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卷 53, 编号 6 (2019)

XVI International Conference  “thermoelectrics and Their Applications–2018” (Iscta 2018,) St. Petersburg, October 8–12, 2018

Effect of Sample-Shape Imperfection on Uncertainty in Measurements of the Thermal-Conductivity by the Laser-Flash Method

Asach A., Isachenko G., Novotelnova A., Fomin V., Samusevich K., Tkhorgevskii I.


The effect of the geometric shape of the samples on the uncertainty in measurements of the thermal conductivity coefficient of materials by the laser-flash method is investigated. A mathematical model simulating the process of measuring the thermal conductivity of samples made of graphite, Mg2Si0.4Sn0.6, and bismuth telluride by the laser-flash method is created in the Comsol Multiphysics software. Cylindrical samples with plane-parallel sides, samples shaped as a truncated cylinder, as well as parallelepiped-shaped samples with a square base are investigated. It is shown that the uncertainty in the measurements does not exceed 2% for the samples with plane-parallel sides and sizes up to 12.7 mm. For the samples shaped as a truncated cylinder with a diameter of 3 mm and at an inclination angle of φ = 1.5°, the measurement uncertainty does not exceed 3%. With increasing sample diameter and angle φ, the measurement uncertainty increases significantly.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):723-726
pages 723-726 views

Specific Features of the Quantum-Size Effect in Transport Phenomena in Bismuth-Thin Films on Mica Substrates

Demidov E., Grabov V., Komarov V., Krushelnitckii A., Suslov A., Suslov M.


For bismuth thin films on mica, the dependences of the resistivity, magnetoresistance, and Hall coefficient on the samples thickness are investigated at a temperature of 77 K. Quantum-size oscillations in the electrical and galvanomagnetic properties for films with a thickness of <50 nm are discovered. The charge-carrier free-path length is estimated. The reasons for a deviation in the observed experimental dependences from the simple theory of the quantum-size effect in semimetal films are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):727-731
pages 727-731 views

On the Power Factor of Bismuth-Telluride-Based Alloys near Topological Phase Transitions at High Pressures

Korobeinikov I., Morozova N., Lukyanova L., Usov O., Ovsyannikov S.


The Seebeck coefficient S and electrical conductivity σ of bismuth-telluride-based alloys with substituents in the Bi and Te sublattices are studied at pressures up to 12 GPa at room temperature. It is shown that the electrical conductivity increases with pressure and, despite a decrease in the Seebeck coefficient, the power factor S2σ increases in p-Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 and n-Bi2Te1.65Se0.65S0.7 alloys. A maximum increase in the power factor is observed for n-Bi2Te1.65Se0.65S0.7 in the pressure range of 3–4 GPa corresponding to the electronic topological phase transition. The studied alloys are used in modeling the thermoelectric module with adjustable mechanical stress applied to thermoelements.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):732-736
pages 732-736 views

Galvanomagnetic Properties of Cobalt Monosilicide and Alloys Based on It

Ovchinnikov A., Konstantinov P., Pshenay-Severin D., Burkov A.


The Hall coefficient and conductivity of cobalt-monosilicide CoSi, as well as Co1 –xFexSi and Co1 –xNixCo alloys with iron and nickel contents of up to 8 and 5 at %, respectively, are investigated. The temperature dependences of the Hall coefficient and conductivity are measured in the temperature range of 77–800 K. Theoretical interpretation of the experimental dependences is based on two different models of the electronic structure of the compound: a simple two-band semimetallic structure with a small overlap of isotropic parabolic bands and an ab initio electronic structure, containing topological features with multiply degenerate intersections of bands near the Fermi energy.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):737-741
pages 737-741 views

Thermoelectric Properties of Nanocomposite Bi0.45Sb1.55Te2.985 Solid Solution with SiO2 Microparticles

Shabaldin A., Konstantinov P., Kurdyukov D., Lukyanova L., Samunin A., Stovpiaga E., Burkov A.


