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Vol 64, No 6 (2019)

Crystallographic Symmetry

Minimal Cayley Graphs of Crystallographic Groups

Banaru A.M.


The Cayley graphs of crystallographic groups \(G_{p}^{p}\), constructed on the minimal number of generators, are discussed. Some theorems on the existence of minimal nets, homeomorphic to such graphs, are proven. The Cayley graphs of planar and Fedorov groups, related to the arrangement of molecular crystals, are considered in detail.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):847-850
pages 847-850 views

Theory of Crystal Structures

Layer-by-Layer Growth of Ammann-Beenker Graph

Shutov A.V., Maleev A.V.


The layer-by-layer growth of Ammann-Beenker graph (a quasi-periodic graph with eightfold symmetry) has been experimentally and theoretically studied. The limiting form for the growth of Ammann-Beenker graph is established in the form of a regular octagon, whose vertices are found explicitly. The lower and upper bounds of this form, which coincide with the growth form, are proven rigorously.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):851-856
pages 851-856 views

Cluster Self-Organization of Intermetallic Systems: 124-Atom Cluster 0@12@32@80 and 44-Atom Cluster 0@12@32 for the Self-Assembly of Li48Na80Ga332-oF920 Crystal Structure

Ilyushin G.D.


A combinatorial and topological analysis has been performed and self-assembly of the Li48Na80Ga332-oF920 crystal structure has been simulated (sp. gr. Fmmm, a = 24.666 Å, b = 15.974 Å, c = 45.271 Å, V = 17 837 Å3) using computer methods (the TOPOS program package). It is found that there are 11 827 versions of cluster representation of an atomic 3D net with the number of structural units from 4 to 14. Two framework-forming icosahedral clusters ico-K124 and ico-K44 are determined. The chemical composition of the shells of the three-layer 124-atom nanocluster ico-K124 is 0@12(Ga12)@32(Li20Ga12)@80(Li4Na16Ga60), its diameter is 17 Å, and the symmetry is mmm. The chemical composition of the shells of the two-layer 44-atom nanocluster ico-K44 is 0@12(Ga12)@32(Li20Ga12), its diameter is 11 Å, and the symmetry is 2/m. The symmetry and topology code of self-assembly of the crystal structure has been reconstructed from iсо-K124 and ico-K44 nanocluster precursors in the following form: primary chain → layer → framework. Ga7 clusters and dual chains of Ga atoms occupy 3D-framework voids.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):857-861
pages 857-861 views

Real Structure of Crystals

Electron Microscopy of the Microstructure of Nb–Ti Tapes

Ovcharov A.V., Karateev I.A., Karateeva K.G., Guryev V.V., Shavkin S.V., Vasiliev A.L.


The microstructure of a cold-rolled tape made of Nb–50 wt % Ti superconducting alloy before and after heat treatment has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy, and microanalysis (including the mode of in situ annealing in the electron microscope column). The influence of heat treatment on the concentration and lateral sizes of α-Ti particles has been calculated. The Ti phase inclusions with fcc lattice are found in the α-Ti particles after in situ annealing.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):862-866
pages 862-866 views

Epitaxial Mechanism of Diamond Crystal Nucleation on a Mo {110} Substrate during Chemical Vapor Deposition

Zheligovskaya E.A., Bulienkov N.A., Blaut-Blachev A.N.


The epitaxial mechanism of diamond crystal nucleation by the (110) face on the Mo(110) face during chemical vapor deposition on a molybdenum plate has been established. It is shown that, under the synthesis conditions in use, only cubic sectors of diamond crystals continue to grow according to the tangential mechanism, whereas octahedral sectors are characterized by some complex nonequilibrium mechanism of normal growth. In particular, a situation where the {111} faces are absent and octahedral sectors grow by {100} layers of three orientations, which make a reentrant cube angle and are twins of the initial crystal on one of its {111} faces, has been observed. Geometric analysis of five-fold aggregates of multiply twinned diamond crystals with a shared 〈110〉 axis shows that at least one narrow truncating lateral {111} face oriented parallel to the shared 〈110〉 axis should occur.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):867-872
pages 867-872 views

Structure of Inorganic Compounds

Nanostructured Crystals of Fluorite Phases Sr1 – xRxF2 + x (R Are Rare-Earth Elements) and Their Ordering. 15. Concentration Dependence of the Defect Structure of As Grown Nonstoichiometric Phases Sr1 – xRxF2 + x (R = Sm, Gd)

Sulyanova E.A., Karimov D.N., Sobolev B.P.


