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Vol 52, No 1 (2018)

XXI International Symposium “Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics”, Nizhny Novgorod, March 13–16, 2017

GaP/Si(111) Nanowire Crystals Synthesized by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy with Switching between the Hexagonal and Cubic Phases

Shtrom I.V., Sibirev N.V., Ubiivovk E.V., Samsonenko Y.B., Khrebtov A.I., Reznik R.R., Bouravleuv A.D., Cirlin G.E.


A theoretical and experimental description of the synthesis of GaP nanowire crystals by molecularbeam epitaxy on Si(111) substrates with the use of gold as a catalyst is presented. The ratio between the fluxes of materials to be deposited and the substrate temperature are varied for a short time during nanowire synthesis in order to analyze the possibility of producing nanoinclusions of different polytypes. It is established that variations in the ratio between the fluxes of materials to be deposited and in the growth temperature bring about the controllable formation of inclusions, among them are structurally cubic crystalline regions. The inclusions are several nanometers thick.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):1-5
pages 1-5 views

Investigation of a Polariton Condensate in Micropillars in a High Magnetic Field

Chernenko A.V., Brichkin A.S., Novikov S.I., Schneider C., Hoefling S.


The photoluminescence of a nonequilibrium polariton condensate in cylindrical and rectangular micropillars etched on the surface of a high-Q GaAs microcavity is investigated in magnetic fields of up to 12 T. The measurements are carried out under different levels of nonresonant optical pumping with nanosecond laser pulses for a wide range of cavity detuning. As far as nonresonant excitation produces a high density of excitons in a reservoir, it should be expected that the exciton–polariton interaction, which depends on the pump level, has a considerable effect on the Zeeman splitting and polarization of the condensate. However, measurements of the Zeeman splitting and polarization in high magnetic fields demonstrate that only minor changes take place up to the highest available pump levels. This means that, in the case under study, the effect of exciton–polariton interaction on the polariton system is insignificant. At the same time, the data obtained provide an estimate for the exciton density in the reservoir. In contrast to cylindrical micropillars, the photoluminescence of the condensate in rectangular micropillars consists of two perpendicularly linearly polarized lines which retain a high degree of linear polarization even in a field as high as 12 T. The Zeeman splitting in this case is nearly independent of the pump power. The degrees of both circular and linear polarization change with pump power, but these changes are noticeably smaller than the ones predicted theoretically. This indicates that the system of polaritons in micropillars deviates considerably from thermodynamic equilibrium.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):6-11
pages 6-11 views

Electron Effective Mass and g Factor in Wide HgTe Quantum Wells

Gudina S.V., Neverov V.N., Ilchenko E.V., Bogolubskii A.S., Harus G.I., Shelushinina N.G., Podgornykh S.M., Yakunin M.V., Mikhailov N.N., Dvoretsky S.A.


The magnetic-field (0 T < B < 9 T) dependence of the longitudinal and Hall resistances at fixed temperatures (2 K < T < 50 K) for the HgCdTe/HgTe/HgCdTe system with a HgTe quantum well 20.3 nm in width are measured. The activation analysis of the magnetoresistance curves is used as a tool for identifying the mobility gaps between neighboring Landau levels. The activation-energy values obtained from the temperature dependences of the longitudinal resistance in the plateau regions of the quantum Hall effect with the filling factors ν = 1, 2, 3 make it possible to estimate the effective mass and the g factor of electrons in the system under study. Indications concerning the possibility of large values of the g factor (≅ 80) are obtained.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):12-18
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Ultrafast Dynamics of Photoinduced Electron–Hole Plasma in Semiconductor Nanowires

Trukhin V.N., Bouravleuv A.D., Mustafin I.A., Cirlin G.E., Kakko J.P., Lipsanen H.


Experimental results obtained in a study of the effect of electron–hole plasma on the generation of terahertz (THz) radiation in semiconductor nanowires grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) are presented. It is shown that the temporal dynamics of photoexcited charge carriers in semiconductor nanowires is determined by the transport of carriers, both electrons and holes, and by the time of capture of electrons and holes at surface levels.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):19-23
pages 19-23 views

Electronic Properties of Semiconductors

On Mobility of Definite Energy Charge Carriers

Belousov Y.M., Gorelkin V.N., Chernousov I.V.


