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Vol 63, No 5 (2018)

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Microfluidic Cell for Studying the Precrystallization Stage Structure of Protein Solutions by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering

Popov A.M., Boikova A.S., Volkov V.V., D’yakova Y.A., Il’ina K.B., Konarev P.V., Marchenkova M.A., Peters G.S., Pisarevskii Y.V., Koval’chuk M.V.


A microfluidic cell has been developed for studying the structure of protein solutions using small-angle X-ray scattering. The use of prefabricated elements, which provide a small sample volume, allows one to adjust the microfluidic cell parameters to specific problems. Tests of lysozyme solutions were performed on a laboratory diffractometer AMUR-K (Institute of Crystallography, Russian Academy of Sciences), BM29 beamline (ESRF, Grenoble), and “DICSY” beamline of the Kurchatov synchrotron radiation source (National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”). Experiments showed that, when a 60-μm-thick quartz glass of special purity grade is applied as an X-ray-transparent window, the intrinsic level of cell background scattering in the range of measured angles is lower than that for quartz capillaries, due to which the measurement accuracy can be increased.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):713-718
pages 713-718 views

Fabrication of Multilayer Films on the Basis of Lysozyme Protein and Precipitant (Iodide and Potassium) Ions on a Silicon Substrate by the Modified Langmuir–Schaefer Method

Boikova A.S., D’yakova Y.A., Il’ina K.B., Marchenkova M.A., Seregin A.Y., Prosekov P.A., Volkovsky Y.A., Pisarevsky Y.V., Koval’chuk M.V.


Multilayer structures, consisting of successive lysozyme layers and layers of iodide and potassium ions, have been formed on a silicon substrate by the modified Langmuir–Schaefer method; the use of this technique implies preliminary preparation of a crystallization protein solution containing an oligomeric phase. The multilayer structure has been characterized by methods of X-ray reflectivity and total external reflection X-ray standing waves (TER XSW). The data obtained indicate the formation of a dense lysozyme film (3 nm thick) and layers of potassium and iodide ions, adjacent to this film.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):719-723
pages 719-723 views

Rocking Curve Measurement for Deformed Crystals Using an Adaptive X-Ray Optical Bending Monochromator

Eliovich I.A., Akkuratov V.I., Targonskii A.V., Blagov A.E.


A technique for recording rocking curves using an X-ray optical bending element is proposed to study the changes in the defect structure of single crystals under external impacts. The technique has been approved for a silicon crystal under a uniaxial mechanical load.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):724-728
pages 724-728 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Optimization of the Growth Technology for Crystals with Garnet Structure Based on X-Ray Diffraction Data

Prokhorov I.A., Zakharov B.G., Strelov V.I.


High efficiency of the methods of double-crystal X-ray diffractometry (DCXRD) and topography for improving the growth technology of highly homogeneous crystals has been demonstrated on the example of gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) single crystals. The main types of structural defects observed in Czochralski-grown GGG crystals are found to be macroscopic inhomogeneity of composition distribution, caused by the facet effect manifestation; microinhomogeneous distribution of impurity and main components of the composition in striations; dislocations; and second-phase inclusions. The relationship between the type and density of newly formed defects and the technological conditions for crystal growth are considered. Optimization of the composition of crystals and their growth technology made it possible to obtain high-quality dislocation-free crystals of GGG and complex-substituted garnets on its basis for magneto-optical and microwave devices, elements of solid-state lasers, and other applications.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):729-733
pages 729-733 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of New Indium Iodate (K0.6Na0.4Ba)In[IO3]6

Belokoneva E.L., Karamysheva A.S., Dimitrova O.V., Volkov A.S.


