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Vol 62, No 5 (2017)

Crystallographic Symmetry

Symmetrical polyhedra (simple crystal forms) as orbits of noncrystallographic point symmetry groups

Ovsetsina T.I., Chuprunov E.V.


Simple crystal forms are analyzed as the orbits of noncrystallographic point symmetry groups on a set of smooth or structured (“hatched”) planes of crystal space. Polyhedra with symmetrically equivalent faces, obtained using noncrystallographic point symmetry groups, are considered. All possible versions of simple forms for all noncrystallographic groups are listed in a unified table.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):663-669
pages 663-669 views

Theory of Crystal Structures

Modeling of the self-organization processes in crystal-forming systems. Tetrahedral metal clusters and the self-assembly of crystal structures of intermetallic compounds

Ilyushin G.D.


A combinatorial and topological modeling of 1D, 2D, and 3D packings of symmetrically linked A4 tetrahedra has been performed. Three types of 1D chains with tetrahedra connectivities of 4, 6, and 8 were used to model 2D layers L-1, L-2, and L-3 and 3D frameworks FR-1, FR-2, FR-3, and FR-4. A family of tetrahedral structures with FR-1, FR-2, and FR-3 frameworks has been selected among the intermetallic compounds with chemical compositions of A3B, A2B2, AB3, A2BC, AB2C, and ABCD; this family includes more than 1900 compounds (TOPOS program package). It is found that the topological models of tetrahedral 3D frameworks are in correspondence with all types of the crystal structures formed in Au–Cu binary systems (FR-1 for Cu3Au (auricupride), Cu2Au2 (tetraauricupride), and CuAu3 (bogdanovite)), in the Mg–Cd system (FR-3 for Mg3Cd, Mg2Cd2, and MgCd3), in the Li–Hg system (FR-2 for Li3Hg and Li2Hg2 and FR-3 for LiHg3), in the Li–Ag–Al ternary system (FR-2 for LiAg2Al and Li2AgAl), and in the Li–Mg–Pd–Sn quaternary system (FR-2 for LiMgPdSn). Framework FR-4 has been established in ternary intermetallic compounds A(Li2Sn2); A = Cu, Ag, Au.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):670-682
pages 670-682 views

Layer-by-layer growth of vertex graph of Penrose tiling

Shutov A.V., Maleev A.V.


The growth form for the vertex graph of Penrose tiling is found to be a regular decagon. The lower and upper bounds for this form, coinciding with it, are strictly proven. A fractal character of layer-by-layer growth is revealed for some subgraphs of the vertex graph of Penrose tiling.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):683-691
pages 683-691 views

Diffraction and Scattering of Ionizing Radiations

Study of the specific features of single-crystal boron microstructure

Blagov A.E., Vasil’ev A.L., Dmitriev V.P., Ivanova A.G., Kulikov A.G., Marchenkov N.V., Popov P.A., Presnyakov M.Y., Prosekov P.A., Pisarevskii Y.V., Targonskii A.V., Chernaya T.S., Chernyshov D.Y.


A complex study of the structure of β-boron single crystal grown by the floating-zone method, with sizes significantly exceeding the analogs known in the literature, has been performed. The study includes X-ray diffraction analysis and X-ray diffractometry (measurement of pole figures and rocking curves), performed on both laboratory and synchrotron sources; atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy with spherical aberration correction; and energy-dispersive microanalysis. X-ray diffraction analysis using synchrotron radiation has been used to refine the β-boron structure and find impurity Si atoms. The relative variations in the unit-cell parameters a and c for the crystal bulk are found to be δa/a ≈ 0.4 and δc/c ≈ 0.1%. X-ray diffractometry has revealed that the single-crystal growth axis coincides with the [\(2\bar 2013\)] crystallographic axis and makes an angle of 21.12° with the [0001] threefold axis. Electron microscopy data have confirmed that the sample under study is a β-boron crystal, which may contain 0.3–0.4 at % Si as an impurity. Planar defects (stacking faults and dislocations) are found. The results of additional measurements of the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of the crystal in the range of 50–300 K are indicative of its high structural quality.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):692-702
pages 692-702 views

Crystal Chemistry

Mechanism of thermal expansion of structural modifications of zinc pyrovanadate

Rotermel M.V., Krasnenko T.I.