The quasi-mobility function of charge carriers with a specified energy for describing their dynamics using the kinetic equation is studied in the important case of two-term isotropic approximation. In the stationary case, the quasi-mobility function is independent of the source function of charge carriers and makes it possible to calculate the integral mobility. The correlation between the quasi-mobility and parameters of the system is analyzed. It is proved that this characteristic does not generally describe the contribution of charge carriers with a specified energy to the integral mobility. In the case of almost elastic scattering, the quasi-mobility, as is known, can have a clear physical meaning; however, in the case of the scattering of charge carriers at acoustic phonons in a solid, this quasi-mobility interpretation is found to be incorrect due to the specific features of the collision integral and the form of the quasi-mobility function.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):24-30
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Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Static Permittivity of Germanium

Musaev A.M.


The dependence of the static permittivity of single-crystal germanium on hydrostatic pressure up to P ≈ 7.4 GPa is studied experimentally. As the pressure is increased to P ≈ 4 GPa, the permittivity of Ge decreases by a factor of ~13 to ε = 1.22. As the pressure is increased further to P ≈ 7 GPa, a moderate increase in ε to the initial value is observed. In the range 7–7.4 GPa, the permittivity increases to a value larger than 1000. The experimental dependences obtained in the study substantially differ from the previously known dependences.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):31-33
pages 31-33 views

Spectroscopy, Interaction with Radiation

Infrared Reflection Spectra of Pb1–xSnxSe (x = 0.2, 0.34) Topological Insulator Films on a ZnTe/GaAs Substrate and the Vibrational Modes of Multilayer Structures

Novikova N.N., Yakovlev V.A., Kucherenko I.V., Vinogradov V.S., Aleschenko Y.A., Muratov A.V., Karczewski G., Chusnutdinow S.


The reflectance spectra of the topological insulator Pb1–xSnxSe (x = 0.2, 0.34) films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on a ZnTe/GaAs substrate are measured in the range of 12–2500 cm–1 at room temperature. Using dispersion analysis, the frequencies of transverse optical phonons, plasma frequencies, highfrequency permittivities, and layer thicknesses are determined. In the quasi-steady-state approximation, the interface mode frequencies of the four-layer structure are calculated as a function of the overlap parameter χ1 (0 ≤ χ1 ≤ 1). The parameter describes the degree of overlap of two interface modes localized at planes bounding the layer to the right and left. The existence of interacting interface modes in the structure makes its spectrum different from the sum of component spectra. These differences manifest themselves in the experiment. The conditions of the interaction of interface modes with IR radiation are discussed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):34-40
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Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films

Mechanism of the Semiconductor–Metal Phase Transition in Sm1–xGdxS Thin Films

Kaminsky V.V., Soloviev S.M., Khavrov G.D., Sharenkova N.V.


The influence of the Gd content on the semiconductor–metal phase transition in polycrystalline Sm1–xGdxS thin films produced by the flash evaporation of a powder in vacuum is studied. It is shown that the basic factor of the physical mechanism of the phase transition is compression of the film material. It is established that the films retain their semiconductor properties only up to a Gd content of x = 0.12.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):41-43
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Semiconductor Structures, Low-Dimensional Systems, and Quantum Phenomena

Mobility of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in DA-pHEMT Heterostructures with Various δ–n-Layer Profile Widths

Protasov D.Y., Bakarov A.K., Toropov A.I., Ber B.Y., Kazantsev D.Y., Zhuravlev K.S.


The effect of the silicon-atom distribution profile in donor δ-layers of AlGaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures with donor–acceptor doping on the mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas is studied. The parameters of the δ-layer profiles are determined using the normal approximation of the spatial distributions of silicon atoms, measured by secondary-ion mass spectroscopy. It is shown that the standard deviation σ of the δ-layer profile can be reduced from 3.4 to 2.5 nm by the proper selection of growth conditions. Measurements of the magnetic-field dependences of the Hall effect and conductivity show that such a decrease in σ allowed an increase in the mobility of the two-dimensional electron gas in heterostructures by 4000 cm2/(V s) at 77 K and 600 cm2/(V s) at 300 K. The mobility calculation taking into account filling of the first two size-quantization subbands shows that an increase in the mobility is well explained by a reduction in the Coulomb scattering at ionized donors due to an increase in the effective thickness of the spacer layer with decreasing σ of the δ-layer profile.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):44-52
pages 44-52 views

Bimodality in Arrays of In0.4Ga0.6As Hybrid Quantum-Confined Heterostructures Grown on GaAs Substrates

Nadtochiy A.M., Mintairov S.A., Kalyuzhnyy N.A., Rouvimov S.S., Nevedomskii V.N., Maximov M.V., Zhukov A.E.


