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Vol 64, No 4 (2019)


Acoustic Waves and Supramolecular Structures in Liquid Crystals

Kapustina O.A.


The achievements in the study of the supramolecular structures arising in liquid crystals (LCs) under acoustic waves, which was started by the work of Professor А.P. Kapustin more than 50 years ago, are considered and generalized. The emphasis is on the problem of “threshold” destabilization of LC layer texture under mechanical deformations of different types generated by acoustic waves, which manifests itself in the formation of various supramolecular structures. Not only the factors determining the threshold characteristics of these structures for nematic and cholesteric LCs in a wide frequency range but also the dynamics of these structures above the threshold, as well as the specific features of their distortion under an acoustic binary effect are considered.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):533-544
pages 533-544 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Triple-Crystal High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Scheme in Reciprocal Space Mapping Technique

Seregin A.Y., Prosekov P.A., Chukhovsky F.N., Volkovsky Y.A., Blagov A.E., Kovalchuk M.V.


The triple-crystal high-resolution X-ray diffraction scheme has been experimentally and theoretically investigated using reciprocal space mapping. The procedure for calculating the spectral angular instrumental functions of diffractometer to take into account the influence of mirror, monochromator, analyzer, and slits on the intensity distribution near reciprocal lattice point is described. Good coincidence of calculated and experimental cross sections of reciprocal space maps (RSMs) is shown by an example of a perfect Si(110) single crystal.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):545-552
pages 545-552 views

Crystal Chemistry

Radiation-Induced Changes in the Degree of Crystallinity of Powdered Polytetrafluoroethylene

Smolyanskii A.S., Arsentyev M.A., Rashkovskii A.Y., Politova E.D.


An analysis of the diffraction patterns of powdered polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) γ-irradiated at room temperature in a nitrogen atmosphere to doses of 10–500 kGy with a fluence of 1.50 ± 0.3 Gy/s has shown that the diffraction peak 100 of the crystalline phase at 2θ ∼ 18° and the halo at 2θ = 10°–25° are most sensitive to ionizing radiation. It is found that the intensity, FWHM, and position of the maximum of reflection 100 change with an increase in the absorbed dose; this fact is indicative of the doublet nature of the peak profile. It is established that the doublet components differently response to ionizing radiation. The interplanar spacings, amplitude and sign of arising stress, and the degree of crystallinity (DOC) of polymer are calculated as functions of the irradiation dose. The radiation-induced change in the DOC of PTFE should be considered as a complex process, which includes radiative destruction and topochemical reactions of different types in crystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):553-558
pages 553-558 views

Crystallographic Symmetry

Broken Symmetry Groups, Tables, and Structural Images in the Computer Experiment

Rau V.G., Lomtev L.A., Rau T.F.


The results of investigation of the extended and broken symmetry substitution groups for elements of finite number sets are presented, with examples of the corresponding abstract structures, their computer visualization, and application in description of real structures. When studying the tables of binary transformations with broken symmetry in a computer experiment, transformation subsets (“evolutionary trees”) with convergent and divergent properties of structure oriented graph have been revealed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):559-565
pages 559-565 views

Theory of Crystal Structures

On the Crystallographic Polytypes SrAl12O19 (BaFe12O19)–BaFe18O27

Borisov S.V., Magarill S.A., Pervukhina N.V.


A crystallographic analysis of SrAl12O19 (isostructural to BaFe12O19) and BaFe18O27 showed that the structures of both polytypes contain almost identical cationic and anionic (with participation of a large cation) sublattices, whose geometry is consistent with the high symmetry P63/mmc of these compounds. The presence of unified “skeletal” sublattices is considered to be the main condition for the formation of polytype structures.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):566-569
pages 566-569 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Structural Study of Defects in Granulated EP741NP Nickel Alloy

Trunkin I.N., Artamonov M.A., Ovcharov A.V., Vasiliev A.L.