The defect structure of as grown single crystals Sr1 – xSmxF2 + x (x = 0.14, 0.26) and Sr1 – xGdxF2 + x (x = 0.12, 0.19, 0.30) grown under identical conditions was studied by X-ray diffraction. All crystals belong to the CaF2 structure type, sp. gr. \(Fm\bar {3}m\). All phases contain interstitial fluoride ions in the 48i site and vacancies in the main anionic motif. In Sr0.70Gd0.30F2.30 interstitial fluoride anions were found also in the 4b site; in Sr0.88Gd0.12F2.12, in the 32f site. Relaxation displacements of a part of F(8c) anions to the 32f site are observed in Sr0.86Sm0.14F2.14. Displacements of cations to the 24e site occur in all the phases under study; in the phases with R = Gd, there are also displacements to the 32f site. A model of the defect structure of the phases Sr1 ‒ xRxF2 + x (R = Sm, Gd) is proposed. According to this model, interstitial fluoride anions and R3+ cations are grouped into octacubic clusters [Sr14 – nRnF64 + n]. The average number of R3+ per cluster decreases from 6 to 4.5 with increasing х, the volume of the cluster core increases from 61.2(1) to 65.9(2) Å3, and the volume per cluster decreases from 2419.9(5) to 783.5(2) Å3.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):873-878
pages 873-878 views

Synthesis and Structural Study of the Cu2ZnSn1 – xSixSe4 System

Sheleg A.U., Hurtavy V.G., Chumak V.A.


The quaternary semiconductor compounds Cu2ZnSnSe4, Cu2ZnSiSe4, and Cu2ZnSn1 – xSixSe4 solid solutions on their basis have been synthesized from the elementary components Cu, Zn, Sn, Si, and Se by the single-temperature method. The room- temperature unit-cell parameters of the obtained compounds and solid solutions are determined by the X-ray method. It is established that two series of solid solutions are formed in the Cu2ZnSn1 – xSixSe4 system: one is based on the Cu2ZnSnSe4 compound with a tetragonal structure at x ≤ 0.5 and the other is based on the Cu2ZnSiSe4 compound with a orthorhombic structure at x ≥ 0.7.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):879-882
pages 879-882 views

Crystal Structure and Some Physical Properties of CuGaIn2Se5

Ibragimova S.I., Guseinov G.G., Ragimov S.S., Asadov Y.G.


Polycrystals of CuGaIn2Se5 solid solution have been synthesized for the first time. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the sample studied is crystallized in the tetragonal system with the lattice parameters а = 5.6689(2) Å, с = 11.3289(7) Å, V = 364.07(3) Å3, sp. gr. I\(\bar {4}\), ρx = 5.5838(5) g/cm3, М = 757.706, and RBragg = 1.33%. The crystal structure is determined, and the electrical and thermal conductivities are measured.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):883-886
pages 883-886 views

Structure of Organic Compounds

Synthesis and Structures of 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds Based on 9,10-Phenanthrenequinone. Crystal and Molecular Structure of the Lantern-Type Binuclear Copper(II) Complex Cu22-OOCCH2(C14H8)(CO)2OC2H5]4(NCCH3)2

Linko R.V., Ryabov M.A., Polyanskaya N.A., Dorovatovskii P.V., Khrustalev V.N.


1,3-Dicarbonyl compounds were synthesized by the reaction of 9,10-phenanthrenequinone with acetylacetone and acetoacetic ester followed by the reduction and were characterized by spectroscopic and quantum-chemical methods. In the crystalline state and in solution, these compounds were found to exist in the keto form. The molecular and crystal structure of the binuclear lantern-type copper(II) carboxylate complex Cu22-OOCCH2(C14H8)(CO)2OC2H5]4(NCCH3)2, which was formed through the oxidation of the starting 1,3-dicarbonyl compound upon the complexation, was determined by X-ray diffraction. The coordination polyhedron of each copper atom can be described as a (4 + 1) square pyramid with four O atoms of four carboxyl groups at the base and the acetonitrile N atom in the apical position. The formation of the lantern-type dimer is attributed to the μ2-O,O' bidentate-bridging coordination mode of carboxyl groups.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):887-893
pages 887-893 views

Specific Features of the Molecular and Crystalline Structure of Two Crystallosolvates of 4-Amino-N-(4-nitrophenyl)benzenelsulfonamide

Tkachev V.V., Utenyshev A.N., Kazachenko V.P., Avramenko O.V.


