
The genus Rosa L. (Rosaceae) in the herbarium Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences (PVB)
Saksonov S.V., Vasjukov V.M., Senator S.A., Rakov N.S., Ivanova A.V.
Some results of petrographic study of Neolithic ceramics from the Luzhki II site
Andreev K.M., Kulkova M.A.
Alien plants in forest communities of the Middle Volga Region: dissemination and degree of naturalization
Saksonov S.V., Rakov N.S., Vasjukov V.M., Senator S.A.
Factors of soil and atmospheric air degradation and their influence on the state of plants in urban and suburban ecosystems
Larionov M.V., Larionov N.V., Gromova T.S., Siraeva I.S., Ermolenko A.S., Volodkin A.A., Levkina G.V.
Regional features of birth and mortality rate in the Volga-Vyatka, Middle Volga and Orenburg regions during the famine of 1932–1933
Nazarenko N.N., Bashkin A.V.
Periodization and chronology of Caspian culture
Doga N.S.
Early Neolithic pottery from Central Asia to Denmark
Andreev K.M., Vybornov A.A.
Epidemiological transition of the urban Middle Volga Region population
Rumyantseva M.A.
Novoilyinskaya Post-Neolithic culture in the Middle and Upper Kama River region
Lychagina E.L., Vybornov A.A., Zhukova O.V.
The appearance of broadswords in the Middle Kama region in the I–II centuries AD
Malykh O.O.
The flora peculiarities of the Melekess-Stavropol physiographic region
Ivanova A.V., Kostina N.V., Lysenko T.M., Kozlovskaya O.V.
Specially protected natural area «Sources of the Krymza River»: modern state and protection of (Syzransky District, Samara Region)
Saksonov S.V., Novikova L.A., Mitroshenkova A.E., Rakov N.S., Senator S.A., Dronin G.V., Golovlev A.A.
Concerning structure-functional features of the leaf apparatus of some stone crops varieties belonging to Prunus (Rosaceae Juss.) genus
Kavelenova L.M., Petrova A.B., Yankov N.V., Antipenko M.I., Minin A.N.
Dwellings of the late Mesolithic and early Neolithic in the Mari Volga Region
Kudashov A.S.
Regional and local authorities’ activity in the field of nature protection in 1918-1950s (on materials of the archives of the Middle and Lower Volga region)
Makeeva E.D.
Fauna of leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of isolated Volga Islands and mechanisms of their secondary settlement
Pavlov S.I., Yaitsky A.S.
Some discussion issues of the early Neolithic study in the forest-steppe Volga region
Andreev K.M.
Geographical conditions and evolution of vegetation cover of Middle Volga Region in the pliocene
Senator S.A., Morov V.P.
Early Medieval burial complex of the burial mound of Maslennikovo I in the Samara Volga region
Myshkin V.N., Turetskiy M.A., Bogachev A.V., Khokhlov A.A.
The features of the skeleton of the population in the early bronze age of the Volga-Ural Region
Grigoryev A.P.
Diversity and number of woodpeckers (Picidae) in the Chuvash Trans-Volga Region in winter
Kolenov S.E.
Ecological and genetic characteristics of «yellow» wagtail hybrids
Artemyeva E.A., Mishchenko A.V.
Features of Adenophora lilifolia (L.) A. DC. cenopopulations organization on specially protected natural areas of the Middle Volga and Southern Urals
Abramova L.M., Andreeva I.Z., Ilina V.N.
Ontogenetic structure of natural populations of rare species of the genus Hedysarum L. in the Volga and Ural regions
Ilina V.N., Abramova L.M., Mustafina A.N., Suprun N.A., Lavrentiev M.V.
Soil spider (Arachnida, Aranei) fauna of Samara parks zones
Belosludtsev E.A.
Dynamics of leaf beetles density (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) in grain crops agrocoenoses of the Samara Region
Pavlov S.I., Yaitsky A.S.
Naturalized alien plants in Penza Region
Vasjukov V.M., Novikova L.A.
Flora and vegetation features of the stow «Chalk slopes to the Proval river» (Ulyanovsk Region)
Saksonov S.V., Novikova L.A., Vasjukov V.M., Rakov N.S., Senator S.A., Silaeva T.B.
