Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 50, № 6 (2016)

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

Summary of the 12th Russian Conference on Semiconductor Physics (Ershovo, Zvenigorod, Moscow, September 20–25, 2015)

Khokhlov D.


A summary of the 12th Russian Conference on Semiconductor Physics (RCSP-12), September 20–25, 2015, at “Ershovo” hotel near Zvenigorod, Moscow oblast, is presented. The statistics of reports within sections is given, the trends of changing study interests in comparison with the previous 11th Russian Conference on Semiconductor Physics held in 2013 in Saint Petersburg and the 32nd International Conference on Semiconductor Physics held in 2014 in Austin (Texas, USA) are analyzed. The main features of the present conference are indicated, the most interesting lines of research, in my view, are presented.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):705-708
pages 705-708 views

Matrix-type effect on the magnetotransport properties of Ni–AlO and Ni–NbO composite systems

Stognei O., Maliki A., Grebennikov A., Semenenko K., Bulovatskaya E., Sitnikov A.


The effect of the insulating-matrix material on the electronic and magnetic properties of nanocomposites is investigated in the Nix(Al2O3)100–x metal–insulator system and the Nix(Nb2O5)100–x metal–semiconductor system. It is established that the characteristics of composites determined by electron transport through the matrix (the electrical resistivity, the position of the electrical percolation threshold, the magnetoresistance effect) depend on the material type. Replacement of the matrix from Al2O3 to Nb2O5 results in a decrease in the electrical resistivity by two–three orders of magnitude, a decrease in the magnetic resistivity by more than an order of magnitude, and in displacement of the percolation threshold from 40 to 30 at % of Ni. In this case, the magnetic properties of the composites are independent of the type of matrix: the concentration of the magnetic percolation threshold is identical in the two systems (~45 at % of Ni), and the coercive force of the samples occurring beyond the percolation threshold is close in magnitude (5–8 and 12–18 Oe) in the Nix(Nb2O5)100–x and Nix(Al2O3)100–x composites, respectively.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):709-714
pages 709-714 views

Optical properties of In2Se3 thin films

Bodnar I.


In2Se3 films are produced by ion-beam evaporation at substrate temperatures of 313 and 623 K. As the target, In2Se3 single crystals grown by the vertical Bridgman method are used. The composition and structure of the crystals and films are determined by the X-ray spectral analysis and X-ray diffraction techniques, respectively. It is established that the crystals and films crystallize with the formation of a hexagonal structure. The band gap and refractive index of the In2Se3 films are determined from the transmittance and reflectance spectra. It is found that, as the substrate temperature is increased, the band gap increases.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):715-718
pages 715-718 views

Anomalous thermoelectric power in Hg3In2Te6 crystals

Grushka O.


Based on data on the Hall coefficient, it is shown that the existence of potential barriers in the region of impurity conductivity of highly compensated Hg3In2Te6 crystals is possible. The role of barriers in the anomalous behavior of transport phenomena is discussed qualitatively. Extremely large values of the thermoelectric power are related to the combination of thermoelectric powers of contact potentials for regions with different concentrations of electrons.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):719-721
pages 719-721 views

Role of electrostatic fluctuations in doped semiconductors upon the transition from band to hopping conduction (by the example of p-Ge:Ga)

Poklonski N., Vyrko S., Poklonskaya O., Zabrodskii A.


The electrostatic model of ionization equilibrium between hydrogen-like acceptors and v-band holes in crystalline covalent p-type semiconductors is developed. The range of applicability of the model is the entire insulator side of the insulator–metal (Mott) phase transition. The density of the spatial distribution of acceptor- and donor-impurity atoms and holes over a crystal was assumed to be Poissonian and the fluctuations of their electrostatic potential energy, to be Gaussian. The model takes into account the effect of a decrease in the energy of affinity of an ionized acceptor to a v-band hole due to Debye–Hückel ion screening by both free v-band holes and localized holes hopping over charge states (0) and (–1) of acceptors in the acceptor band. All donors are in charge state (+1) and are not directly involved in the screening, but ensure the total electroneutrality of a sample. In the quasiclassical approximation, analytical expressions for the root-mean-square fluctuation of the v-band hole energy Wp and effective acceptor bandwidth Wa are obtained. In calculating Wa, only fluctuations caused by the Coulomb interaction between two nearest point charges (impurity ions and holes) are taken into account. It is shown that Wp is lower than Wa, since electrostatic fluctuations do not manifest themselves on scales smaller than the average de Broglie wavelength of a free hole. The delocalization threshold for v-band holes is determined as the sum of the diffusive-percolation threshold and exchange energy of holes. The concentration of free v-band holes is calculated at the temperature Tj of the transition from dc band conductivity to conductivity implemented via hopping over acceptor states, which is determined from the virial theorem. The dependence of the differential energy of the thermal ionization of acceptors at the temperature 3Tj/2 on their concentration N and degree of compensation K (the ratio between the donor and acceptor concentrations) is determined. Good quantitative agreement between the results of the calculation and data on the series of neutron transmutation doped p-Ge samples is obtained up to the Mott transition without using any fitting parameters.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):722-734
pages 722-734 views

