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Vol 50, No 8 (2016)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Effect of an increase in the density of collision cascades on the efficiency of the generation of primary displacements during the ion bombardment of Si

Karabeshkin K.V., Karaseov P.A., Titov A.I.


The depth distributions of structural damage induced in Si at room temperature by the implantation of P and PF4 with energies from 0.6 to 3.2 keV/amu are experimentally studied in a wide range of doses. It is found that, in all cases, the implantation of molecular PF4 ions forms practically single-mode defect distributions, with maximum at the target surface. This effect is caused by an increase in the generation of primary defects at the surface of the target. Individual cascades formed by atoms comprising molecule effectively overlap in the surface vicinity; this overlap gives rise to nonlinear processes in combined cascades due to a high density of displacements in such cascades. Quantitative estimation of increase of effectiveness of point defect generation by PF4 ions in respect to P ions is done on the base of experimental data.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):989-995
pages 989-995 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Temperature dependence of the hall coefficient in the Вi1–xSbx System (x = 0.06, 0.12)

Tairov B.A., Gasanova X.A., Selim-zade R.I.


The temperature dependences of the Fermi level, concentrations of charge carriers, and their effective mass ratio in the Bi1–xSbx system (x = 0.06, 0.12) are determined on the basis of quantitative analysis of the temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient in the temperature range of 77–300 K.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):996-1000
pages 996-1000 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Spectra of low-temperature photoluminescence in thin polycrystalline CdTe films

Polvonov B.Z., Yuldashev N.K.


The band of intrinsic (eh) radiation emission by the subsurface potential barriers of crystal grains and the edge doublet band arising as LO-phonon replicas of the eh band are observed in the spectra of the low-temperature (4.2 K) photoluminescence of fine-grained (with a grain size of dcr ≤ 1 µm) CdTe films. Film doping with the In impurity results in quenching of the doublet band, while heat treatment leads to activation of the intrinsic band, a short-wavelength shift of the red boundary (ΔEr = 16–29 meV) and the halfwidth modulation (ΔA = 6–17 meV) of which correlate with the height of micropotential barriers and the temperature of recombining hot photocarriers.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1001-1004
pages 1001-1004 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Study of the impurity photoconductivity in p-InSb using epitaxial p+ contacts

Eminov S.O.


The optical absorption coefficient α in p+-InSb layers (with hole concentrations of p ≈ 1 × 1017–1.2 × 1019 cm–3), grown by liquid-phase epitaxy on p-InSb substrates, is measured in the spectral range of 5-12 µm at 90 K, and the impurity photoconductivity is measured (at 60 and 90 K) in p+p structures. It is found that a in the p+ layers reaches a value of 7000 cm–1 (at p ≈ 2 × 1019 cm–1). It is shown that the measured substrate value of (α ≈1–3 cm–1) is overestimated in comparison with estimates (α ≈ 0.1 cm–1) based on comparing the photoconductivity data. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that the optical transitions of holes responsible for photoconductivity are obscured by the excitation of electrons to the conduction band. The photoionization cross section for these transitions does not exceed 1 × 10–15 cm2.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1005-1009
pages 1005-1009 views

Electrical, optical, and photoluminescence properties of ZnO films subjected to thermal annealing and treatment in hydrogen plasma

Abdullin K.A., Gabdullin M.T., Gritsenko L.V., Ismailov D.V., Kalkozova Z.K., Kumekov S.E., Mukash Z.O., Sazonov A.Y., Terukov E.I.


The photoluminescence and optical absorption spectra and electrical properties of ZnO films grown by the metal–organic chemical vapor deposition and hydrothermal techniques, subjected to heat treatments and plasma treatment in a hydrogen atmosphere, are studied. It is shown that the adsorption of oxygen at grain boundaries upon annealing in an oxidizing atmosphere determines the electrical properties of the films. Vacuum annealing improves the electrical properties of the samples after degradation induced by annealing in air. Treatment in hydrogen plasma passivates surface states at the grain boundaries. The intrinsic photoluminescence intensity after plasma treatment is higher in the case of increased amounts of oxygen adsorbed at grain surfaces upon annealing in air. Surface states involving oxygen and hydrogen atoms are responsible for the high-intensity intrinsic photoluminescence band.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1010-1014
pages 1010-1014 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Conduction in titanium dioxide films and metal–TiO2–Si structures

Kalygina V.M., Egorova I.M., Prudaev I.A., Tolbanov O.P.


