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Vol 62, No 1 (2017)

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Mechanisms of relaxation of internal elastic stress arising during the reverse α → γ transformation upon slow heating of Fe–32 at % Ni alloy

Zemtsova N.D.


The evolution of structural-phase states during the α → γ transformation upon slow heating of metastable Fe–32 at % Ni alloy has been studied. Experimental evidences in favor of the mechanism of dynamic γ → α → γ transformations as plastic relaxation of internal elastic stress, providing lattice reorientation and leading to the formation of a fine-grained structure, are found.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):97-106
pages 97-106 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Electrostatic model of the LiТаO3 ferroelectric

Yatsenko A.V.


Possible combinations of the electronic polarizability tensor components for oxygen and tantalum ions have been established based on the analysis of the refraction coefficients of LiТаO3 crystal in the far-IR region. The local electric field on structurally nonequivalent ions in the LiТаO3 unit cell was calculated within the modified point-multipole model. A combination of the electronic polarizability tensor components for oxygen and tantalum ions and their effective charges is established, which provides a good correspondence of the calculation results with the experimental data on LiТаO3 crystals obtained by 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance and 181Та nuclear quadrupole resonance and with the known value of the crystal spontaneous polarization.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):118-122
pages 118-122 views

On the piezoelectric properties of multiferroic nanofilms with allowance for the flexoelectric effect on morphotropic phase boundary

Pikin S.A.


The minimum size (nanoscale) of various phases occurring on the morphotropic phase boundary is determined based on the dislocation theory. It is shown that the flexoelectric effect is strong on this boundary, which explains the anomalous piezoelectric properties of nanoscale epitaxial structures, regardless of the type of crystal material. The debated question of the value of piezoelectric coefficients in favor of classical estimate is considered on the basis of dimensional relations and experimental data.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):107-112
pages 107-112 views

State switching kinetics for quasi-one-dimensional nanosystems: Effects of Finite length and irradiation

Petukhov B.V.


The state switching in an extended quasi-one-dimensional material is modeled by the stochastic formation of local new-state nuclei and their subsequent growth along the system axis. An analytical approach is developed to describe the influence of defects, dividing a sample into an ensemble of finite-length segments, on its state switching kinetics. As applied to magnetic systems, the method makes it possible to calculate magnetization curves for different defect concentrations and parameters of material.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):113-117
pages 113-117 views


Inelastic X-ray scattering with very high resolution at the ESRF

Krisch M., Sette F.


The investigation of phonon dispersion in crystalline materials and collective atom motions in disordered matter such as liquids and glasses by inelastic X-ray scattering has attracted a diversified user community with the advent of 3rd generation synchrotron sources. The present article provides a short historical account of the research field and discusses selected highlights of research performed on the ESRF inelastic scattering beamlines ID16 and ID28 in the past ten years.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):1-12
pages 1-12 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Temporal structure of X-ray pulses

Nosik V.L.


The propagation of wave packets in media with polarizability frequency dispersion is analyzed based on asymptotic expansions.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):13-19
pages 13-19 views

The possibility of identifying the spatial location of single dislocations by topo-tomography on laboratory setups

Zolotov D.A., Buzmakov A.V., Elfimov D.A., Asadchikov V.E., Chukhovskii F.N.


The spatial arrangement of single linear defects in a Si single crystal (input surface {111}) has been investigated by X-ray topo-tomography using laboratory X-ray sources. The experimental technique and the procedure of reconstructing a 3D image of dislocation half-loops near the Si crystal surface are described. The sizes of observed linear defects with a spatial resolution of about 10 μm are estimated.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):20-24
pages 20-24 views

The experience in production of composite refraction lenses from beryllium

Semenov A.A., Zabrodin A.V., Gorlevskiy V.V., Sheverdyaev M.S., Lizunov A.V., Brylev D.A., Anikin A.S., Klykov S.S., Kozlova E.V., Lesina I.G., Nebera A.L., Morozov I.A., Demin A.V., Buzmakov A.V., Dymshicz Y.M., Volkov V.V., Zhigalina O.M., Konarev P.V., Khmelenin D.N., Seregin A.V., Senin R.A., Roshchin B.S., Asadchikov V.E.


