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Vol 61, No 5 (2016)


pages 699-702 views


X-ray and synchrotron methods in studies of cultural heritage sites

Koval’chuk M.V., Yatsishina E.B., Blagov A.E., Tereshchenko E.Y., Prosekov P.A., Dyakova Y.A.


X-ray and synchrotron methods that are most widely used in studies of cultural heritage objects (including archaeological sites)—X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray spectroscopy, and visualization techniques— have been considered. The reported examples show high efficiency and informativeness of natural science studies when solving most diverse problems of archaeology, history, the study of art, museology, etc.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):703-717
pages 703-717 views

Protein crystallization under microgravity conditions. Analysis of the results of Russian experiments performed on the International Space Station in 2005−2015

Boyko K.M., Timofeev V.I., Samygina V.R., Kuranova I.P., Popov V.O., Koval’chuk M.V.


Conditions of mass transport to growing crystals have a considerable effect on the crystal size and quality. The reduction of convective transport can help improve the quality of crystals for X-ray crystallography. One approach to minimizing convective transport is crystallization in a microgravity environment, in particular, in space. The data obtained by our research team in protein crystallization experiments on the International Space Station are surveyed and analyzed.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):718-729
pages 718-729 views

Supersmooth and modified surface of sapphire crystals: Formation, characterization, and applications in nanotechnologies

Muslimov A.E., Asadchikov V.E., Butashin A.V., Vlasov V.P., Deryabin A.N., Roshchin B.S., Sulyanov S.N., Kanevsky V.M.


The results of studying the state of the surface of sapphire crystals by a complex of methods in different stages of crystal treatment are considered by an example of preparing sapphire substrates with a supersmooth surface. The possibility of purposefully forming regular micro- and nanoreliefs and thin transition layers using thermal and thermochemical impacts are considered. The advantages of sapphire substrates with a modified surface for forming heteroepitaxial CdTe and ZnO semiconductor films and ordered ensembles of gold nanoparticles are described. The results of the experiments on the application of crystalline sapphire as a material for X-ray optical elements are reported. These elements include total external reflection mirrors and substrates for multilayer mirrors, output windows for synchrotron radiation, and monochromators working in the reflection geometry in X-ray spectrometers. In the latter case, the problems of the defect structure of bulk crystals sapphire and the choice of a method for growing sapphire crystals of the highest structural quality are considered.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):730-743
pages 730-743 views

Formation of partially ordered organic planar systems based on the in situ control of their structural organization

Dyakova Y.A., Marchenkova M.A.


The possibilities of significantly improving the quality of planar systems based on photoactive porphyrin–fullerene dyads, layers based on cytochrome c and cardiolipin, and lysozyme crystals and films using a complex of in situ X-ray methods and simulation are described. The potential of X-ray phase-sensitive and surface-sensitive methods developed by M.V. Koval’chuk and researchers from his school in monitoring all stages of synthesis of partially ordered organic structure is demonstrated. This approach shows its efficiency for in situ studies: starting from the formation of complexes in solutions up to the growth of protein films and crystals.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):744-759
pages 744-759 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Analysis of the applicability of the modified kinematic approximation to describe the off-specular neutron scattering from the surface of micro- and nanostructured objects

Belushkin A.V., Manoshin S.A., Rikhvitskiy V.S.


The applicability of the modified kinematic approximation to describe the off-specular neutron scattering from interfaces between media is analyzed. It is demonstrated that in some cases one can expect not only a qualitative but also a quantitative agreement between the data and the results of experiments and calculations based on more accurate techniques. Diffuse scattering from rough surfaces and thin films with correlated and noncorrelated roughness of the upper and lower interfaces and the neutron diffraction by stripe magnetic domains and magnetic domains with a random size distribution (magnetic roughness) are considered as examples.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):760-767
pages 760-767 views

Resonant diffraction of synchrotron radiation: New possibilities

Ovchinnikova E.N., Mukhamedzhanov E.K.