Crystal chemical characteristics of the α and β modifications of Zn2V2O7 are calculated based on in situ high-temperature X-ray measurements. The expansion of the structure is found to be strongly anisotropic up to the negative volumetric thermal expansion of the α-Zn2V2O7 unit cell in the temperature range of 300–600°С, αV =–17.94 × 10–6 1/K. The transformations of the “hard” and “soft” sublattices with an increase temperature and at the phase transition are considered in detail. It is shown that the negative volumetric thermal expansion of α-Zn2V2O7 is due to the degeneracy of the zigzag-like shape of zinc–oxygen columns at constant distances between their vertices.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):703-709
pages 703-709 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Low-voltage scanning electron microscopy of multilayer polymer systems

Orekhov A.S., Klechkovskaya V.V., Kononova S.V.


The possibilities of low-voltage scanning electron microscopy for visualization of specific features of the microstructure in internal layers of multilayer polymer films are demonstrated by the example of “chitosan–polyelectrolyte complex–alginic acid” composite. The process of electron beam interaction with a sample at low electron energies is considered. The key parameters of low-voltage electron microscopy, which make it possible to increase the resolution of SEM images of polymer systems, are discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):710-715
pages 710-715 views

Structure of complexes of uranyl succinate with carbamide and dimethylurea

Serezhkina L.B., Grigor’ev M.S., Seliverstova N.V., Serezhkin V.N.


Three new succinate-containing complexes of uranyl with carbamide (Urea) and N,N'-dimethylurea (s-Dmur) are synthesized and studied by IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Structures of the same type, [UO2(Urea)4(H2O)][(UO2)2(C4H4O4)3] · 3H2О and [UO2(Urea)4(H2O)][(UO2)2(C4H4O4)3] · 2Urea contain two sorts of uranium-containing complex groups, namely, mononuclear [UO2(Urea)4(H2O)]2+ cations and two-dimensional [(UO2)2(C4H4O4)3]2– anions described by crystal-chemical formulas 51 and A2Q302, respectively (A = UO22+, M1 = Urea or H2O, Q02 = C4H4O42-), and differ only in the nature of noncoordinated molecules—water and carbamide. The main structural groups of the [(UO2)2(C4H4O4)2(s-Dmur)3] crystals are [(UO2)2(C4H4O4)2(s-Dmur)3] chains belonging to the А2Q202M31 (A = UO22+, Q02 = C4H4O42-, M1 = s-Dmur) crystal-chemical group. Specific features of intermolecular interactions in the crystal structures are revealed using the Voronoi–Dirichlet method of molecular polyhedra.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):716-724
pages 716-724 views

Syntheses and structures of [UO2(L)5](ClO4)2 and [U(L′)4(H2O)4](ClO4)4 (L is dimethylformamide, L′ is N,N-dimethylcarbamide)

Serezhkin V.N., Vologzhanina A.V., Pushkin D.V., Astashkina D.A., Savchenkov A.V., Serezhkina L.B.


The reaction of aqueous solutions of uranyl perchlorate with selected organic amides was studied in the dark and under the sunlight. The complexes [UVIO2(C3H7NO)5](ClO4)2 (I) and [UIV(C3H8N2O)42О)4](ClO4)4 (II), where C3H7NO is N,N-dimethylformamide (Dmfa) and C3H8N2O is N,N-dimethylcarbamide (a-Dmur), were studied by X-ray diffraction. Complex II and the complex UIV(s-Dmur)42О)4(ClO4)4 (III), where s-Dmur is N,N'-dimethylcarbamide, were studied by IR spectroscopy. Crystals I and II are composed of mononuclear [UO2(Dmfa)5]2+ and [U(Dmur)42О)4]4+ groups as uranium-containing structural units belonging to the crystal-chemical groups 71 (А = UVI, М1 = O2– and Dmfa) and 81 (А = UIV, М1 = Dmur and Н2О) of uranium complexes, respectively. The mononuclear uranium- containing complexes in the crystals of U(IV) and U(VI) perchlorates were found to obey the 14 neighbors rule.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):725-733
pages 725-733 views

