
Optical Estimation of the Carrier Concentration and the Value of Strain in Monolayer Graphene Grown on 4H-SiC
Eliseyev I., Davydov V., Smirnov A., Nestoklon M., Dementev P., Lebedev S., Lebedev A., Zubov A., Mathew S., Pezoldt J., Bokai K., Usachov D.
Fullerene for the Improvement of PbS QDs-Based Hybrid Solar Cells
Korzhenevskii I., Onishchuk D., Babaev A., Dubavik A., Parfenov P., Litvin A.
Chemical Shift and Exchange Interaction Energy of the 1s States of Magnesium Donors in Silicon. The Possibility of Stimulated Emission
Shastin V., Zhukavin R., Kovalevsky K., Tsyplenkov V., Rumyantsev V., Shengurov D., Pavlov S., Shuman V., Portsel L., Lodygin A., Astrov Y., Abrosimov N., Klopf J., Hübers H.
Electronic Structure of SiN Layers on Si(111) and SiC/Si(111) Substrates
Timoshnev S., Mizerov A., Lapushkin M., Kukushkin S., Bouravleuv A.
Influence of the Charge State of Xenon Ions on the Depth Distribution Profile Upon Implantation into Silicon
Balakshin Y., Kozhemiako A., Petrovic S., Erich M., Shemukhin A., Chernysh V.
Dependence of Mechanical Stresses in Silicon Nitride Films on the Mode of Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Novak A., Novak V., Dedkova A., Gusev E.
Charge Transfer in Gap Structures Based on the Chalcogenide System (As2Se3)100 –xBix
Castro R., Khanin S., Smirnov A., Kononov A.
Terahertz Injection Lasers Based on a PbSnSe Solid Solution with an Emission Wavelength up to 50 μm and Their Application in the Magnetospectroscopy of Semiconductors
Maremyanin K., Ikonnikov A., Bovkun L., Rumyantsev V., Chizhevskii E., Zasavitskii I., Gavrilenko V.
Determination of the Free Charge Carrier Concentration in Boron-Doped Silicon Nanowires Using Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy
Lipkova E., Efimova A., Gonchar K., Presnov D., Eliseev A., Lapshin A., Timoshenko V.
Study of Structural Modification of Composites with Ge Nanoclusters by Optical and Electron Microscopy Methods
Astankova K., Gorokhov E., Azarov I., Volodin V., Latyshev A.
Structure of Se95As5 Chalcogenide Glassy Semiconductor Doped by EuF3 Impurity
Garibova S., Isayev A., Mekhtiyeva S., Atayeva S.
Optical Properties of Composite Materials Based on Poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-Phenylenevinylene] and Titanium Dioxide in the Mid-IR Spectral Range
Belogorokhov I., Belogorokhova L.
Boson Peak Related to Ga Nanoclusters in AlGaN Layers Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy at Ga-Rich Conditions
Davydov V., Jmerik V., Roginskii E., Kitaev Y., Beltukov Y., Smirnov M., Nechaev D., Smirnov A., Eliseyev I., Brunkov P., Ivanov S.
State of the Surface of Polycrystalline Silver after Exposure to Activated Oxygen
Ashkhotov O., Khubezhov S., Ashkhotova I.
Evolution of the Impurity Photoconductivity in CdHgTe Epitaxial Films with Temperature
Uaman Svetikova T., Ikonnikov A., Rumyantsev V., Kozlov D., Chernichkin V., Galeeva A., Varavin V., Mikhailov N., Dvoretskii S., Morozov S., Gavrilenko V.
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