Crystals of new indium iodate (K0.6Na0.4Ba)In[IO3]6 were prepared by the hydrothermal synthesis. The unit-cell parameters are a = 11.3984(3) Å, с = 11.3817(3) Å, sp. gr. R3̅. The chemical formula of the compound was derived from the structure determination and refinement with anisotropic displacement parameters to R = 0.0284. In the structure the InO6 octahedra share vertices with six umbrella-like [IO3]–groups typical of iodates and form isolated 3̅-symmetric charged \(\rm{In[IO_{3}]_6^{3-}}\) clusters. Large Ba, K, and Na cations occupy a common site on a threefold axis due to the isomorphous substitution and compensate the charge of the clusters. The new structure extends the family of the recently discovered alkali-metal and barium iodates containing Ti and Zr atoms in octahedral sites. The iodate K2Ge[IO3]6 containing Ge atoms in the centers of octahedra is the parent compound of this structural family.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):734-737
pages 734-737 views

Novel Polyoxovanadate K2ZnV5O14: Crystal Structure and Peculiarities of Crystal Chemistry

Yakubovich O.V., Dimitrova O.V.


A novel structure type has been established as a result of studying a non-merohedral microtwin of polyoxovanadate (K2ZnV5O14) by X-ray diffractometry (R = 0.0595). The new compound, synthesized under hydrothermal conditions in the ZnCl2–K2CO3–V2O5–H2O system, is characterized as follows: a = 8.066(5) Å, b = 8.117(5) Å, c = 9.236(5) Å, β = 105.287(5)°, sp. P21/m, Z = 2, ρcalcd = 3.54 g/cm3. Edge-shared five-core “clusters” consisting of vanadium octahedra, between which ZnO4 tetrahedra (sharing vertices with octahedra) are located, form two-dimensional two-layer anion packets of the (ZnV5O14)2– composition, alternating along the c axis with layers of potassium atoms. Structural peculiarities determine the morphology and color of new-phase crystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):738-744
pages 738-744 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Low-Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis of the Interface of Multilayer Polymer Composite

Orekhov A.S., Arkharova N.A., Kononova S.V., Klechkovskaya V.V.


The morphology of the layer of polyelectrolyte complex, which is formed in the composite based on chitosan and sulfoethyl cellulose during the contact of a solution of one of them with a gel film of the other one, has been investigated by the low-voltage (≤3 kV) scanning electron microscopy. A technique for eliminating the effects related to charge accumulation on the dielectric film surface is proposed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):745-748
pages 745-748 views

Crystal Structure of Liguzinediol, 2,5-Dimethylol-3,6-dimethylpyrazine

Zhu H., Qian C., Cai J., Shen M., Li W., Liu J., Wang T., Wen H.


The 2,5-dimethylol-3,6-dimethylpyrazine, C8H12N2O2, liguzinediol, has been recently discovered as a potential agent for the treatment of heart failure with low safety risk. The crystal structure of liguzinediol, which has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, is reported for the first time. The liguzinediol crystal may be obtained from 50% ethanol or ethyl acetate. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system with the sp. gr. P21/n and the unit cell parameters a = 4.0560(8) Å, b = 12.280(3) Å, c = 8.5370(17) Å, β = 96.93(3)°, Z = 2. The molecule forms S2-symmetric conformation in the crystal. The hydroxyl H atom forms short intermolecular contacts with the neighbouring pyrazine N atom, which forms the weak hydrogen bonds in the crystal.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):749-752
pages 749-752 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

On DNA Motions under Action of Enzymes of Different Types. I

Pikin S.A., Pikina E.S.


Different types of enzymes in rotational macromolecular motors of living cells are presented based on the data in the literature. Particular attention has been given to the restriction–modification enzymes and helicases, in which conformational changes in sites are physical reasons of linear motions and rotation of DNA molecules (caused by polar forces). It is shown that the structure and functioning of enzymes, similar to those in chiral smectic C-type liquid crystals, can be described within the formalism of generalized forces and currents. These forces include the membrane electrochemical gradient, the velocity of rotor mechanical motion, and the measure of change in free energy in the “fuel” adenosine triphosphate molecule.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):753-760
pages 753-760 views

Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Study of Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase from the Thermophilic Bacterium Thermus thermophilus Strain HB27

Sinitsyna E.V., Timofeev V.I., Zhukhlistova N.E., Muravieva T.I., Kostromina M.A., Esipov R.S., Kuranova I.P.


