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Vol 64, No 5 (2019)


Crystallographic Approach to the [2 + 2] Photocycloaddition Topochemical Reactions of Unsaturated Compounds with Single Crystal Retention

Kuz’mina L.G., Vedernikov A.I., Gromov S.P., Alfimov M.V.


Based on the results of authors' studies, an approach to the analysis of [2 + 2] photocycloaddition (PCA) topochemical reactions of unsaturated compounds, occurring in a single crystal with either its retention or decomposition under exposure to visible light, has been developed. The main crystal packings, favorable for photoreaction in crystal, are revealed. Conditions for PCA reaction with single crystal retention are established. The factors increasing the probability of implementing crystal packing motifs that are favorable for this reaction (by chemical modification of structural units) are analyzed. The fact of extraordinary implementation of both direct and back (under UV irradiation) photoreactions in the same single crystal is explained.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):691-712
pages 691-712 views

Crystal Chemistry

The Yttrium, Lanthanum, and Lanthanide Trifluorides: Internal Periodicity of Phase Transitions

Sobolev B.P.


Internal periodicity of phase transitions (fusion and polymorphism) has been revealed in trifluorides of Y, La, and 14 lanthanides. This periodicity is determined by the internal periodicity of filling of the 4f-electron subshell of rare-earth elements (REEs, R), in which cerium 58Се–64Gd and terbium 65Тb–71Lu subsets can be selected. The lanthanide compression of ionic radii R3+ (15% towards the smaller one) induces the formation of three structure types: LaF3, β-YF3, and α-YF3 (α-UO3). The formula volumes Vform of REE trifluorides of the LaF3 and β-YF3 structure types only partially obey the internal periodicity of lanthanides with an increase in Z. The internal periodicity of the fusion and polymorphism of REE trifluorides (without ScF3) divides RF3 into four structural subgroups: A (R = La–Nd), B (R = Pm–Gd), C (R = Tb–Ho), and D (R = Er–Lu, Y), strictly specifying the percentage and elemental composition of each subgroup. The periodicity of the RF3 polymorphism in the products manifests itself in the crystallization of the melts prone to supercooling in the form of a periodic change of single crystals with coarse- or fine-grained blocks of the low-temperature forms.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):713-723
pages 713-723 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Orientation Relationships and Lattice Misfit between a Nb Matrix and γ-Silicide in a Nb–Si Composite

Zavodov A.V., Zaytsev D.V., Kuzmina N.A., Svetlov I.L.


Orientation relationships {110}Nb||{100}γ and 〈111〉Nb||〈001〉γ between the crystal lattices of the Nb solid solution and particles of γ-silicide Nb5Si3 were determined by transmission electron microscopy. The following two types of matching planes were found: {110}Nb||{100}γ and {111}Nb||{001}γ. The former planes form steps at an angle of 120°. The correctness of the calculated orientation relationships was confirmed and these relationships were compared with experimental electron diffraction patterns using methods of mathematical modeling, which enable one to obtain superimposed electron diffraction patterns of several phases and tilt the model crystal. An interface model in two sections was constructed. The morphology of the interface between the particle and the matrix was explained in terms of structural features. The lattice misfit between the matrix and γ-silicide was calculated.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):724-730
pages 724-730 views

Electrochemical Emission during Discontinuous Creep of Aluminum‒Magnesium Alloy

Shibkov A.A., Denisov A.A., Gasanov M.F., Zolotov A.E., Zheltov M.A.


It is experimentally established that the discontinuous creep of aluminum‒magnesium alloy AlMg6, deformed in an aqueous medium, is accompanied by discrete electrochemical emission: jumps of the sample electrode potential, which arise simultaneously with stress drops during the development of macroscopic step on the creep curve. It has been found (with the aid of high-speed video recording) that the electrode potential jump occurs simultaneously with nucleation and initial fast stage of deformation band widening. A possible mechanism of the occurrence of electrode potential jumps in an aluminum alloy under discontinuous creep conditions is discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):731-736
pages 731-736 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Jahn–Teller Lattice Distortions and Asymmetric Electron Density Distribution in the Structure of TmB12 Dodecaboride in the Temperature Range of 85–293 K

Dudka A.P., Khrykina O.N., Bolotina N.B., Shitsevalova N.Y.