Fracture regions in a nickel alloy have been investigated by electron microscopy. HfO2 particles are mainly found in the fatigue crack zone. Their morphology and crystal structure are determined. The formation (with a relatively low concentration) of such particles and precipitates, containing Са, S, and other elements, is most likely related to the organic contamination of material.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):570-574
pages 570-574 views

Specific Features of Microstructure Formation in Co–Cr–Ni–W–Ta Alloys and Their Mechanical Properties

Mazalov I.S., Suhov D.I., Nerush S.V., Sulyanova E.A.


The microstructure and mechanical properties of three experimental compositions of a new heat- and corrosion-resistant cast cobalt-based alloy have been investigated. It is established that compositions are reinforced as a result of the formation of carbide phases in them during aging. It is shown that the ultimate and yield strength of this material at a temperature of 20°C are, respectively, 650(50) and 440(10) MPa. An analysis of the heat resistance of alloy samples has revealed that they withstand loads of 170 MPa (for 329 h) and 25 MPa (for 1093 h) at temperatures of 800 and 1100°C, respectively. The mechanical properties of the new alloy are superior of those of the foreign heat-resistant alloy FSX-414.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):575-580
pages 575-580 views

High-Temperature Precipitation of Impurities within the Vlasov Model for Solids

Talanin V.I., Talanin I.E.


It is shown that the Vlasov model for a solid describes the complexing processes when growing real crystals with allowance for the thermal growth conditions. It makes it possible (along with the classical theory of nucleation and growth of second-phase particles in solids) to calculate the defect crystal structure that was formed during the growth. It is established that the high-temperature impurity precipitation is directly related to the subsequent transformation of the defect structure when manufacturing of silicon devices. A qualitative model of the formation of electric centers is proposed, which directly relates their origin to the initial defect structure of silicon. It is shown that the concepts and principles of the Vlasov physics are absolutely applicable in solid-state physics.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):581-585
pages 581-585 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

New Data on the Isomorphism in Eudialyte-Group Minerals. IV: Modular Structure of Titanosilicate with Replacement of Na by Mn in the Alluaivite Module

Rastsvetaeva R.K., Viktorova K.A., Aksenov S.M.


A new modular eudialyte-group mineral—titanosilicate—from the Lovozero massif has been investigated using X-ray diffraction. The trigonal-cell parameters are found to be a = 14.069(4) Å, c = 60.63(1) Å, and V = 10393(1) Å3; sp. gr. R\(\bar {3}\)m. The crystal structure is refined to final reliability factor R = 5.6% in the anisotropic approximation of atomic displacements using 1210F > 3σ(F). The idealized mineral formula (Z = 3) is Na28Ca12[Na4.6][Mn1.4]Ti6[Si52O132(О,OH)16](H2O)3.5Cl1.5. The problems of the modular representatives of the group at the Zr–Ti isomorphism in the framework site and the Na–Mn isomorphism in the alluaivite module М2 sites are discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):586-589
pages 586-589 views

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Iodate (Pb0.6Ba0.4)(Pb0.4Ba0.6)[IO3]4 Analogous to Sr[IO3]2

Belokoneva E.L., Reutova O.V., Dimitrova O.V., Volkov A.S.


Crystals of a new triclinic iodate with the formula (Pb0.6Ba0.4)(Pb0.4Ba0.6)[IO3]4 (sp. gr. P\(\bar {1}\)) were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. These crystals are isostructural with the previously characterized iodate Sr[IO3]2. Reliable structural data were obtained by applying corrections for absorption and twinning. The structure contains isolated umbrella-like [IO3] groups typical of iodates, which are located at the same levels in layers parallel to the bc plane. The sites between these layers are isomorphously occupied by large Pb and Ba cations in a nearly 1 : 1 ratio, thereby allowing the retention of the structure type of Sr-containing compounds despite the incorporation of a larger Ba atom into the Pb site. This fact can be used in the synthesis of new iodates.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):590-593
pages 590-593 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Synthesis and Structure of Uranyl Succinate Complexes with Cyanoguanidine and Diethylacetamide

Serezhkina L.B., Grigoriev M.S., Rogaleva E.F., Serezhkin V.N.