The choice of beryllium-based material for the use in X-ray optics has been substantiated based on electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction data. The first results of applying refraction lenses made of this material are reported.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Features of the structural states of KNbO3 single crystals before and after fast-neutron irradiation

Stash A.I., Ivanov S.A., Stefanovich S.Y., Mosunov A.V., Boyko V.M., Ermakov V.S., Korulin A.V., Kalyukanov A.I.


Neutron irradiation is a unique tool for forming new structural states of ferroelectrics, which cannot be obtained by conventional methods. The inf luence of the irradiation by two doses of fast neutrons (F = 1 × 1017 and 3 × 1017 cm–2) on the structure and properties of KNbO3 single crystals has been considered for the first time. The developed method for taking into account the experimental correction to the diffuse scattering has been used to analyze the structural changes occurring in KNbO3 samples at T = 295 K and their correlations with the behavior of dielectric and nonlinear optical characteristics. The irradiation to the aforementioned doses retains the KNbO3 polar structure, shifting ТС to lower temperatures and significantly affecting only the thermal parameters and microstructure of single crystals. Neutron irradiation with small atomic displacements provides a structure similar to the high-temperature modification of an unirradiated KNbO3 crystal.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):31-39
pages 31-39 views

The influence of the concentration of Sr ions on the crystal and magnetic structures of Ba2 – xSrxFeMoO6 double perovskites (x = 0–1.6)

Turchenko V.A., Kalanda N.A., Kovalev L.V., Simkin V.G., Balagurov A.M.


The crystal and magnetic structures of a solid solution of double perovskite Ba2 – xSrxFeMoO6 (x = 0–1.6) have been investigated by neutron diffraction. The high-resolution diffraction patterns have provided precise information about the changes in the crystal and magnetic structures with an increase in the strontium content and data on the behavior of the sample microstructure. Replacement of barium with strontium leads to a change in the lattice symmetry from cubic (x = 0, sp. gr. Fmm)) to tetragonal (x = 0.4, sp. gr. I4/m). At x = 1.0, the symmetry is either tetragonal (sp. gr. I4/m) or orthorhombic (sp. gr. Fmmm), and at x = 1.6 the symmetry becomes again tetragonal (sp. gr. I4/m). The values of the Curie temperature and microstrain increase with an increase in the strontium content.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):40-49
pages 40-49 views

Crystal Chemistry

Stereochemistry of silicon in oxygen-containing compounds

Serezhkin V.N., Urusov V.S.


Specific stereochemical features of silicon in oxygen-containing compounds, including hybrid silicates with all oxygen atoms of SiOn groups (n = 4, 5, or 6) entering into the composition of organic anions or molecules, are described by characteristics of Voronoi—Dirichlet polyhedra. It is found that in rutile-like stishovite and post-stishovite phases with the structures similar to those of СаСl2, α-PbO2, or pyrite FeS2, the volume of Voronoi—Dirichlet polyhedra of silicon and oxygen atoms decreases linearly with pressure increasing to 268 GPa. Based on these results, the possibility of formation of new post-stishovite phases is shown, namely, the fluorite-like structure (transition predicted at ~400 GPa) and a body-centered cubic lattice with statistical arrangement of silicon and oxygen atoms (~900 GPa).

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):50-59
pages 50-59 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Crystal structure of ilyukhinite, a new mineral of the eudialyte group

Rastsvetaeva R.K., Rozenberg K.A., Chukanov N.V., Aksenov S.M.