The structure of single-crystal dodecaboride TmB12, which possess metallic properties, has been studied by X-ray diffraction at nine temperatures in the range of 85–293 K. Jahn–Teller distortions of the cubic lattice are revealed. They are found to cause an asymmetric electron density distribution in crystal. Static components of atomic displacements are selected, and characteristic Einstein and Debye temperatures are determined for thulium and boron atoms, respectively. Temperature dependences of interatomic distances are obtained. The problem of localizing conduction electrons by means of X-ray diffraction analysis is stated.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):737-742
pages 737-742 views

On the Method of Constructing the Radial Distribution Function in the Structure of Amorphous Materials on the Basis of Diffraction Data

Vasin O.I., Kuligin A.K., Novikova V.V., Avilov A.S.


The method of constructing the radial distribution function, proposed by the authors previously, has been developed. The method includes calculation of the normalization factor and subtraction of the background caused by incoherent scattering in the amorphous material. Software is developed based on the proposed algorithms. The reported technique for processing the angular dependence of the scattered radiation intensity is approved on well-studied amorphous germanium and tungsten trioxide WO3. This technique makes it possible to perform a reliable (accurate to few percent) normalization of intensity and determine the coordination number n1 for an arbitrarily specified density of material, independent of the shape of the first coordination peak. In sum, a universal software tool has been elaborated, which makes it possible to investigate the structure of amorphous and polycrystalline inorganic materials by constructing the radial distribution functions, using diffraction of radiation of any type in these materials. All calculations are performed in the automatic mode.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):743-749
pages 743-749 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Three-Dimensional Structure of a Mutant of Carboxypeptidase T from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris Bearing an Implanted S1' Subsite of Pancreatic Carboxypeptidase B Complexed with a Product Analog

Akparov V.K., Timofeev V.I., Korzhenevskiy D.A., Kuranova I.P., Rakitina T.V.


A mutant of bacterial carboxypeptidase T from Thermoactinomyces vulgaris (CPT5) with amino-acid substitutions in the S1' specificity pocket of the active site for the residues corresponding to the S1' region of pancreatic carboxypeptidase B (Gly215Ser, Ala251Gly, Thr257Ala, Asp260Gly, Thr262Asp) was crystallized in complex with N-BOC-L-Leu. The latter occupies the S1 subsite of the active site and is a reaction product analog. The X-ray diffraction data set was collected from a crystal of CPT5 at the SPring 8 synchrotron facility. The three-dimensional structure of CPT5 was determined at 1.40 Å resolution and refined to Rfact = 13.6%, Rfree = 12.5%. The binding of N-BOC-L-Leu to the S1 subsite of CPT5 leads to conformational changes in the protein concerning primarily the Сα atoms of five residues of the flexible loop at the interface between the S1 and S1' subsites and the side chains of the residues Tyr255 and Leu254 involved in the induced fit. Besides, conformational changes are observed in the active-site residues Glu277 and Asp262 and the side chains of residues located on the surface of the protein molecule. The observed changes differ from the conformational changes, which occur upon binding of N-BOC-L-Leu to wild-type CPT. This fact is indicative of the mutual influence of the S1 and S1' subsites in metallocarboxypeptidase T.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):750-757
pages 750-757 views

Molecular Dynamics Study of Binding of Substrates Bearing Two Positively Charged Residues to Oligopeptidase B from Serratia proteamaculans

Agapova Y.K., Talyzina A.A., Zeifman Y.S., Fateeva T.V., Timofeev V.I., Mikhailova A.G., Rakitina T.V.


The behavior of the peptide substrates GlyArgArgGly and GlyLysArgGly, which contain arginine or lysine at the Р2 position, in the active site of oligopeptidase В from the gamma-proteobacterium Serratia proteamaculans was studied by molecular dynamics simulations. The nature of the residue at the Р2 position was shown not only to influence the position of this residue and its contacts with the amino-acid environment in the substrate-binding pocket but also to affect the conformational dynamics of the entire peptide. Only the residue at the Р1 position forms persistent contacts with the S1-substrate-binding site of the enzyme, whereas contacts of the residue at the Р2 position may vary depending on its nature. Molecular dynamics simulations are shown to complement and improve the knowledge extracted from X-ray diffraction studies that enable the determination of the three-dimensional structures of molecules in one of numerous alternative conformations.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):758-764
pages 758-764 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Tetragonal Silicate Ca2Ga2SiO7: A New SRS-Active Crystal

Kaminskii A.A.