Technological features of ceramic complex of 2nd fourth of I millennium AD of Sosenki settlement in the Ulyanovsk Region
Nikitina A.V.
Caves in catacomb movement of the Russian Orthodox Church on the territory of the Don and the Volga Region in 1920-1940s
Stepkin V.V., Gunko A.A.
The 70th birthday of the doctor of historical sciences, professor Aleksandr Ivanovich Repinetsky
Vybornov A.A., Korolev A.I., Mochalov O.D., Khramkova E.L.
Russian language as a means of acculturation: development of Russian-foreign schools in the Orenburg Region in the middle of the XIX century
Lyubichankovskiy S.V.
Multidisciplinary approach to the study of Neolithic pottery technology (based on the materials of the Luzhki II site)
Vasilyeva I.N., Somov A.V., Vasilieva D.I., Baranova M.N.
Soil-archaeological characteristic of the archaeological settlement Kalmykovka I in the Samara Volga Region
Ovchinnikov A.Y., Andreev K.M.
Vegetation characteristics of the Gubinsko-Troekurovskie Heights (Samara Region)
Novikova L.A., Saksonov S.V., Vasjukov V.M., Gorlov S.E., Senator S.A., Solovieva V.V.
State policy of the Russian Empire on the Christianization of Muslims in the Middle Volga region in the 16th-19th centuries
Bogdan A.V.
The structure and state of coenopopulations of the rare species Hedysarum gmelinii Ledeb. (Fabaceae) in different parts of the range
Ilina V.N., Abramova L.M., Mustafina A.N.
The Mesolithic – Neolithic transition in the Upper Volga region resulted from the stone industry analyses
Tsvetkova N.A.
Yudin A.I.
Red wood ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) influence on the spatial distribution of small mammals in the conditions of the Volga Upland
Boryakova E.E., Melnik S.A.
The results of the settlement Oroshayemoye study in 2018
Vybornov A.A., Vasilyeva I.N., Doga N.S., Roslyakova N.V., Kosintsev P.A., Kulkova M.A., Popov A.S., Yudin A.I., Oinonen M., Possnert G., Streltsov M.A.
Vegetation cover and small mammals as the components of biocoenosis in the conditions of the Volga Upland
Boryakova E.E.
The results of excavations at the Algay site in the steppe Volga region in 2021
Vybornov A.A., Vasilyeva I.N., Gilyazov F.F., Doga N.S., Kulkova M.A., Platonov V.I., Popov A.S., Roslyakova N.V., Yudin A.I.
Troitskoye 5 - a new archaeological site of the Stone-Bronze Age in the Samara Volga region
Stashenkov D.A., Kochkina A.F., Kuznetsova L.V., Salugina N.P., Lastovsky A.A.
Organization, state and activity of criminal investigation units intelligence work in the Middle Volga Region in the first half of the 1920s
Gazatulin S.T.
Domestic topics in satire for news lovers: the possibilities of an adaptation resource (based on periodicals of the Volga city during the First World War)
Semenova E.Y.
Lozovski V.M., Lozovskaya O.V., Zaitceva G.I., Possnert G., Kulkova M.A.
Artemyeva E.A., Mishchenko A.V., Makarov D.K.
A statistical model for the radiocarbon chronology of the Neolithic forest-steppe Volga region monuments
Stavitsky V.V.
The comb tradition of ceramics ornamentation of the Srednevolzhskaya Neolithic culture in the forest-steppe Volga region (general characteristics)
Andreev K.M., Somov A.V.
The ratio of the Neolithic and Eneolithic complexes of the forest-steppe Volga region according to radiocarbon dating
Somov A.V., Shalapinin A.A.
Ectoparasites of the bats from karst caves of the nature reserve «Ichalkovsky Bor» (Nizhny Novgorod Region)
Fadeeva G.A., Boryakova E.E.
The experience of steppe reserve organizing in Southern Pre-Urals in the late XIX - the first third of the XX century and the problem of Russian steppes sustainable development of the XXI century
Mishanina E.V., Mishanina E.V.
