
Influence of Spring Burns on the Properties of Humus Horizon of Chernozem in the Southeast of Western Siberia
Semenkov I., Lednev S., Klink G., Kasymov D., Agafontsev M., Kostrova S., Koroleva T.
Model of the Soil Sediment Sequence Accumulation of Ice Complex (Kolyma Lowland)
Ostroumov V.
Paleopedological and Microbiomorphological Study of Medieval Kurgans in Moscow Region
Khokhlova O., Golyeva A.
Late Pleistocene Paleosols in the North of Western Siberia: Paleorecords of Natural Environment and the Component of the Modern Soil Cover
Sedov S., Sheinkman V.
Multiscale Estimates of Soil Erodibility’ Variation Under Conditions of High Soil Cover Heterogeneity in the Northern Forest-Steppe of the Central Russian Upland
Fomicheva D., Zhidkin A., Komissarov M.
Microbiome of Soils and Supraglacial Objects in Background and Oil Polluted Ecosystems Hayes Island (Franz Joseph Land Archipelago)
Nikitin D., Manucharova N., Dobryansky A.
Determination of Thermophysical Parameters of the Soil According to Dynamic Data on its Temperature
Mikail R., Hazar E., Shein E., Mikailsoy F.
Pedochronological Rows of Medieval Burial Mounds, Pskov Region
Zharkikh I., Rusakov A., Mikhailova E., Sobolev V., Khokhlova O., Makeev A.
Soil Respiration and Carbon Sequestration
Kudeyarov V.
Changing of the Major Pedogenic Trends in Late Pleistocene on the Territory of West Beringia
Gubin S.
The Effect of Mechanical Activation on Some Soil Properties and Plant Development
Fedotov G., Gorepekin I., Ushkova D., Konkina U., Sukharev A., Potapov D.
Agrogenic Soils on the Updated Version of the Soil Map of Russia, 1 : 2.5 M Scale: Classification Diversity and Place in the Soil Cover
Gerasimova M., Ananko T., Konyushkov D., Savitskaya N.
Geoarchaeological Analysis of Soils and Structures of the Kurgan Shumny, Krasnodar Region
Sverchkova A., Khokhlova O., Makeev A., Aseeva E., Kust P., Myakshina T., Tregub T., Kozmirchuk I.
Permafrost Affected Soils of the Alazeya River Basin: Properties, Mineralogy and Classification
Desyatkin R., Lessovaia S., Okoneshnikova M., Ivanova A., Platonova N.
Fractionation of Manganese Compounds in the Topsoil Layer Effected by a Coal Waste Heap (Central Russian Forest-Steppe)
Semenkov I., Sharapova A., Lednev S., Koroleva Т.
Analysis of CO2 Emission by Urban Soils under the Conditions of the Kola North
Korneykova M., Vasenev V., Saltan N., Slukovskaya M., Soshina A., Zavodskikh ., Sotnikova Y., Dolgikh A.
Evaluation of Direction and Mechanisms of Biochar Application Effect on Substrate-Induced Soil Respiration in a Long-Term Laboratory Experiment
Smirnova E., Genyatullin K., Okunev P., Valeeva A., Ryazanov S.
The Prokaryotic Community Structure of Oil-Contaminated Chernozem during the Introduction of Nitrate and Potassium Chloride
Vlasova A., Pavlov K., Morachevskaya E., Lipatov D., Pozdnyakov L., Manucharova N.
Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Organic Matter in Cambisols of Eastern Sayan Foothills
Golubtsov V., Vanteeva Y., Bronnikova M., Cherkashina A., Znamenskaya T.
Soils of Lakeside Depressions of Pulsing Chloride Lakes of Internal Runoff in Central Asia: Morphology, Physical-Chemical and Geochemical Features
Ubugunova V., Ubugunov L., Zhambalova A., Ayushina T., Ubugunov V.
Short-Term Dynamics of CO2 Emission and Carbon Content in Urban Soil Structures in the Steppe Zone
Gorbov S., Vasenev V., Minaeva E., Tagiverdiev S., Skripnikov P., Bezuglova O.
Abundance and Diversity of Prokaryotic Communities of Dust Aerosol and Urban Soils on the Territory of Moscow
Lysak L., Shoba S., Prokof’eva T., Glushakova A., Goncharov N., Belov A.