Specific features of the electrophysical parameters of NTD Si treated under different conditions of heat treatment

Gaidar G., Baranskii P.


The effect of thermal annealing in the temperature range 800 ⩽ Tann ⩽ 1200°C and of two cooling rates (vcl = 1 and 15°C min–1) upon a change in the concentration of charge carriers in the conduction band, their mobility, and tensoresistance in n-Si crystals doped by nuclear transmutation and doped with phosphorus impurity via the melt (during growth by the Czochralski method) was investigated. It is found that, after annealing of all of the crystals at Tann = 1050–1100°C, the concentration of charge carriers is increased by a factor of 1.3–1.7 compared to the initial concentration (irrespective of the method of doping). The specific annealing-temperature-dependent effect of cooling with a rate of 15°C min–1 on the properties of transmutation-doped n-Si:P crystals is detected.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):735-740
pages 735-740 views

On the tin impurity in the thermoelectric compound ZnSb: Charge-carrier generation and compensation

Prokofieva L., Konstantinov P., Shabaldin A.


The technique for measuring the Hall coefficient and electrical conductivity in the thermal cycling mode is used to study the effect of the Sn impurity on the microstructure and properties of pressed ZnSb samples. Tin was introduced as an excess component (0.1 and 0.2 at %) and as a substitutional impurity for Zn and Sb atoms in a concentration of (2–2.5) at % The temperature dependences of the parameters of lightly doped samples are fundamentally like similar curves for ZnSb with 0.1 at % of Cu. The highest Hall concentration, 1.4 × 1019 cm–3 at 300 K, is obtained upon the introduction of 0.1 at % of Sn; the dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit attains its maximum value of 0.85 at 660 K. The experimental data are discussed under the assumption of two doping mechanisms, which are effective in different temperature ranges, with zinc vacancies playing the decisive role of acceptor centers. In two ZnSb samples with SnSb and ZnSn additives, the charge-carrier compensation effect is observed; this effect depends on temperature and markedly changes with doping type. As in p-type AIV–BVI materials with a low Sn content, hole compensation can be attributed to atomic recharging Sn2+ → Sn4+. Types of compensating complexes are considered.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):741-750
pages 741-750 views

Radiation-induced bistable centers with deep levels in silicon n+p structures

Lastovskii S., Markevich V., Yakushevich H., Murin L., Krylov V.


The method of deep level transient spectroscopy is used to study electrically active defects in p-type silicon crystals irradiated with MeV electrons and α particles. A new radiation-induced defect with the properties of bistable centers is determined and studied. After keeping the irradiated samples at room temperature for a long time or after their short-time annealing at T ∼ 370 K, this defect does not display any electrical activity in p-type silicon. However, as a result of the subsequent injection of minority charge carriers, this center transforms into the metastable configuration with deep levels located at EV + 0.45 and EV + 0.54 eV. The reverse transition to the main configuration occurs in the temperature range of 50–100°C and is characterized by the activation energy ∼1.25 eV and a frequency factor of ∼5 × 1015 s–1. The determined defect is thermally stable at temperatures as high as T ∼ 450 K. It is assumed that this defect can either be a complex of an intrinsic interstitial silicon atom with an interstitial carbon atom or a complex consisting of an intrinsic interstitial silicon atom with an interstitial boron atom.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):751-755
pages 751-755 views

Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

On the local injection of emitted electrons into micrograins on the surface of AIII–BV semiconductors

Zhukov N., Glukhovskoi E., Khazanov A.


