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Volume 50, Nº 5 (2016)

Nonelectronic Properties of Semiconductors (Atomic Structure, Diffusion)

Anisotropy of the thermal expansion of CuIn5Se8 single crystals in two structural modifications

Bodnar I.


Thermal expansion in the temperature range 80–700 K is studied for two (trigonal and hexagonal) structural modifications of CuIn5Se8 single crystals grown by planar crystallization of the melt. From the data, the thermal-expansion coefficients are calculated for both modifications. It is established that, in the temperature range under study, the thermal expansion of both modifications is anisotropic. For the trigonal modification, the thermal-expansion coefficient in the direction of the c axis (αc) is larger than that in the direction of the orthogonal a axis (αa). For the hexagonal modification of the CuIn5Se8 crystal, the thermal-expansion coefficient in the direction of the c axis exhibits anomalous behavior: as the temperature is increased, the coefficient αc increases, after which it decreases to negative values, reaches a minimum, and then increases further. Such behavior of the coefficient αc is associated with the phase transformation of the hexagonal modification of the CuIn5Se8 compound into the trigonal modification.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):567-571
pages 567-571 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Localization of the interband transitions in the bulk of the Brillouin zone of III–V compound crystals

Sobolev V., Perevoshchikov D.


The localization of the transitions in the bulk of the Brillouin zone that form the main structures in the spectra of the imaginary part of the permittivity in the range up to ~7 eV for III–V semiconductors (AlSb, GaSb, InSb, and InAs) is determined using electron density functional theory. It is established that intense transitions occur not only in the vicinity of the high-symmetry axes of the Brillouin zone, but also in some specific large volumes of the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):572-578
pages 572-578 views

X-ray conductivity of ZnSe single crystals

Degoda V., Podust G.


The experimental IV and current–illuminance characteristics of the X-ray conductivity and X-ray luminescence of zinc-selenide single crystals feature a nonlinear shape. The performed theoretical analysis of the kinetics of the X-ray conductivity shows that even with the presence of shallow and deep traps for free charge carriers in a semiconductor sample, the integral characteristics of the X-ray conductivity (the current–illuminance and IV dependences) should be linear. It is possible to assume that the nonlinearity experimentally obtained in the IV and current–illuminance characteristics can be caused by features of the generation of free charge carriers upon X-ray irradiation, i.e., the generation of hundreds of thousands of free charge carriers of opposite sign in a local region with a diameter of <1 μm and Coulomb interaction between the free charge carriers of opposite signs.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):579-585
pages 579-585 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Stimulated emission from a metamorphic GaAsSb bulk layer on a GaAs substrate

Aleshkin V., Dubinov A., Kudryavtsev K., Yunin P., Drozdov M., Vikhrova O., Nekorkin S., Zvonkov B.


The structural and optical properties of a metamorphic GaAsSb bulk layer grown on a GaAs substrate are studied. As the excitation power density (at a wavelength of 0.65 μm) reaches 9 kW cm−2 at liquid-nitrogen temperature and 230 kW cm−2 at room temperature, a superluminescence signal is observed at wave-lengths of 0.943 and 0.992 μm, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):586-589
pages 586-589 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Study of the correlation properties of the surface structure of nc-Si/a-Si:H films with different fractions of the crystalline phase

Alpatov A., Vikhrov S., Kazanskii A., Lyaskovskii V., Rybin N., Rybina N., Forsh P.


The correlation properties of the structure of nc-Si/a-Si:H films with different volume fractions of the crystalline phase are studied using 2D detrended fluctuation analysis. Study of the surface relief of experimental samples showed that with increasing in volume fraction of the crystalline phase in the nc-Si/a-Si:H films, the size and number of nanoclusters on their surface grow. The size of Si nanocrystals in the a-Si:H matrix (6–8 nm) indicates the formation of coarse nanoclusters due to the self-organization of Si nanocrystals in groups under laser radiation. According to 2D detrended fluctuation analysis data, the number of correlation vectors (harmonic components) in the nc-Si/a-Si:H film structure increased with an increase in the nanocrystal fraction in the films.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):590-595
pages 590-595 views

Atomic steps on an ultraflat Si(111) surface upon sublimation

Sitnikov S., Latyshev A., Kosolobov S.