The effect of the annealing of titanium oxide films on the electrical properties of metal–TiO2n-Si structures is investigated. It is shown that, regardless of the annealing temperature, the conductivity of the structures at positive gate potentials is determined by the space-charge-limited current in the insulator with traps exponentially distributed in terms of energy. At negative gate potentials, the main contribution to the current is provided by the generation of electron–hole pairs in the space-charge region in silicon. The properties of the TiO2/n-Si interface depend on the structure and phase state of the oxide film, which are determined by the annealing temperature.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1015-1019
pages 1015-1019 views

Electrical and photoelectric properties of n-TiN/p-Hg3In2Te6 heterostructures

Solovan M.N., Mostovyi A.I., Brus V.V., Maistruk E.V., Maryanchuk P.D.


n-TiN/p-Hg3In2Te6 heterostructures are fabricated by depositing a thin n-type titanium nitride (TiN) film onto prepared p-type Hg3In2Te6 plates using reactive magnetron sputtering. Their electrical and photoelectric properties are studied. Dominant charge-transport mechanisms under forward bias are analyzed within tunneling-recombination and tunneling models. The fabricated n-TiN/p-Hg3In2Te6 structures have the following photoelectric parameters at an illumination intensity of 80 mW/cm2: the open-circuit voltage is VOC = 0.52 V, the short-circuit current is ISC = 0.265 mA/cm2, and the fill factor is FF = 0.39.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1020-1024
pages 1020-1024 views

Room temperature de Haas–van Alphen effect in silicon nanosandwiches

Bagraev N.T., Grigoryev V.Y., Klyachkin L.E., Malyarenko A.M., Mashkov V.A., Romanov V.V.


The negative-U impurity stripes confining the edge channels of semiconductor quantum wells are shown to allow the effective cooling inside in the process of the spin-dependent transport. The aforesaid also promotes the creation of composite bosons and fermions by the capture of single magnetic flux quanta at the edge channels under the conditions of low sheet density of carriers, thus opening new opportunities for the registration of quantum kinetic phenomena in weak magnetic fields at high temperatures up to the room temperature. As a certain version noted above, we present the first findings of the high temperature de Haas–van Alphen (300 K) and quantum Hall (77 K) effects in the silicon sandwich structure that represents the ultranarrow, 2 nm, p-type quantum well (Si-QW) confined by the delta barriers heavily doped with boron on the n-type Si (100) surface. These data appear to result from the low density of single holes that are of small effective mass in the edge channels of p-type Si-QW because of the impurity confinement by the stripes consisting of the negative-U dipole boron centers which seems to give rise to the efficiency reduction of the electron–electron interaction.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1025-1033
pages 1025-1033 views

Prompt quality monitoring of InSe and GaSe semiconductor crystals by the nuclear quadrupole resonance technique

Samila A.P., Lastivka G.I., Khandozhko V.A., Kovalyuk Z.D.


To determine the quality of layer-structured semiconductor single crystals, the nuclear quadrupole resonance technique with successive scanning of the entire sample volume and assessment of the structural quality on the basis of the observed spectra is used. The proposed method is appropriate in the case of InSe, GaSe and GaAs ingots grown in evacuated cells by the Bridgman technique and can be used repeatedly in subsequent technological procedures with no operator access to the material. To provide scanning within a limited region of the sample and to ensure efficient interaction of the high-frequency field with the crystal, excitation and detection of the nuclear-spin-induction signal is implemented by the saddle-shaped transceiver coil of the nuclear quadrupole resonance spectrometer.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1034-1037
pages 1034-1037 views

Photoluminescence kinetics slowdown in an ensemble of GaN/AlN quantum dots upon tunneling interaction with defects

Aleksandrov I.A., Mansurov V.G., Zhuravlev K.S.