[UO2(suc)(C2N4H4)2] · 2H2O (I) and [UO2(Deaa)4(H2О)][(UO2)2(C4H4O4)3] · 2Deaa (II) crystals (suc2– is succinate ion, C2N4H4 is cyanoguanidine, and Deaa is N,N-diethylacetamide С6Н13NO) have been synthesized, and their IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis have been performed. It is established that the I structure is formed by chains belonging to the crystallochemical group AQ02M\(_{2}^{1}\) (A = UO\(_{2}^{{2 + }}\), Q02 = suc2–, M1 = C2N4H4) of uranyl complexes. The II structure contains two types of complex groups: one-core cations [UO2(Deaa)4(H2О)]2+ and layered anions [(UO2)2(suc)3]2–, with the corresponding crystallochemical formulas AM\(_{5}^{1}\) and A2Q\(_{3}^{{02}}\) (A = UO\(_{2}^{{2 + }}\), M1 = Deaa and Н2О, Q02 = suc2–). The nonvalent interactions in structure II and its carbamide-containing analog are analyzed by the method of molecular Voronoi–Dirichlet polyhedra.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):594-601
pages 594-601 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Virtual Screening Targeting Dimerization Signals of Two Mycoplasma HU Proteins Revealed Different Types of Inhibitors Interacting with Common Binding Determinants

Agapova Y.K., Talyzina A.A., Altukhov D.A., Lavrentiev A.L., Timofeev V.I., Rakitina T.V.


DNA-Binding HU proteins are critical to the maintenance of the nucleoid structure and are promising pharmacological targets for the design of new antibiotics. The virtual screening for low-molecular-weight compounds capable of specifically interacting with the dimerization signals of two mycoplasma HU proteins was performed. The stability of target protein–ligand complexes was evaluated by molecular dynamics simulation. An analysis of the amino-acid environment of the ligands shows that inhibitors targeting the conserved amino-acid sequence, the so-called dimerization signal, which is involved in the formation of HU dimers and the maintenance of their stability and is located in an interdimer beta-sheet, have the second binding site in the alpha-helical domain. The binding determinants of inhibitors at the dimer interfaces of the proteins are identical and are independent of the amino-acid sequence. Consequently, HU proteins have two sites for the formation of the dimer interface, which should be taken into account in the design of inhibitors of dimerization.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):602-607
pages 602-607 views

Molecular Dynamics Study of Triazole Derivative Binding to the Active Site of Imidazole Glycerol Phosphate Dehydratase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Agapova Y.K., Timofeev V.I., Komolov A.S.


Models of imidazole glycerol phosphate dehydratase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complexes with a number of triazole derivatives, which are known to act as inhibitors of the homologous enzyme of plant origin, were constructed. Molecular dynamics studies showed that these compounds are stably bound to the active site of imidazole glycerol phosphate dehydratase from M. tuberculosis. The position and environment of these derivatives in the enzyme active site are described. The results of these studies can be used to modify the triazole derivatives for the design of selective antituberculosis drugs.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):608-610
pages 608-610 views

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Internal Friction in Copolymer Vinylidenefluoride with Trifluoroethylene at Ferroelectric Phase Transition

Verkhovskaya K.A., Korotkov L.N., Karaeva O.A.


Temperature dependences of internal friction Q–1, obtained at different heating rates of a copolymer VDF/TrFE (75/25) sample, are studied in the temperature range of 290–420 K at a frequency f ≈ 16 Hz. It is shown that the maximum of Q–1 observed in the vicinity of the ferroelectric phase transition (Tc = 393 K) is related to the motion of interphase boundaries and can be described within the low-frequency fluctuation mechanism of internal friction. The diffusion parameter σ of the ferroelectric phase transition is determined. The obtained σ value significantly exceeds the value that is due to possible microinhomogeneity of the chemical composition.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):611-614
pages 611-614 views

Structure of Zinc Nanotubes

Zdorovets M.V., Kozlovskiy A.L.