The kinetics of atomic steps on an ultraflat Si(111) surface is studied by in situ ultrahigh-vacuum reflection electron microscopy at temperatures of 1050–1350°C. For the first time it is experimentally shown that the rate of displacement of an atomic step during sublimation nonlinearly depends on the width of the adjacent terrace. It is established that the atomic mechanism of mass-transport processes at the surface at temperatures higher than 1200°C is controlled by nucleation and the diffusion of surface vacancies rather than of adsorbed Si atoms. The studies make it possible to estimate the activation energy of the dissolution of vacancies from the surface into the bulk of Si. The estimated activation energy is (4.3 ± 0.05) eV.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):596-600
pages 596-600 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Study of the phase composition of nanostructures produced by the local anodic oxidation of titanium films

Avilov V., Ageev O., Konoplev B., Smirnov V., Solodovnik M., Tsukanova O.


The results of experimental studies of the phase composition of oxide nanostructures formed by the local anodic oxidation of a titanium thin film are reported. The data of the phase analysis of titanium-oxide nanostructures are obtained by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in the ion profiling mode of measurements. It is established that the surface of titanium-oxide nanostructures 4.5 ± 0.2 nm in height possesses a binding energy of core levels characteristic of TiO2 (458.4 eV). By analyzing the titanium-oxide nanostructures in depth by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the formation of phases with binding energies of core levels characteristic of Ti2O3 (456.6 eV) and TiO (454.8 eV) is established. The results can be used in developing the technological processes of the formation of a future electronic-component base for nanoelectronics on the basis of titanium-oxide nanostructures and probe nanotechnologies.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):601-606
pages 601-606 views

Effect of cadmium-selenide quantum dots on the conductivity and photoconductivity of nanocrystalline indium oxide

Il’in A., Fantina N., Martyshov M., Forsh P., Chizhov A., Rumyantseva M., Gaskov A., Kashkarov P.


The effect of cadmium-selenide quantum dots addition on the electrical and photoelectric properties of nanocrystalline indium oxide with nanocrystal dimensions in the range from 7 to 40 nm is studied. By impedance spectroscopy, it is shown that the addition of quantum dots substantially influences the resistance of interfaces between In2O3 crystals. A change in the character of the photoconductivity spectrum of In2O3 upon the addition of CdSe quantum dots is detected, and it is established that this change depends on the In2O3-nanocrystal dimensions. An energy band diagram is proposed to explain the observed change in the photoconductivity spectrum of In2O3 upon the addition of CdSe quantum dots.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):607-611
pages 607-611 views

Optical properties of metamorphic GaAs/InAlGaAs/InGaAs heterostructures with InAs/InGaAs quantum wells, emitting light in the 1250–1400-nm spectral range

Egorov A., Karachinsky L., Novikov I., Babichev A., Nevedomskiy V., Bugrov V.


It is demonstrated that metamorphic GaAs/InAlGaAs/InGaAs heterostructures with InAs/InGaAs quantum wells, which emit light in the 1250–1400 nm spectral range, can be fabricated by molecular-beam epitaxy. The structural and optical properties of the heterostructures are studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and the photoluminescence method. Comparative analysis of the integrated photoluminescence intensity of the heterostructures and a reference sample confirm the high efficiency of radiative recombination in the heterostructures. It is confirmed by transmission electron microscopy that dislocations do not penetrate into the active region of the metamorphic heterostructures, where the radiative recombination of carriers occurs.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):612-615
pages 612-615 views

A new simulation model for inhomogeneous Au/n-GaN structure

Kavasoglu N., Kavasoglu A., Metin B.


The larger the device area, the more difficult to carry on homogeneity during the fabrication and following treatments. Structural inhomogeneity may indicate themselves in variations in local electronic device parameters. Electrical current through the potential barriers is exponentially sensitive to the local device parameters and its fluctuations in the Schottky devices. A new simulation program is developed to describe a relation between multiple, random barrier heights and current-voltage characteristics of the Schottky device. We model the barrier height inhomogeneity in terms of random microcells connected in parallel, which have different barrier height values. Analyzing the integral of the simulated light current-voltage curves show that fluctuations of the local barrier height result in a degradation of the open circuit voltage, fill factor and in consequence, of the over all power conversation efficiency. The implementation described here is quite general and can be used to simulate any device parameter fluctuations in the Schottky devices.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):616-620
pages 616-620 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Piezoresistive and posistor effects in polymer-semiconductor and polymer-ferropiezoceramic composites

Mamedov H., Parali L., Kurbanov M., Bayramov A., Tatardar F., Sabikoglu I.