Two new crystallosolvates based on 4-amino-N-(4-nitrophenyl)benzenelsulfonamide with dimethyl sulfoxide and N,N-dimethylacetamide have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. It is shown that the solvent presence barely affects the molecular structure of the 4-amino-N-(4-nitrophenyl) benzenelsulfonamide compound, which was investigated previously (crystal without solvent), but affects its conformational structure. The intermolecular bond of the NH···O type (solvent molecules) is implemented in both new crystal structures

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):894-897
pages 894-897 views

Whiskers of Iron(II) (1-Hydroxyethylidene)diphosphonate and Its Complex with Morpholine

Semenov V.V., Zolotareva N.V., Novikova O.V., Razov E.N., Kruglov A.V., Kotomina V.E.


The interaction of an aqueous suspension of fine-grained iron with one equivalent of (1-hydroxy-ethylidene)diphosphonic acid (H4L) leads to the formation of poorly soluble iron(II) (1-hydroxy-ethylidene)diphosphonate (FeH2L · H2O), which precipitates from the solution in the form of whiskers. A compound consisting of crystalline and X-ray amorphous fractions, whose structure is based on stacked sheets of whiskers, linked by amorphous phase, was selected from the FeH2L · H2O reaction mixture with morpholine. The compounds have been studied by methods of elemental analysis, scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):898-904
pages 898-904 views

Copper(II) Coordination Complex Constructed from Halogenated Tetradentate Schiff Base Ligand: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Hirshfeld Surface Analysis

Qiong Wu ., Zi Q., Qiao Y.


Copper complex [Cu-3Br-salen]] (3-Br-salen = N,N'-bis(3-bromosalicylidene)ethylene-1,2-diamine) is synthesized as a part of the research work of exploring the relationship between the constitution of Schiff-base ligands and the complex structures. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that the title compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system, sp. gr. Pbca, Z = 8. IntermolecIular hydrogen bonds and the π···π stacking interactions form 2D networks between which there is only van der Waals interaction. Besides, Hirshfeld surface analysis was used to further study the intermolecular interactions of the complexes.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):905-909
pages 905-909 views

Structure of Macromolecular Compounds

Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Diffraction Study of a Mutant of L-Asparaginase from Wolinella succinogenes

Timofeev V.I., Bulushova N.V., Zhukhlistova N.E., Kuranova I.P.


The double mutant of Wolinella succinogenes L-asparaginase (Was72) with the V23Q and K24T substitutions in the C-terminal region of the N-terminal loop enclosing the active site was crystallized in the apo form and in complexes with L-aspartic and L-glutamic acids. This mutant exhibits glutaminase activity eight times lower compared to the wild-type enzyme. Crystals of the apo enzyme were grown in two modifications (sp. gr. P21 and sp. gr. P22121). Crystals grown in the presence of both aspartic and glutamic acids belong to the same space group (P21) but have different unit cell parameters. The X-ray diffraction data sets were collected from all types of crystals at 1.65–2.00 Å resolution. All X-ray diffraction data sets are suitable for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):910-913
pages 910-913 views

X-ray Diffraction Study of Bacterial Nanocellulose Produced by Medusomyces Gisevii Sa-12 Cultured in Enzymatic Hydrolysates of Miscanthus

Aleshina L.A., Gladysheva E.K., Budaeva V.V., Golubev D.S., Skiba E.A., Sakovich G.V.


Bacterial nanocellulose, which was produced by Medusomyces gisevii Sa-12 cultured in enzymatic hydrolysates of Miscanthus, was studied by X-ray diffraction. The characteristics of the supramolecular structure of the crystalline component of cellulose samples, such as the degree of crystallinity and the size and shape of elementary fibrils, were determined. The atomic structure was compared with the known structural models of cellulose, and the synthesized bacterial nanocellulose was shown to be cellulose Iα. The lengths and angles of the triclinic unit cell were determined. The composition of the culture medium made from enzymatic hydrolysates of Miscanthus was found to have an effect on the shape and size of elementary fibrils and have no effect on the degree of crystallinity and the fraction of cellulose allomorph Іα. The use of Medusomyces gisevii Sa-12 as the producing organism allows the preparation of bacterial nanocellulose with a high degree of crystallinity in the range of 86–93% containing cellulose allomorph Іα as the major component.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):914-919
pages 914-919 views

Crystallography in Biology and Medicine

Physical Methods for Determining the Phase Composition of Gallstones

Krivonosov Y.S., Asadchikov V.E., Buzmakov A.V., Ivanova A.G., Artemov V.V., Rusakov A.A., Pantyushov V.V., Saifutdinov R.G., Minaev N.V., Minaeva S.A., Syachina M.A., Popov V.K.