Hybrid quantum-confined heterostructures grown by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) via the deposition of In0.4Ga0.6As layers with various nominal thicknesses onto vicinal GaAs substrates are studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The photoluminescence spectra of these structures show the superposition of two spectral lines, which is indicative of the bimodal distribution of the size and/or shape of light-emitting objects in an array. The dominant spectral line is attributed to the luminescence of hybrid “quantum well–dot” nanostructures in the form of a dense array of relatively small quantum dots (QDs) with weak electron and hole localization. The second, lower intensity line is attributed to luminescence from a less dense array of comparatively larger QDs. Analysis of the behavior of the spectral line intensities at various temperatures showed that the density of larger QDs grows with increasing thickness of the InGaAs layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):53-58
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Absorption of Far-Infrared Radiation in Ge/Si Quantum Dots

Sofronov A.N., Balagula R.M., Firsov D.A., Vorobjev L.E., Tonkikh A.A., Sarkisyan H.A., Hayrapetyan D.B., Petrosyan L.S., Kazaryan E.M.


The experimental and theoretical results of studies of optical absorption in doped Ge/Si quantumdot structures in the far-infrared region, corresponding to the energies of transitions of holes from the ground state to the lowest excited size-quantization state, are reported. An analytical theory of the size quantization of holes in a lens-shaped quantum dot is developed in the context of the adiabatic approximation with consideration for pair Coulomb interaction. It is shown that the interaction has no effect on the frequencies of lower interlevel resonances. This fact is representative of generalized Kohn’s theorem satisfied due to the specific geometric shape of the quantum dot. The experimental and theoretical values of the transition energies are in good agreement.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):59-63
pages 59-63 views

Amorphous, Vitreous, and Organic Semiconductors

On the Electret Effect in Polymer–Ferroelectric Piezoceramic Composites with Various Values of the Electronegativity of the Polymer Matrix and Piezophase Cations

Kurbanov M.A., Ramazanova I.S., Dadashev Z.A., Yusifova U.V., Huseynova G.K., Azizova K.K., Farajzadeh I.A.


The influence of the electronegativity of phases, which is controlled by composite crystallization under the conditions of the effect of the electric discharge and covalence of piezophase cations, on the formation mechanism of the stable electret effect is determined. The specific features of the formation of the electret effect in composites based on polyolefins (HDPE, PP), fluorine-containing polymers (F42), and ferroelectric piezoelectric ceramics of the family of lead zirconate–titanate (Pb(Zr,Ti)O3) crystallized under conditions of the effect of electric discharge plasma, are revealed. A physical model of electret composites taking into account the role of homocharges and heterocharges formed in a composite by its dispersion with piezoceramic particles of various structures—rhombohedral, tetragonal, and heterogeneous—is proposed.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):64-70
pages 64-70 views

Microcrystalline, Nanocrystalline, Porous, and Composite Semiconductors

Determination of Thermodynamic Parameters in the Cu1.95Ni0.05S Phase-Transition Regions

Aliev F.F., Hasanov H.A., Rzaeva A.G., Jafarov M.B., Damirov G.M.


X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis data obtained in the Cu1.95Ni0.05S phase-transition region are analyzed. It is established that the low-temperature rhombic α phase in Cu1.95Ni0.05S transforms to the hexagonal β phase at temperatures of 370–390 K and to the cubic γ phase at temperatures of 740–765 K according to the scheme \(\alpha \to \mathop {\alpha + \beta }\limits_{370 - 390K} \to \mathop {\alpha + \gamma }\limits_{740 - 765K} \to \gamma \). It is determined (using the temperature dependence of differential thermal analysis) that the transition α → β is accompanied by heat absorption while the transition β → γ is accompanied by heat release. It is found that both transitions are allowed and belong to the reconstructive type. Both transitions are found to occur in a fluctuation volume of ~10–20 cm3 at temperature rates of 0.11 and 0.08 K–1. It is demonstrated that the transition α → γ is accompanied by alternation of the structures passing through the intermediate β phase, which is incommensurate with respect to the α and γ phases.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):71-77
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Peculiarities of the Properties of III–V Semiconductors in a Multigrain Structure

Zhukov N.D., Kabanov V.F., Mihaylov A.I., Mosiyash D.S., Pereverzev Y.E., Hazanov A.A., Shishkin M.I.