Nanocomposite thermoelectrics based on Bi0.45Sb1.55Te2.985 solid solution of p-type conductivity are fabricated by the hot pressing of nanopowders of this solid solution with the addition of SiO2 microparticles. Investigations of the thermoelectric properties show that the thermoelectric power of the nanocomposites increases in a wide temperature range of 80–420 K, while the thermal conductivity considerably decreases at 80–320 K, which, despite a decrease in the electrical conductivity, leads to an increase in the thermoelectric efficiency in the nanostructured material without the SiO2 addition by almost 50% (at 300 K). When adding SiO2, the efficiency decreases. The initial thermoelectric fabricated without nanostructuring, in which the maximal thermoelectric figure of merit ZT = 1 at 390 K, is most efficient at temperatures above 350 K.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):742-746
pages 742-746 views

Bismuth-Telluride-Based Radiation Thermopiles Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition

Shupenev A., Korshunov I., Iliin A., Osipkov A., Grigoryants A.


Radiation thermopiles are structural units of sensors used for measuring the energetic parameters of  radiation  in  the wavelength range from 0.1 to 100 µm. The question of the application potential of p-Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 and n-Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition in radiation thermopiles on different substrates was studied. It is shown by thermophysical calculation and the experimental studies of prototypes that the use of polyimide substrates may provide a responsivity of about 1 V/W for an absorption area 16 mm in diameter (the time constant is about 10 s).

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):747-751
pages 747-751 views

Cryogenic Thermoelectric Cooler for Operating Temperatures below 90 K

Sidorenko N., Dashevsky Z.


The possibility of fabricating thermoelectric coolers for operating temperatures below 90 K is considered. It is impossible to use the standard thermoelectric-cell scheme consisting of two semiconductor legs of n-type and p-type conductivity connected into an in-series electrical circuit for these temperatures. There is only one effective n-type thermoelectric material based on Bi–Sb solid solutions for the region of cryogenic temperatures. For this case, thermoelectric cells with a thermoelectric n-type leg and passive leg based on a high-temperature superconductor (HTSC) are investigated. The design of a thermoelectric cooler (module) consisting of thermoelectric n-type legs (extruded Bi0.91Sb0.09 crystals) and passive HTSC-based legs (YBa2Cu3O7 –x) is proposed. A magnetic field is used to increase the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of the module. The maximal temperature drop between the hot and cold sides ΔT > 13.5 K and maximal cooling capacity Qc > 0.36 W are attained for the cryogenic module at a hot side temperature of Th = 80 K, current consumption of I = 6.4 A, and voltage of U = 0.10 V.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):752-755
pages 752-755 views

Thermoelectric and Thermoelectrokinetic Phenomena in Colloidal Solutions

Sidorov A., Grabov V., Zaitsev A., Kuznetsov D.


The thermoelectric and thermoelectrokinetic phenomena in colloidal solutions are analyzed based on mathematical modeling and an experiment. It is shown that colloidal particles make a significant contribution to the value of the thermoelectric and thermoelectrokinetic emf and determine in most cases the sign of the thermoelectric emf coefficient, primarily due to the large values of the transfer heat of colloidal particles in comparison with ions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):756-760
pages 756-760 views

On the Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of CoSi Obtained from a Supersaturated Solution–Melt in Sn

Solomkin F., Orekhov A., Novikov S., Arkharova N., Isachenko G., Zaitseva N., Sharenkova N., Samunin A., Klechkovskaya V., Burkov A.


The structure, composition, and thermoelectric properties of cobalt monosilicide obtained by crystallization from a supersaturated solution–melt in tin are studied. A technique for the synthesis and directional solidification of microcrystalline and bulk textured materials in a single technological cycle is developed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):761-764
pages 761-764 views

Correlation of the Optical and Magnetic Properties of Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3 Crystals

Stepanov N., Gilfanov A., Trubitsyna E.