The formation of Zn-based nanotubes by electrochemical synthesis in pores of template polymer matrices is considered. It is established that the number of defects in the synthesized nanotubes decreases with a decrease in the mean crystallite size, while the degree of crystallinity increases. The number of defects directly affects the structural properties of Zn nanotubes. However, an uncontrolled growth of nanotubes is observed at a potential difference of 2.0 V, as a result of which amorphous inclusions are formed in the crystal structure of nanotubes, thus leading to their partial destruction.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):615-620
pages 615-620 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Anisotropy of Ionic Conductivity of TbF3 Crystals

Sorokin N.I., Karimov D.N., Sobolev B.P.


Temperature measurements (in the range of 375–830 K) of the ionic conductivity of terbium trifluoride single crystals (structure type β-YF3) along three unit-cell crystallographic axes (a, b, and c) have been performed. It is found that TbF3 crystals (orthorhombic system, sp. gr. Pnma) have a weak anisotropy of electrical conductivity: σ||b||a = σ||b||c ≈ 2. The conductivity along the b axis is σ||b = 8 × 10–6 S/cm at 500 K. The anisotropy of fluorine-ion conductivity in rare-earth fluorides with β-YF3, LaF3 (tysonite), and β-BaTm2F8 structures is discussed in the contest of the specific features of their atomic structure.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):621-625
pages 621-625 views

Fluorine-Ionic Conductivity of Superionic Conductor Crystals Na0.37Tb0.63F2.26

Sorokin N.I., Karimov D.N., Volchkov I.S., Grigor’ev Y.V., Sobolev B.P.


The temperature dependence (in the range of 479–827 K) of the fluorine-ionic conductivity of nonstoichiometric Na0.37Tb0.63F2.26 crystals with fluorite-type structure (sp. gr. \(Fm\bar {3}m\), lattice parameter a = 5.5785(1) Å) has been investigated. The crystals were grown from melt by the Bridgman method in a fluorinating atmosphere of CF4. The formation of cuboctahedral clusters of defects {(Na,Tb)8[Tb6F37]F32} is most likely in the structure of Na0.37Tb0.63F2.26 crystals. The ionic conductivity is found to be σdc = 2.6 × 10–6 and 3 × 10–3 S/cm at 500 and 827 K, respectively. A crystallophysical model of ion transport in Na0.37Tb0.63F2.26 crystals is proposed. The concentration and carrier mobility are calculated to be, respectively, nmob = 1.45 × 1021 cm–3 and μmob = 1.1 × 10–8 cm2/(s V) at 500 K.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):626-630
pages 626-630 views

Shear Surface Acoustic Waves in Twinned Piezoelectric Crystals of the \(\bar {6}\)m2 Symmetry Class

Furs A.N.


Shear surface acoustic waves, whose existence is due to the difference in the signs of piezoelectric modulus tensors of adjoining halves of crystal, are studied on flat interfaces of twinned hexagonal piezoelectric crystals of the \(\bar {6}\)m2 symmetry class. In this case, the inversion axis \(\bar {6}\) is perpendicular to the interface between the halves. It is shown that, at a weak piezoelectric effect, the characteristic penetration depth of these waves is inversely proportional to the square of component e222 and may significantly exceed the length of the surface wave.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):631-635
pages 631-635 views

Surface and Thin Films

Orientation Effects of Crystal Nanoislands Growing on a Dielectric Surface

Vlasov V.P., Muslimov A.E., Kanevsky V.M.


