Factors of soil and atmospheric air degradation and their influence on the state of plants in urban and suburban ecosystems

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This paper presents data on characteristics and extent of degradation of soil quality, atmospheric air and plants in urban and suburban areas of the Lower and Middle Volga region, Central Chernozem region. The goal of the research is to analyze and present data of environmental monitoring of soil, atmosphere and plants. On the example of the Saratov, Voronezh and Penza Regions, the values of the state of terrestrial ecosystems on different types of soils are established. The predominant position in terms of area and economic use is occupied by soils transformed in the course of urban development, as well as artificial soils. Compaction, anthropogenic inclusions, littering and heavy metal contamination are of great importance in the degradation of the soil cover. In the air-technogenic pollution, the formation and deposition of dust on the leaf surface of plants plays a significant role. Bioindicative signs in the analysis of the state of the environment and ecological systems were indicators of the viability, condition and stability of trees and shrubs. They are obtained based on average data from the research and subsequent assessment of life status. Separately, the indicators of degradation of woody plants assimilation organs depending on the levels of unfavorable soil-ecological and aerogenic conditions in urban and suburban ecosystems of the studied regions are considered. The significance of degradation of environmental objects by analyzed anthropotechnogenic factors is reflected in the correlation analysis results.

About the authors

Maxim V. Larionov

Balashov Institute of Saratov State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: m.larionow2014@yandex.ru

doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, professor of Biology and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Balashov, Saratov Region

Nikolai V. Larionov

Secondary School № 2 of Kotelniki

Email: lnv0001@yandex.ru

candidate of biological sciences, director

Russian Federation, Kotelniki, Moscow Reg`

Tatyana S. Gromova

Saratov State University

Email: gromova.tatiana2015@rambler.ru

postgraduate student of Botany and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Saratov

Irina S. Siraeva

Saratov State University

Email: irina.siraeva@mail.ru

postgraduate student of Botany and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Saratov

Anna S. Ermolenko

Saratov State University

Email: berestnevaanna@mail.ru

postgraduate student of Botany and Ecology Department

Russian Federation, Saratov

Aleksey A. Volodkin

Penza State Agrarian University

Email: volodkin.a.a@pgau.ru

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of Plant Production and Forestry Department

Russian Federation, Penza

Galina V. Levkina

Bryansk State Technological University of Engineering

Email: gvlevkina@mail.ru

candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of Industrial Ecology and Technospheric Safety Department

Russian Federation, Bryansk


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Copyright (c) 2020 Larionov M.V., Larionov N.V., Gromova T.S., Siraeva I.S., Ermolenko A.S., Volodkin A.A., Levkina G.V.

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