In this study, piezoresistive and posistor effects in polymer-semiconductor and polymer-ferropiezoceramic composites have been investigated. The results show that composites based on crystallizable polymers, such as PVDF, HDPE, and PP dispersed by semiconductors and ferropiezoelectric fillers have piezoresistive and posistor properties, respectively. At low pressure, charge carriers tunneling through the located thin polymer among filler particles into the barrier define the conductivity of the composite. When pressure value is increased from 0 to 1 MPa, the thickness of the interlayer decreases and tunnel conductivity descends exponentially depending on barrier height. The piezoresistor sensitivity of a composite based on PVDF-70 vol % + Si-30 vol % is higher than a composite based on HDPE-70 vol % + Ge-30 vol %. Furthermore, the posistor properties of polymer composites dispersed by ferropiezoceramic are determined as the maximum resistance that varies significantly with temperature. Posistor effect in composites based on polymer + ferropiezoceramic is associated with the height of the barrier layer, which changes according to properties of filler, polymer, and dielectric permittivity of two-phase composites. The highest specific resistance related to HDPE-70 vol % + BaTiO3-30 vol % composite was observed at ~403 K.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):621-626
pages 621-626 views

Lifetime of excitons localized in Si nanocrystals in amorphous silicon

Gusev O., Belolipetskiy A., Yassievich I., Kukin A., Terukova E., Terukov E.


The introduction of nanocrystals plays an important role in improving the stability of the amorphous silicon films and increasing the carrier mobility. Here we report results of the study on the photoluminescence and its dynamics in the films of amorphous hydrogenated silicon containing less than 10% of silicon nanocrystals. The comparing of the obtained experimental results with the calculated probability of the resonant tunneling of the excitons localized in silicon nanocrystals is presented. Thus, it has been estimated that the short lifetime of excitons localized in Si nanocrystal is controlled by the resonant tunneling to the nearest tail state of the amorphous matrix.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):627-631
pages 627-631 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Biosensor properties of SOI nanowire transistors with a PEALD Al2O3 dielectric protective layer

Popov V., Ilnitskii M., Zhanaev E., Myakon’kich A., Rudenko K., Glukhov A.


The properties of protective dielectric layers of aluminum oxide Al2O3 applied to prefabricated silicon-nanowire transistor biochips by the plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) method before being housed are studied depending on the deposition and annealing modes. Coating the natural silicon oxide with a nanometer Al2O3 layer insignificantly decreases the femtomole sensitivity of biosensors, but provides their stability in bioliquids. In deionized water, transistors with annealed aluminum oxide are closed due to the trapping of negative charges of <(1–10) × 1011 cm−2 at surface states. The application of a positive potential to the substrate (Vsub > 25 V) makes it possible to eliminate the negative charge and to perform multiple measurements in liquid at least for half a year.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):632-638
pages 632-638 views

Charge transfer in rectifying oxide heterostructures and oxide access elements in ReRAM

Stefanovich G., Pergament A., Boriskov P., Kuroptev V., Stefanovich T.


The main aspects of the synthesis and experimental research of oxide diode heterostructures are discussed with respect to their use as selector diodes, i.e., access elements in oxide resistive memory. It is shown that charge transfer in these materials differs significantly from the conduction mechanism in pn junctions based on conventional semiconductors (Si, Ge, AIII–BV), and the model should take into account the electronic properties of oxides, primarily the low carrier drift mobility. It is found that an increase in the forward current requires an oxide with a small band gap (<1.3 eV) in the heterostructure composition. Heterostructures with Zn, In–Zn (IZO), Ti, Ni, and Cu oxides are studied; it is found that the CuO–IZO heterojunction has the highest forward current density (104 A/cm2).

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):639-645
pages 639-645 views

Photodiode 1 × 64 linear array based on a double p-InAsSbP/n-InAs0.92Sb0.08/n+-InAs heterostructure

Il’inskaya N., Karandashev S., Karpukhina N., Lavrov A., Matveev B., Remennyi M., Stus N., Usikova A.