Orientation effects for crystalline nanoislands growing on dielectric surfaces are considered on the assumption of van der Waals interaction in the model of orientational phase transition with allowance for real crystallization conditions.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):636-638
pages 636-638 views

Crystallography of the Destruction Fragments of Tubular Cyanine Dye J-Aggregates on the Mica Surface

Pozin S.I., Prokhorov V.V., Perelygina O.M., Mal’tsev E.I.


A crystallographic analysis of the images of destruction fragments of tubular monomethine dye J-aggregates has been performed for the first time. It is shown that the formation of characteristic zigzag fragments is caused by the unwrapping of cylindrical surface on plane. Possible cleavage directions for the monolayer forming the tube walls are considered and an interrelation between the destruction products and molecular packing of this monolayer is established.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):639-643
pages 639-643 views

Oxophosphoryl Complexes of Dipyrrin: Spectral and Aggregation Characteristics of Solutions and Thin Films

Marfin Y.S., Vodyanova O.S., Usoltsev S.D., Kazak A.V., Rumyantsev E.V.


The spectral characteristics of a compound representing a new class of organic luminescent materials—dipyrrin oxophosphoryl complex (PODIPY)—in organic solvents and thin films have been investigated. The compound under study exhibits high-intensity fluorescence in solutions, which is preserved when passing to thin films obtained by layer-by-layer deposition onto a substrate using the Langmuir–Schaeffer technique. PODIPY is characterized by has bright solvatochromic fluorescence, which is related to the redistribution of the intensities of absorption and fluorescence bands and their shift. This effect originates from the specific solvation of PODIPY with partition of the oxygen atoms of oxophosphoryl group. A transition from solutions to films and an increase in the number of transfers lead to the fluorescence quenching without the formation of G aggregates in the film.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):644-648
pages 644-648 views

Ion-Beam Crystallization of InGaAs Island Nanostructures on GaAs Substrates

Lunina M.L., Lunin L.S., Sysoev I.A., Gusev D.A., Kazakova A.E.


The possibility of growing arrays of InxGa1 – xAs nanocrystals on GaAs substrates by ion-beam deposition is experimentally shown. The influence of the ion energy, current density, and deposition time of sputtered materials on the height, lateral size, and density of arrays of InxGa1 – xAs nanocrystals is investigated. The possibilities of changing controllably the deposition parameters of InxGa1 – xAs(GaAs) nanocrystals are analyzed. The technological growth parameters of InGaAs nanofilms on GaAs are determined. The composition, structural quality, and photoluminescence of InxGa1 – xAs nanocrystals and films grown on GaAs are studied.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):649-655
pages 649-655 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Investigation of Nanodrug Phospholipovit by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering

Kiselev M.A., Selyakov D.N., Gapon I.V., Ivankov A.I., Ipatova O.M., Aksenov V.L., Avdeev M.V.


The structure of aqueous solutions of the Phospholipovit medicine, intended for transport of water-insoluble molecular drugs, has been investigated by small-angle neutron scattering. Phospholipovit can also be used alone, for example, in case of acute poisoning. When processing experimental data, neutron reflectometry was additionally applied to determine the scattering characteristics of maltose buffer solutions in which the medicine is stored. It is shown that Phospholipovit forms temperature-resistant (in the range of 20–37°C) vesicles of critically small size, with inner radius (~40 Å) comparable with lipid bilayer thickness (~31 Å), in these solutions. The sensitivity of vesicle parameters to an increase in the medicine concentration in solution (up to 25 wt %) and the character of vesicle interaction (indicating the presence of a significant charge on their outer surface) are determined.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):656-661
pages 656-661 views

Application of Empirical Si–O–C Potential to Simulate Amorphous Atomic Structures and Transition Layers by the Bond Switching Method

Belov I.V.