The crystal structure of ilyukhinite, a new mineral of the eudialyte group, is studied by X-ray diffraction. The mineral found in pegmatite bodies of the Kukisvumchorr Mountain (Khibiny alkaline complex) is characterized by low sodium content, high degree of hydration, and predominance of manganese over iron. The trigonal cell has the following parameters: a = 14.1695(6) and c = 31.026(1) Å; space group R3m. The structure is refined to final R = 0.046 in the anisotropic approximation of atomic displacements using 1527F > 3σF. The idealized formula of ilyukhinite (Z = 3) is written as (H3O,Na)14Ca6Mn2Zr3Si26O72(OH)2 · 3H2O. The new mineral differs from other representatives of the eudialyte group by the predominance of both oxonium in the N positions of extra-framework cations and manganese in the М2 position centering the tetragonal pyramid.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):60-65
pages 60-65 views

Accurate X-ray diffraction studies of KTiOPO4 single crystals doped with niobium

Novikova N.E., Sorokina N.I., Alekseeva O.A., Verin I.A., Kharitonova E.P., Orlova E.I., Voronkova V.I.


Single crystals of potassium titanyl phosphate doped with 4% of niobium (КТР:4%Nb) and 6% of niobium (KTP:6%Nb) are studied by accurate X-ray diffraction at room temperature. The niobium atoms are localized near the Ti1 and Ti2 atomic positions, and their positions are for the first time refined independent of the titanium atomic positions. Maps of difference electron density in the vicinity of K1 and K2 atomic positions are analyzed. It is found that in the structure of crystal КТР:4%Nb, additional positions of K atoms are located farther from the main positions and from each other than in КТР and KTP:6%Nb crystals. The nonuniform distribution of electron density found in the channels of the КТР:4%Nb structure is responsible for ~20% increase in the signal of second harmonic generation.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):66-77
pages 66-77 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of recombinant phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase from the Thermophilic thermus thermophilus strain HB27

Abramchik Y.A., Timofeev V.I., Muravieva T.I., Sinitsyna E.V., Esipov R.S., Kuranova I.P.


Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetases (PRPP synthetases) are among the key enzymes essential for vital functions of organisms and are involved in the biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, coenzymes, and the amino acids histidine and tryptophan. These enzymes are used in biotechnology for the combined chemoenzymatic synthesis of natural nucleotide analogs. Recombinant phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase I from the thermophilic strain HB27 of the bacterium Thermus thermophilus (T. th HB27) has high thermal stability and shows maximum activity at 75°С, due to which this enzyme holds promise for biotechnological applications. In order to grow crystals and study them by X-ray crystallography, an enzyme sample, which was produced using a highly efficient producer strain, was purified by affinity and gel-filtration chromatography. The screening of crystallization conditions was performed by the vapor-diffusion technique. The crystals of the enzyme suitable for X-ray diffraction were grown by the counter-diffusion method through a gel layer. These crystals were used to collect the X-ray diffraction data set at the SPring-8 synchrotron radiation facility (Japan) to 3-Å resolution. The crystals belong to sp. gr. P21 and have the following unitcell parameters: a = 107.7 Å, b = 112.6 Å, c = 110.2 Å, α = γ = 90°, β = 116.6°. The X-ray diffraction data set is suitable for determining the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme at 3.0-Å resolution.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):78-81
pages 78-81 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Influence of arsenic flow on the crystal structure of epitaxial GaAs grown at low temperatures on GaAs (100) and (111)A substrates

Galiev G.B., Klimov E.A., Vasiliev A.L., Imamov R.M., Pushkarev S.S., Trunkin I.N., Maltsev P.P.


The influence of arsenic flow in a growth chamber on the crystal structure of GaAs grown by molecular-beam epitaxy at a temperature of 240°C on GaAs (100) and (111)A substrates has been investigated. The flow ratio γ of arsenic As4 and gallium was varied in the range from 16 to 50. GaAs films were either undoped, or homogeneously doped with silicon, or contained three equidistantly spaced silicon δ-layers. The structural quality of the annealed samples has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. It is established for the first time that silicon δ-layers in “low-temperature” GaAs serve as formation centers of arsenic precipitates. Their average size, concentration, and spatial distribution are estimated. The dependence of the film structural quality on γ is analyzed. Regions 100–150 nm in size have been revealed in some samples and identified (by X-ray microanalysis) as pores. It is found that, in the entire range of γ under consideration, GaAs films on (111)A substrates have a poorer structural quality and become polycrystalline beginning with a thickness of 150–200 nm.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):82-90
pages 82-90 views

Crystal-chemical characteristics of nontronites from bottom sediments of Pacific ocean

Palchik N.A., Moroz T.N., Grigorieva T.N., Nikandrova N.K., Miroshnichenko L.V.