The results of studies of the current–voltage characteristics and of the photoelectric and luminescence properties of a monolithic diode 1 × 64 linear array based on p-InAsSbP/n-InAsSb/n+-InAs with the n+-InAs-substrate side illuminated and sensitive in the region of 4-μm are reported. An analysis is performed of the mechanisms of current flow in the temperature range of 77–353 K and also of the photosensitivity and the speed of response taking into account the spatial distribution of nonequilibrium radiation and the data of capacitance–voltage measurements.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):646-651
pages 646-651 views

GaAs/InGaAsN heterostructures for multi-junction solar cells

Nikitina E., Gudovskikh A., Lazarenko A., Pirogov E., Sobolev M., Zelentsov K., Morozov I., Egorov A.


Solar-cell heterostructures based on GaAs/InGaAsN materials with an InAs/GaAsN superlattice, grown by molecular beam epitaxy, are studied. A p-GaAs/i-(InAs/GaAsN)/n-GaAs pin test solar cell with a 0.9-μm-thick InGaAsN layer has an open-circuit voltage of 0.4 V (1 sun, AM1.5G) and a quantum efficiency of >0.75 at a wavelength of 940 nm (at zero reflection loss), which corresponds to a short-circuit current of 26.58 mA/cm2 (AM1.5G, 100 mW/cm2). The high open-circuit voltage demonstrates that InGaAsN can be used as a material with a band gap of 1 eV in four-cascade solar cells.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):652-655
pages 652-655 views

Isothermal current–voltage characteristics of high-voltage 4H-SiC junction barrier Schottky rectifiers

Levinshtein M., Ivanov P., Zhang Q., Palmour J.


The forward-pulse isothermal current–voltage characteristics of 4H-SiC junction barrier Schottky rectifiers (JBSs) with a nominal blocking voltage of 1700 V are measured in the temperature range from–80 to +90°C (193–363 K) up to current densities j of ~5600 A/cm2 at–80°C and 3000 A/cm2 at +90°C. In these measurements, the overheating of the structures relative to the ambient temperature, ΔT, did not exceed several degrees. At higher current densities, the effective injection of minority carriers (holes) into the base of the structures is observed, which is accompanied by the appearance of an S-type differential resistance. The pulsed isothermal current–voltage characteristics are also measured at a temperature of 77 K.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):656-661
pages 656-661 views

Multilayer heterostructures for quantum-cascade lasers operating in the terahertz frequency range

Zhukov A., Cirlin G., Reznik R., Samsonenko Y., Khrebtov A., Kaliteevski M., Ivanov K., Kryzhanovskaya N., Maximov M., Alferov Z.


The results obtained in a study of the structural and optical properties of GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with 228 quantum cascades, grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, and in a simulation of interband optical transitions and transitions between the energy levels of a cascade are presented.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):662-666
pages 662-666 views

Dependence of the electron capture velocity on the quantum-well depth in semiconductor lasers

Sokolova Z., Bakhvalov K., Lyutetskiy A., Pikhtin N., Tarasov I., Asryan L.


Three laser structures with a single strained InGaAs quantum well of different depths and a GaAs or Al0.1Ga0.9As waveguide region are grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Using the experimentally determined values of the threshold current density and internal differential quantum efficiency, the velocity of electron capture into the quantum well is calculated for each of these structures. It is found that the capture velocity into deep quantum wells is significantly lower than into shallow ones.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):667-670
pages 667-670 views

Features of carrier tunneling between the silicon valence band and metal in devices based on the Al/high-K oxide/SiO2/Si structure

Vexler M., Grekhov I.


The features of electron tunneling from or into the silicon valence band in a metal–insulator–semiconductor system with the HfO2(ZrO2)/SiO2 double-layer insulator are theoretically analyzed for different modes. It is demonstrated that the valence-band current plays a less important role in structures with HfO2(ZrO2)/SiO2 than in structures containing only silicon dioxide. In the case of a very wide-gap high-K oxide ZrO2, nonmonotonic behavior related to tunneling through the upper barrier is predicted for the valence-band–metal current component. The use of an insulator stack can offer certain advantages for some devices, including diodes, bipolar tunnel-emitter transistors, and resonant-tunneling diodes, along with the traditional use of high-K insulators in a field-effect transistor.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):671-677
pages 671-677 views

Radiation-stimulated processes in transistor temperature sensors

Pavlyk B., Grypa A.