The magnetic and optical properties of Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3 crystals are investigated depending on the ratio of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 components in the solid-solution composition and temperature. The results make it possible to affirm that an abrupt decrease in the magnetic-susceptibility anisotropy at T = 293 K is observed for samples, in which the electron–plasmon interaction is observed according to the data of optical studies. This is caused by the approaching energies of the plasmon and band-to-band transition which form the fundamental-absorption edge.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):765-767
pages 765-767 views

Influence of V Doping on the Thermoelectric Properties of Fe2Ti1 –xVxSn Heusler Alloys

Taranova A., Novitskii A., Voronin A., Taskaev S., Khovaylo V.


The results of experimental investigation into Fe2Ti1 –xVxSn alloys (x = 0, 0.06, 0.15, and 0.2) are presented. It is established from the temperature dependences of the electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity that the studied compositions exhibit the transport properties typical of semiconductors, while the partial substitution of titanium atoms by vanadium atoms leads to a change in the conductivity from p-type to n-type; the undoped Fe2TiSn sample possesses the best thermoelectric characteristics.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):768-771
pages 768-771 views

Simulation of Thermoelectric Materials Densification during Spark Plasma Sintering with the Example of Ge–Si

Tukmakova A., Samusevich K., Novotelnova A., Tkhorzhevskiy I., Makarova E.


The densification of a thermoelectric material based on p-type Ge–Si during spark plasma sintering is simulated. The simulation uses the finite-element method within the Comsol Multiphysics program. The model of mechanical processes is based on the results of previous simulations of the sintering of powder metal materials and ceramics. The mechanical processes described include elastic and plastic deformation of the treated material. The calculation takes into account the influence of the material porosity on the thermal, electrical and mechanical properties. The sintering pressure formed as a result of compression and thermal expansion of the sample is calculated. The change in the sample diameter upon holding at the maximum temperature is calculated.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):772-774
pages 772-774 views

Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of CoSi-Based Film Composites

Kuznetsova V., Novikov S., Nichenametla C., Calvo J., Wagner-Reetz M.


The properties of Co–Si thin films grown by the thermal sintering of Co and Si layers are studied. Co and Si layers are produced by chemical vapor deposition. To form cobalt silicide, the obtained two-layer structure is annealed at a temperature of 760 K for 12 h. The thermoelectric properties of the film structure are studied in the temperature range of 300–800 K. The temperature dependences of the thermoelectric power and resistivity, as well as structural data, indicate the formation of a multilayer structure containing layers with excess silicon and cobalt.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):775-779
pages 775-779 views

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Thick α-Ga2O3 Layers on Sapphire Substrates Grown by Halide Epitaxy

Pechnikov A., Stepanov S., Chikiryaka A., Scheglov M., Odnobludov M., Nikolaev V.


This work reports on the epitaxial-film growth and characterization of a new wide-gap semiconductor α-Ga2O3. Layers are deposited by chloride vapor phase epitaxy on sapphire substrates with a basal orientation. The thickness of the layers of the investigated samples is from 0.5 μm to a value of 10 μm, the latter being record-breaking for today. The structural and optical properties of the obtained samples are studied. It is shown that all samples are structurally uniform, single phase, and have an R\(\bar {3}\)c corundum-like structure similar to that of the sapphire used as the substrate. It is shown that the full-width at half-maximum of the rocking curves for the (0006) reflection of α-Ga2O3 changes with the layer thickness and approaches 240 arcsec for the thickest layers. Both thin and thick layers are transparent in the visible and UV (ultraviolet) spectral range up to an absorption edge at 5.2 eV.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):780-783
pages 780-783 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Analysis of the Optical Properties of Plastically Deformed ZnS(O) Using Band-Anticrossing Theory

Morozova N., Miroshnikova I., Galstyan V.