A crystal-chemical analysis of the nontronite samples formed in deep-water sediments of the underwater Juan-de-Fuca ridge in the Pacific ocean has been performed using powder X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. A comparison with the previously investigated nontronites from different regions of the Sea of Okhotsk showed that the structural features of these formations are due to the difference in the physicochemical parameters of their crystallization. The values of the basal interplanar spacing d001 (within 11–13 Å) in the samples analyzed are determined by the degree of hydration and cation filling of the interlayer space, while the differences in the IR spectra are due to isomorphic substitutions in the structure. The character of cation distribution and the nature and concentration of stacking faults in nontronite structures are determined. The differences in the composition, structure, and properties of nontronites of different origin are confirmed by theoretical calculations of their structural parameters.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):91-96
pages 91-96 views

Surface and Thin Films

Scanning tunneling microscopy of the atomically smooth (001) surface of vanadium pentoxide V2O5 crystals

Muslimov A.E., Butashin A.V., Kanevsky V.M.


The (001) cleavage surface of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) crystal has been studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STM). It is shown that the surface is not reconstructed; the STM image allows geometric lattice parameters to be determined with high accuracy. The nanostructure formed on the (001) cleavage surface of crystal consists of atomically smooth steps with a height multiple of unit-cell parameter с = 4.37 Å. The V2O5 crystal cleavages can be used as references in calibration of a scanning tunneling microscope under atmospheric conditions both along the (х, y) surface and normally to the sample surface (along the z axis). It is found that the terrace surface is not perfectly atomically smooth; its roughness is estimated to be ~0.5 Å. This circumstance may introduce an additional error into the microscope calibration along the z coordinate.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):123-126
pages 123-126 views

Growth of ultrathin twin-free b-oriented YBa2Cu3O7 – x films

Stepantsov E.A., Arpaia R., Lombardi F.


Twin-free b-oriented YBa2Cu3O7 – x films with a thickness less than 40 nm have been epitaxially grown on (100)SrLaGaO4 crystals. Based on the temperature dependence of resistance, the onset temperature of the transition to the superconducting state is found to be 90 K; the transition width is 4 K. The film growth has been performed in two stages. A (100)PrBa2Cu3O7 – x buffer layer was previously grown on a (100)SrLaGaO4 substrate by rf magnetron sputtering in an Ar–O2 gas mixture at a continuous and monotonic increase in temperature from 660 to 830°C. The main YBa2Cu3O7 – x film was grown on the buffer layer surface by pulsed laser deposition in an oxygen medium at a fixed temperature (800°C). The above processes were implemented in different chambers, which were connected by a vacuum channel for transporting samples. Both films were grown in situ, without contacting atmosphere in all growth stages. An X-ray diffraction study has shown that the YBa2Cu3O7 – x films are single-crystal and free of precipitates of other phases and domains of other orientations.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):127-132
pages 127-132 views

Gas-phase clusterization of zinc during magnetron sputtering

Abduev A.K., Akhmedov A.K., Asvarov A.S., Alikhanov N.M., Emirov R.M., Muslimov A.E., Belyaev V.V.


The processes of gas-phase clusterization of zinc during dc magnetron sputtering of a zinc target in an argon atmosphere have been investigated. The influence of the working gas pressure and magnetron discharge current on the morphology and structure of the precipitates formed on substrates previously cooled to–50°С is studied. It is shown that dense textured (002)Zn layers with a columnar structure are formed at relatively low argon pressures in the chamber (P = 0.5 Pa) and low discharge currents (100 mA). X-ray amorphous deposits with a fractal coral-like structure arise on substrates at an extremely high argon pressure in the chamber (P = 5 Pa). An increase in the magnetron discharge current at an operating gas pressure of 5 Pa leads to the formation of polycrystalline layers on substrates; the intensity of the XRD peaks related to crystalline zinc increases with an increase in the discharge current. Possible mechanisms of the structural transformation of Zn deposits are considered.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):133-138
pages 133-138 views

Thin-layer GaInSbAsPBi/GaSb heterostructures obtained from liquid phase in a temperature-gradient field

Alfimova D.L., Lunin L.S., Lunina M.L., Pashchenko A.S., Chebotarev S.N.