Aquanitrilotris(methylenephosphonato)dirubidium [Rb2(H2O){μ12-NH(CH2PO3H)3}]: Synthesis and structure

Somov N.V., Chausov F.F., Zakirova R.M., Shumilova M.A., Aleksandrov V.A., Petrov V.G.


Aquanitrilotris(methylenephosphonato)dirubidium is a 3D coordination polymer with a layer structure. Space group \(P\bar 1\), Z = 2; a = 8.0380(3) Å, b = 9.0522(4) Å, and c = 10.7837(4) Å; α = 113.252(4)°, β = 105.391(3)°, and γ = 96.182(3)°. Rb atoms populate two symmetrically inequivalent positions with c.n. = 8 and 10; significant difference in O–Rb–O angles in the coordination polyhedra is indicative of the ionic type of Rb–O bonds. In the crystal packing, molecules are connected by not only coordination bonds but hydrogen bonds as well.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):734-738
pages 734-738 views

Lattice Dynamics and Phase Transitions

Investigation of the influence of electron irradiation on the properties of cobalt nanotubes

Shlimas D.I., Kozlovskiy A.L., Zdorovets M.V., Kadyrzhanov K.K., Uglov V.V., Shumskaya E.E., Kaniukov E.Y.


Cobalt nanotubes have been synthesized by electrochemical deposition in pores of ion track membranes. The structures obtained have been studied by scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, and gas permeability method. The influence of electron irradiation on the cobalt nanotube structure has been investigated. It is shown that an increase in the irradiation dose leads to the transformation of the sample crystal structure. This fact can be explained by the simultaneous reduction of the β-Co metastable phase and relaxation of the microstress formed by the fcc phase in the lattice. The degree of sample texturing along the [100] direction increases under electron irradiation. The dependences of the resistive and magnetic properties of cobalt nanotubes on the irradiation dose have been analyzed.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):739-744
pages 739-744 views

Liquid Crystals

Dual nature of the orientational effect of ultrasound on liquid crystals

Kapustina O.A.


The new model of thresholdless distortion of the orientational structure in a homeotropic layer of nematic liquid crystal with free ends in ultrasonic field has been experimentally substantiated for the first time. The model is constructed within the concepts of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and statistical hydrodynamics of liquid crystals for the frequency range in which the elastic and viscous wavelengths are, respectively, longer and shorter than the layer thickness. The main regularities of the phenomenon, which relate the conditional effect threshold to the ultrasonic frequency and layer thickness, have been established based on the experimental data for (20–150)-μm-thick layers in the frequency range of 0.1–9 MHz. These data are compared with the results of numerical calculations, performed taking into account two mechanisms of liquid crystal structure distortion (convective and nonlinear relaxation ones).

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):745-752
pages 745-752 views

Dielectric properties of gadolinium-based liquid crystalline complex

Dobrun L.A., Kovshik A.P., Ryumtsev E.I., Galyametdinov Y.G., Knyazev A.A.


The permittivity components of the liquid crystalline gadolinium complex with Lewis bases and β-diketonates as ligands are measured in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 5 MHz. The magnitude and sign of the dielectric anisotropy of the complex are determined. Two dispersion regions of the permittivities are found in the liquid crystalline phase. The mechanisms responsible for the relaxation phenomena occurring in the sample are established. The dielectric relaxation times, activation energies, and dipole moment of the complex are obtained. The results of the study are compared with the dielectric properties of ytterbium and terbium complexes having the same ligand environment.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):753-757
pages 753-757 views

Surface, Thin Films

Evolution of the vanadium pentoxide V2O5 crystal surface after vacuum annealing

Muslimov A.E., Butashin A.V., Valeev R.G., Sulyanov S.N., Beltiukov A.N., Kolymagin A.B., Babaev V.A., Kanevsky V.M.