The carrier recombination dynamics in an ensemble of GaN/AlN quantum dots is studied. The model proposed for describing this dynamics takes into account the transition of carriers between quantum dots and defects in a matrix. Comparison of the experimental and calculated photoluminescence decay curves shows that the interaction between quantum dots and defects slows down photoluminescence decay in the ensemble of GaN/AlN quantum dots.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1038-1042
pages 1038-1042 views

Elastic strains and delocalized optical phonons in AlN/GaN superlattices

Pankin D.V., Smirnov M.B., Davydov V.Y., Smirnov A.N., Zavarin E.E., Lundin W.V.


In the context of the dielectric continuum model, a correlation is established between the frequencies of delocalized A(TO) and E(LO) phonons in the Raman spectra of short-period AlN/GaN superlattices and the ratio between the layer thicknesses in the structure. It is shown that elastic strains produced in the materials of the layer during superlattice growth only slightly influence the correlation dependence of the frequencies of A(TO) and E(LO) modes with high intensities in the Raman spectra on the structural parameter defining the ratios between the layer thicknesses. The results of calculations of the phonon frequencies are in good agreement with available experimental data and can be used for spectroscopic diagnostics of AlN/GaN superlattices.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1043-1048
pages 1043-1048 views

Nonequilibrium chemical potential in a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum-Hall-effect regime

Pokhabov D.A., Pogosov A.G., Budantsev M.V., Zhdanov E.Y., Bakarov A.K.


The nonequilibrium state of a two-dimensional electron gas in the quantum-Hall-effect regime is studied in Hall bars equipped with additional inner contacts situated within the bar. The magnetic-field dependence of the voltage drop between different contact pairs are studied at various temperatures. It was found that the voltage between the inner and outer contacts exhibits peaks of significant amplitude in narrow magnetic-field intervals near integer filling factors. Furthermore, the magnetic-field dependence of the voltage in these intervals exhibits a hysteresis, whereas the voltage between the outer contacts remains zero in the entire magnetic-field range. The appearance of the observed voltage peaks and their hysteretic behavior can be explained by an imbalance between the chemical potentials of edge and bulk states, resulting from nonequilibrium charge redistribution between the edge and bulk states when the magnetic field sweeps under conditions of the quantum Hall effect. The results of the study significantly complement the conventional picture of the quantum Hall effect, explicitly indicating the existence of a significant imbalance at the edge of the two-dimensional electron gas: the experimentally observed difference between the electrochemical potentials of the edge and bulk exceeds the distance between Landau levels by tens of times.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1049-1053
pages 1049-1053 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Effect of uniaxial deformation on the current–voltage characteristic of a p-Ge/n-GaAs heterostructure

Gadzhialiev M.M., Pirmagomedov Z.S., Efendieva T.N.


The effect of uniaxial deformation under a stress of up to 6 kg/cm2 on the current–voltage characteristics of a p-Ge/n-GaAs heterostructure is studied at 300 and 77 K. It is found that both the forward and reverse currents increase with increasing pressure, with the change in the forward current exceeding that in the reverse current by an order of magnitude. Deformation is also examined in relation to different crystallographic directions. It is found that the effect is at a maximum if the compression direction is parallel to <111>. This result can be used in the development of uniaxial-strain sensors.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1054-1055
pages 1054-1055 views

Carbon Systems

Carrier velocity effect on carbon nanotube Schottky contact

Fathi A., Ahmadi M.T., Ismail R.