The characteristics of the injection of electrons into a semiconductor from a microprobe–micrograin nanogap are investigated with a tunneling microscope in the mode of field emission into locally selected surface microcrystals of indium antimonide, indium arsenide, and gallium arsenide. The current mechanisms are established and their parameters are determined by comparing the experimental IV characteristics and those calculated from formulas of current transport. The effect of limitation of the current into the micrograins of indium antimonide and indium arsenide which manifests itself at injection levels exceeding a certain critical value, e.g., 6 × 1016 cm–3 for indium antimonide and 4 × 1017 cm–3 for indium arsenide, is discovered. A physical model, i.e., the localization of electrons in the surface area of a micrograin due to their Coulomb interaction, is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):756-760
pages 756-760 views

Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

On the ohmicity of Schottky contacts

Sachenko A., Belyaev A., Konakova R.


The conditions under which Schottky contacts become ohmic are analyzed. Proceeding from classical concepts of the mechanisms of current flow, a generalized Schottky contact model is investigated. This model takes into account the thermionic current of majority charge carriers and the recombination current of minority carriers in Schottky contacts with a dielectric gap. Based on an analysis of the predictions of this model, ohmicity criteria are obtained for Schottky contacts and the conditions for a low injection level and the ohmicity of Si-based Schottky contacts are compared. It is shown that the conditions for Schottky-contact ohmicity do not coincide with those for pn junctions.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):761-768
pages 761-768 views

Absorption of electromagnetic radiation in a quantum wire with an anisotropic parabolic potential in a transverse magnetic field

Karpunin V., Margulis V.


An analytical expression for the coefficient of absorption of electromagnetic radiation by electrons in a quantum wire in a magnetic field is derived. The case of a magnetic field transverse with respect to the wire axis is considered. The resonance character of absorption is shown, and the resonance frequencies as functions of the field are determined. The effect of the scattering of electrons at optical phonons is studied, and it is shown that scattering is responsible for additional resonance absorption peaks.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):769-774
pages 769-774 views

Oxidation model of polycrystalline lead-chalcogenide layers in an iodine-containing medium

Maraeva E., Moshnikov V., Petrov A., Tairov Y.


Model concepts of control over the formation of oxide shells in the course of oxidation are confirmed on the basis of experimental results obtained in a study of the fundamental aspects of how nanostructured layers are formed upon diffusion annealing on faceted single crystals of lead chalcogenides. Auger-spectroscopic data on the distribution of the elemental composition over the thickness of layers based on lead selenide–cadmium selenide solid solutions are presented.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):775-777
pages 775-777 views

Features of high-temperature electroluminescence in an LED n-GaSb/n-InGaAsSb/p-AlGaAsSb heterostructure with high potential barriers

Danilov L., Petukhov A., Mikhailova M., Zegrya G., Ivanov E., Yakovlev Y.


The electroluminescent properties of a light-emitting diode n-GaSb/n-InGaAsSb/p-AlGaAsSb heterostructure with high potential barriers are studied in the temperature range of 290–470 K. An atypical temperature increase in the power of the long-wavelength luminescence band with an energy of 0.3 eV is experimentally observed. As the temperature increases to 470 K, the optical radiation power increases by a factor of 1.5–2. To explain the extraordinary temperature dependence of the radiation power, the recombination and carrier transport processes are theoretically analyzed in the heterostructure under study.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):778-784
pages 778-784 views

Generation of transverse direct current in a superlattice under a bichromatic high-frequency electric and constant magnetic fields

Zav’yalov D., Konchenkov V., Kryuchkov S.


Direct-current generation in a semiconductor superlattice exposed to a high-frequency bichromatic electric field applied along its axis and to a constant magnetic field perpendicular to the surface, i.e., superlattice axis, is studied. In the first non-vanishing approximation in terms of the magnetic-field strength, an explicit expression for the current density in the case of the ratio of electric-field frequencies equal to two is derived.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):785-790
pages 785-790 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

Growth of silicon nanoclusters in thermal silicon dioxide under annealing in an atmosphere of nitrogen

Ivanova E., Sitnikova A., Aleksandrov O., Zamoryanskaya M.


