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Vol 62, No 3 (2017)

Theory of Crystal Structures

On the mechanisms of modulation of crystal structures

Borisov S.V., Magarill S.A., Pervukhina N.V.


Based on the assumption that crystal structures of a number of sulfides are the result of modulation of cationic lattices by anionic lattices, the versions of their conjugation in direct and reciprocal spaces have been analyzed using common translational lattices. The concept of this phenomenon, developed within the superspace formalism, is supplemented by a proposed interpretation of the real modulation of the structures.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):349-354
pages 349-354 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

X-ray analysis of multilayer In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As HEMT heterostructures with InAs nanoinsert in quantum well

Blagov A.E., Galiev G.B., Imamov R.M., Klimov E.A., Kondratev O.A., Pisarevskii Y.V., Prosekov P.A., Pushkarev S.S., Seregin A.Y., Koval’chuk M.V.


In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Al0.48As HEMT heterostructures on InP substrates with elastically strained InAs insert in combined quantum well (QW) have been investigated using a combination of X-ray methods: double-crystal X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectivity, and reciprocal space mapping. This approach has provided detailed complementary information about the layered and real crystal structures of the samples. The data obtained have made it possible to perform structural analysis of the multilayer systems and compare their characteristics with specified technological parameters, due to which the HEMT growth technology can be corrected and improved.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):355-363
pages 355-363 views

Small-angle X-ray scattering study of conditions for the formation of growth units of protein crystals in lysozyme solutions

Dyakova Y.A., Ilina K.B., Konarev P.V., Kryukova A.E., Marchenkova M.A., Blagov A.E., Volkov V.V., Pisarevsky Y.V., Kovalchuk M.V.


The structural composition of lysozyme solutions favorable for the formation of the tetragonal form of protein crystals was studied by synchrotron-based small-angle X-ray scattering depending on the protein concentration and the temperature. Along with lysozyme monomers, dimers and octamers are found in crystallization solutions; the octamer content increases with an increase in the protein concentration.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):364-369
pages 364-369 views

Study of the crystal device for deflecting high-energy proton beams using synchrotron radiation diffraction

Kaloyan A.A., Tikhomirov S.A., Podurets K.M., Maisheev V.A., Sandomirskiy Y.E., Chesnokov Y.A.


Currently, bent silicon single crystals are used at large accelerators to extract and collimate proton beams. A device for multiple deflection of a proton beam based on several bent silicon strips operating in the volume reflection mode has recently been developed. In this device, the bending of silicon strips successively located on the surface of a thick plate is implemented due to the internal stress induced by grooves mechanically formed on the crystal surface (Twyman effect). Topography based on angular scanning and synchrotron radiation was applied to measure the bending of individual deflector strips and the crystal as a whole. The measurement results are compared with the data obtained with a proton beam.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):370-373
pages 370-373 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Multicell model of La3Ga5GeO14 crystal: A new approach to the description of the short-range order of atoms

Dudka A.P.


The multicell model alternative to the model of mixed atomic sites used now is proposed for a single crystal of La3Ga5GeO14 belonging to the langasite family. The multicell consists of four unit cells. In three identical cells of the structure, atoms adapt to the Ge atom occupying one of the two 2d positions on the threefold symmetry axis. In the fourth cell, atoms surround the Ge atom located at the 1a position. The multicell model allows one to study the short-range order of atoms by the methods of classical structure analysis based on Bragg scattering. Four high-resolution data sets measured at 295 and 111.5 K are used in the study. The results are obtained with high relative precision (space group P321, Z = 1; at 295 K a = 8.2020(6) Å and c = 5.1065(6) Å, R/wR = 0.81/0.73% for 3829 unique ref lections; at 111.5 K a = 8.1939(1) Å and c = 5.1022(4) Å, R/wR = 0.85/0.76% for 3880 reflections).

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):374-381
pages 374-381 views

The first layer potassium–bismuth-nickel oxophosphate KBi4Ni2(PO4)3O4: Synthesis, crystal structure, and expected magnetic properties

Borovikova E.Y., Gurbanova O.A., Dimitrova O.V., Deyneko D.V., Yamnova N.A., Aksenov S.M., Mironov V.S., Volkov A.S.