One of the most important drawbacks which caused the silicon based technologies to their technical limitations is the instability of their products at nano-level. On the other side, carbon based materials such as carbon nanotube (CNT) as alternative materials have been involved in scientific efforts. Some of the important advantages of CNTs over silicon components are high mechanical strength, high sensing capability and large surface-to-volume ratio. In this article, the model of CNT Schottky transistor current which is under exterior applied voltage is employed. This model shows that its current has a weak dependence on thermal velocity corresponding to the small applied voltage. The conditions are quite different for high bias voltages which are independent of temperature. Our results indicate that the current is increased by Fermi velocity, but the I–V curves will not have considerable changes with the variations in number of carriers. It means that the current doesn’t increase sharply by voltage variations over different number of carriers.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1056-1059
pages 1056-1059 views

Electromagnetic radiation of electrons in corrugated graphene

Ktitorov S.A., Myhamadiarov R.I.


Bremsstrahlung in corrugated single-layer graphene in the presence of a ballistic transport current is analyzed. Radiation of a similar nature is observed in undulators and wigglers. Regular and chaotic corrugations (ripples) are considered. It is shown that the quadratic relation between the Monge membrane function and the synthetic calibration field leads to the appearance of a central peak in the radiation spectral density. Possible formation mechanisms of single-layer graphene corrugation are proposed. In one case, the corrugation is considered as an incommensurate superstructure in a two-dimensional crystal, resulting from instability developing in the optical phonon subsystem with the formation of a periodic soliton train. Corrugation results from the interaction of subsystems. Another possible mechanism consists in instability of the membrane flat state due to strong fluctuations characteristic of two-dimensional systems.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1060-1064
pages 1060-1064 views

Graphene-oxide films printed on rigid and flexible substrates for a wide spectrum of applications

Antonova I.V., Kotin I.A., Popov V.I., Vasileva F.D., Kapitonov A.N., Smagulova S.A.


Structures of films produced from a water-based graphene oxide ink by 2D printing on various substrates, including those of the flexible type, are compared. It was shown that the deposition of a thin polyvinyl alcohol film making substrates hydrophilic leads not only to more uniform application of the ink, but also to a denser film structure with a shallower surface profile. The processing of a graphene-oxide suspension in a blender additionally reduces the particle size of the suspension, which results in improvement of the structure and, on the whole, a shallower surface profile of the film. Comparison of the electrical properties of films on silicon with various coatings hydrophilizing the substrates demonstrated that the properties of the structures strongly depend on the type of coatings, which can change the conductivity type of the silicon substrate and lead to doping of the graphene-oxide film. At graphene-oxide film thicknesses not exceeding 25 nm, noticeable currents (>1 µA) appear in the films at voltages higher than 1–1.5V. The graphene-oxide layers are promising for the fabrication of protective and insulating coatings and sensors and, in the case of reduction, for the deposition of transparent electrodes.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1065-1073
pages 1065-1073 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Study of the photoinduced degradation of tandem photovoltaic converters based on a-Si:H/μc-Si:H

Abramov A.S., Andronikov D.A., Emtsev K.V., Kukin A.V., Semenov A.V., Terukova E.E., Titov A.S., Yakovlev S.A.


The photoinduced degradation of photovoltaic converters based on an a-Si:H/µc-Si:H tandem structure under a standard illuminance of 1000 W/m2 is studied. The spectral and current–voltage characteristics of specially fabricated samples with various degrees of crystallinity of the intrinsic layer in the lower (microcrystalline) cascade are measured in the course of the tests.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1074-1078
pages 1074-1078 views

Dynamic thermoelectric model of a light-emitting structure with a current spreading layer

Sergeev V.A., Hodakov A.M.


The non-stationary thermoelectric model of the axisymmetric heterostructure of a light-emitting device is considered taking into account positive feedback mechanisms and the effect of the current-spreading-layer resistance. Taking into account the current localization effect, the nonuniform distribution of the heterojunction current density over the heterostructure area is determined. The non-stationary thermal conductivity equation with temperature-dependent current density flowing into the heterojunction is solved by the numerical–analytical iterative method. Based on the developed model, the current density, temperature, and thermomechanical stress distributions for the heterojunction plane are determined.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1079-1084
pages 1079-1084 views

Comparison of the characteristics of solar cells fabricated from multicrystalline silicon with those fabricated from silicon obtained by the monolike technology

Betekbaev A.A., Mukashev B.N., Pelissier L., Lay P., Fortin G., Bounaas L., Skakov D.M., Kalygulov D.A., Turmagambetov T.S., Lee V.V.