The features of the radiation-stimulated changes in the IV and CV characteristics of the emitter–base junction in KT3117 transistors are considered. It is shown that an increase in the current through the emitter junction is observed at the initial stage of irradiation (at doses of D < 4000 Gy for the “passive” irradiation mode and D < 5200 Gy for the “active” mode), which is caused by the effect of radiation-stimulated ordering of the defect-containing structure of the pn junction. It is also shown that the X-ray irradiation (D < 14000 Gy), the subsequent relaxation (96 h), and thermal annealing (2 h at 400 K) of the transistor temperature sensors under investigation result in an increase in their radiation resistance.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):678-681
pages 678-681 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Acanthite–argentite transformation in nanocrystalline silver sulfide and the Ag2S/Ag nanoheterostructure

Gusev A., Sadovnikov S.


Nanocrystalline acanthite-structured silver sulfide of the monoclinic structure and a Ag2S/Ag nanoheterostructure are produced. The high-temperature X-ray diffraction technique is applied to the in situ study of the (acanthite α-Ag2S)–(argentite β-Ag2S) phase transformation in nanocrystalline silver sulfide. The crystal structure of argentite is refined, and it is found that the content of vacant sites in the metal sublattice of argentite exceeds 92%. A model of a resistive switch, whose operation is based on the reversible acanthite–argentite transformation in a Ag2S/Ag heterostructure, is considered.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):682-687
pages 682-687 views

Formation and reconstruction of Se nanoislands at the surface of thin epitaxial ZnSe layers grown on GaAs substrates

Kozlovskiy V., Krivobok V., Kuznetsov P., Nikolaev S., Onistchenko E., Pruchkina A., Temiryazev A.


Strained epitaxial ZnSe layers are grown on GaAs substrates by the method of vapor-phase epitaxy from metal-organic compounds. It is found that Se nanoislands with a density of 108 to 109 cm–2 are formed at the surface of such layers. It is established that an increase in the size of Se islands and a decrease in their density take place after completion of growth. Annealing in a H2 atmosphere at a temperature higher than 260°C leads to the disappearance of Se islands and to a decrease in the surface roughness. It is shown that annealing does not lead to deterioration of the structural perfection of the epitaxial ZnSe films; rather, annealing gives rise to a decrease in the intensity of impurity–defect luminescence and to an increase in the intensity of intrinsic radiation near the bottom of the exciton band.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):688-693
pages 688-693 views

Role of the heat accumulation effect in the multipulse modes of the femtosecond laser microstructuring of silicon

Guk I., Shandybina G., Yakovlev E.


The results of quantitative evaluation of the heat accumulation effect during the femtosecond laser microstructuring of the surface of silicon are presented for discussion. In the calculations, the numerical–analytical method is used, in which the dynamics of electronic processes and lattice heating are simulated by the numerical method, and the cooling stage is described on the basis of an analytical solution. The effect of multipulse irradiation on the surface temperature is studied: in the electronic subsystem, as the dependence of the absorbance on the excited carrier density and the dependence of the absorbance on the electron-gas temperature; in the lattice subsystem, as the variation in the absorbance from pulse to pulse. It was shown that, in the low-frequency pulse-repetition mode characteristic of the femtosecond microstructuring of silicon, the heat accumulation effect is controlled not by the residual surface temperature by the time of the next pulse arrival, which corresponds to conventional concepts, but by an increase in the maximum temperature from pulse to pulse, from which cooling begins. The accumulation of the residual temperature of the surface can affect the microstructuring process during irradiation near the evaporation threshold or with increasing pulse-repetition rate.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):694-698
pages 694-698 views

On the laser detachment of n-GaN films from substrates, based on the strong absorption of IR light by free charge carriers in n+-GaN substrates

Virko M., Kogotkov V., Leonidov A., Voronenkov V., Rebane Y., Zubrilov A., Gorbunov R., Latyshev P., Bochkareva N., Lelikov Y., Tarhin D., Smirnov A., Davydov V., Shreter Y.


The physical and technological basics of the method used to lift off lightly and moderately doped n-GaN films from heavily doped n+-GaN substrates are considered. The detachment method is based on the free-charge-carrier absorption of IR laser light, which is substantially higher in n+-GaN films.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(5):699-704
pages 699-704 views

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