Gallstones with a zonal morphological structure have been studied using X-ray microtomography, X-ray diffraction analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. Concrements have been investigated in vitro in the dried state; phases of cholesterol, bilirubin, calcium carbonate, and sodium and potassium chlorides are found in their composition. The analysis is performed within the development of tomographic methods, which can be used in future for intravital diagnostics of cholesterol cholelithiasis. The possibility of determining the phase composition of heterogeneous gallstones, based on the analysis of linear-absorption-coefficient distributions derived from X-ray monochromatic microtomography data, is demonstrated. The results of the tomographic analysis are in agreement with the data obtained using conventional direct methods for determining the phase and elemental composition of the objects under study.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):920-925
pages 920-925 views

Physical Properties of Crystals

Study of the Fracture Toughness of K2NixCo(1 – x)(SO4)2 · 6H2O Crystals in Dependence of the Growth Direction and Rate

Koldaeva M.V., Rudneva E.B., Manomenova V.L., Voloshin A.E., Masalov V.M., Zhokhov A.A., Emelchenko G.A.


K2Ni(SO4)2 · 6H2O (KNSH), K2Co(SO4)2 · 6H2O (KCSH), and K2NixCo(1 – x)(SO4)2 · 6H2O (KCNSH) crystals have been grown by traditional and accelerated techniques. The microhardness and crack lengths were measured by indentation with a Vickers pyramid in dependence of the crystal growth conditions in order to improve the crystal structure and properties. It was shown that, with an increase in the growth rate, the stress intensity factor of the crystals (which characterizes the fracture toughness) changes in dependence of the composition: it decreases for KCSH (due to the rise in inhomogeneity) but increases for KCNSH, which is explained by lowering the level of both the mosaic and radial inhomogeneity. In the case of KNSH crystals, the fracture toughness of the {110} sector decreases, whereas the changes in the sector {001} of “slow” crystal are differently directed, which is explained by the high inhomogeneity of its composition.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):926-931
pages 926-931 views

Nanoscale Effects in PbF2–CdF2 Solid Solutions

Petrov A.V., Salamatov M.S., Ivanov-Schitz A.K., Murin I.V.


The specific features of the fluorine-ion transport in nanostructured samples of Рb1 – xCdxF2 solid solutions are studied by the molecular dynamics method. The diffusion coefficients DF of fluorine ions in these samples increase by several orders of magnitude (at room temperature) as compared to bulk crystals. The experimentally observed maximum of fluorine diffusion at 30 mol % CdF2 could be reproduced for spherical nanoparticles more than 15 nm in size. It is shown that the mobility of the F ions located on the surface of nanospherical particles exceeds several times the mobility of fluorine anions in the particle bulk.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):932-936
pages 932-936 views

Search for Helices of Atomic Electron Density As a Structural Basis of Optical Activity in α-TeO2 Crystal

Dudka A.P., Golovina T.G., Konstantinova A.F.


An X-ray diffraction study of the atomic structure of paratellurite (α-TeO2) crystal in the temperature range of 86–500 K has been performed. Regions of atomic electron density, shaped as helices with axes oriented parallel and perpendicular to the optical axis, are selected; these regions are found to be the structural basis of the optical activity of crystal. All helices turned out to be right-handed. The values of optical rotation in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the optical axis have been calculated using structural data. These values have identical signs, as was suggested proceeding from the identical twist of electron density helices.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):937-941
pages 937-941 views

Mechanical Properties of СeF3 Single Crystals

Sizova N.L., Karimov D.N., Kosova T.B., Lisovenko D.S.


The anisotropy of the mechanical characteristics of CeF3 crystals (sp. gr. \(P\bar {3}c1\)) grown from the melt by the Bridgman technique has been studied for the first time. The variability of Young’s modulus, the shear modulus, and the Poisson’s ratio has been analyzed and the Vickers microhardness HV of the (0001) and \((10\bar {1}0)\) crystal planes at room temperature has been determined (2.9 and 2.3 GPa, respectively, under a load of P = 60 g). The \({{\{ 11\bar {2}0\} }}\) primary cleavage surfaces (slip planes) and the \({\text{\{ }}10\bar {1}0{\text{\} }}\) and {0001} secondary cleavage planes for the CеF3 crystals have been established. A correlation between the shape of Vickers indentations and the Young’s modulus anisotropy have been observed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):942-946
pages 942-946 views

Plastic Creep Features of Sapphire at Near-Melting Point Temperatures

Stepantsov E.A.


