Troitskoye 5 - a new archaeological site of the Stone-Bronze Age in the Samara Volga region

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In the course of an exploratory survey of the left bank of the Chapaevka River on the territory of the Bezenchuksky District in the Samara Region in 2020–2021, a multilayer archaeological site of the Stone and Bronze Ages Troitskoye 5 was discovered. The archaeological site is located not far from the previously studied sites of Troitskoye 1 and Troitskoye 2. On the territory of the archaeological site, stratigraphic pits were laid, the boundaries were determined, and lifting material was collected. The main cultural layer of the Troitskoye 5 site belongs to the Stone Age. On the territory of the stone age site a settlement of the Srubnaya culture of the Bronze Age arose later. The paper deals with the analysis of the resulting collection of flint tools and ceramic material. It is concluded that the surveyed settlement contains cultural layers of two eras: the Stone and Bronze Ages. The absence of typical labor tools, clear stratigraphic references, and bone remains make it difficult to determine the time of the early settlement. Preliminarily, its existence can be assumed within the broad framework of the final Paleolithic-Neolithic. It is possible that the existence of at least part of the complex of stone artifacts from the settlement of Troitskoye 5 is associated with the Mesolithic era. In general, the complex of material from the Troitskoye 5 site corresponds to the materials obtained earlier during the survey of the Troitskoye 1 and Troitskoye 2 sites. The finds of the Bronze Age are represented by fragments of pottery typical of the Srubna culture of the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The technical and technological analysis of ceramics was carried out within the framework of the historical and cultural approach, the main provisions of which were developed and introduced into scientific circulation by A.A. Bobrinsky.

About the authors

Dmitry Alekseevich Stashenkov

Samara Museum for History and Regional Studies named after P.V. Alabin


candidate of historical sciences, scientific secretary

Russian Federation, Samara

Anna Fedorovna Kochkina

Samara Museum for History and Regional Studies named after P.V. Alabin


head of Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Lyudmila Valentinovna Kuznetsova

Samara Museum for History and Regional Studies named after P.V. Alabin


candidate of historical sciences, chief researcher of Archeology Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Natalya Petrovna Salugina

Samara State Institute of Culture


candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Cultural Studies, Museology and Art Studies Department

Russian Federation, Samara

Aleksey Alekseevich Lastovsky

Samara Archaeological Society

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Troitskoe parking lot 5. Topographic plan. Note. 1 – forest, individual trees; 2 – boundaries of the monument; 3 – exploration pits with finds; 4 – exploration pits without finds

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3. Figure 2 – Troitskoe parking lot 5. Nuclei. Flint

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4. Figure 3 – Troitskoe parking lot 5. Nucleoid chips and fragments. Flint

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5. Figure 4 – Troitskoe parking lot 5. Scrapers. Flint

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6. Figure 5 – Parking Troitskoe 5. Skobeli. Flint

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7. Figure 6 – Parking Troitskoe 5. Plates and fragments of plates. Flint

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8. Figure 7 – Parking Troitskoe 5. Clay products (1, 2) and a fragment of an abrasive stone (3)

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9. Figure 8 – Troitskoe parking lot 5. Fragments of molded vessels

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Copyright (c) 2022 Stashenkov D.A., Kochkina A.F., Kuznetsova L.V., Salugina N.P., Lastovsky A.A.

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