In order to raise the efficiency of solar cells and reduce the cost of their production, a new process for obtaining silicon ingots based on the so-called moonlike technology is developed. New technologies, which use “solar-grade” silicon, make it possible to fabricate solar cells at a lower cost with a higher efficiency of solar-energy conversion. It is exactly for this reason that the “monolike” process was tested and optimized by us for Kazakhstan solar-grade silicon. The aim of this study is a comparison of the characteristics of solar cells fabricated from “monolike” silicon with those of solar cells obtained on the basis of multicrystalline silicon grown by oriented crystallization. For our study, ingots of multicrystalline silicon are grown on an industrial scale and through the use of Kazakhstan-sourced silicon; solar cells are fabricated and the characteristics of the obtained silicon ingots and solar cells are studied.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1085-1091
pages 1085-1091 views

Transition times between the extremum points of the current–voltage characteristic of a resonant tunneling diode with hysteresis

Grishakov K.S., Elesin V.F.


A numerical solution to the problem of transient processes in a resonant tunneling diode featuring a current–voltage characteristic with hysteresis is found for the first time in the context of a coherent model (based on the coupled Schrödinger and Poisson equations) taking into account the Fermi distribution of electrons. The transitions from the high-current to the low-current state and vice versa, which result from the existence of hysteresis and are of great practical importance for ultrafast switches based on resonant tunneling diodes, are studied in detail. It is shown that the transition times for such processes initiated by the application of a small voltage can significantly exceed the characteristic time ℏ/Γ (where G is the width of the resonance level). It is established for the first time that the transition time can be reduced and made as short as the characteristic time ℏ/Γ by applying a sufficiently high voltage. For the parameters of the resonant-tunnelingdiode structure considered in this study, the required voltage is about 0.01 V.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1092-1096
pages 1092-1096 views

Optical properties of photodetectors based on single GaN nanowires with a transparent graphene contact

Babichev A.V., Zhang H., Guan N., Egorov A.Y., Julien F.H., Messanvi A., Durand C., Eymery J., Tchernycheva M.


We report the fabrication and optical and electrical characterization of photodetectors for the UV spectral range based on single p–n junction nanowires with a transparent contact of a new type. The contact is based on CVD-grown (chemical-vapor deposition) graphene. The active region of the nitride nanowires contains a set of 30 radial In0.18Ga0.82N/GaN quantum wells. The structure is grown by metal-organic vaporphase epitaxy. The photodetectors are fabricated using electron-beam lithography. The current–voltage characteristics exhibit a rectifying behavior. The spectral sensitivity of the photodetector is recorded starting from 3 eV and extending far in the UV range. The maximal photoresponse is observed at a wavelength of 367 nm (sensitivity 1.9 mA/W). The response switching time of the photodetector is less than 0.1 s.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1097-1101
pages 1097-1101 views

Heterojunction low-barrier gaas diodes with an improved reverse I–V characteristic

Yunusov I.V., Kagadei V.A., Fazleeva A.Y., Arykov V.S.


A modified semiconductor epitaxial heterostructure of a low-barrier diode, which would make it possible to substantially reduce the reverse-current density of the diode without deterioration of its other key parameters, is proposed and implemented. Improvement in the parameters of the reverse branch of the I–V characteristic is attained due to the introduction of heterojunctions into a homostructure making it possible to form a potential barrier in the semiconductor bulk, which is close to the optimal. The results of theoretical calculations using TCAD Synopsys and also the experimental I–V characteristics of diodes fabricated on the basis of homo- and heterostructures are presented. A considerable decrease in the reverse current is shown by the example of diodes with a barrier height of 0.2 and 0.17 V.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1102-1106
pages 1102-1106 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Estimation of the efficiency of the introduction of a porous layer into a silicon-on-sapphire structure substrate to enhance the reliability of devices under irradiation

Aleksandrov P.A., Baranova E.K., Budaragin V.V.


