
From palpation of the pulse to cuff-free methods: evolution of arterial pressure measurement methods
Solnceva T., Sivakova O., Chazova I.
Chronic kidney disease in outpatients with arterial hypertension: clinical characteristics and treatment efficacy (according to the national registry)
Oschepkova E., Aksenova A., Orlovsky A., Chazova I.
Arterial hypertension in the light of current recommendations
Chazova I.
Problems of insufficient control of target blood pressure levels in the outpatient practice
Larina V., Fedorova E., Mikhailusova M., Golovko M.
Combined treatment of arterial hypertension (results of the international program CLIP-ACCORD)
Chazova I., Ratova L., Chazova I., Ratova L.
Self-control of arterial pressure at home as a method of improving compliance in hypertensive patients
Oschepkova E., Tsagareishvili E., Zelveyan P., Rogoza A.
The effectiveness of combination antihypertensive therapy in patients with arterial hypertension and additional risk factors: obesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Elfimova E., Litvin A., Chazova I.
Trends in subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with arterial hypertension associated with diabetes mellitus: a relationship between the blood pressure achieved with antihypertensive therapy and the body weight
Karpov O., Koshel'skaya R., Khoroshilova I., Karpov R., Koshelskaya O., Khoroshilova I.
Nifedipine-retard alone and incombination with metoprolol: comparative efficacy andsafety in patients with arterial hypertension
Isaikina O., Gorbunov V., Andreeva G., Dmitrieva N., Martsevich S.
Evolution of pathogenetic therapy of pulmonary arterial hypertension
Chazova I., Yarovoy S., Danilov N.
Efficacy of combined treatment of patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea and arterial hypertension of the second and third degree
Sukmarova Z., Litvin A., Chazova I., Rogoza A., Sukmarova Z., Litvin A., Chazova I., Rogoza A.
A 24-h arterial pressure profile in patients with arterial hypertension living in Tyumen North
Gapon L., Sereda T., Shurkevich N., Shanaurina N.
Thiaside diuretics in combination with inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 comorbid with arterial hypertension
Chazova I., Mychka V., Duishvili D.
The state of theleft ventricle of the heart and 24-h profile of arterial pressure in patients with effort angina and episodes of painlessmyocardial ischemia
Mazur E., Mazur V., Tkhind В., Omar I.
Clinical and functional assessment of daily blood pressure variations in patients with pneumonia
Geltser B., Kolelnikov V., Brodskaya T.
Diroton effects on 24-h fluctuations of arterial pressure as shown bymonitoring in hypertensive patients with polycythemia vera
Gorokhovskaya G., Zavyalova A., Martynov A.
A possibility to interchange heart rate-slowing therapy with ivabradine and atenolol in patients with stable angina pectoris
Shavarov A., Kiiakbaev G., Kobalava Z.
Endothelial damage and circadian blood pressure profile in rheumatoid arthritis
Shilkina N., Yunonin I., Butusova S., Mikhailova E., Vinogradov A.
Blood pressure variability and risk for complications in arterial hypertension
Ostroumova O.
Optimization of the control of blood pressure. What contribution can be obtained from use of combinations of fixed doses of ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers?
Eliseev O., Eliseev O.
Estimation of central blood pressure and arterial stiffness in pregnant women with different forms of hypertension
Chulkov V., Vereina N., Sinitsyn S., Dolgushina V.
Methodological approaches to estimation of a morning urge of arterial pressure in essential hypertensives
Lazareva N., Oschepkova E., Zelveyan P., Buniatyan M., Rogoza A.
Prognostic significance of nocturnal fall of systolic arterial pressure in patients with mild and moderate essential hypertension (7-9-year prospective trial)
Zelveian P., Oschepkova E., Buniatian M., Rogoza A., Sergakova L., Varakin Y., Gornostaeva G.
24-hour systolic wave increment index monitoring in patients with low-renin arterial hypertension
Valieva Z., Chikhladze N., Rogoza A., Iarovaia E., Bosykh E., Chazova I.
Multicenter trial of olmesartan. Main results
Ageev F., Svirida O., Ageev F., Svirida O.
Controlling blood pressure: how well are we doing?
Lanfan K., Lenfant C.
The status of large vessels in overweight and obesity according to ultrasound findings
Khovaeva Y., Batalova A., Golovskoy B., Gerasimova А.
Role of the determination of aortic pressure and rigidity aortic in patients with cardiovascular diseases
Oleĭnikov V., Matrosova I., Gusakovskaia L., Sergatskaia N.
Arterial hypertension in patients with systemic connective tissue diseases and hemorrhagic vasculitis
Shilkina N., Yunonin I., Stolyarova S., Dryazhenkova I., Shilkina N., Yunonin I., Stolyarova S., Dryazhenkova I.
Comments on the article by Professor Dmitry D. Pletnev “Hypertension (the experience of analyzing its genesis)”
Baranova I.
Cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) in diagnostics, risk and severity evaluation of magistral vessels lesion in patients with cardio-vascular diseases and type 2 diabetes
Verner V., Mel’nik M., Knjazeva S.
Efficacy and safetyof different p-blockers in patients with isolated systolic hypertension, associated with diabetes mellitus and obstructive pulmonary diseases
Kukes V., Ostroumova O., Mamaev V., Batutina A., Abakumov Y., Zykova A.
Realities and prospects of remote blood pressure monitoring in hypertensive patients
Boytsov S.
Prognostic value of detection of arterial hypotensive episodes in patients with chronic heart failure
Serov V., Shutov A., Serova D., Shmel'kova E., Shevchenko S.
Peculiarity of hypotensive efficacy in hypertensive patients with desaturation signs of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Zelveian I., Oschepkova E., Buniatian M., Rogoza A.
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