
Fractal properties of the Nd100–xFex alloys surface in the fractal thermodynamics model
Mikheev S., Semenova E., Pastushenkov Y., Tsvetkov V., Tsvetkov I.
Electron Microscopic Analysis of the Nb5Si3/NBC/NbSi2 Composite Structure
Nikonova R., Larionova N., Ladyanov V.
Determination of the Activation Energy of Defects in Ferroelectrics by the Method of Temperature Activation–Relaxation of the Dielectric Permittivity
Kuzenko D.
Compact representation of the local atomic structure of matter for machine learning in XANES spectroscopy data processing
Viklenko I., Srabionyan V., Durymanov V., Gladchenko-Dzhevelekis Y., Razdorov V., Avakyan L., Bugaev L.
Structure, transport and magnetic properties of ultrathin and thin FeSi films on Si(111)
Galkin N., Chernev I., Subbotin E., Goroshko O., Dotsenko S., Maslov A., Galkin K., Kropachev O., Goroshko D., Samardak A., Gerasimenko A., Argunov E.
Composition of silicon jointly doped with impurity atoms of gallium and phosphorus
Zikrillaev N., Koveshnikov S., Turekeev X., Ismailov B.
Effect of deformation nanostructuring on ion-beam erosion of copper
Andrianova N., Borisov A., Ovchinnikov M., Khisamov R., Mulyukov R.
Investigation of the Effect of Defocusing on Interference Patterns Obtained in X-Ray Three-Block Interferometers
Drmeyan H., Vasilyan M.
Magnetic domain structure of iron-based microwires after removal of the glass shell by chipping and chemical etching
Aksenov O., Fuks A., Aronin A.
Analysis of Structures at the Boundary of Contact Melting Al–Mg–Mn and Zn Based Alloys
Batalova E., Kamaeva L., Shutov I., Korolev M., Krivilev M.
Simulation of the Diffusion of Copper Atom on Graphene by Molecular Dynamics
Khudyakov S., Kolesnikov S., Saletsky A.
Calorimetric and Volumetric Studies of Dislocations During Martensitic Transformations in Shape Memory TiNi Alloy
Nechaev Y., Denisov E., Shurygina N., Sineva S., Misochenko A., Stolyarov V.
Complex Modification of the Surface Layer of a High-Entropy Al-Cr-Fe-Co-Ni Alloy by Electron-Ion-Plasma Treatment
Ivanov Y., Efimov M., Teresov A., Gromov V., Shliarova Y., Panchenko I.
Defects in h-BN: computer simulation of size effects
Latypov R., Sozykin S., Beskachko V.
Visualization of structural domains in a single crystal of iron pnictide EuFe2As2
Uspenskaya L., Sidelnikov M., Pervakov K., Vlasenko V., Vinnikov L.
Modern Scanning Electron Microscopy. 2. Test objects for Scanning Electron Microscopy
Novikov Y.
Resonance Effects in Photoemission Spectroscopy of Rare-Earths in Intermetallic Compound La0.73Tb0.27Mn2Si2
Ponomareva E., Korkh Y., Grebennikov V., Gerasimov E., Mushnikov N., Kuznetsova T.
Surface Crystallization and Magnetization Reversal Processes in Amorphous Microwires
Aksenov O., Fuks A., Abrosimova G., Matveev D., Aronin A.
Spectroscopic and Kinetic Investigations of the Permeability of the Surface Layers of Membranes in the Process of Microfiltration Separation of Water-Organic Solutions
Konovalov D., Khorokhorina I., Lazarev S., Nagornov S., Kornev A., Kotenev S.
Electronic Structure of Tin Dioxide Thin Films
Manyakin M., Kurganskii S.
Change in the Local Atomic Structure of the Fe–Ni Alloy Due to Irradiation by Argon Ions
Averkiev I., Kolotov A., Bakieva O.
Surface Modification of Melamine-Formaldehyde Particles in Ne and Kr Plasma
Polischuk V., Balabas M., Dzlieva E., Gorbenko A., Ermolenko M., Karasev V.
Study of the Structure and Mechanisms of Wear of Solid-Lubricant Coatings of the TiN–Pb System
Lozovan A., Betsofen S., Savushkina S., Lyakhovetsky M., Lesnevsky L., Nikolaev I., Pavlov Y., Kubatina E., Agureev L.
3D Simulation of Electronic Exchange between an Atomic Particle and a Defect-Containing Surface
Klimov N., Gainullin I.
Effect of the Molecular Brush Topology on the Stabilization of Silver and Selenium Nanoparticles in Aqueous Nanodispersions: Spectral and Structural-Morphological Characteristics
Valueva S., Vylegzhanina M., Borovikova L., Ivanov I., Yakimansky A.
A Comprehensive Study of the Local Atomic Structure of Promising Ti-Containing Compounds
Averkiev I., Bakieva O., Kriventsov V.
Increasing the Thermal Stability of the Submicrocrystalline Nickel Surface under High-Fluence Ion Irradiation
Borisov A., Mashkova E., Ovchinnikov M., Khisamov R., Musabirov I., Shayakhmetov R., Mulyukov R.
Influence of Aluminium on the Structure and Electrical Properties of Amorphous Diamond-Like Silicon-Carbon Films
Popov A., Presnyakov M., Domashevskaya E., Terekhov V., Semenov-Shefov M., Afanas’ev V., Chukanova T., Zezin D., Yemets V., Barinov A., Shapetina M.
Application of Some Techniques Using Synchrotron Radiation to the Study of a Promising Composite Thermoelectric Material SrTiO3–TiO2
Zavjalov A., Lyubas G., Sharafutdinov M., Kriventsov V., Kosyanov D.
Structures of Nanodiamonds with Photoactive Modifiers
Lebedev V., Kulvelis Y., Soroka M., Kyzyma O., Vul A.
Field Frequency Variation during Plasma-Chemical Deposition of Silicon-Carbon Films as a Method for Their Structural Modification
Popov A., Barinov A., Yemets V., Presnyakov M., Chukanova T.
Fine Crystal Structure, Spectral Properties and Surface Micromorphology of 1,3,5-Triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene, 1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene, and Benzotrifuroxane Films Obtained by Crystallization from a Gas Phase
Stankevich A., Sobolevskaya A., Gretsova A., Streltsova M., Frolova O.
Spin-Orbit Interactions in Osmium Complexes
Asanov I., Fedorenko A., Vasilchenko D., Grebenkina M., Lavrov A., Korol’kov ., Kriventsov V., Trubina S., Asanova T.
Layered Composite Materials Based on Ti/Ta/Hf/Ceramic to Solve Tasks under Extreme Conditions
Kamynina O., Vadchenko S., Kovalev I., Prokhorov D.
Investigation of the Crystal Structure of Nd5Mo3O16 + δ in the Pressure Range 0–5.9 GPа
Chebyshev K., Turchenko V., Kichanov S.
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