The cathodoluminescence and absorption of plastically deformed ZnS(O) single crystals are investigated in the light of band-anticrossing theory. The difference in the oxygen content in the surface layer and in the sample bulk is found using a scanning electron microscope and according to cathodoluminescence data. This fact explains the specifics of the spectral position of the fundamental absorption edge and exciton spectra. The shift dynamics of the bands of self-activated luminescence on deep A centers (SA luminescence) during deformation recrystallization with an increase in the dissolved oxygen concentration is presented. Restriction of the spectral range of the appearance of self-activated luminescence at shallow levels—“edge” luminescence—is established. The nature of the emission bands in the wavelength ranges of 336–350 and 364–390 nm is established. These results refine the energy model of ZnS(O) crystals and can be useful in the case of the practical use of their structure-sensitive properties.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):784-788
pages 784-788 views

DLTS Investigation of the Energy Spectrum of Si:Mg Crystals

Yarykin N., Shuman V., Portsel L., Lodygin A., Astrov Y., Abrosimov N., Weber J.


Electrically active centers in n-type magnesium-doped silicon crystals are studied by deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). Magnesium is introduced by diffusion from a metal film on the surface at 1100°C. It is found that two levels with a similar concentration of ~6 × 1014 cm–3 dominate in the DLTS spectrum; the value approximately corresponds to the interstitial magnesium (Mgi) concentration expected from diffusion conditions and published data on the Hall effect. The dependence of the electron emission rate from these levels on the electric-field strength agrees qualitatively with the Poole–Frenkel effect, which indicates the donor nature of both levels, although the absolute value of the effect differs from theoretical value. The activation energies of these levels found by the extrapolation of emission rates measured at various temperatures to zero field are 112 and 252 meV, which coincides within the accuracy with energies of ground states of the first and second donor levels of Mg determined previously from optical absorption. Thus, it is shown that when using high-quality initial material and the selected diffusion mode, interstitial magnesium atoms are the dominant centers with levels in the upper half of the band gap.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):789-794
pages 789-794 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Electromigration Effect on Vacancy Islands Nucleation on Si(100) Surface during Sublimation

Sitnikov S., Rodyakina E., Latyshev A.


By means of in situ ultrahigh vacuum reflection electron microscopy, the nucleation of vacancy islands on wide terraces of the Si(100) surface is investigated. The temperature dependence of the displacement of a vacancy island nucleation center is determined in the process of heating a sample with a dc electric current. On the basis of a theoretical model, the effective electric charge of addimers is estimated in the direction across dimer rows of the surface. The effective charge has a positive sign and does not exceed 15 units of the elementary charge in the temperature range of 1020–1120°C.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):795-799
pages 795-799 views

Features of Defect Formation in Nanostructured Silicon under Ion Irradiation

Kozhemiako A., Evseev A., Balakshin Y., Shemukhin A.


Nanostructured silicon is irradiated by Si+ and He+ ions with energies of 200 and 150 keV, respectively. Destruction of the structure of irradiated samples and the accumulation of defects at different irradiation fluences are investigated by Raman scattering. It is shown that single-crystal silicon films are amorphized under irradiation at 0.7 displacements per atom. However, at 0.5 displacements per atom, porous silicon does not completely amorphize and the Raman spectra contain a weak signal of the amorphous silicon phase along with a pronounced signal of the crystalline silicon phase. The size of nanocrystals in the structure of porous silicon at different irradiation fluences is estimated.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):800-805
pages 800-805 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Specific Features of Carrier Transport in n+n0n+ Structures with a GaAs/AlGaAs Heterojunction at Ultrahigh Current Densities

Slipchenko S., Podoskin A., Soboleva O., Yuferev V., Golovin V., Gavrina P., Romanovich D., Miroshnikov I., Pikhtin N.