Recombinant purine nucleoside phosphorylase from the thermophilic Thermus thermophilus strain encoded by the TT_C0194 gene was purified to homogeneity. The crystallization conditions for the enzyme were found by the vapor-diffusion technique. The crystals of the enzyme suitable for X-ray diffraction were grown under microgravity conditions by the capillary counter-diffusion method. The crystals belong to sp. gr. P212121 and have the following unit-cell parameters: a = 89.9 Å, b = 121.0 Å, c = 215.7 Å, α = β = γ = 90°. The X-ray diffraction data set suitable for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of purine nucleoside phosphorylase was collected from the grown crystals at the SPring-8 synchrotron facility to 2.5 Å resolution.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):761-764
pages 761-764 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Long-Term Changes in Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics of CdTe Crystals after Their Exposure to a Weak Pulsed Magnetic Field

Volchkov I.S., Opolchentsev A.M., Pavlyuk M.D., Kanevsky V.M.


Long-term changes in mechanical and electrical properties of p-type CdTe single crystals have been revealed after their exposure to a weak pulsed magnetic field (B = 1 T, ν = 12 Hz, texp = 10 min). A nonmonotonic increase in the hardness of crystals (presence of two peaks) and a nonmonotonic decrease in their specific dark conductivity (three peaks) have been observed. The peaks of changes in mechanical and electrical properties correlate on the time scale. It is shown that the intensity of observed effects depends on the crystal orientation with respect to the direction of magnetic induction vector B. In particular, the observed changes in properties for B || 〈111〉 are twice as large as those for B || 〈110〉. Possible mechanisms of the observed effect are discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):765-768
pages 765-768 views

Increase in the Fluorine-Ion Conductivity of Single Crystals of Tysonite-type CeF3 Superionic Conductor by Substituting Polarized Cd2+ Ions for Ce3+ Ions

Sorokin N.I., Karimov D.N., Sobolev B.P.


The fluorine-ion conductivity of single crystals with a tysonite (LaF3) structure with heterovalent isomorphic substitutions of highly polarizable Cd2+ cations with a 18-electron shell for rare earth ions Ce3+ have been studied for the first time. Ce0.995Cd0.005F2.995 single crystals have been grown from melt by the Bridgman technique in a fluorinating atmosphere. The fluorine-ion conductivity of single crystal is measured by impedance spectroscopy in the temperature range from 153 to 1073 K, where it increases by a factor of 109, approaching the value σdc = 5 × 10–2 S/cm at 1073 K. At T0 = 450 ± 20 K, the dependence σdc(T) is split into two portions with the ion-transport activation enthalpy ΔHσ = 0.39 ± 0.01 eV (T < T0) and ΔHσ = 0.23 ± 0.02 eV (T > T0). It is found that at T = 293 K the conductivity σdc = 3 × 10–5 S/cm of Ce0.995Cd0.005F2.995 crystal is higher by a factor of 10 than the conductivity of the tysonite matrix CeF3 and close to the σdc value for Ce0.995Sr0.005F2.995 crystal. This finding indicates a significant effect of the substitutions of Cd2+ ions for Ce3+ on the σdc value and the advantage of Cd2+ ions over Ca2+ and Ba2+ from the viewpoint of increasing σdc.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):769-773
pages 769-773 views

Synthesis of Nonstoichiometric Samarium Fluoride SmF2 + x

Sobolev B.P., Buchinskaya I.I., Karimov D.N., Ivanova A.G., Zykova M.P.