The results of growing thin epitaxial GaInSbAsPBi layers on a GaSb substrate from a liquid bismuth-containing zone in a temperature-gradient field are discussed. The composition and properties of GaInSbAsPBi/GaSb heterostructures are investigated.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):139-143
pages 139-143 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Effects of the mechanoactivation treatment on the structure of ZnO–Zn cermet mixture

Asvarov A.S., Akhmedov A.K., Abduev A.K., Muslimov A.E., Chiolerio A.


ZnO–Zn сermet composite powder with a nanocrystalline structure has been obtained by grinding a mixture of initial powders in a ball mill under inert atmosphere conditions. A study of the transformation of the structural state of this powder as a result of long-term mechanical activation has shown the formation of a cermet composite, in which ZnO nanocrystallites with an average size less than 50 nm are incorporated into an almost completely amorphous metallic matrix.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):144-147
pages 144-147 views

Crystal Growth

Nature of impurities during protein crystallization

Baskakova S.S., Volkov V.V., Laptinskaya T.V., Lyasnikova M.S., Voloshin A.E., Koval’chuk M.V.


Lysozyme crystal growth was studied using reagents of different purity of three trademarks— Seikagaku Corporation (sixfold recrystallized lysozyme), Sigma-Aldrich (threefold recrystallized lysozyme), and Hampton Research (threefold recrystallized lysozyme). Solutions of these reagents were investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering, dynamic light scattering (DLS), ultracentrifugation, and electrophoresis. It was found that crystal-growth and oligomerization processes are more intense in solutions of the reagent of higher purity. The dependences of the fraction of lysozyme oligomers on the supersaturation and purity of the solution are analyzed.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):148-156
pages 148-156 views

Impact of impurities on the α-LiIO3 crystal growth: Technique for measuring the “dead zone”

Noskova A.N., Rubakha V.I., Prokhorov A.P.


Lithium iodate (α-LiIO3) single crystal is a promising nonlinear optical material, which used for efficient laser radiation conversion in the visible and near-IR regions. A technique for measuring the “dead zone” (ΔТdz) of LiIO3 solutions has been developed; data on the impact of Fe(IO3)2, AgIO3, CsOH, H3PO4, and methyl methacrylate on the growth of the (100) face of α-LiIO3 crystals have been presented; and the dependences of the nucleation and motion of single steps on the degree of supersaturation have been measured. It is shown that the ΔТdz value makes it possible to estimate the validity of solutions for growing α-LiIO3 crystals. The results of measuring the face growth rates and step velocities for KDP and α-LiIO3 crystals are compared.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):157-160
pages 157-160 views

Crystallographic Software

VecDec4SAS program for analyzing the dynamic processes observed by the small-angle scattering technique

Molodenskii D.S.


A VecDec4SAS program has been developed to provide a fast and easy description of the dynamics of any process occurring in a nanoparticle solution observed by the small-angle scattering technique. The process should be characterized by the some conditional initial and final stages, in fractions of which all intermediate data are expanded. The program makes it possible to estimate the adequacy of two-basis approximation and indicate the presence of an additional process introducing a systematic error into the initial data. Scattering curves for human serum albumin protein in solutions with pH 7.4 and 3.0 and a concentration of 20 mg/mL, obtained on the DICSY station at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” in the solution temperature range from 25 to 70°C, were taken to be initial data to illustrate the potential of the program.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):161-164
pages 161-164 views


Erratum to: “Synthesis of high aspect ratio ZnO nanowires with an inexpensive handcrafted electrochemical setup”

Taheri A., Saramad S., Setayeshi S.
Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(1):165-165
pages 165-165 views

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