The anomalous plastic creep of sapphire crystals in the temperature range of 1890–2050°С, which includes their melting point, has been studied. A method is developed for maintaining crystal in the state of crystal–melt phase transition for a long time, sufficient for carrying out and finishing mechanical tests. Crystal deformation was performed in the creep mode under uniaxial compression along the [10\(\bar {1}\)2] direction. A sharp (stepwise) increase in the creep rate is found when reaching the melting point: it becomes more than an order of magnitude higher as compared with that at near-melting point temperatures. A hypothesis is proposed to explain the found phenomenon by the existence of a transition state between the solid and liquid phases of aluminum oxide, which is characterized by lattice conservation at a sharp increase in the self-diffusion rate.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):947-951
pages 947-951 views

Surface and Thin Films

Possibilities of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in the Total External Reflection Geometry for Studying Protein Films on Liquids

Novikova N.N., Yakunin S.N., Koval’chuk M.V., Yur’eva E.A., Stepina N.D., Rogachev A.V., Kremennaya M.A., Yalovega G.E., Kosmachevskaya O.V., Topunov A.F.


XANES spectra of protein films (hemoglobin and alkaline phosphatase) formed on the surface of a liquid subphase in a Langmuir trough have been obtained experimentally. The potential of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the total external reflection geometry is demonstrated by the example of a protein film based on hemoglobin subjected to the action of urea. It is established that the presence of 0.09 M urea solution in the subphase enhances significantly the ability of hemoglobin to bind zinc and iron ions. Information about the local atomic environment of zinc ions bound with a hemoglobin molecule is obtained. It is shown that each zinc ion is coordinated by four ligands, two of which are amino acid residues of cysteine and histidine. The general concepts of the molecular mechanisms of accumulation of metal ions under the action of disturbing factors are formulated.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):952-957
pages 952-957 views

On the Abnormal Conductivity of the Surface (001) of Alkali Halide Crystals

Vlasov V.P., Muslimov A.E., Kanevsky V.M.


Surfaces (001) of alkali halide crystals (KCl, NaCl), which were obtained by cleavage in air and ultrahigh vacuum, have been studied by Auger electron spectroscopy. It is established that the surface obtained by cleavage in ultrahigh vacuum has an anomalously high conductivity, which is broken down during heating and depositing an atomic layer of metal (Au).

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):958-960
pages 958-960 views

Structural Features and Mutual Influence of the Layers in PZT–LNO–SiOx–Si and PZT–LNO–Si Compositions

Zhigalina O.M., Atanova A.V., Khmelenin D.N., Kotova N.M., Seregin D.S., Vorotilov K.A.


The phase composition and specific features of the microstructures of layers in the Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3–LaNiO3–Si and Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3–LaNiO3–SiOx–Si compositions grown by chemical vapor deposition from solutions have been investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, and energy-dispersive analysis. The influence of the structure of the lower LaNiO3 electrode on the structure and properties of ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate films with a perovskite structure is studied. It is shown that the misoriented porous polycrystalline structure of the lower electrode leads to violation of the columnarity of perovskite grains. The electrical parameters are slightly deteriorated in comparison with a conventional platinum electrode. The structures of the thin films with a silicate sublayer under the LaNiO3 electrode and without it are compared.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):961-967
pages 961-967 views

Nanomaterials and Ceramics

Role of the Surface Composition and Structure of Titanium(IV) Oxide in the Manifestation of Antimicrobial Properties in Poly-N-vinylamide/Titanium(IV) Oxide Hybrid Materials

Timaeva O.I., Kuz’micheva G.M., Chikhacheva I.P., Safyanova L.V., Chumakov R.G., Terekhova R.P.


Hydrolysis of TiOSO4 · xH2SO4 · yH2O and TiOSO4 · xH2O, performed in the presence of poly-N-vinylcaprolactam (PVCL) or poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and in an aqueous medium, has provided for the first time samples containing nanophases of, respectively, η-modification of TiO2 – x · nH2O ( intercalates TiO2 – x · (nH2O, PVCL) or TiO2 – x · (nH2O, PVP)) and with anatase structure (TiO2). The samples have been characterized by X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. They are found to have different antimicrobial activities. A relationship is established between the antimicrobial activity and the structural features of titanium(IV) oxide; concentration of hydrated titanium dioxide in the samples; and the content of free water and hydroxyl and \({\text{SO}}_{4}^{{2 - }}\) groups on the surface of anatase and η-phase nanoparticles, respectively. The choice of polymer does not affect the antimicrobial activity.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):968-974
pages 968-974 views

Crystal Structure and Ferromagnetic Component in Layered Perovskite Sr0.8Y0.2CoO2.65

Troyanchuk I.O., Bushinsky M.V., Tereshko N.V., Sikolenko V.V., Ritter C.