Resonant diffraction of synchrotron radiation (SR) is a modern method of studying the structure and properties of condensed matter that can be implemented on third-generation synchrotrons. This method allows one to investigate local properties of media (including magnetic and electronic ones) and observe thermal vibrations, defects, and orbital and charge orderings. A brief review of the advance provided by SR resonant diffraction is presented, and the capabilities of this method for analyzing phase transitions are considered in more detail by the example of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and rubidium dihydrogen phosphate crystals. It is shown that the investigation of the temperature dependence of forbidden reflections not only makes it possible to observe the transition from para- to ferroelectric phase, but also gives information about the proton distribution at hydrogen bonds.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):768-778
pages 768-778 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Crystal structure of modular sodium-rich and low-iron eudialyte from Lovozero alkaline massif

Rozenberg K.A., Rastsvetaeva R.K., Aksenov S.M.


The structure of the sodium-rich representative of the eudialyte group found by A.P. Khomyakov at the Lovozero massif (Kola Peninsula) is studied by X-ray diffraction. The trigonal cell parameters are: a = 14.2032(1) and c = 60.612(1) Å, V = 10589.13 Å3, space group R3m. The structure is refined to the final R = 5.0% in the anisotropic approximation of atomic displacement parameters using 3742|F| > 3σ(F). The idealized formula (Z = 3) is Na37Ca10Mn2FeZr6Si50(Ti, Nb)2O144(OH)5Cl3 · H2O. Like other 24-layer minerals of the eudialyte group, this mineral has a modular structure. Its structure contains two modules, namely, “alluaivite” (with an admixture of “eudialyte”) and “kentbrooksite,” called according to the main structural fragments of alluaivite, eudialyte, and kentbrooksite. The mineral found at the Lovozero alkaline massif shows some chemical and symmetry-structural distinctions from the close-in-composition labyrinthite modular mineral from the Khibiny massif. The difference between the minerals stems from different geochemical conditions of mineral formation in the two regions.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):779-785
pages 779-785 views

New type of borophosphate anionic radical in the crystal structure of CsAl2BP6O20

Shvanskaya L.V., Yakubovich O.V., Belik V.I.


The crystal structure of a new borophosphate CsAl2BP6O20 obtained by spontaneous crystallization in a multicomponent Cs–Cu–B–P–O system is determined by X-ray diffraction (a = 11.815(2), b = 10.042(2), and c = 26.630(4) Å; space group Pbca, Z = 8, V = 3159.5(10) Å3; R1 = 0.043). A new type of borophosphate anionic 2D radical characterized by the lowest B: P = 1: 6 ratio and containing P3O10 phosphate groups is found in the compound. A mixed-type anionic framework consisting of vertex-sharing BO4 and PO4 tetrahedra and AlO6 octahedra is distinguished in the structure. Large cesium atoms are located in the channels of the framework. Topological relationships are revealed between the structures of the CsAl3(P3O10)2 and CsAl2BP6O20 phases having different cationic compositions. These compounds can be considered quasi-polytypic phases.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):786-795
pages 786-795 views

Crystal structure of Rb2Mn3(H2O)2[P2O7]2, a new representative of the family of hydrated diphosphates

Kiriukhina G.V., Yakubovich O.V., Dimitrova O.V., Volkov A.S.


The crystal structure of Rb2Mn3(H2O)2[P2O7]2, a new phase obtained in the form of single crystals under hydrothermal conditions in the MnCl2–Rb3PO4–H2O system, is determined by X-ray diffraction (Xcalibur-S-CCD diffractometer, R = 0.0270): a = 9.374(2), b = 8.367(2), c = 9.437(2) Å, ß = 99.12(2)°, space group P21/c, Z = 2, Dx = 3.27 g/cm3. A correlation between the unit-cell parameters and the size of cations forming the crystal structures of isostructural A2M3(H2O)2[P2O7]2 diphosphates (A = K, NH4, Rb, or Na; M = Mn, Fe, Co, or Ni) is revealed. It is shown that, due to the topological similarity, the structures of diphosphates and orthophosphates of the farringtonite structural type can undergo mutual transformations.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):796-804
pages 796-804 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Two new coordination polymers based on tartaric acid ligand: Syntheses, crystal structure and thermal stability

Chen F., Lan Y., Han M., Feng Y.