It is found for the first time that silicon nanoclusters are formed in the surface layer of thermal silicon dioxide under high-temperature annealing (T = 1150°C) in dried nitrogen. Analysis of the cathodoluminescence spectra shows that an imperfect surface layer appears upon such annealing of silicon dioxide, with silicon nanoclusters formed in this layer upon prolonged annealing. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that the silicon clusters are 3–5.5 nm in size and lie at a depth of about 10 nm from the surface. Silicon from the thermal film of silicon dioxide serves as the material from which the silicon nanoclusters are formed. This method of silicon-nanocluster formation is suggested for the first time.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):791-794
pages 791-794 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Inter atomic force constants of binary and ternary tetrahedral semiconductors

Pal S., Tiwari R., Gupta D., Saraswat V., Verma A.


In this paper, we present the expressions relating the inter atomic force constants like as bond-stretching force constant (α in N/m) and bond-bending force constant (β in N/m) for the binary (zinc blende structure) and ternary (chalcopyrite structure) semiconductors with the product of ionic charges (PIC) and crystal ionicity (fi). Interatomic force constants of these compounds exhibit a linear relationship; when plot a graph between Interatomic force constants and the nearest neighbor distance d (Å) with crystal ionicity (fi), but fall on different straight lines according to the product of ionic charges of these compounds. A fairly good agreement has been found between the observed and calculated values of the α and β for binary and ternary tetrahedral semiconductors.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):795-800
pages 795-800 views

Carbon Systems

Substitutional impurity in single-layer graphene: The Koster–Slater and Anderson models

Davydov S.


The Koster–Slater and Anderson models are used to consider substitutional impurities in free-standing single-layer graphene. The density of states of graphene is described using a model (the M model). For the nitrogen and boron impurities, the occupation numbers and the parameter η which defines the fraction of delocalized electrons of the impurity are determined. In this case, experimental data are used for both determination of the model parameters and comparison with the results of theoretical estimations. The general features of the Koster–Slater and Anderson models and the differences between the two models are discussed. Specifically, it is shown that the band contributions to the occupation numbers of a nitrogen atom in both models are comparable, whereas the local contributions are substantially different: the local contributions are decisive in the Koster–Slater model and negligible in the Anderson model. The asymptotic behavior of the wave functions of a defect is considered in the Koster–Slater model, and the electron states of impurity dimers are considered in the Anderson model.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):801-809
pages 801-809 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Dependence of the conductivity on the active-region thickness in GaAs thin-film Schottky diodes

Zuev S., Kilessa G., Asanov E., Starostenko V., Pokrova S.


The dependences of the electrical characteristics of thin-film structures with Schottky barrier on gallium arsenide are studied using Monte Carlo numerical simulation in the kinetic approximation with the main scattering mechanisms taken into account. The dependences of the diode conductivity on the voltage and channel thickness are obtained. It is shown that the relation between the diode voltage and conductivity changes at a small channel thickness, which is explained by barrier field expulsion to the substrate.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):810-814
pages 810-814 views

Experimental determination of the derivative of the current–voltage characteristic of a nonlinear semiconductor structure using modulation Fourier analysis

Kuzmichev N., Vasyutin M., Shilkin D.


The derivative of the nonlinear current–voltage characteristic of two antiparallel pn junctions is experimentally obtained by the method of modulation Fourier analysis. The derivative of the current–voltage characteristic is reconstructed using the current dependences of the first and higher voltage harmonics. The advantage of modulation Fourier analysis over numerical differentiation is experimentally validated for the first time. The applied technique has no limitations on the current modulation amplitude. Large amplitudes make it possible to identify the nature of the nonlinearity of the dependence under study and to determine the contribution of the nonlinear fraction against the background of significant linearity.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):815-818
pages 815-818 views

Narrowing of the emission spectra of high-power laser diodes with a volume Bragg grating recorded in photo-thermo-refractive glass

Ivanov S., Nikonorov N., Ignat’ev A., Zolotarev V., Lubyanskiy Y., Pikhtin N., Tarasov I.


The spectral characteristics of a high-power semiconductor laser with an external cavity in which longitudinal-mode selection is implemented by means of a holographic volume Bragg grating recorded in photo-thermo-refractive glass are investigated. Mode selection leads to narrowing of the spectrum of the laser diode from an initial width of 6 nm to 5 Å. In the narrowed spectrum, a fine structure representing a set of eigenmodes that correspond to the length of a laser chip is resolved. The number of these modes is limited by the width of the spectral selectivity curve of the grating. It is shown that insertion of the grating into the cavity leads to severalfold enhancement of the grating selectivity. It is demonstrated that the implemented external-cavity design makes it possible to smoothly tune the laser emission wavelength in a 10-nm range.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):819-823
pages 819-823 views

Method for increasing the carrier mobility in the channel of the 4H-SiC MOSFET

Mikhaylov A., Afanasyev A., Ilyin V., Luchinin V., Reshanov S., Schöner A.