Regional musical culture management in 1939–1945 (on materials of the Volga Region)
Tuzova O.V.
The results of researching of Algay site in the Lower Volga region in 2022
Gilyazov F.F., Vasilenko A.A., Surina E.O.
New data on the absolute age of the Eneolithic complexes of the forest-steppe Volga region
Korolev A.I., Kulkova M.A., Shalapinin A.A.
The age and sex structure of the population based on materials from the Eneolithic burial sites of the Middle Volga Region
Bogdanash A.V.
The development of medicine as a factor of «epidemic transition» in the urban population of the Middle Volga region
Rumyantseva M.A.
Baratskov A.V.
Structure and dynamics of alien flora of the railroads in the forest-steppe zone of Middle Volga Region
Nikitin N.A.
Socio-natural aspects of the causes and consequences of the famine of 1921–1923 in the Volga region
Makeeva E.D.
Some features of small mammalian’s ectoparasite communities formation in the mixed forests of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
Fadeeva G.A., Boryakova E.E.
Confiscation of church property in the Yenisei province (periodization and outcome)
Vdovin A.S., Bobrik I.E.
Vegetation of the natural monument «Gurev Ravine» (Shigonsky District of the Samara Region)
Novikova L.A., Saksonov S.V., Vasjukov V.M., Gorlov S.E., Senator S.A., Solovieva V.V.
Public ecological organizations of the Volga Region and their relations with the government in 1980-1990
Makeeva E.D.
Age and sex structure of the population of the Srubnaya culture in the late bronze age (on the materials from the Samara Volga region)
Bogdanash A.V.
Taxonomic diversity of Brassicaceae in the Samara-Ulyanovsk Volga Region
Ivanova A.V., Kostina N.V., Aristova M.A.
Adventitious coastal-aquatic and aquatic plants – indicators of global climate warming
Solovieva V.V.
Dwellings of the Elshan Early Neolithic culture
Andreev K.M.
The results of the study of the Algay site (2019) in the lower Volga Region
Vybornov A.A., Vasilyeva I.N., Baratskov A.V., Gilyazov F.F., Kosintsev P.A., Kulkova M.A., Kurbatova L.A., Roslyakova N.V., Yudin A.I.
South Russian traces in the origins of the tillage in the Perm Region (archaeological evidence)
Sarapulov A.N.
Association of small mammal’s spatial distribution and vegetation cover structure (on the example of Pustyn closed wood, Nizhny Novgorod Region)
Boryakova E.E.
Assessment of the stability of bat ectoparasite communities using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method
Fadeeva G.A., Boryakova E.E.
The Neolithic site of Luzhki II in the forest-steppe Volga region (first results of the studies)
Somov A.V., Andreev K.M., Roslyakova N.V.
A quarter of a century of cooperation and collaborative research (to the 60th birthday of archaeologist Arkady Ivanovich Korolev)
Stavitsky V.V.
Informal religiosity of central Volga area and Ural area «Muslim» peoples in 1960–1970
Idiatullov A.K., Galimova L.N.
Comparison of geometric microliths of the Northern Caspian and Lower Don
Smagin V.A.
Arkadiy Ivanovich Korolev: 60th birthday!
Vybornov A.A., Mochalov O.D., Repinetsky A.I.
New data about the Orlovskaya culture household in the steppe Volga region
Vybornov A.A., Gilyazov F.F., Doga N.S., Yudin A.I., Yanish E.Y.
Relict pine forests with Arctostaphylos uva-ursi in the Zhiguli Mountains (the Middle Volga Region)
Saksonov S.V., Bondareva V.V., Vasjukov V.M., Keller S.A.
A.L. Belgard and N.M. Matveev’s ecological and coenotical groups (coenomorphs) for the forest-steppe and steppe of the Volga River Region
Nazarenko N.N., Pokhlebayev S.M.
Absolute chronology of ceramics of the Lugovskoy type
Andreev K.M., Vybornov A.A., Kulkova M.A., Khramov D.Y.
Moss flora of Samara Region
Bogdanova Y.A.
New data about the early Neolithic of the steppe Volga Region
Yudin A.I., Vybornov A.A.
1 - 84 of 84 Items

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