The systematized results of studies of the properties of InAs, InSb, and GaAs semiconductors in a multigrain structure based on measurement and analysis of the current–voltage and spectral characteristics are presented. It is established that electron emission and injection are determined by the localization effects of states in the bulk and surface region of submicron grains. The phenomena of current limitation and lowfield emission characteristic of quantum dots are revealed and studied. The results can be used in studies and in the development of multigrain structures for gas and optical sensors, detectors, and emitters of infrared and terahertz ranges.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):78-83
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X-Ray Study of the Superstructure in Heavily Doped Porous Indium Phosphide

Boiko M.E., Sharkov M.D., Karlina L.B., Boiko A.M., Konnikov S.G.


An indium-phosphide InP sample subjected to the pore-generation procedure and then doped with S atoms is studied by the methods of X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) (with CuKα1-radiation). The XRD data demonstrate that the sample consists of (coherent) aligned homogeneous components. A point detector is used to obtain, in the anomalous transmission mode by Borrmann, a set of SAXS curves at sample positions varied by azimuthal rotations. The SAXS data are used to simulate a 2D SAXS pattern for the sample under study, which makes it possible to determine the long-distance translation symmetry and, consequently, the presence of a superstructure. The interplanar distances in the superstructure in the directions (110) and (1 0) of the InP lattice are found to be ~260 and 450 nm, respectively. The symmetry group of the superstructure is determined as C2v in the (001) plane of the sample lattice.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):84-87
pages 84-87 views

Physics of Semiconductor Devices

Two-Terminal Tandem Solar Cells DSC/c-Si: Optimization of TiO2-based Photoelectrode Parameters

Nikolskaia A.B., Vildanova M.F., Kozlov S.S., Shevaleevskiy O.I.


New types of two-terminal tandem solar cells DSC/c-Si in which mesoscopic dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) was connected in parallel with a crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cell, were developed and investigated. We have measured the optical and photovoltaic parameters for both the individual and the fabricated tandem DSC/c-Si solar cells. It was shown that the highest efficiency of 14.7% for the tandem DSC/c-Si solar cell under standard AM1.5G (100 mW/cm2) illumination conditions was achieved for DSC based on 3.5 μm thick titanium dioxide photoelectrode.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):88-92
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Emission-Line Width and α-Factor of 850-nm Single-Mode Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers Based on InGaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells

Blokhin S.A., Bobrov M.A., Blokhin A.A., Kuzmenkov A.G., Vasil’ev A.P., Zadiranov Y.M., Evropeytsev E.A., Sakharov A.V., Ledentsov N.N., Karachinsky L.Y., Ospennikov A.M., Maleev N.A., Ustinov V.M.


The emission-line width for 850-nm single-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers based on InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells is studied. The width of the emission line for a laser with a 2-μm oxide current aperture attains it minimum (~110 MHz) at an output power of 0.8 mW. As the optical output power is further increased, anomalous broadening of the emission line is observed; this is apparently caused by an increase in the α-factor as a result of a decrease in the differential gain in the active region under conditions of increased concentration of charge carriers and of high internal optical losses in the microcavity. The α-factor is estimated using two independent methods.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):93-99
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On the Spatial Localization of Free Electrons in 4H-SiC MOSFETS with an n Channel

Ivanov P.A.


The problem of the spatial localization of free electrons in 4H-SiC metal—oxide—semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETS) with an accumulation- and inversion-type n channel is theoretically analyzed. The analysis demonstrates that, in optimally designed accumulation transistors (ACCUFETs), the average distance from the surface, at which free electrons are localized, may be an order of magnitude larger than that in inversion MOSFETs. This can make 4H-SiC ACCUFETs advantageous as regards the effective carrier mobility in a conducting channel.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):100-104
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Fabrication, Treatment, and Testing of Materials and Structures

Combined Ultramicrotomy and Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Structure of a Bulk Heterojunction in Polymer Solar Cells

Alekseev A.M., Al-Afeef A., Hedley G.J., Kharintsev S.S., Efimov A.E., Yedrisov A.T., Dyuzhev N.A., Samuel I.D.


A method for visualization via atomic-force microscopy of the internal structure of photoactive layers of polymer solar cells using an ultramicrotome for photoactive layer cutting is proposed and applied. The method creates an opportunity to take advantage of atomic-force microscopy in structural investigations of the bulk of soft samples. Such advantages of atomic-force microscopy include a high contrast and the ability to measure various surface properties at nanometer resolution. Using the proposed method, samples of the photoactive layer of polymer solar cells based on a mixture of PTB7 polythiophene and PC71BM fullerene derivatives are studied. The disclosed details of the bulk structure of this mixture allow us to draw additional conclusions about the effect of morphology on the efficiency of organic solar cells.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):105-111
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Influence of Substrate Misorientation on the Composition and the Structural and Photoluminescence Properties of Epitaxial Layers Grown on GaAs(100)

Seredin P.V., Lenshin A.S., Fedyukin A.V., Arsentyev I.N., Zhabotinsky A.V., Nikolaev D.N., Leiste H., Rinke M.


