Early Neolithic pottery from Central Asia to Denmark

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This paper focuses on the analysis of the Early Neolithic cultures pottery on the vast territory from the Aral Sea region in the east to Denmark in the west. The most stable typological and technological features of ancient pottery are singled out: profiled upper part of the vessels, pointed bottom, poor ornamentation, pit or dash patterns under the rim, the compositions are represented by intersecting lines like an oblique lattice. The vessels are made of silty clay mixed with chamotte. The fragments of the surfaces are smoothed with a soft object. This set of features can be traced for the pottery of cultures in the Aral Sea region, forest-steppe part of the Volga region (Povolzhye), Don and Dnepr regions, up to Jutland. The radiocarbon dates for the Early Neolithic culture of the area of interest demonstrate their rather ancient age in the eastern part of the area (6200 ВС) and rather smooth transition to younger (5900 ВС) in the western zone. There is a combined chronointerval for the monuments of Elshanka and Ertebølle cultures. The reason for the eastern trend in the appearance of the earliest pottery to the west of the Aral Sea region could be climatic disturbances (aridization), while household components became the instrument for the early pottery appearance in the west.

About the authors

Konstantin Mikhailovich Andreev

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Email: konstantin_andreev_88@mail.ru

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Domestic History and Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Alexander Alexeevich Vybornov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: vibornov_kin@mail.ru

doctor of historical sciences, professor, head of Domestic History and Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Early ceramics of the Aral Sea region, Kelteminar culture. 1-2 - Jebel; 3-4 - Learn 131; 5–10 - Lyavkan parking lots

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3. Figure 2 - Early ceramics of the forest-steppe Volga region, Elshan culture. 1, 3 - Chekalino IV; 2, 10 - Nizhnyaya Orlyanka II; 4 - Ilyinka; 5 - Iron I; 6 - Krasny Yar (?); 7 - Vyunovo lake I; 8 - Old Elshanka II; 9 - Big Rakovka II; 11 - Ivanovka

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4. Figure 3 - Early ceramics of the Middle Don, Karamyshev culture. 1–4 - Ivnitsa; 5 - Karamyshevo I; 6-7 - Plautino; 8–9 - Mouth of Izlegoschi 2; 10-11 - Vasilievsky Cordon 7

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5. Figure 4 - Early Ponemania pottery, Neman culture. 1 - Dobry Bor I; 2 - Bald Mountain; 3 - Szlachcin; 4 - Lipa 5; 5, 7, 11–12 - Stone II; 6 - Grabina 5; 8 - Yurevichi VI; 9-10, 13 - Rusakovka II; 14 - Boletus

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6. Figure 5 - Early ceramics of the southwestern Baltic, Ertebelle culture. 1 - Tanowo 3; 2 - Wangels; 3, 4, 9 - Dabki 9; 5 - Rude; 6 - Hoge Vaart; 7-8 - Rosenhof; 10 - Brabrand

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7. Figure 6 - Early ceramics of Eurasia

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