The new potassium–bismuth–nickel oxophosphate obtained by hydrothermal synthesis in the Bi(OH)3–NiCO3–K2CO3–K3PO4 system is studied by X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Parameters of the orthorhombic cell are as follows: a = 13.632(1) Å, b = 19.610(2) Å, and c = 5.4377(3) Å; V = 1452.64(2) Å3; and space group Pnma. The structure is solved and refined to the final discrepancy factor R1 = 5.76% in the anisotropic approximation of atomic displacements using 3606 reflections with I > 2σ(I). The crystal-chemical formula (Z = 4) is KBi4{Ni2O4(PO4)3}, where the composition of the layer nickel–phosphate polyanion is enclosed in braces. Theoretical calculations show that all exchange spin interactions between Ni2+ ions are antiferromagnetic and very weak (J < 0.1 cm–1) because of the polyatomic character of bridging Ni–O–P–O–Ni and Ni–O–Bi–O–Ni groups. Thus, this compound is expected to be paramagnetic with very weak antiferromagnetic exchange interactions and appreciable energy of zero-field splitting of the spin levels of Ni2+ ions.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):382-390
pages 382-390 views

Ti/Zr isomorphism in wadeite: The crystal structure of the titanium-dominant K2(Ti0.55Zr0.45)Si3O9 member of the series

Karimova O.V., Yakubovich O.V., Ageeva O.A., Erofeeva K.G.


The crystal structure of the titanium-rich mineral wadeite K2(Ti0.55Zr0.45)Si3O9 from rischorrites of the Khibiny Alkaline Massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia) is studied by X-ray diffraction (XCalibur-S diffractometer, R = 0.0459): a = 6.8611(6) Å and c = 10.0611(9) Å; space group P63/m, Z = 6, Dx = 3.03 g/cm3. It is shown that the unit-cell parameters and volume of the mineral of mixed (Ti/Zr) composition are naturally intermediate between those of the terminal members of the isomorphous wadeite-based K2ZrSi3O9–K2(Ti0.55Zr0.45)Si3O9–K2TiSi3O9 series. The expected correlation is due to the ionic radii of Zr4+ and Ti4+ which determine the lengths of Zr/Ti–O bonds in octahedra. The data of field observations and microscopic studies show that the Ti-dominant wadeite is formed on the basis of primary zirconium mineral in the course of a late imposed process under unique geochemical conditions.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):391-396
pages 391-396 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Synthesis and structure of decaaqua-hexasodium-calcium bis-nitrilotris(methylenephosphonate) bis(hexaaquasodium) tetrahydrate [CaNa6{NH(CH2PO3)3}2(H2O)10][Na(H2O)6]2 · 4H2O

Somov N.V., Chausov F.F., Zakirova R.M.


The product of the reaction of tetrasodium nitrilotris(methylenephosphonate) Na4H(NH(CH2PO3)3) with Ca(OH)2 having the formula [CaNa6{NH(CH2PO3)3}2(H2O)10][Na(H2O)6]2 · 4H2O (sp. gr. P21/c, Z = 2, a = 12.0579(4) Å, b = 10.4569(3) Å, c = 19.9346(4) Å, β = 95.355(2)°) was synthesized and characterized. The complex anion consists of a ring composed of six hydrate-bridged Na atoms. The cavity of the anion incorporates a Ca atom coordinated by two phosphonate ligands in a distorted octahedral geometry. Each of the two complex cations contains a sodium ion octahedrally coordinated by six water molecules. The crystal packing consists of infinite ribbons of the complex anions, which are linked by hydrate bridges to form layers alternating with layers of the complex cations and interlayers composed of disordered water molecules of solvation.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):397-404
pages 397-404 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Virtual screening of selective inhibitors of phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Podshivalov D.D., Timofeev V.I., Sidorov-Biryukov D.D., Kuranova I.P.


Bacterial phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (PPAT Mt) is a convenient target protein for the directed search for selective inhibitors as potent antituberculosis drugs. Four compounds suitable for the detailed investigation of their interactions with PPAT Mt were found by virtual screening. The active-site region of the enzyme was chosen as the ligand-binding site. The positions of the ligands found by the docking were refined by molecular dynamics simulation. The nearest environment of the ligands, the positions of which in the active site of the enzyme were found in a computational experiment, was analyzed. The compounds under consideration were shown to directly interact with functionally important active-site amino-acid residues and block access of substrates to the active site. Therefore, these compounds can be used for the design of selective inhibitors of PPAT Mt as potent antituberculosis drugs.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):405-410
pages 405-410 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Ternary crystals Sr1−yEuy−x2+Eux3+F2+x of fluorite phases with a variable europium valence and their thermal conductivity (50–300 K)

Karimov D.N., Popov P.A., Sorokin N.I., Sobolev B.P.