The current–voltage characteristics of n+-GaAs/n0-GaAs/N0-AlGaAs/N+-AlGaAs/n+-GaAs isotype heterostructures and n+-GaAs/n0-GaAs/n+-GaAs homostructures are studied. It is shown that, for a heterostructure under reverse bias providing the injection of electrons from n0-GaAs into N0-AlGaAs, the maximum operating voltage reaches a value of 48 V at a thickness of the N0-AlGaAs layer of 1.0 μm, and the current–voltage characteristic has no region of negative differential resistance. The operation of a homostructure is accompanied by a transition to the negative-differential-resistance region at a voltage of 10 V. Theoretical analysis in terms of the energy-balance model demonstrated that the reverse-biased isotype heterostructure has no negative-differential-resistance region because, in this case, the field domain does not collapse in contrast to what occurs in homostructures.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):806-813
pages 806-813 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Optically Induced Charge Exchange in ZnO-Based Composite Structures with Embedded CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals

Drozdov K., Krylov I., Chizhov A., Rumyantseva M., Ryabova L., Khokhlov D.


The introduction of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals into a porous ZnO matrix leads to the appearance of a photoconductivity response in the visible spectral range. Measurement of the spectral dependences of the absorption, photoluminescence (PL), and photoconductivity showed that the shape and position of the PL peak are associated with defects in CsPbBr3. Analysis of the photoconductivity relaxation kinetics shows the possibility of accelerating the recombination of photoexcited charge carriers by more than an order of magnitude. The mechanisms responsible for this effect are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):814-818
pages 814-818 views

Urbach Rule in MnGa2Se4 Single Crystals Upon Optical Absorption

Niftiyev N.


The Urbach rule in MnGa2Se4 single crystals is studied. It is found that the long-wavelength absorption tail obeys the Urbach rule at photon energies in the range 2.1–2.2 eV. It is shown that a strong electron–phonon interaction exists in MnGa2Se4 single crystals.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):819-821
pages 819-821 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Light-Emitting Diodes Based on an Asymmetrical InAs/InAsSb/InAsSbP Double Heterostructure for CO2 (λ = 4.3 μm) and CO (λ = 4.7 μm) Detection

Romanov V., Belykh I., Ivanov E., Alekseev P., Il’inskaya N., Yakovlev Y.


Asymmetrical double InAs/InAsSb/InAsSbP heterostructures are grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Two types (A and B) of light-emitting diodes with wavelengths of 4.1 and 4.7 μm at the emission-spectrum maximum are formed from these heterostructures. The room-temperature IV and electroluminescence characteristics of the light-emitting diodes are investigated. The emission powers of light-emitting diodes A and B in the quasi-continuous mode (at a frequency of 512 Hz) at a current of 250 mA are 24 and 15 μW, respectively. In the pulsed mode (at a frequency of 512 Hz and a pulse length of 1 μs), the emission powers of light-emitting diodes A and B at a current of 2.1 A reach 158 and 76 μW, respectively. The developed light-emitting diodes can be used as high-efficiency emission sources in optical absorption sensors for detecting carbon dioxide and monoxide gases in the atmosphere.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):822-827
pages 822-827 views

Specific Features of Closed-Mode Formation in Rectangular Resonators Based on InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures for High-Power Semiconductor Lasers

Podoskin A., Romanovich D., Shashkin I., Gavrina P., Sokolova Z., Slipchenko S., Pikhtin N.


This study is concerned with the specific features of how high-Q closed modes operating on the total-internal-reflection effect in large-size (up to hundreds or thousands of wavelengths) rectangular resonators based on InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs laser heterostructures are formed. The specific features of the spectral composition and spatial configurations of closed-mode configurations are experimentally examined. The presence of frequency combs in the spectra is demonstrated and their correspondence to the separate spatial configurations of closed modes is shown. The effect of changing the pumping level and the temperature on the mode composition of the emission is also considered.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):828-832
pages 828-832 views

Trends in Reverse-Current Change in Tunnel MIS Diodes with Calcium Fluoride on Si(111) Upon the Formation of an Extra Oxide Layer

Banshchikov A., Illarionov Y., Vexler M., Wachter S., Sokolov N.


