Author Details

Kanevsky, V. M.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 61, No 1 (2016) Surface and Thin Films Sapphire evolution of the vicinal (0001) sapphire surface upon annealing in air
Vol 61, No 1 (2016) Surface and Thin Films Real structure of the ZnO epitaxial films on (0001) leucosapphire substrates coated by ultrathin gold layers
Vol 61, No 5 (2016) Reviews Supersmooth and modified surface of sapphire crystals: Formation, characterization, and applications in nanotechnologies
Vol 61, No 6 (2016) Surface and Thin Films Vapor phase epitaxy of CdTe on sapphire substrates in dependence on the vapor-flow orientation
Vol 62, No 1 (2017) Surface and Thin Films Scanning tunneling microscopy of the atomically smooth (001) surface of vanadium pentoxide V2O5 crystals
Vol 62, No 2 (2017) Surface and Thin Films Oleophobic properties of the step-and-terrace sapphire surface
Vol 62, No 2 (2017) Surface and Thin Films Photonics of 2D gold nanolayers on sapphire surface
Vol 62, No 3 (2017) Surface and Thin Films Epitaxy of CdTe on sapphire substrates with titanium buffer layers
Vol 62, No 3 (2017) Surface and Thin Films Catalytic epitaxy of ZnO whiskers via the vapor–crystal mechanism
Vol 62, No 5 (2017) Surface, Thin Films Evolution of the vanadium pentoxide V2O5 crystal surface after vacuum annealing
Vol 62, No 6 (2017) Surface and Thin Films Ga2O3–In2O3 thin films on sapphire substrates: Synthesis and ultraviolet photoconductivity
Vol 63, No 2 (2018) Surface and Thin Films Manifestation of the Sapphire Crystal Structure in the Surface Nanopattern and Its Application in the Nitride Film Growth
Vol 63, No 4 (2018) Nanomaterials and Ceramics Transformation of the Structure of ZnO–C Powders during Mechanical Activation and Spark Plasma Sintering
Vol 63, No 5 (2018) Physical Properties of Crystals Long-Term Changes in Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics of CdTe Crystals after Their Exposure to a Weak Pulsed Magnetic Field
Vol 63, No 5 (2018) Nanomaterials and Ceramics Plasmonic Features in the Absorption Spectrum of a Monodisperse Ensemble of Gold Nanoislands on Sapphire
Vol 63, No 6 (2018) Nanomaterials and Ceramics Formation of Nanocomposites on the Surface of Silicon Carbide Crystals under Impact of Iron Fluxes
Vol 63, No 6 (2018) Nanomaterials and Ceramics UV-Sensitive Porous ZnO-Based Nanocrystalline Films
Vol 64, No 2 (2019) Surface and Thin Films Effect of the Substrate Surface Charge on Deposited Layers
Vol 64, No 4 (2019) Surface and Thin Films Orientation Effects of Crystal Nanoislands Growing on a Dielectric Surface
Vol 64, No 5 (2019) Surface and Thin Films Comparison of Transmission Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Reflectometry Data in the Study of the Structure of Silicon-Carbon Nanocomposite Films
Vol 64, No 5 (2019) Surface and Thin Films Epitaxial Growth of Nonpolar ZnO Films on Sapphire Substrates with a Terrace-Step Nanorelief
Vol 64, No 5 (2019) Surface and Thin Films Low-Temperature Crystallization of Germanium in the Thin-Film Ge/Al System
Vol 64, No 6 (2019) Surface and Thin Films On the Abnormal Conductivity of the Surface (001) of Alkali Halide Crystals

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