Two new coordination polymers [Cd3(D-Tar)3]n (1) and [Pb(meso-Tar)]n (2) (H2Tar = tartaric acid) have been synthesized by hydrothermal reaction and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis and IR spectra. 1 crystallizes in the C2221 chiral space group and shows a 3D (4,4)-connected net with the (4.6.84)4( topology. 2 possesses a 3D (4,4)-connected net with the (43.62.8) topology. In addition, the thermogravimetric analyses (TGA) results for polymers are discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):805-809
pages 805-809 views

Synthesis, characterization and single crystal x-ray analysis of a complex of iron(II) bis(2,4-dimethylphenyl)dithiophosphate with 4-ethylpyridine

Kumar S., Andotra S., Kaur M., Gupta V.K., Kant R., Pandey S.K.


Complex of iron(II) bis(2,4-dimethylphenyl)dithiophosphate with 4-ethylpyridine [{(2,4- (CH3)2C6H3O)2PS2}2Fe{NC5H4(C2H5)-4}2] is synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, magnetic moment, IR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray analysis. Complex crystallizes in the monoclinic sp. gr. P21/n, Z = 2. Crystal structure consists of mononuclear units with Fe(II) ion chelated by four S atoms of the two diphenyldithiophosphate ligands in bidentate manner. N atoms from two 4-ethylpyridine ligands are axially coordinated to the Fe(II) atom leading to an octahedral geometry.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):810-814
pages 810-814 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Small-angle x-ray scattering study of polymer structure: Carbosilane dendrimers in hexane solution

Shtykova E.V., Feigin L.A., Volkov V.V., Malakhova Y.N., Streltsov D.R., Buzin A.I., Chvalun S.N., Katarzhanova E.Y., Ignatieva G.M., Muzafarov A.M.


The three-dimensional organization of monodisperse hyper-branched macromolecules of regular structure—carbosilane dendrimers of zero, third, and sixth generations—has been studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) in solution. The use of modern methods of SAXS data interpretation, including ab initio modeling, has made it possible to determine the internal architecture of the dendrimers in dependence of the generation number and the number of cyclosiloxane end groups (forming the shell of dendritic macromolecules) and show dendrimers to be spherical. The structural results give grounds to consider carbosilane dendrimers promising objects for forming crystals with subsequent structural analysis and determining their structure with high resolution, as well as for designing new materials to be used in various dendrimer-based technological applications.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):815-825
pages 815-825 views

Modified 5-fluorouracil: Uridine phosphorylase inhibitor

Lashkov A.A., Shchekotikhin A.A., Shtil A.A., Sotnichenko S.E., Mikhailov A.M.


5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a medication widely used in chemotherapy to treat various types of cancer. Being a substrate for the reverse reaction catalyzed by uridine phosphorylase (UPase), 5-FU serves as a promising prototype molecule (molecular scaffold) for the design of a selective UPase inhibitor that enhances the antitumor activity of 5-FU and exhibits intrinsic cytostatic effects on cancer cells. The chemical formula of the new compound, which binds to the uracil-binding site and, in the presence of a phosphate anion, to the phosphate-binding site of UPase, is proposed and investigated by molecular simulation methods.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):826-829
pages 826-829 views

Substrate specificity of pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylases of NP-II family probed by X-ray crystallography and molecular modeling

Balaev V.V., Lashkov A.A., Prokofev I.I., Gabdulkhakov A.G., Seregina T.A., Mironov A.S., Betzel C., Mikhailov A.M.


Pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylases, which are widely used in the biotechnological production of nucleosides, have different substrate specificity for pyrimidine nucleosides. An interesting feature of these enzymes is that the three-dimensional structure of thymidine-specific nucleoside phosphorylase is similar to the structure of nonspecific pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase. The three-dimensional structures of thymidine phosphorylase from Salmonella typhimurium and nonspecific pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase from Bacillus subtilis in complexes with a sulfate anion were determined for the first time by X-ray crystallography. An analysis of the structural differences between these enzymes demonstrated that Lys108, which is involved in the phosphate binding in pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase, corresponds to Met111 in thymidine phosphorylases. This difference results in a decrease in the charge on one of the hydroxyl oxygens of the phosphate anion in thymidine phosphorylase and facilitates the catalysis through SN2 nucleophilic substitution. Based on the results of X-ray crystallography, the virtual screening was performed for identifying a potent inhibitor (anticancer agent) of nonspecific pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase, which does not bind to thymidine phosphorylase. The molecular dynamics simulation revealed the stable binding of the discovered compound—2-pyrimidin-2-yl-1H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid—to the active site of pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):830-841
pages 830-841 views

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Synthesis and properties of Fe/Ni nanotubes

Kozlovskiy A.L., Zdorovets M.V., Kadyrzhanov K.K.