Fluorine and Iodine in Soils of the Kulunda Plain
Konarbaeva G., Smolentseva E.
Soil Formation Features in Drained Lake Basins of the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra
Kaverin D., Deneva S., Pastukhov A., Yаkubenko S.
The Influence of Meso- and Microclimatic Conditions on the CO2 Emission of Soils of the Urban Green Infrastructure of the Moscow Metropolis
Vasenev V., Varentsov M., Sarrzhanov D., Makhinya K., Gosse D., Petrov D., Dolgikh A.
Effect of Mineral Nitrogen and Glucose Application on Temperature Sensitivity (Q10) of Mineralization of Soil Organic Matter
Matvienko А., Gromova M., Menyailo O.
Diversity of Bacteria Cultured from Arid Soils and Sedimentary Rocks under Conditions of Available Water Deficiency
Cheptsov V., Belov A., Sotnikov I.
Analysis of Ecological and Genetic Soil Properties for Forest Ecosystem Monitoring in the Zone of Coniferous-Broad-Leaved Forests
Koptsik G., Smirnova I., Koptsik S.
Macrofauna and Organic Matter in Postagrogenic Sandy Soils at the NW Smolensk Region (Russia)
Terekhova D., Gerasimova M., Khokhryakov V., Enchilik P., Klink G., Bavshin I., Кuznetsova А., Shopina О., Geraskina А., Smirnova M., Semenkov I.
Soil Biophilic Elements (С, N, Р) and Microbial Respiration Activity in Forest Parks of Moscow and Rural Forests
Ananyeva N., Yudina A., Komarova A., Vasenev V., Sotnikova Y., Kadulin M., Dolgikh A., Gorbacheva A., Sushko S., Ivashchenko K., Khatit R., Dovletyarova E.
Satellite Monitoring of Salinization of Irrigated Soils in South Kazakhstan
Savin I., Terekhov A., Amirgaliev E., Sagatdinova G.
Possibility of Using Zoning of Fallow Vegetation according to Vegetation Indices to Assess the Patterns of Accumulation of Organic Matter in Post-Agrogenic Soils
Giniyatullin K., Sahabiev I., Ryazanov S., Smirnova E., Tishin D., Latypova L.
Effect of Moisture on CO2 Flux of the Palsa Mire Soils (North of Western Siberia)
Matyshak G., Chuvanov S., Goncharova O., Trifonova V., Timofeeva M., Isaeva A., Tarkhov M.
Transfer and Accumulation of Biophilic Elements in Pasture Ecosystems of the Northern Caspian
Kulakova N., Suvorov G.
Heavy Metals in Urban Soils of the Volga Federal District: a Conjugate Analysis of Official Data
Paramonova T., Chernogaeva G., Lukyanova N., Paramonov M.
Seasonal Activity of Soil Peroxidase in Drained Swamp Pine Forests of Western Siberia: Systematic-Ecological Analysis
Efremova T., Efremov S., Avrova A.
Ecological and Geochemical State of Soil Cover in Gusinoozersk in the Zone of Influence of Coal Thermal Power Plant
Sycheva D., Kosheleva N.
Effects of the Composition and Properties of Soils and Soil-Sand Substrates Contaminated with Copper on Morphometric Parameters of Barley Plants
Pinsky D., Shary P., Mandzhieva S., Minkina T., Perelomov L., Maltseva A., Dudnikova T.
Stages of Restoration of Components of Post-Agrogenic Pine Forest Ecosystems at the National Park “Smolensk Lakeland”
Shopina О., Geraskina А., Кuznetsova А., Тikhonovа Е., Тitovets А., Bavshin I., Khokhryakov V., Semenkov I.
Content and Mobility Metals in Oligotrophic Peat Soils of the Cryolithozone of Western Siberia
Sokolov D., Ivanova I., Siromlya T.
Genetic Features of Soils on Dense Parent Rocks of the Donetsk Ridge
Bezuglova O., Boldyreva V., Gorbov S., Litvinov Y.
Methane Emissions from Rice Fields of the Rostov Region
Gar’kusha D., Fedorov Y., Tambieva N., Mel’nikov E.
Cyanobacteria and Algae in Biological Soil Crusts of Frost Boils in the Mountain Tundra of the Urals
Patova E., Novakovskaya I., Sivkov M.
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