A complex study of the (001) cleavage surface of a V2O5 single crystal annealed in vacuum at 450 and 550°C has been performed. Tunnel microscopy of the sample surface annealed in vacuum at 550°C showed the formation of a plane with a corundum structure, reconstructed according to the V2O3 (0001)-(1/√3 × 1/√3)R30° type, on the surface. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed a significant modification of interatomic bonds in the surface layers of V2O5 single crystal after vacuum annealing at 550°C, which is related to the partial reduction of V5+ ions and formation of lower vanadium oxides. These modifications lead to a decrease in the electrical resistivity of V2O5 and the occurrence of bending at a temperature of 61.5°С in the temperature dependence of the sample resistance, which is indicative of phase transition.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):758-762
pages 758-762 views

Dimethyl sulfoxide-induced dehydration of the intermembrane space of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine multilamellar vesicles: Neutron and synchrotron diffraction study

Kiselev M.A., Zemlyanaya E.V.


Small-angle neutron scattering spectra of a polydispersed population of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) unilamellar vesicles in heavy water in the presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are analyzed by means of the separated form-factor method. An increase in the mole fraction of DMSO in water from 0 to 15% was shown to lead to an increase in the thickness of the bilayer to the characteristics repeat distances of DPPC multilamellar membranes. This fact is indicative of dehydration of the intermembrane space and a steric contact between adjacent DPPC bilayers at 15% mole fraction of DMSO.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):763-767
pages 763-767 views

Gallium vacancy ordering in Ga2Se3 thin layers on Si(100), Si(111), and Si(123) substrates

Kuzubov S.V., Kotov G.I., Synorov Y.V.


Thin Ga2Se3 layers deposited on silicon substrates with the (100), (111), and (123) orientations are studied by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis. Some features and regularities of the stoichiometric gallium vacancy ordering at different substrate orientations are discussed. The Ga3Se4(100)с(2 × 2) and Ga2Se3(111)(√3 × √3)-R30° ordered structures are formed on the Si(100) and Si(111) surfaces, respectively.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):768-772
pages 768-772 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Effect of nanosized titania on the structure and properties of the composites based on butadienenitrile rubber

Reznichenko S.V., Yulovskaya V.D., Kuz’micheva G.M., Klechkovskaya V.V., Orekhov A.S., Sadovskaya N.V., Gainanova A.A., Amarantov S.V.


Nanocomposites based on butadienenitrile rubber (butadiene copolymer with 28% acrylonitrile) with functional titania nanoparticles of different nature have been obtained, and their complex study by X-ray diffractometry, small-angle X-ray scattering, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe X-ray microanalysis, and X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy has been performed. Differences in the morphology and composition of the surface and transverse cuts of nanocomposites in dependence of nanoparticle characteristics are established. It is found that the nanocomposites with the largest crystallite sizes have the lowest viscosity. It is also revealed that the nature of titania nanoparticles barely affects the vulcanization kinetics, and that the optimal vulcanization time for the composites is 25 min. Uniaxial extension tests have shown that nanocomposites with the best properties can be fabricated by introducing amorphous titania into the polymer (butadienenitrile rubber).

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):773-782
pages 773-782 views

Local optical spectroscopy of opaline photonic crystal films

Bakhia T., Baranchikov A.E., Gorelik V.S., Klimonsky S.O.