The products of interaction of SmF3 with metallic Sm0, Si, and molecular hydrogen in quartz, graphite, and molybdenum containers have been investigated by X-ray diffraction. It is shown that reduction occurs with the formation of nonstoichiometric cubic SmF2 + x (sp. gr. Fmm, unit-cell parameter a = 5.8517(2) Å) with a content x = 0.108 only in the case of synthesis of SmF3 with metallic Sm0 in a quartz ampoule. The transformation of the SmF2 + x phase composition in air at room temperature has been studied for the first time. It is found that SmF2.108 passes into the superstructural phase Sm13F32–δ (sp. gr. R3̅) with the unit-cell parameters a = 14.7354(4) Å and c = 10.1156(4) Å for 60 days. The use of Sm0, Si, and H2 as reducing agents for SmF3 is inefficient because of the weak tendency of the latter to reduction: the process occurs also with a low yield of the Sm13F32–δ phase and of the α-SmF3-based phase as impurity in the case of direct reduction by hydrogen.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):774-779
pages 774-779 views

Ionic Conductivity of KTiOPO4 Single Crystals Grown by Flux Crystallization under Different Conditions

Sorokin N.I., Shaldin Y.V.


The ionic conductivity of three KTiOPO4 crystals grown from high-temperature solution–melts in combination with the Czochralski technique under different conditions has been investigated. The first crystal was obtained at a cooling rate Vg = 0.2–0.5 mm/day and a ratio of potassium and phosphorus concentrations in the solution–melt [K]/[P] = 2. The other two crystals were grown at a much higher velocity (Vg = 3–7 mm/day) from solution–melts with [K]/[P] = 1.5 and 1. It is shown that the crystal grown upon slow cooling at [K]/[P] = 2 has the lowest ionic conductivity: σ||c = 1.0 × 10–5 and 3 × 10–11 S/cm at 573 and 293 K, respectively.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):780-783
pages 780-783 views

Surface and Thin Films

Scanning Capacitance Microscopy of Triglycine Sulfate Crystals with the Profile Chromium Distribution

Gainutdinov R.V., Tolstikhina A.L., Belugina N.V., Roshchin B.S., Zolotov D.A., Asadchikov V.E., Shut V.N., Kashevich I.F., Mozzharov S.E.


The spatial capacitance distribution, domain wall configuration, and impurity composition of triglycine sulfate TGS–TGS + Cr crystals with a growth periodic impurity structure have been investigated using scanning capacitance microscopy and X-ray fluorescence and topography. The chromium ion concentration in the strips emerging to the surface has been determined, and the periodic impurity distribution has been established. The difference between the chromium concentrations in nominally pure and impurity strips was found to be ~0.08 wt %, which is reflected in a variation in the capacitance image contrast by 0.17%. It is shown that capacitance images carry information about localization of the impurity gradient regions and domain walls and make it possible to establish a correlation between the defect and domain structures of a ferroelectric crystal.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):784-790
pages 784-790 views

Features of Wavelet Analysis in X-Ray Reflectometry of Thin Films

Astaf’ev S.B., Yanusova L.G.


Specific features of the use of wavelet transform for estimating the thickness of layers and their order in a film density profile based on X-ray and synchrotron reflectometry data are considered. Some ways are proposed to reveal the characteristic features of Langmuir film packing by constructing a wavelet transform for the corresponding reflectograms. Dependences of the X-ray attenuation length on the grazing incidence angle are plotted by an example of multilayered box model of film profile; these dependences demonstrate possibilities of mapping the spatial signal delay (which occurs when rays are reflected from layers of different density) in a waveletgram.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):791-795
pages 791-795 views

Structure of Diamond-Like Silicon–Carbon Films Alloyed by Vanadium

Zhigalina O.M., Khmelenin D.N., Pimenov S.M., Shupegin M.L., Dyachkova I.G., Asadchikov V.E.


The structure of diamond-like silicon–carbon films formed on silicon substrates by magnetron and plasmatron codeposition using a closed-field magnetron and a plasmatron activated by tungsten cathode has been studied by transmission electron microscopy. The main feature of the films alloyed by vanadium to concentrations of 12–31 at % was found to be a layered structure of the film cross section. It was established that vanadium alloying leads to the formation of vanadium carbide (VC) nanocrystals; the nanocrystal size increases from 1–2 to 10 nm. At the maximum vanadium content, VC nanocrystals have an anisotropic shape: they are extended in the direction perpendicular to the film–substrate interface.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):796-801
pages 796-801 views

The Photorefractive and Photovoltaic Properties of a Composite Based on Ferroelectric Polymer Doped with Carbon Nanotubes

Verkhovskaya K.A., Chumakova S.P., Savelev V.V., Krivenko T.V.