Data on a new SRS-active Ca2Ga2SiO7 crystal, its Stokes and anti-Stokes χ(3)-nonlinear lasing in the visible region, and prospects of its use in self-SRS laser converters are reported.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):765-767
pages 765-767 views

Optimization of the Compositions of Solid Electrolytes Cd1 – xRxF2 + x (R = La–Lu, Y) with a Fluorite-Type Structure for Conductivity and Thermal Stability

Sorokin N.I., Sobolev B.P.


Optimization of the compositions of Cd1–xRxF2+x nonstoichiometric phases (CaF2 type, R is a rare-earth element) for the ionic conductivity and thermal stability is based on the temperature measurements of the electrical conductivity of single crystals depending on the R3+ ionic radii and RF3 content and on the investigation of phase diagrams of the CdF2RF3 systems. It is shown that the conductivity of 20 compositions out of 30 studied Cd1–xRxF2+x crystals exceeds the conditional limit σ500K = 10–5 S/cm, below which the use of solid electrolytes in electrochemical devices is believed to be undesirable because of low conductivity. The maximum conductivities σ500K = (3.0–3.2) × 10–4 S/cm and σ293K = (1.5–2.3) × 10–8 S/cm are observed for solid electrolytes with R = Ho, Er, Tm, or Yb and x = 0.22–0.27.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):768-773
pages 768-773 views

Peculiarities of the Dielectric Spectra of Triglycine Sulfate Crystals with a Profile Distribution of Chromium

Ivanova E.S., Ovchinnikova G.I., Eremeev A.P., Grebenev V.V., Belugina N.V., Tolstikhina A.L.


The temperature evolution of the dielectric spectra of TGS–TGS + Cr crystals (TGS stands for triglycine sulfate) with a periodic distribution of chromium impurity (Cr3+) has been studied in comparison with nominally pure TGS crystals in the frequency range from 10 to 107 Hz upon heating and cooling. It is shown that impurity crystals are characterized by the absence of dielectric dispersion in both measurement modes. An approach is proposed to explain the peculiarities of the dielectric dispersion of crystals with a periodic distribution of chromium impurity from the standpoint of mobile activity of certain elements of the TGS crystal structure.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):774-779
pages 774-779 views

Diffraction Efficiency of Mixed Transmission Holograms in a Photorefractive Optically Active Bi12TiO20 Piezoelectric Crystal of Arbitrary Cut

Makarevich A.V., Shepelevich V.V., Navnyko V.N., Amanova M.A., Shandarov S.M.


The process of reading mixed transmission holograms formed in a photorefractive Bi12TiO20 piezoelectric crystal (sillenite family) of arbitrary cut has been theoretically optimized. The optimal crystal cuts, which provide the highest diffraction efficiency of holograms, are determined. The results of the theoretical analysis are based on the previously obtained experimental data; they are in agreement with the crystal point symmetry group and may serve as the basis for increasing the efficiency of dynamic holography devices with Bi12TiO20 crystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):780-786
pages 780-786 views

On Isotropic Points in Potassium Ammonium Sulphate Crystals

Stadnyk V.Y., Shchepanskyi P.A., Brezvin R.S., Rudysh M.Y., Kohut Z.A., Onufriv O.R., Kost Y.P.


An effect of uniaxial pressure on the spectral and temperature dependences of birefringence of K1.75[NH4]0.25SO4 single crystals has been studied. Different changes in the birefringence are found for different compression directions. The possibility of the occurrence of isotropic points in the crystal under uniaxial compression is discussed. A decrease in the birefringence under crystal heating is established, and the positions of two isotropic points in the range of 290–630 K are determined. The partial isomorphic substitution of NH4 ions for K ions was found to result in a shift of isotropic points to lower temperatures.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):787-792
pages 787-792 views

Surface and Thin Films

Comparison of Transmission Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Reflectometry Data in the Study of the Structure of Silicon-Carbon Nanocomposite Films

Asadchikov V.E., Volkov Y.O., Dyachkova I.G., Zhigalina O.M., Kanevsky V.M., Muslimov A.E., Nuzhdin A.D., Pimenov S.M., Roshchin B.S., Rusakov A.A., Khmelenin D.N., Shahbazov S.Y., Shupegin M.L.