A new method is suggested for increasing the carrier mobility in the channel of a field-effect transistor based on silicon carbide of the 4H polytype via the oxidation of a bilayer system constituted by a thin layer of silicon nitride and a silicon-dioxide layer. Together with increasing carrier mobility, the average breakdown field strength decreases as compared with the gate insulator thermally grown in an atmosphere of N2O.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):824-827
pages 824-827 views

Switching between the mode-locking and Q-switching modes in two-section QW lasers upon a change in the absorber properties due to the Stark effect

Gadzhiyev I., Buyalo M., Gubenko A., Egorov A., Usikova A., Il’inskaya N., Lyutetskiy A., Zadiranov Y., Portnoi E.


The passive Q-switching and mode-locking modes are implemented in two-section lasers with three quantum wells. It is demonstrated that raising the reverse bias on the absorbing section changes its spectral and dynamic properties and, accordingly, leads to a change from the Q-switching mode to mode-locking. The pulse-repetition frequency in the mode-locking mode is 75 GHz, with the product of the pulse duration by the spectrum bandwidth being 0.49, which is close to the theoretical limit. It is shown that, in structures with three quantum wells, strong absorption at the lasing wavelength gives rise to a photocurrent across a section of the saturable absorber, which is sufficient for compensation of the applied bias.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):828-831
pages 828-831 views

Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

On the photon annealing of silicon-implanted gallium-nitride layers

Seleznev B., Moskalev G., Fedorov D.


The conditions for the formation of ion-doped layers in gallium nitride upon the incorporation of silicon ions followed by photon annealing in the presence of silicon dioxide and nitride coatings are analyzed. The conditions of the formation of ion-doped layers with a high degree of impurity activation are established. The temperature dependences of the surface concentration and mobility of charge carriers in ion-doped GaN layers annealed at different temperatures are studied.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):832-838
pages 832-838 views

The modification of BaCe0.5Zr0.3Y0.2O3–δ with copper oxide: Effect on the structural and transport properties

Lyagaeva Y., Vdovin G., Nikolaenko I., Medvedev D., Demin A.


The effect of the content of CuO additive on the sinterability, phase composition, microstructure, and electrical properties of BaCe0.5Zr0.3Y0.2O3–δ proton-conducting material is studied. Ceramic samples were produced by the citrate–nitrate synthesis method with the addition of 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1% CuO. It is shown that the relative density of the samples containing 0.5 and 1% CuO is higher than 94% at a sintering temperature of 1450°C, whereas the relative density of the material is no higher than 85% at a lower content of the sintering additive. From the data of X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy, it is established that the introduction of a small CuO content (0.25%) is inadequate for single-phase and high-dense ceramics to be formed. The conductivity and scanning electron microscopy data show that the sample with BaCe0.5Zr0.3Y0.2O3–δ + 0.5% CuO composition possesses high total and ionic conductivities as well as a high degree of microstructural stability after hydrogen reduction of the ceramics. The citrate–nitrate method modified by the introduction of a small CuO content can be recommended for the production of single-phase, gas-tight, and high-conductivity electrolytes based on both BaCeO3 and BaZrO3.

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):839-843
pages 839-843 views

Synthesis of metal and semiconductor nanoparticles in a flow of immiscible liquids

Matyushkin L., Ryzhov O., Aleksandrova O., Moshnikov V.


Nanoparticles of silver and cadmium selenide are obtained by the method of synthesis in a flow of immiscible liquids (water/toluene, water/dodecane); these nanoparticles manifest, respectively, the effects of plasmon resonance and the spatial confinement of charge carriers. The reactor used is a polytetrafluoroethylene capillary with temperature-controlled sections for particle nucleation and growth with the supply of precursors using micropumps. The diameters of the particles are determined from absorbance spectra and are found to be 40 nm for Ag nanoparticles and 1–2 nm for CdSe nanoparticles (depending on the growth duration).

Semiconductors. 2016;50(6):844-847
pages 844-847 views

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