The influence of the degree of misorientation and treatment of a GaAs substrate on the structural and optical characteristics of homoepitaxial GaAs/GaAs(100) structures grown by metal–organic chemicalvapor deposition is studied. From the data obtained by a series of structural and spectroscopic techniques, it is shown that the degree of deviation of the substrate from the exact orientation towards the [110] direction by an angle of up to 4° brings about stepwise growth of the GaAs film in the initial stage and a further increase in the degree of misorienration towards the [110] direction to 10° results in an increase in the number of structural defects in the epitaxial film. At the same time, the samples of homoepitaxial structures grown by metal–organic chemical-vapor deposition on GaAs(100) substrates misoriented by 4° towards the [110] direction possess the highest photoluminescence efficiency; it is ~15% higher than the corresponding quantity for structures grown on precisely oriented GaAs(100) substrates. Preliminary polishing of the GaAs substrate (removal of an oxide layer) also yields the intensification of photoluminescence emission compared to emission in the case of an unpolished substrate of the same type. For samples grown on substrates misoriented by 4°, such an increase in the photoluminescence efficiency is ~30%.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):112-117
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Study of the Structure of Cadmium-Sulfide Nanowire Crystals Synthesized by Vacuum Evaporation and Condensation in a Quasi-Closed Volume

Belyaev A.P., Antipov V.V., Rubets V.P.


The results of crystallinity studies of an ensemble of cadmium-sulfide nanowire crystals synthesized from the vapor phase in a quasi-closed volume are reported. The nanowires are from 10 nm to several micrometers in diameter and tens of millimeters in length. Electron diffraction and luminescence are studied. The diffraction patterns and micrographs are presented. The results suggest a high degree of crystallinity of the nanowires.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):118-119
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Optimization of the Structural Properties and Surface Morphology of a Convex-Graded InxAl1–xAs (x = 0.05–0.83) Metamorphic Buffer Layer Grown via MBE on GaAs (001)

Solov’ev V.A., Chernov M.Y., Sitnikova A.A., Brunkov P.N., Meltser B.Y., Ivanov S.V.


The results of optimization of the design and growth conditions of an InxAl1–xAs metamorphic buffer layer with a high In content (x = 0.05–0.83) grown via MBE on GaAs(001) substrates with the purpose of optimizing its surface morphological characteristics and structural properties and lowering the surface density of threading dislocations. The lowest surface-pattern roughness RMS = 2.3 nm (on an area of 10 × 10 μm) and density of threading dislocations of 5 × 107 cm–2 are found in the samples with a convex-graded metamorphic buffer layer.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):120-125
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Investigation of the Modified Structure of a Quantum Cascade Laser

Mamutin V.V., Maleev N.A., Vasilyev A.P., Ilyinskaya N.D., Zadiranov Y.M., Usikova A.A., Yagovkina M.A., Shernyakov Y.M., Ustinov V.M.


The process of obtaining a modified structure for quantum cascade lasers is studied; this process includes growth using molecular-beam epitaxy, plasma etching, photolithography with the use of liquid etching, and the formation of special contacts for decreasing losses in the waveguide. The use of a special type of structure makes it possible, even without postgrowth overgrowth with a high-resistivity material, to attain parameters satisfying requirements to heterostructures in high-quality quantum cascade lasers at maximal simplification of the entire preparation process.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):126-130
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On a New Mechanism for the Realization of Ohmic Contacts

Sachenko A.V., Belyaev A.E., Konakova R.V.


Analysis of the contact-barrier height taking into account the distribution of surface states along coordinate x perpendicular to the insulator–semiconductor interface is performed for metal–semiconductor contacts with a dielectric gap. It is shown that taking into account the spatial dependence of the density of surface states at rather high semiconductor doping levels leads to a substantial decrease in the barrier height, which promotes the realization of ohmic contacts. It is established that the smaller the metal–semiconductor contact potential difference ϕms is, the stronger the effect of barrier-height lowering. If ϕms is negative, this effect can lead to potential sign reversal, i.e., to the realization of an enrichment layer in the space-charge region of the semiconductor even at a high density of surface states. This in turn promotes the manifestation of an anomalous dependence of the contact resistivity on temperature; the resistivity increases with an increase in temperature.

Semiconductors. 2018;52(1):131-135
pages 131-135 views

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