Vanadium-doped diamond-like silicon-carbon films have been studied by X-ray reflectometry and transmission electron microscopy. A comparison of the data obtained has shown that the layered structure of the films is retained over an area of about 100 mm2 at a total film thickness of 3–4 µm and layer thicknesses of 10–40 nm. The film surface has been examined by semi-contact probe microscopy. It is demonstrated that the root-mean-square roughness decreases by an order of magnitude (from 2.0 to 0.2 nm) with an increase in the vanadium content in the film from 12 to 17 at %.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):793-797
pages 793-797 views

Electron Microscopy of the Surface of Dental Implants and Metal-Containing Nanoparticles Obtained in Supernatants

Zhigalina O.M., Khmelenin D.N., Labis V.V., Bazikyan E.A., Sizova S.V., Khaidukov S.V., Asadchikov V.E., Buzmakov A.V., Krivonosov Y.S., Zolotov D.A., Kozlov I.G.


The surface of two dental implant systems, “Nobel Biocare” and “Alpha BiO”, and metal-containing nanoparticles, isolated from the tissues surrounding dental implants, has been investigated. The implant surface structure, the elemental and phase composition of particles, and their arrangement in the granulation tissue have been studied by X-ray tomography, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, z-contrast scanning transmission microscopy, electron diffraction, and energy-dispersive mapping, using microscopes Quanta 200-3D, FEI Тechnai Osiris at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV, and an X-ray microtomograph TOMAC. An analysis of the relief indicates that the emission of nanoparticles from the “Alpha BiO” implant surface to the adjacent tissues is more likely than from the “Nobel Biocare” implant surface. The particles of micrometer and submicrometer sizes of “Nobel Biocare” implants are found to consist mainly of titanium dioxide of both modifications, rutile and anatase, whereas in the case of “Alpha BiO” implants, along with titanium dioxide and titanium nitride, there are aluminum oxides in the particle composition. The elemental composition of nanoparticles is more diverse; it includes Fe, Ca, Na, Cl, S, Si, P, etc. It is revealed that microbial contamination does not always play the leading role in the suppression of previously obtained osteointegration.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):798-805
pages 798-805 views

Epitaxial Growth of Nonpolar ZnO Films on Sapphire Substrates with a Terrace-Step Nanorelief

Muslimov A.E., Ismailov A.M., Babaev V.A., Kanevsky V.M.


The processes of fabrication of nonpolar (11\(\bar {2}\)0) ZnO films with a thickness of up to 7.25 µm on (1\(\bar {1}\)02) sapphire (Al2O3) substrates with a terrace-step surface nanostructure by magnetron sputtering at a growth rate of up to 4.5 nm/s has been studied. The effect of steps in the initial growth stages has been found, which leads to the formation of isolated ZnO nanostructures decorating the steps. In all next growth stages, a continuous (11\(\bar {2}\)0) epitaxial ZnO film with the longitudinal [0001] axis of crystallites, oriented parallel to the step edge on the sapphire surface has been observed. It is established that the interplanar spacing in the ZnO films in the [11\(\bar {2}\)0] direction, determined from the X-ray diffraction data, depends on the thickness and deposition rate and approaches the value of X-ray diffraction references for ZnO with an increase in thickness to 7.25 µm and a decrease in the growth rate to 2.1–2.3 nm/s.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):806-811
pages 806-811 views

Low-Temperature Crystallization of Germanium in the Thin-Film Ge/Al System

Beltiukov A.N., Volkov V.A., Chukavin A.I., Valeev R.G., Muslimov A.E., Kanevsky V.M.


The crystallization of thin germanium films during vacuum thermal deposition on an aluminum surface has been investigated. Significant changes in the morphology and crystal structure of films in dependence of the formation temperature are demonstrated using atomic force microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The temperature ranges for growth of amorphous and polycrystalline germanium films are determined. It is shown that the decrease in the germanium crystallization temperature to 300°С is caused by the size effect and is explained within the metal-induced crystallization model.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):812-816
pages 812-816 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Electron Emission Properties of Self-Assembling Nanodiamond‒Polymer Nanocomposite Coatings

Lebedev-Stepanov P.V., Dideykin A.T., Chvalun S.N., Vasiliev A.L., Grigoryev T.E., Korovin A.N., Belousov S.I., Molchanov S.P., Yurasik G.A., Vul’ A.Y.