The photorefractive effect is obtained in a composite of a ferroelectric polymer (polyvinylidene fluoride with trifluoroethylene (P(VDF/TrFE)) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), which serve simultaneously as non-linear optical chromophores and spectral sensitizers to a 1064-nm laser beam. It is established that the presence of internal field in the ferroelectric makes it possible to measure the photorefractive effect in the absence of applied external field. Undoped films of VDF/TrFE copolymer are not photosensitive and do not exhibit the bulk photovoltaic effect (BPE). BPE is observed (along with the photosensitivity) in polarized samples, when carbon nanotubes are introduced into the copolymer.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):802-805
pages 802-805 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Proton-Conducting Composites Based on the Cs4(HSO4)3(H2PO4) Compound

Komornikov V.A., Grechikhina A.M., Grebenev V.V., Timakov I.S., Zajnullin O.B., Zinoviev V.G.


Proton-conducting composites xCs4(HSO4)3(H2PO4) + (1–x)AlPO4 in the composition range x = 0.9–0.5 have been obtained. Their transport properties are studied by impedance spectroscopy. The dependences of the phase composition of the materials on the component ratio are investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis. The spatial phase distribution in the materials is analyzed using scanning electron microscopy.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):806-811
pages 806-811 views

Plasmonic Features in the Absorption Spectrum of a Monodisperse Ensemble of Gold Nanoislands on Sapphire

Konovko A.A., Nabatov B.V., Muslimov A.E., Kekkonen E.A., Andreev A.V., Kanevsky V.M.


Plasmonic features in the absorption spectrum of a monodisperse ensemble of gold nanoislands on a sapphire substrate are considered. An explanation of the long-wavelength and UV bands in the absorption spectrum of the sample is proposed. The long-wavelength feature is interpreted as a consequence of surface plasmon polariton excitation under coherent scattering from a regular lattice of gold particles on sapphire, and the short-wavelength feature is considered to be a plasmon resonance, localized on individual gold nanoparticles.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):812-814
pages 812-814 views

Structure of One-Dimensional Rubidium and Silver Iodide Crystals in the Channels of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Zhigalina V.G., Kumskov A.S., Vasiliev A.L., Falaleev N.S., Verbitskiy I.I., Presniakov M.Y.


The structures of one-dimensional (1D) RbI, AgI, and RbAg4I5 crystals inside single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) channels of 1D crystal@SWCNT nanocomposites formed by the capillary technique have been studied by high-resolution (scanning) transmission electron microscopy and computer modeling. 1D RbI crystals form a cubic lattice in a limited space, while 1D AgI crystals form a hexagonal lattice, as in their ternary compounds. The 1D RbAg4I5 structure differs from known bulk analogs and can be described by a distorted cubic lattice formed in two different directions.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):815-818
pages 815-818 views

Crystal Growth

Growth from Solutions, Structure, and Photoluminescence of Single-Crystal Plates of p-Terphenyl and Its Trimethylsilyl Derivative

Postnikov V.A., Sorokina N.I., Alekseeva O.A., Kulishov A.A., Sokolnikov R.I., Lyasnikova M.S., Grebenev V.V., Borshchev O.V., Skorotecky M.S., Surin N.M., Svidchenko E.A., Ponomarenko S.A., Voloshin A.E.