We investigate the efficiency of the introduction of a porous layer into the substrate of a silicon-onsapphire structure by the implantation of He ions to enhance the radiation resistance of devices. The properties of the introduced layer and its parameters affecting the concentration of minority charge carriers generated by irradiation are analyzed. The reported results of the analysis and calculations can be used to optimize He-ion implantation conditions during the formation of a porous layer.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1107-1111
pages 1107-1111 views

On a silicon-based photonic-crystal cavity for the near-IR region: Numerical simulation and formation technology

Serafimovich P.G., Stepikhova M.V., Kazanskiy N.L., Gusev S.A., Egorov A.V., Skorokhodov E.V., Krasilnik Z.F.


The production technology of a photonic-crystal cavity formed as a group of holes in a silicon strip waveguide by ion-beam etching is described. The parasitic effect associated with hole conicity which develops upon hole formation by the given technology is studied. Numerical simulation shows that the hole-conicityinduced decrease in the cavity quality factor can be compensated with consideration for the hole volume. The influence of the waveguide thickness on the resonance wavelength and quality factor of the photonic-crystal cavity is analyzed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1112-1116
pages 1112-1116 views

On a two-layer Si3N4/SiO2 dielectric mask for low-resistance ohmic contacts to AlGaN/GaN HEMTs

Arutyunyan S.S., Pavlov A.Y., Pavlov B.Y., Tomosh K.N., Fedorov Y.V.


The fabrication of a two-layer Si3N4/SiO2 dielectric mask and features of its application in the technology of non-fired epitaxially grown ohmic contacts for high-power HEMTs on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures are described. The proposed Si3N4/SiO2 mask allows the selective epitaxial growth of heavily doped ohmic contacts by nitride molecular-beam epitaxy and the fabrication of non-fired ohmic contacts with a resistance of 0.15–0.2 Ω mm and a smooth surface and edge morphology.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1117-1121
pages 1117-1121 views

Formation of donors in germanium–silicon alloys implanted with hydrogen ions with different energies

Pokotilo Y.M., Petukh A.N., Litvinov V.V., Markevich V.P., Abrosimov N.V., Kamyshan A.S., Giro A.V., Solyanikova K.A.


The distributions of hydrogen-containing donors in Ge1–xSix (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.06) alloys implanted with hydrogen ions with an energy of 200 and 300 keV and a dose of 1 × 1015 cm–2 are studied. It is established that, at the higher ion energy, the limiting donor concentration after postimplantation heat treatment (275°C) is attained within ~30 min and, at the lower energy, within ~320 min. In contrast to donors formed near the surface, a portion of hydrogen-containing donors formed upon the implantation of ions with the higher energy possess the property of bistability. The limiting donor concentration is independent of the ion energy, but decreases from 1.3 × 1016 to 1.5 × 1015 cm–3, as the Si impurity content in the alloy is increased from x = 0.008 to x = 0.062. It is inferred that the observed differences arise from the participation of the surface in the donor formation process, since the surface significantly influences defect-formation processes involving radiation-induced defects, whose generation accompanies implantation.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1122-1124
pages 1122-1124 views

Changes in the conductivity of lead-selenide thin films after plasma etching

Zimin S.P., Amirov I.I., Naumov V.V.


The conductivity of epitaxial n- and p-PbSe thin films after dry etching in radio-frequency highdensity low-pressure inductively coupled argon plasma at a bombarding-ion energy of 200 eV is studied. It is shown that the observed changes in the conductivity can be adequately interpreted in the context of the classical model of the generation of donor-type radiation defects and that the processes of post-irradiation vacuum annealing result in the removal of such defects. The mean free path of charge carriers in p-PbSe films is determined within the context of the Fuchs–Sondheimer theory. It is found that, at room temperature, this parameter is 16 and 32 nm for the specularity parameter 0 and 0.5, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(8):1125-1129
pages 1125-1129 views

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