Fe/Ni nanotubes were formed in pores of polyethylenterephtalate-based template matrices by electrochemical deposition. The inner diameter, wall height, and thickness of the nanostructures, as well as the elemental and phase compositions, can be controlled by varying the deposition conditions. The volume deposition rate constants have been determined for each potential difference, due to which the nanostructure growth could be controlled. An X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples obtained at a potential difference of 1-1.6 V has revealed their composition to correspond to the substitutional solid solution, with an iron atom replaced by a nickel atom and dominance of the bcc a-Fe phase. The samples obtained at a potential difference of 1.8–2 V contain the bcc a-Fe phase and fcc Ni phase; the fcc phase dominates in the sample obtained at a potential difference of 2 V, which can be related to the high Ni content in nanotubes.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):842-848
pages 842-848 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Electro-optical effects in anisotropic crystals: I. The Pockels effect

Novikov M.A., Stepanov A.A., Khyshov A.A.


The perturbation-theory method is proposed to calculate the induced anisotropy optical effects in crystals with different symmetries. On its basis, the influence of the Pockels effect on the light propagation in crystals with different symmetries is analyzed using Fedorov’s approach of invariant vector fields. This approach has many advantages over known methods in calculating different versions of Pockels effect application for different purposes. Calculation schemes are presented that make it possible to select longitudinal and transverse versions of electro-optical sensors and modulators, which can be used, in particular, to design optical measuring transformers and electric field sensors in high-voltage power lines.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):849-856
pages 849-856 views

Surface and Thin Films

Possibilities of surface-sensitive X-ray methods for studying the molecular mechanisms of interaction of nanoparticles with model membranes

Novikova N.N., Kovalchuk M.V., Yakunin S.N., Konovalov O.V., Stepina N.D., Rogachev A.V., Yurieva E.A., Marchenko I.V., Bukreeva T.V., Ivanova O.S., Baranchikov A.E., Ivanov V.K.


The processes of structural rearrangement in a model membrane, i.e., an arachic acid monolayer formed on a colloidal solution of cerium dioxide or magnetite, are studied in situ in real time by the methods of X-ray standing waves and 2D diffraction. It is shown that the character of the interaction of nanoparticles with the monolayer is determined by their nature and sizes and depends on the conditions of nanoparticle synthesis. In particular, the structure formation in the monolayer–particle system is greatly affected by the stabilizer (citric acid), which is introduced into the colloidal solution during synthesis.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):857-865
pages 857-865 views

Stark effect and photoconductivity of fullerene С70 measured on samples with a submicron electrode grating and sandwich geometry

Blinov L.M., Lazarev V.V., Yudin S.G.


The electroabsorption (Stark effect) and photoconductivity of polycrystalline fullerene C70 in thinfilm samples with radically different geometries (sample 1 with interdigital Cr electrodes and sandwichlike sample 2 with SnO2 and Al electrodes) have been investigated. It is noteworthy that sample 1 is a submicron grating with 0.88-µm gaps between electrodes. When measuring electroabsorption and photoconductivity, the external voltage does not exceed 4 V. It was assumed that the small gap size may significantly affect the polycrystalline film morphology and surface effects and, as a consequence, the electroabsorption and charge carrier mobility. However, the results of the Stark effect measurements on samples with different geometries differ by only 25%, whereas the spectral photoconductivity values differ by factors of 1–2.5. The increase in photoconductivity may be related to the decrease in the carrier mobility in the sandwich sample or the increase in the number of carriers under the influence of atmospheric oxygen in the surface layer of C70 sample with interdigital electrodes.

Crystallography Reports. 2016;61(5):866-871
pages 866-871 views

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