The formation of thin-film coatings from detonation nanodiamond (DND) suspensions on atomically ordered conducting Ni–W substrates by self-assembly in an evaporating aqueous solution using the spin coating technique has been investigated. It is shown that, in the absence of a polymer matrix, the DND distribution over the substrate is nonuniform and the adhesion to the substrate is weak, which prevents obtaining a uniform and stable emission current. The use of DND–water-soluble polymer (chitosan and carrageenan polysaccharides, polyacrylic acid, and sulfonated polyaniline (SPANI)) coatings makes it possible to enhance the film adhesion to the substrate and provide a disaggregated state of nanocrystallites. The DND–SPANI coatings have demonstrated the best emission characteristics. Based on the analysis of the emission characteristics, a new model of emission center in the DND–polymer–substrate system has been proposed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):817-822
pages 817-822 views

Photoinduced Modulation of the Emission from СdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots by Photochromic Transformations of Diarylethenes

Barachevsky V.A., Kobeleva O.I., Venidiktova O.V., Ayt A.O., Vasilyuk G.T., Maskevich S.A., Krayushkin M.M.


A spectral study of the interaction between the molecules of photochromic compounds of the diarylethene class and CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs), in dependence of the structure and nature of functional substituents of photochromes, has been performed. It is shown that both chemical and physical interactions are accompanied by photoinduced modulation of QD emission as a result of photochromic transformations of diarylethenes caused by the inductive transfer of excitation energy from QDs to the diarylethene cyclic isomer.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):823-827
pages 823-827 views

Crystal Growth

Study of the Radial Heterogeneity and Mosaic Microheterogeneity in KCNSH Mixed Crystals

Vasilyeva N.A., Rudneva E.B., Manomenova V.L., Grigoriev Y.V., Masalov V.M., Zhokhov A.A., Emelchenko G.A., Voloshin A.E.


Mixed crystals of potassium‒cobalt sulfate hexahydrate/potassium‒nickel sulfate hexahydrate (K2Co(SO4)2 · 6H2O/K2Ni(SO4)2 · 6H2O (KCNSH)) have been grown from a solution with an isomorphic-component ratio of KCSH : KNSH = 1 : 2. The presence of mosaic microheterogeneity in KCNSH crystals at a level of ∼2 at % is confirmed, and its dependence on supercooling is studied. The radial heterogeneity of KCNSH crystals is investigated as a function of the growth direction and rate. The heterogeneity of Co concentration in different samples is shown to vary from 0.2 to 0.8 wt %.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):828-833
pages 828-833 views

Growth and Some Physical Properties of Congruently Melting Fluorite Solid Solutions Crystals in the CaF2–SrF2RF3 (R = La, Ce) Systems

Karimov D.N., Buchinskaya I.I., Sorokin N.I., Glushkova T.M., Chernov S.P., Popov P.A.


Congruently melting Ca0.77Sr0.07La0.16F2.16 and Ca0.70Sr0.11Ce0.19F2.19 fluorite solid solutions crystals in the CaF2–SrF2RF3 (R = La, Ce) systems have been grown from melt by the Bridgman technique in a fluorinating atmosphere. Their optical, mechanical, electrophysical, and thermophysical characteristics have been studied. The crystals are transparent in a wide spectral range; their refractive indices are nD = 1.468 (R = La) and 1.479 (R = Ce), and their microhardness (НV ∼ 5.0 GPa) and ionic conductivity (σ ∼ 3 × 10–3 S/cm at 823 K) exceed significantly the corresponding values for CaF2 and SrF2 crystals. The materials under study are promising isomorphic-capacious crystalline matrices for various applications in photonics and solid-state ionics.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):834-840
pages 834-840 views

Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences

The Investigation of the Medieval Russian Bronze Reliquary Cross Pendant Using a Complex of Nondestructive Methods

Kovalenko E.S., Podurets K.M., Greshnikov E.A., Zaytseva I.Y., Agafonov S.S., Somenkov V.A., Kolobylina N.N., Kaloyan A.A., Govor L.I., Kurkin V.A., Yatsishina Y.B.


The medieval Russian bronze reliquary cross pendant was investigated using a complex of nondestructive methods in order to determine the degree its integrity and identify the material filling its internal cavity. The metal composition is established. It is found that the cross material was subjected to spatially inhomogeneous corrosion and that the cavity is filled with soil. It is shown that application of complementary nondestructive methods provides the most reliable information on historical heritage objects.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(5):841-846
pages 841-846 views

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