The flora peculiarities of the Melekess-Stavropol physiographic region

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We publish the results of a three-stage study of the floristic heterogeneity of the Melekess-Stavropol physiographic region located on the territory of the Samara and Ulyanovsk Regions. The area belongs to the forest-steppe zone of the Trans Volga Lowland and occupies the area of 7,7 thousand km². Based on the analysis of family spectra, originality of the flora of the region we show the comparison of Soksky and Irgiz physiographic regions of the Samara Trans Volga. At the first stage of the research we consider the internal heterogeneity of the region, changes in the species composition of the flora along a two-sided latitudinal gradient. For this, the course of the curve, reflecting the accumulation of the number of species with an increase in area, has been studied. The accumulation curves of the number of species aligned in both directions showed three stages of an increase in the number of species, indicating the species heterogeneity of the area. The study of the position of the leading families, depending on the size and geographical position of the floristic sample, shows the heterogeneity of the studied Melekess-Stavropol region by the flora type, which is determined by the third term of the first triple of the family spectrum. At the second stage, four floral groups (floristic samples) are analyzed, which are geographically isolated at the first step. A comparison is made of the isolated groupings at the head of the family spectra using the fraction of the family in the flora and the number of species in the family. The third stage includes a comparison of the selected floral groups of the Melekess-Stavropol physio-geographical region according to the Preston index. Taking into account the existing numerical threshold of 0,27, above which the samples should be considered as different floras, it is possible to speak of the presence of four different floras on the territory of the studied area.

About the authors

Anastasiya Victorovna Ivanova

Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

candidate of biological sciences, researcher of Phytodiversity Problems Laboratory

Russian Federation, Togliatti

Natalia Victorovna Kostina

Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences


candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of Modeling and Management of Ecosystems Laboratory

Russian Federation, Togliatti

Tatyana Mikhajlovna Lysenko

Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of Russian Academy of Sciences


doctor of biological sciences, leading researcher of Phytodiversity Problems Laboratory

Russian Federation, Togliatti

Olga Victorovna Kozlovskaya

Samara State Technical University


candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Chemical Technology and Industrial Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 - Location of the Melekess-Stavropol physical-geographical region (64) on the territory of the Samara and Ulyanovsk regions [1]

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3. Figure 2 - Location of floristic descriptions on the territory of the Melekess-Stavropol physical-geographical region

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4. Figure 3 - Dependence of the number of species on the increment of the area in the latitudinal direction (from north to south). The numbers on the curve show the number of species marked in the corresponding area.

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5. Figure 4 - Change in the share of leading families in a series of floristic samples depending on the increment in area in the latitudinal direction (from north to south). The numbers on the curve show the number of species marked in the corresponding area.

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6. Figure 5 - Dependence of the number of species on the increment of the area in the latitudinal direction (from south to north). The numbers on the curve show the number of species marked in the corresponding area.

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7. Figure 6 - Change in the share of leading families in a series of floristic samples depending on the increment in area in the latitudinal direction (from south to north). The numbers on the curve show the number of species marked in the corresponding area.

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8. Figure 7 - The results of the analysis of the species composition of floristic groups according to the Preston difference indicator

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Copyright (c) 2017 Ivanova A.V., Kostina N.V., Lysenko T.M., Kozlovskaya O.V.

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