Taxonomic diversity of Brassicaceae in the Samara-Ulyanovsk Volga Region

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In the flora of the Samara-Ulyanovsk Volga region, the Brassicaceae family is one of the leading ones. It is of interest to study the composition of the genera of this family at the level of the territory of the entire Samara-Ulyanovsk Volga region, as well as the physiographic regions included in it. It helps to understand whether there are local features in the composition of the cruciferous flora and what they are. Two natural zones are distinguished in the study area: forest-steppe and steppe; four provinces and 15 physical-geographic regions. In this paper, we consider in more detail 7 floras, they are described most fully. All of them are located in the forest-steppe zone. In the spectra of flora families of the considered physiographic regions, the Brassicaceae family is located on the 4th–5th place. In the spectrum of the adventive fraction of the flora, it rises to the 2nd–3rd position, and in the native fraction it falls to the 7th–9th place. The composition of the complete flora of cruciferous plants throughout the territory of the Samara-Ulyanovsk Volga region contains 40 genera and 89 species. It is not possible to unambiguously single out the head part in the generic spectrum, concentrating in itself a significant part of the flora species of this family. The most numerous genera are Rorippa, Lepidium and Alyssum. The species representation of these genera, as well as those of slightly smaller weight (Cardamine, Erysimum and Sisymbrium), does not differ in the considered physiographic regions. An exception is the genus Alyssum, whose representatives are confined to limestone and chalk substrates, which are not common in all areas. The Brassicaceae family has a fairly wide ecological spectrum; it includes species that grow in different ecotopes.

About the authors

Anastasia Viktorovna Ivanova

Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Branch of the Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


candidate of biological sciences, researcher of Phytodiversity and Phytocoenology Problems Laboratory

Russian Federation, Togliatti

Natalya Viktorovna Kostina

Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Branch of the Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


doctor of biological sciences, head of Ecosystems Modeling and Management Laboratory

Russian Federation, Togliatti

Margarita Alekseevna Aristova

Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Branch of the Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

junior researcher of Ecosystems Modeling and Management Laboratory

Russian Federation, Togliatti


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – Physical and geographical areas of the Samara-Ulyanovsk Volga region (according to [8]): A – forest–steppe province of the Volga region, B – forest–steppe province of the Volga region, C - steppe province of the Volga region, D – border of physical and geographical zones, D - border of physical and geographical provinces, E – border of physical and geographical areas, W – the border of the Samara and Ulyanovsk regions. Physical and geographical areas: 48 – Sredne-Sviyazhsky, 50 – Korsunsko-Sengileevsky, 51 – Inzensky, 52 – Sviyago-Usinsky, 53 – Syzransko-Tereshkinsky, 54 – Yuzhno-Syzransky, 55 – Zhigulevsky, 64 – Melekessko-Stavropol, 69 – Soksky, 70 – Samaro-Kinelsky, 71 – Chagrin, 72 – Syrtovy, 73 – Irgizsky

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3. Figure 2 – Distribution of the top ten genera of the Brassicaceae family by the number of species for the territory of the Samara-Ulyanovsk Volga region

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4. Figure 3 – Distribution of the species composition of the flora of the Samara-Ulyanovsk Volga region of the Fabaceae and Brassicaceae families by hygromorphs

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Copyright (c) 2022 Ivanova A.V., Kostina N.V., Aristova M.A.

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