Crystals of new fluorite materials: ternary nonstoichiometric Sr0.9Eu0.086Eu0.014F2.014 and Sr0.5Eu0.432Eu0.068F2.068 phases with a structure of fluorite (CaF2) type, containing europium ions in different oxidation states (Eu2+, Eu3+), have been grown for the first time from a melt by the Bridgeman method. The variation in their thermal conductivity k(T) in a temperature range of 50–300 K has been experimentally studied. The equivalent cation positions with a large difference in cation masses (mSr = 87.62 amu and mEu = 151.96 amu) lead to low k(T) values of ternary (Sr1-yEuy-x2+Eux3+F2+x) and binary (Eu0.8642+Eu0.1363+F2.136) crystals. One can obtain crystals with thermal characteristics specified in a wide range by adjusting the ratio of strontium and europium (regardless of the valence). Since the thermal conductivity of Sr0.5Eu0.432Eu0.068F2.068 and Eu0.864Eu0.136F2.136 is independent of temperature in the range of 200–300 K, they can be recommended as reference materials with k(T) = const.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):411-415
pages 411-415 views

Ionic conductivity of KMgCr(MoO4)3 molybdate

Sorokin N.I.


The ionic conductivity σ of KMgCr(MoO4)3 crystal has been investigated in a temperature range of 575–932 K by impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range of (5–5) × 105 Hz. Ternary molybdate was obtained from the initial MgMoO4 and KCr(MoO4)2 reagents by solid-phase technique in air at 923–973 K for 200 h. The temperature dependence σ(T) of a ceramic sample exhibits a jump of σ by a factor of about 4 at 833 ± 5 K, which is caused by the first-order phase transition. The σ value above the phase-transition temperature reaches 6 × 10–4 S/cm (932 K) at an ion-transport activation enthalpy of 0.84 ± 0.05 eV. The most likely carriers in KMgCr(MoO4)3 are K+ cations.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):416-418
pages 416-418 views

Manifestation of optical activity at oblique incidence of light in crystals of classes \(\overline 4 \)2m and \(\overline 4 \)

Golovina T.G., Konstantinova A.F., Konstantinov K.K.


The polarization azimuths and ellipticities of the reflected and transmitted light have been calculated as functions of the angle of incidence for transparent crystals of classes \(\overline 4 \)2m and \(\overline 4 \). Analytical expressions for these parameters are obtained. It is shown that in the general case the polarization azimuths and ellipticities for a plate cut parallel to the optical axis differ for positive and negative angles of incidence of light.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):419-429
pages 419-429 views

Instability of the local environment of Mn2+ in BaF2

Shcherbakov V.D.


Excitation and luminescence spectra and luminescence lifetime of Mn2+ ion in BaF2 crystals at 77 K have been investigated for the first time. Mn2+ ions in the crystal are coordinated by six and eight fluorine ions, have a trigonal environment, and form exchange-coupled pairs. Several types of centers of the Mn2+ ion are formed mainly because of the large difference in the Mn2+ and Ba2+ ionic radii, which causes instability of the local structure around the activator and its strain, and exchange striction. An increase in the impurity concentration enhances these factors, thus changing the relative concentration of various centers.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):430-436
pages 430-436 views

Dispersion of the polarization processes in Ca0.32Ba0.68Nb2O6 crystals

Malyshkina O.V., Eliseev A.Y., Dec J.


The switching processes in calcium barium niobate crystals CaxBa1–xNb2O6 with x = 0.32 have been investigated. The dielectric hysteresis loops observed in the samples exposed to alternating fields of different frequencies and constant amplitude have been analyzed. It is shown that the loop formation is caused by the sample heating. The sample temperature increases due to the dielectric loss energy release only up to a certain frequency, above which complete switching becomes impossible.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):437-440
pages 437-440 views

Influence of the nonuniform distribution of electronic defects on the physical properties of garnet crystals

Lomako I.D., Mantytskaya O.S.


The optical and kinetic properties of Y3Fe5O12 garnet single crystals have been investigated. A method for determining the conduction electron concentration in the samples using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis has been proposed, which makes it possible to estimate the quality of obtained material based on a unified approach.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):441-447
pages 441-447 views

Liquid Crystals

Angular dependences of transmission spectra of chiral liquid crystals

Umanskii B.A., Simdyankin I.V.


Transmission spectra of chiral nematic liquid crystals (CNLCs) and chiral smectic С* liquid crystals (CSLCs) are studied in a wide range of angles of light propagation with respect to the direction of the helical structure axis. To this end, both a planar LC cell and a cell consisting of two substrates in the form of rectangular prisms (30° × 60° × 90°) were used, which allowed measurements of the transmission spectra at the light propagation at angles up to 65° with respect to the helical axis direction. The transmission spectra are numerically simulated; the results are in good agreement with the experimental spectra. A technique for determining the tilt angle of molecules in smectic layers is proposed based on the comparative analysis of experimental and calculated transmission spectra of CSLC.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):448-454
pages 448-454 views

Surface and Thin Films

Epitaxy of CdTe on sapphire substrates with titanium buffer layers

Muslimov A.E., Butashin A.V., Kanevsky V.M., Babaev V.A., Alikhanov N.M.