The currents flowing in metal–CaF2n-Si and metal–SiO2–CaF2n-Si structures with the same (about 1.5 nm) fluoride thickness are compared in the reverse-bias mode. It is revealed that the current in the case of a two-layer dielectric can be notably higher within a certain voltage range. Such unexpected behavior is associated with the coexistence of both electron and hole components of the current as well as with the configuration of the SiO2–CaF2 barrier through which tunneling occurs. The results of measurements and explanatory simulation data are presented.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):833-837
pages 833-837 views

Simulation Approach to Modeling of the Avalanche Breakdown of a pn Junction

Shashkina A., Hanin S.


The avalanche breakdown of a pn junction is investigated experimentally in order to study the temporal distribution of microplasma pulses. It is revealed that the observed type of microplasma noise is not described by the existing model of processes occurring during the avalanche breakdown of a pn junction. A computer model explaining the mechanisms of microplasma instability and taking into account the electric and temperature dependences of avalanche breakdown, which agrees with the experimental results, is developed using simulation modeling.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):838-843
pages 838-843 views

Proton Irradiation of 4H-SiC Photodetectors with Schottky Barriers

Kalinina E., Violina G., Nikitina I., Yagovkina M., Ivanova E., Zabrodski V.


For the first time, comprehensive comparative investigations of ultraviolet photodetectors with Cr Schottky barriers formed on 4H-SiC epitaxial layers are carried out by the X-ray and optical methods before and after irradiation with 15-MeV protons with fluences in the range of (1–4) × 1012 cm–2. When increasing the fluence of proton irradiation, the formation of localized regions with negative deformation is observed along with the unperturbed silicon-carbide matrix. Agreement between the X-ray and optical studies is obtained, which makes it possible to explain the features of the spectral changes in the photosensitivity of detectors in the range of 200–400 nm with an increase in the fluence of proton irradiation. The ultraviolet Cr/4H-SiC photodetectors withstand irradiation by 15-MeV protons with a fluence of 4 × 1012 cm–2 virtually without any changes in the photosensitivity due to the gettering of simple defects by cluster and amorphous formations, which lead to partial structural improvement of the irradiated material.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):844-849
pages 844-849 views

Correction of the Reverse Recovery Characteristics of High-Voltage 4H-SiC Junction Diodes Using Proton Irradiation

Ivanov P., Kudoyarov M., Potapov A., Samsonova T.


The effect of proton irradiation on the electrical characteristics of high-voltage (3 kV) 4H-SiC junction diodes is studied. The diodes are irradiated through a 10-μm-thick Ni mask. The proton energy and the irradiation dose are 2.8 MeV and 4 × 1011 cm–2, respectively. After irradiation, the forward differential resistance of the diodes increased by ~35%, the reverse-recovery charge decreased by a factor of ~3, and the nature of the reverse recovery became “hard.”

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):850-852
pages 850-852 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Composition, Structure, and Semiconductor Properties of Chemically Deposited SnSe Films

Maskaeva L., Fedorova E., Markov V., Kuznetsov M., Lipina O.


Highly adhesive tin-monoselenide (SnSe) layers (200 ± 10) nm thick are grown by hydrochemical deposition from a trilonate reactive mixture. X-ray diffraction shows that the synthesized films crystallize in the orthorhombic system (space group Pnma). The significant oxygen content in the film surface layers is explained by the partial oxidation of samples with SnO2 phase formation. The results of ion etching to a depth of 18 nm show a sharp decrease in the oxygen content over thickness and real correspondence to the SnSe elemental composition. The band gap determined by optical studies for direct transitions is 1.69 eV. The synthesized SnSe layers exhibit p-type conductivity, which is characteristic of this material.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(6):853-859
pages 853-859 views