Early Medieval burial complex of the burial mound of Maslennikovo I in the Samara Volga region

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This paper is devoted to the publication of materials obtained during the study of the burial of the early Middle Ages in the burial mound Maslennikovo I. This necropolis is located in the steppe southwestern part of the Samara Trans-Volga region. The excavated mound 1 was built in the Bronze Age in the process of making eight burials of this time. Burial 2, admitted into the floor of the embankment in its southern part, dates back to the Middle Ages. The burial was made in a grave pit in the shape of an elongated oval and oriented with its long axis along the NW-SE line. The buried man lay stretched out on his back with his head to the northwest. The bone of a horse’s leg lay at his head. Gold foil fragments, which may have been the remains of a symbolic death mask, and earrings were also found in the area of the head. The remains of a wooden object with silver plates at the edges, probably of a quiver on the chest of a deceased burial were found. The remains of a scabbard, which also had silver plates there were in the region of the pelvis and between the thigh bones. Seven silver sewn-on plaques with embossed ornaments and several poorly preserved iron objects were found in the grave. The peculiarities of the funeral rite and accompanying implements make it possible to include this complex in the number of burials attributed by researchers as Magyar (proto-Magyar, Hungarian) and to consider it as the burial of an individual integrated into the ethnocultural environment of the Hungarians of the Middle Volga region of the 9th–10th centuries.

About the authors

Vladimir Nikolaevich Myshkin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Email: vnm59@bk.ru

candidate of historical sciences, leading researcher of Archaeological Laboratory

Russian Federation, Samara

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Turetskiy

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Email: maturet@mail.ru

candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher of Archaeological Laboratory

Russian Federation, Samara

Aleksey Vladimirovich Bogachev

Samara Archaeological Society

Email: figaro9@rambler.ru

doctor of historical sciences, participant

Russian Federation, Samara

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Khokhlov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: khokhlov_aa@mail.ru

doctor of historical sciences, professor of Biology, Ecology and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Map-diagram of the location of the burial mound Maslennikovo I

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3. Figure 2 – The burial mound of Maslennikovo I. Kurgan 1. Plan. Symbols: a – the modern border of the mound embankment; b – the border of the mound filling; c – calcined soil, coals, charred wood; d – ashy soil within the modern ditch; d – calcined soil; e – filling of the modern trench; g – the border of the original mound embankment; z – the border of the site with the removed humus layer; i – profile removal lines (A–A', B–B', B–B', G–G'); k – grave miscarriage; l – animal skull (-35 cm from 0)

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4. Figure 3 – The burial mound of Maslennikovo I. Burial mound 1. Burial plan 2: I – before the removal of wood decay and a layer of coal, II – after the removal of wood decay and a layer of coal, III – the section of the grave pit along the A–B line (depth values – in cm). Symbols: a – wood; b – coals; 1 – horse leg bone; 2 – iron object; 3 – fragments of plates made of light metal; 4 – sheath plates (?) made of light metal; 5 – fragments of a wooden object; 6 – fragments of gold foil; 7 – gold earring; 8, 9 – iron objects; 10 – cream

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5. Figure 4 – The burial mound of Maslennikovo I. Kurgan 1. Things from the burial 2: 1, 11 – sheath lining (?) of light metal; 2-7 – silver plaques (2 – plaque 1; 3 – plaque 2; 4, 5 – plaque 3; 6, 7 – plaque 4); 8 – cream; 9, 10 – gold earrings; 12-15 – fragments of gold foil

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6. Figure 5 – The burial mound of Maslennikovo I. Kurgan 1. Things from the burial 2: 1 – the outer side of the sheath lining (?) made of light metal; 2 – the inner side of large fragments of the sheath lining (?) made of light metal with fragments of wood; 3-6 – fragments of the lining under wood decay; 7, 9, 10 – fragments of iron objects; 8 – a fragment of the metal lining of iron item number 9

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Copyright (c) 2022 Myshkin V.N., Turetskiy M.A., Bogachev A.V., Khokhlov A.A.

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