The parameters of REBO2 empirical potential for the Si–O–C system are presented. The results of the calculations using this potential agree well with the experimental values of the lengths and angles of unit cells, bond energy, and surface energy for Si, SiO2, and SiC. The algorithm of bond switching in a multicomponent system has been developed and tested. A method is proposed to simulate the structure of the transition layer between crystalline Si and amorphous SiO2, as well as between crystalline SiC and amorphous SiO2.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):662-668
pages 662-668 views

Crystal Growth

The Growth and Properties of Guanylurea Hydrogen Phosphite Crystal

Kaminskii A.A., Manomenova V.L., Rudneva E.B., Sorokina N.I., Grebenev V.V., Kozlova N.N., Angeluts A.A., Ozheredov I.A., Solyankin P.M., Denisyuk I.Y., Fokina M.I., Zulina N.A., Shkurinov A.P., Voloshin A.E.


Aqueous solutions of guanylurea hydrogen phosphite (GUHP) have been synthesized. The temperature dependence of equilibrium GUHP concentration in water was obtained. The change in the density of aqueous GUHP solutions with a change in their concentration was investigated. The influence of the solution pH on the GUHP solubility in water in the temperature range of +25–45°C was analyzed. The crystallization range of monoclinic GUHP crystals, belonging to the sp. gr. Cc, was determined. GUHP crystals were grown using different methods, based on cooling or maintaining a constant temperature, with mixing aqueous solutions or without mixing. The properties of the grown crystals in the optical and THz ranges were investigated.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):669-677
pages 669-677 views

The Effect of Nonelectrolyte Additives with Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Hydration on the Growth of KDP Crystals from Aqueous Solutions

Efremova E.P., Okhrimenko T.M., Lyashchenko A.K.


The effect of nonelectrolyte additives with hydrophilic and hydrophobic hydration on the growth of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO) crystals in the kinetic mode at solution saturation temperatures of 323 and 303 K and a relative supersaturation of 0.025 has been experimentally investigated. The additives are found to affect differently, depending on their shape, concentration, and face index. It is revealed that the growth rate of {101} faces increases in the presence of additives with hydrophilic hydration of molecules and decreases in the case of hydrophobic additives. A model is proposed to explain the difference in the influence of the additives studied on the crystal growth. The influence is determined by the changes in the water structure in the surface layer of the crystallization solution; this conclusion must be taken into account when growing crystals from aqueous solutions in the presence of nonelectrolyte additives.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):678-682
pages 678-682 views

Development of Methods for Growing LiIO3 and Ba(NO3)2 Crystals as Materials for Laser Frequency Converters

Sevriukova A.N., Rubakha V.I., Prokhorov A.P.


New methods for growing LiIO3 and Ba(NO3)2 crystals have been developed. Barium nitrate crystals up to 12 × 12 × 100 mm3 in size and lithium iodate crystals up to 120 × 120 × 200 mm3 in size of necessary optical quality are obtained. The influence of рН on the morphology of Ba(NO3)2 growth faces is investigated. The data on the morphology of the {111} and {\(\bar {1}\bar {1}\bar {1}\)} faces of crystals grown at different solution acidities are obtained by atomic force scanning microscopy. The possibility of fabricating optical elements from LiIO3 crystals of ~100 × 100 × 100 mm3 in size is shown.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):683-686
pages 683-686 views

Crystallographic Software

Parametric Study of Microstructural Properties at Laser Cladding

Khomenko M.D., Mirzade F.K., Niziev V.G.


Self-consistent numerical model of laser cladding with coaxial powder injection has been developed. The model takes into account the heat transfer, hydrodynamics, solute transport, and phase transition kinetics. The additive process is numerically analyzed using the open-source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package. The S-CLSVOF program is adapted for modeling heat and mass transfer and free boundary evolution of the melt pool. The phase transition is modeled using the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami–Kolmogorov equation with allowance for nonuniform temperature distribution on the melt pool surface. The clad-layer microstructure is investigated as a function of the process parameters. High scan rate is shown to result in a finer grain size of clad layer structure. The data obtained can be used for construct a cladding process map.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(4):687-690
pages 687-690 views

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