The homogeneity of opaline films obtained by vertical deposition of colloidal SiO2 microparticles has been studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and local optical spectroscopy. It was found that the particle size distribution is narrowed during the deposition, the microstructure of the films improves, and the reflection peak in the first photonic stop band increases and narrows. These changes may be due to the fact that large microparticles, whose mass significantly exceeds the average mass, leave the solution in the course of time, falling on the bottom of the vessel under gravity. It is established that the microstructure of opaline films is improved with a decrease in thickness.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):783-786
pages 783-786 views

Crystal Growth

Thermodynamics and kinetics of calcium oxalate crystallization in the presence of amino acids

Golovanova O.A., Korol’kov V.V.


Specific features of the crystallization of calcium oxalates (CaC2O4) in the presence of amino acids have been established based on thermodynamic and experimental modeling. Phase formation in the Ca2+–C2O42-–H2O–amino acid system in a wide range of variation in the component concentrations and solution pH have been theoretically investigated. The influence of pH on the thermodynamic stability of crystallizing compounds is considered. The effect of amino acids of different structures on the formation of the CaC2O4 solid phase in a prototype of physiological solution is analyzed. The kinetic crystallization parameters (induction period and rate constant) and crystallite growth are determined.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):787-796
pages 787-796 views


New hardware and software platform for experiments on a HUBER-5042 X-ray diffractometer with a DISPLEX DE-202 helium cryostat in the temperature range of 20–300 K

Dudka A.P., Antipin A.M., Verin I.A.


Huber-5042 diffractometer with a closed-cycle Displex DE-202 helium cryostat is a unique scientific instrument for carrying out X-ray diffraction experiments when studying the single crystal structure in the temperature range of 20–300 K. To make the service life longer and develop new experimental techniques, the diffractometer control is transferred to a new hardware and software platform. To this end, a modern computer; a new detector reader unit; and new control interfaces for stepper motors, temperature controller, and cryostat vacuum pumping system are used. The system for cooling the X-ray tube, the high-voltage generator, and the helium compressor and pump for maintaining the desired vacuum in the cryostat are replaced. The system for controlling the primary beam shutter is upgraded. A biological shielding is installed. The new program tools, which use the Linux Ubuntu operating system and SPEC constructor, include a set of drivers for control units through the aforementioned interfaces. A program for searching reflections from a sample using fast continuous scanning and a priori information about crystal is written. Thus, the software package for carrying out the complete cycle of precise diffraction experiment (from determining the crystal unit cell to calculating the integral reflection intensities) is upgraded. High quality of the experimental data obtained on this equipment is confirmed in a number of studies in the temperature range from 20 to 300 K.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):797-801
pages 797-801 views

Crystallographic Software

New method of automated statistical analysis of polymer-stabilized metal nanoparticles in electron microscopy images

Shvedchenko D.O., Suvorova E.I.


The efficiency of the synthesis and application of metal/nonmetal particles several nanometers in size, prepared in solutions and stabilized with polymers, can be increased by applying a reliable statistical analysis and determining particle-size distributions for different systems. A new method for processing electron microscopy images of nanoparticles ≤10 nm in size and the program Analyzer of Nanoparticles designed for rapid recognition and measurements are presented. The program combines two approaches: threshold image processing for particle recognition and fitting the model of the particles with neighborhood background to the real experimental images.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):802-808
pages 802-808 views

Development of the DIFFRACALC program for analyzing the phase composition of alloys

Frolov A.S., Krikun E.V., Prikhodko K.E., Kuleshova E.A.


The DiffraCalc software package is developed for automatic indexing of electron diffraction patterns. The program can operate with the existing base of X-ray diffraction data, containing information about the crystal structures of more than 100 thousands of materials. This information has been extracted from open sources. A compatibility with standard crystallographic files is implemented. In the indexing mode, the program automatically analyzes an experimental diffraction pattern, implementing a search for an appropriate phase from the list compiled by a user proceeding from the crystallographic database. The indexing mode algorithm is constructed using the method of pair reflections. In the simulation mode, the program calculates the electron diffraction pattern for a specified material, which is an additional way to verify the indexing results.

Crystallography Reports. 2017;62(5):809-815
pages 809-815 views

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