = 808 nm are fabricated by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) on the basis of n-Al0.07GaAs–p-Al0.07GaAs–p-Al0.25GaAs single-junction heterostructures. The converters are tested with uniform (pulse simulator) and partly nonuniform (laser beam) illumination distribution over the photoreceiving surface. In the former case, a monochromatic efficiency of η = 53.1% is achieved for samples with an area of S = 4 cm2 at a power of 1.2 W. At S = 10.2 mm2 the efficiency is 58.3% at a laser power of 0.7 W.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):366-370
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Influence of Heat Dissipation Conditions on the Characteristics of Concentrator Photoelectric Modules

Andreeva A., Davidyuk N., Malevskiy D., Panchak A., Sadchikov N., Chekalin A.


The results of studying the effect of various conditions of heat dissipation on heating and temperature distribution in components of concentrator photovoltaic modules are reported. The modules based on Fresnel lenses and triple-junction solar cells InGaP/GaAs/Ge mounted on copper and steel heat sinks are studied. In order to determine the thermal characteristics, we use a method, which makes it possible to measure the temperature of the p–n junctions in the solar cells under laboratory conditions upon the simulation of thermal processes arising in the course of operation of the module under typical conditions. Further, the above temperature is used to calculate the value of the thermal resistance for a system consisting of a solar cell and the surrounding medium. The thermal processes in the module are simulated by transferring current through the solar cells in the forward-bias direction. The value of heating of the solar cells is determined by comparing the forward-voltage drops measured at the time of its rapid application or switching-off under various conditions of heat removal. The conditions of heat removal are varied using the generator’s air flow.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):371-375
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Photoluminescence Studies of Si-Doped Epitaxial GaAs Films Grown on (100)- and (111)A-Oriented GaAs Substrates at Lowered Temperatures

Galiev G., Klimov E., Klochkov A., Pushkarev S., Maltsev P.


The electrical properties and photoluminescence features of uniformly Si-doped GaAs layers grown on GaAs substrates with the (100) and (111)A crystallographic orientations of the surface are studied. The samples are grown at the same As4 pressure in the growth temperature range from 350 to 510°C. The samples grown on GaAs(100) substrates possess n-type conductivity in the entire growth temperature range, and the samples grown on GaAs(111)A substrates possess p-type conductivity in the growth temperature range from 430 to 510°C. The photoluminescence spectra of the samples exhibit an edge band and an impurity band. The edge photoluminescence band corresponds to the photoluminescence of degenerate GaAs with n- and p-type conductivity. The impurity photoluminescence band for samples on GaAs(100) substrates in the range 1.30–1.45 eV is attributed to VAs defects and SiAsVAs defect complexes, whose concentration varies with sample growth temperature. Transformation of the impurity photoluminescence spectra of the samples on GaAs(111)A substrates is interpreted as being a result of changes in the VAs and VGa defect concentrations under variations in the growth temperature of the samples.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):376-382
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Formation of Cu2O and ZnO Crystal Layers by Magnetron Assisted Sputtering and Their Optical Characterization

Agekyan V., Borisov E., Gudovskikh A., Kudryashov D., Monastyrenko A., Serov A., Filosofov N.


Copper (I) oxide and zinc oxide films are formed on silicon and glassy quartz substrates by magnetron assisted sputtering. The thickness of the films is tens and hundreds of nanometers. The films are grown at different substrate temperatures and different oxygen pressures in the working chamber. The film samples are studied by the X-ray diffraction technique, scanning electron microscopy, and optical methods. It is established that an increase in the substrate temperature yields a change in the surface morphology of copper (I) oxide films towards the formation of well-pronounced crystallites. The reflectance and Raman spectra suggest that the quality of such films is close to that of bulk Cu2O crystals produced by the oxidation of copper. As concerns ZnO films, an increase in the substrate temperature and an increase in the partial oxygen pressure make it possible to produce films, for which a sharp exciton structure is observed in the reflectance spectra and the emission of excitons bound at donors is observed in the luminescence spectra.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):383-389
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Formation of a Stepped Si(100) Surface and Its Effect on the Growth of Ge Islands

Esin M., Nikiforov A., Timofeev V., Tuktamyshev A., Mashanov V., Loshkarev I., Deryabin A., Pchelyakov O.


The transition from a two-domain to one-domain surface on a Si(100) substrate is investigated. It is demonstrated using reflection high-energy electron diffraction that at a temperature of 600°C and a deposition rate of 0.652 Å/s onto a Si(100) substrate pre-heated to 1000°C and inclined at an angle of 0.35°C to the plane, a series of reflections from the 1 × 2 superstructure completely vanishes at a constant flow of Si. This is attributed to the transition of the surface from monoatomic to diatomic steps. At growth rates lower than 0.652 Å/s, the transition from a two-domain to one-domain surface is also observed; with a decrease in the growth rate, the intensity ratio I2 × 1/I1 × 2 decreases and the maximum of the dependences shifts toward lower temperatures. The complete vanishing of the series of superstructural reflections after preliminary annealing at a temperature of 700°C is not observed; this series only vanishes after annealing at 900 and 1000°C. The growth of Ge islands on a Si(100) surface preliminary annealed at a temperature of 800°C is studied. It is shown that the islands tend to nucleate at the step edges. A mechanism of Ge island ordering on the Si(100) surface is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):390-393
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Formation of Macropores in n-Si upon Anodization in an Organic Electrolyte

Li G., Pavlov S., Astrova E., Preobrazhenskiy N.


The photoelectrochemical etching of solar-grade n-type silicon in a 4% solution of HF in dimethylformamide is experimentally studied. The pore morphology, porosity, effective valence, and etching rate are examined in relation to the applied voltage, illumination intensity of the sample’s backside, and process duration. It is found that the anodization of n-Si in an organic electrolyte substantially differs from that in aqueous solutions. This is manifested in that, at a voltage exceeding the threshold value, in the so-called breakdown mode, macropores with vertical walls begin to multiply and branch intensively due to the appearance of side pores. The appearance of secondary pores is accompanied by an increase in porosity, a decrease in the propagation velocity of the porous front deeper into the substrate, and rapid transition to the electropolishing mode. In the breakdown mode at a low illumination level, a fractal structure of macropores propagating along certain crystallographic directions is observed: 〈100〉 and along the previously unobserved 〈111〉. It is demonstrated that the morphology of macropores can be controlled in the course of anodization by passing from one mode to another upon changing the external parameters: voltage or illumination. It is shown that using an organic electrolyte makes it possible to obtain macroporous membranes with a porosity substantially exceeding that of macroporous membranes formed in aqueous electrolytes under the same conditions.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(3):394-410
pages 394-410 views

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