The formation of a developed electrical relief on the sapphire substrate surface is investigated. A technique is proposed for introducing Ti4+ impurity atoms into the sapphire crystal lattice by depositing titanium layers with a thickness of about 5 nm and their annealing in air (oxidizing atmosphere) to a temperature of 1400°C. It is shown that this preliminary treatment of the sapphire substrate surface results in epitaxial growth of (111) СdTe films parallel to the sapphire (0001) plane at a temperature of 350°C.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):455-459
pages 455-459 views

Catalytic epitaxy of ZnO whiskers via the vapor–crystal mechanism

Muslimov A.E., Butashin A.V., Kanevsky V.M., Babaev V.A., Ismailov A.M.


A model of oriented growth of (0001) ZnO whiskers on sapphire substrates via the vapor–crystal mechanism using the catalytic properties of gold islands is proposed. The morphological transition from the primary pyramidal ZnO structures to hexagonal ZnO whiskers is described in terms of the minimization of the free energy density of three-dimensional heteroepitaxial islands.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):460-463
pages 460-463 views

Application of the Fourier transforms for analysis of the domain structure images of uniaxial ferroelectric

Tolstikhina A.L., Belugina N.V., Gainutdinov R.V.


The formation of ferroelectric domains in triglycine sulfate crystal in the para–ferroelectric phase transition has been investigated in situ by piezoresponse force microscopy. The domain structure has been analyzed using the images of Fourier transforms of the scanned (010) surface of natural cleavage. The formation of a quasi-periodic one-dimensional structure of 180° domains with dominant components of one sign below TC near the transition point is revealed and crystallographic reference to the laboratory coordinate system is performed.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):464-468
pages 464-468 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Synthesis and electrophysical properties of some rare-earth molybdates with fluorite-like structure of the Nd5Mo3O16 type

Orlova E.I., Kharitonova E.P., Voronkova V.I.


Polycrystalline samples of PbLn4Mo3O16 (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, or Sm), CdLn4Mo3O16 (Ln = La, Nd, Sm, Eu, or Tm), and PbLa4–xNdxMo3O16 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3) with the cubic fluorite-like structure and sp. gr. Pn n have been obtained by solid-phase synthesis in air. The specific conductivity of lead compounds is established to reach 10–2 S/cm (which is an order of magnitude higher than that for cadmium compounds). The conductivity value is shown to reach a maximum at a concentration ratio of rare-earth elements of Nd: La = 1: 1.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):469-473
pages 469-473 views

Nanoheterostructures optimization and characteristics improvement for devices based on them

Rabinovich O.I., Didenko S.I.


The AlInGaN and AlGaInP nanoheterostructures design has been optimized by computer simulation in order to use them in optoelectronics. The possibility of improving the performance characteristics of LEDs by 20% is analyzed. The results are presented in the form of current–voltage (I–V) characteristics, dependence of the internal quantum efficiency on the quantum wells quantity, and spectral characteristics. The influence of the In atoms nonuniform distribution in the quantum-well region is determined.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):474-479
pages 474-479 views

On the statistical thermodynamics of a free-standing nanocrystal: Silicon

Magomedov M.N.


The dependence of the thermodynamic parameters of a free-standing nanocrystal of simple matter on its size, density, temperature, and surface shape has been studied. The following parameters have been analyzed: Debye temperature Θ, Gruneisen parameter γ, melting temperature Tm, surface energy σ, surface pressure Psf, elastic modulus BT, Poisson ratio μ, thermal expansion coefficient αp, and specific heats cv and cp. Calculations performed for silicon have shown that the functions Θ, Tm, σ, and BT decrease, whereas the functions γ, |Psf|, μ, αp, cv, and cp increase with an isomorphic decrease in the number of atoms N. The stronger the nanocrystal shape deviates from the most energetically stable shape, the more pronounced the change in the aforementioned functions with an isothermal decrease in N is.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):480-496
pages 480-496 views

Crystal Growth

Kinetic characteristics of the crystallization from model solutions of blood plasma

Golovanova O.A., Solodyankina A.A.


The kinetic regularities of crystallization (growth order and constants) in a model solution of blood plasma have been investigated. The particular order and crystallization constant are determined to be n < 1 and k = 12.30–26.91 moln L–n s–n, respectively. The impurities are found to form the following descending sequence with respect to their inf luence on the particular kinetic characteristics of crystallization: milky acid > magnesium ions > alanine, glycine, glucose, and citric acid. It is shown that the impurities affect to a greater extent the nucleation rather than the growth stage. It is also established that a change in рН within 7.0–8.0 does not affect the crystallization parameters of the system modeling the composition of human blood plasma.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):497-503
pages 497-503 views


Erratum to: “Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Fe2O3–CaO–SiO2 glass containing nucleation agent P2O5/TiO2

Li B., Wang Y., Luo W., Li J., Li J.
Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(3):504-504
pages 504-504 views

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