Samples of single-crystal plates of p-terphenyl (3Р) and its derivative with terminal substituents–Si(CH3)3 (TMS-3P-TMS), up to 25–30 mm in size and 400 μm thick, have been obtained for the first time by the solvent–antisolvent growth method. The crystal structure at temperatures of 293 and 85 K is refined for 3Р and solved (for the first time) for TMS-3P-TMS using X-ray diffraction. The habit of crystals and their surface morphology are investigated by methods of optical and laser confocal microscopy. The influence of substituent terminal groups -Si(CH3)3 on the growth and structure of TMS-3P-TMS crystals is analyzed based on experimental data. The optical absorption and photoluminescence spectra of solutions and crystalline samples are investigated.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):819-831
pages 819-831 views

Some Aspects of Interactions in the Mo–W–Al2O3–H2 System: Formation of Polyoxides

Kostomarov D.V., Fedorov V.A., Antonov E.V.


The possibility of formation of molybdenum and tungsten polyoxides in the Mo–W–Al2O3–H2 system at T = 2400 K and P = 1 bar in a controlled Ar + H2 atmosphere has been investigated by the method of thermodynamic analysis. The formation of polyoxides is found to occur both due to the processes involving Al2O3 melt and in the absence of the latter. It is established that metals (Mo and W) and their mono-, di-, and even trioxides (in the latter case, mediated polymerization occurs) can be used as initial components to form polyoxides. It is shown that polyoxides themselves may interact with one of their main sources: Al2O3 melt.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):832-836
pages 832-836 views

Morphological Stability of the Solid–Liquid Interface during Melt Crystallization of Ca1–xSrxF2 Solid Solution

Fedorov P.P., Ushakov S.N., Uslamina M.A., Chernova E.V., Kuznetsov S.V., Voronov V.V., Düvel A., Heitjans P., Pynenkov A.A., Nishchev K.N., Osiko V.V.


Proceeding from the phase diagram of the CaF2–SrF2 system, the stability of crystal–melt interface of solid solution against constitutional supercooling has been calculated. When comparing the stability function F(x) calculated curve with the results of single crystals growing by the Bridgman method, the interdiffusion coefficient of cations in melt was estimated to be D > 2.4 × 10–4 cm2/s.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):837-843
pages 837-843 views

On a Technique of Studying the Interface Kinetics and Anisotropy of Specific Interfacial Energy Based on Experiments on Migration of Liquid Cylindrical Inclusions in a Crystal under Stationary Thermal Conditions

Garmashov S.I.


A method for processing experimental data on the migration of liquid cylindrical inclusions in a crystal under a temperature gradient has been considered on the assumption that the experimental thermal conditions are stationary. Formulas are derived to calculate the degree of interfacial energy anisotropy and relative hindrance of the crystallization and dissolution processes at atomically smooth interface areas based on the shapes of cross sections of cylindrical inclusions migrated perpendicular to the close-packed crystal planes.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):844-848
pages 844-848 views

Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences

Study of the Ancient Crimean Ceramics by Electron Microscopy Methods

Mandrykina A.V., Khmelenin D.N., Kolobylina N.N., Vasil’ev A.L., Smekalova T.N., Fedoseev N.F., Tereschenko E.Y., Alekseeva O.A., Yatsishina E.B.


Fragments of ancient amphorae and tiles dated to the IVth to IInd centuries BC, which were found on the Crimean peninsula, have been investigated by methods of scanning and transmission/scanning electron microscopy, combined with energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. The revealed differences in the compositions of the clay core and inclusions (leaners) are associated with the differences in the periods of time when items were made and the sites of their origin.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):849-858
pages 849-858 views

Chemical Composition of Glass and Traditions of Enamellers in Eastern Europe in the Late Roman Period (a Case Study of the Bryansk Hoard)

Rumyantseva O.S., Trifonov A.A., Khanin D.A.


The chemical composition of Bryansk hoard enamels (late II‒III century) has been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and electron probe microanalysis. Raw materials and technological additives are characterized, and the sources of manufacturing traditions are revealed. The differences in the compositions of enamels of different colors have made it possible to reconstruct some procedures of enameling objects with polychrome fields.

Crystallography Reports. 2018;63(5):859-864
pages 859-864 views

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