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Issue Title File
Vol 51, No 12 (2017) Production and identification of highly photoconductive CdSe-based hybrid organic-inorganic multi-layer materials
Yfanti-Katti M., Prokopos-Chouliaras F., Milonakou-Koufoudaki K., Mitzithra C., Kordatos K., Hamilakis S., Kollia C., Loizos Z.
Vol 52, No 12 (2018) Production of Si- and Ge-Based Thermoelectric Materials by Spark Plasma Sintering
Erofeeva I.V., Dorokhin M.V., Zdoroveyshchev A.V., Kuznetsov Y.M., Popov A.A., Lantsev E.A., Boryakov A.V., Kotomina V.E.
Vol 51, No 13 (2017) Production of Silicon Nanoparticles for Use in Solar Cells
Gribov B.G., Zinov’ev K.V., Kalashnik O.N., Gerasimenko N.N., Smirnov D.I., Sukhanov V.N., Kononov N.N., Dorofeev S.G.
Vol 50, No 8 (2016) Prompt quality monitoring of InSe and GaSe semiconductor crystals by the nuclear quadrupole resonance technique
Samila A.P., Lastivka G.I., Khandozhko V.A., Kovalyuk Z.D.
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Properties of Lead-Sulfide Nanoparticles in a Multicrystalline Structure
Zhukov N.D., Rokakh A.G., Shishkin M.I.
Vol 53, No 7 (2019) Properties of Semipolar GaN Grown on a Si(100) Substrate
Bessolov V.N., Konenkova E.V., Orlova T.A., Rodin S.N., Seredova N.V., Solomnikova A.V., Shcheglov M.P., Kibalov D.S., Smirnov V.K.
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Properties of ZnO:Er3+ films obtained by the sol–gel method
Malyutina-Bronskaya V.V., Semchenko A.V., Sidsky V.V., Fedorov V.E.
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Prospects of using rare-earth hexaborides in thermoelectric single-photon detectors
Kuzanyan A.S., Kuzanyan A.A., Nikoghosyan V.R., Gurin V.N., Volkov M.P.
Vol 53, No 6 (2019) Proton Irradiation of 4H-SiC Photodetectors with Schottky Barriers
Kalinina E.V., Violina G.N., Nikitina I.P., Yagovkina M.A., Ivanova E.V., Zabrodski V.V.
Vol 51, No 3 (2017) Pulsed laser deposition of AlxGa1–xAs and GaP thin films onto Si substrates for photoelectric converters
Lunin L.S., Lunina M.L., Devitsky O.V., Sysoev I.A.
Vol 51, No 7 (2017) Purcell effect in disordered one-dimensional photonic crystals
Gubaydullin A.R., Ivanov K.A., Nikolaev V.V., Kaliteevski M.A.
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) Purcell Effect in Tamm Plasmon Structures with QD Emitter
Gubaydullin A.R., Symonds C., Bellessa J., Ivanov K.A., Kolykhalova E.D., Sasind M.E., Pozina G., Kaliteevski M.A.
Vol 50, No 4 (2016) Quantitative analysis of optical and recombination losses in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells
Kosyachenko L.A., Lytvynenko V.Y., Maslyanchuk O.L.
Vol 52, No 9 (2018) Quantization of the Electromagnetic Field in Three-Dimensional Photonic Structures on the Basis of the Scattering Matrix Formalism (S Quantization)
Ivanov K.A., Gubaydullin A.R., Kaliteevski M.A.
Vol 53, No 4 (2019) Quantum Confined Stark Effect and Temperature Dependencies of Photoluminescence of InAs Quantum Dots Coupled with AlGaAs/GaAs Two Dimensional Electron Gas
Khmissi H., El Sayed A.M.
Vol 53, No 11 (2019) Quantum Corrections and Magnetotransport in 3D Dirac Semimetal Cd3 –xMnxAs2 Films
Mekhiya A.B., Kazakov A.A., Oveshnikov L.N., Davydov A.B., Ril A.I., Marenkin S.F., Aronzon B.A.
Vol 51, No 10 (2017) Quantum corrections to the conductivity and anomalous Hall effect in InGaAs quantum wells with a spatially separated Mn impurity
Oveshnikov L.N., Nekhaeva E.I.
Vol 50, No 7 (2016) Quantum dots grown in the InSb/GaSb system by liquid-phase epitaxy
Parkhomenko Y.A., Dement’ev P.A., Moiseev K.D.
Vol 52, No 4 (2018) Quantum Dynamics of a Domain Wall in the Presence of Dephasing
Castelnovo C., Dykman M.I., Smelyanskiy V.N., Moessner R., Pryadko L.P.
Vol 52, No 15 (2018) Quantum Efficiency of Gallium Nitride–Based Heterostructures with GaInN Quantum Wells
Vigdorovich E.N.
Vol 50, No 12 (2016) Quantum Hall effect and hopping conductivity in n-InGaAs/InAlAs nanoheterostructures
Gudina S.V., Arapov Y.G., Saveliev A.P., Neverov V.N., Podgornykh S.M., Shelushinina N.G., Yakunin M.V., Vasil’evskii I.S., Vinichenko A.N.
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Quantum Oscillations of Photoconductivity Relaxation in pin GaAs/InAs/AlAs Heterodiodes
Khanin Y.N., Vdovin E.E.
Vol 52, No 14 (2018) Quantum Rings Dressed by a High-Frequency Electromagnetic Field
Kibis O.V., Kozin V.K., Iorsh I.V., Shelykh I.A.
Vol 51, No 4 (2017) Quantum-well charge and voltage distribution in a metal–insulator–semiconductor structure upon resonant electron Tunneling
Vexler M.I., Illarionov Y.Y., Grekhov I.V.
Vol 52, No 6 (2018) Quasi-Classical Model of the Static Electrical Conductivity of Heavily Doped Degenerate Semiconductors at Low Temperatures
Poklonski N.A., Vyrko S.A., Dzeraviaha A.N.
1051 - 1075 of 1443 Items << < 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 > >> 

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