The crystal structure and magnetic state of Sr0.8Y0.2CoO2.65 layered perovskite have been studied using neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation diffraction and measuring the magnetization. It is shown that the crystal structure in the temperature range of 90–375 K can be described within the framework of the monoclinic sp. gr. A2/m with a cell 4√2ap × 2√2ap × 4ap. The unit-cell parameter a is doubled (sp. gr. A2/m) below TN ≈ 375 K. The basic magnetic structure can be described as G-type antiferromagnetic ordering with cobalt ion magnetic moments of 2.7 µB and 1.7 µB in the anion-deficient CoO4+γ and stoichiometric CoO6 layers, respectively. Based on the magnetization measurements, the ferromagnetic component of cobalt ion magnetic moment amounts to 0.27 µB at 8 K. In both layers, the Co3+ ions are predominantly in the mixed low/high-spin state. The ferromagnetic component is assumed to be due to the orbital ordering in the CoO5 pyramids at TN and the ferromagnetic exchange coupling between CoO5 pyramids in anion-deficient layers.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):975-978
pages 975-978 views

Crystal Growth

Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer during Growth of Mixed Crystals from Solution

Verezub N.A., Voloshin A.E., Prostomolotov A.I.


The original process of growing K2(Co, Ni)(SO4)2 · 6H2O mixed crystals has been mathematically modeled. The specific features of the hydrodynamics and mass transfer for smooth and rough crystallization surfaces are discussed.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):979-983
pages 979-983 views

New Crystals in the CsHSO4–CsH2PO4–NH4H2PO4–H2O System

Komornikov V.A., Timakov I.S., Zajnullin O.B., Grebenev V.V., Makarova I.P., Selezneva E.V., Ksenofontov D.A.


The phase equilibria in the CsHSO4–CsH2PO4–NH4H2PO4–H2O four-component aqueous salt system have been studied. The crystallization ranges and solubilities have been determined for the CsHSO4, NH4H2PO4, and (Cs,NH4)H2PO4 phases and the phases obtained for the first time: (Cs,NH4)4(HSO4)3(H2PO4) and (Cs,NH4)2(HSO4)(H2PO4). Cs3NH4(HSO4)3(H2PO4) and CsNH4(HSO4)(H2PO4) crystals of stoichiometric composition have also been grown for the first time.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):984-990
pages 984-990 views

Comparative Analysis of the Methods for Obtaining Superconducting Fe1 + ySexTe1 – x Single Crystals

Golubkov M.V., Gorina J.I., Rodin V.V., Sentjurina N.N., Stepanov V.A., Chernook S.G.


The Fe1 + ySexTe1 – x single crystals grown by the KCl flux and Bridgman methods have been compared using the same investigation techniques. It is shown that the KCl flux growth yields high-quality Fe1 + ySexTe1 – x superconducting single crystals. The oxygen diffusion coefficient in Fe1 + ySexTe1 – x has been estimated. During the Bridgman crystal growth, a stable nonsuperconducting phase can be formed, which suggests a need for refining the phase diagram of this compound.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):991-995
pages 991-995 views

The Synthesis of Crystals of Chalcogenides of K, Zr, Hf, Hg, and Some Other Elements in Halide Melts under Conditions of Stationary Temperature Gradient

Chareev D.A., Volkova O.S., Geringer N.V., Evstigneeva P.V., Zgurskiy N.A., Koshelev A.V., Nekrasov A.N., Osadchii V.O., Osadchii E.G., Filimonova O.N.


The growth of crystals of metals, alloys, chalcogenides, and pnictides in melts of alkali metal halides under conditions of stationary temperature gradient has been studied. The formation of crystals with participation of elements that were not considered in previous studies (mercury, zirconium, hafnium, germanium, sodium, potassium, rhenium, and osmium) is described. Mechanisms of element transport in salt melts are proposed. It is shown that most of crystals are obtained from ions in which necessary elements exist in most conventional oxidation states.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):996-1002
pages 996-1002 views

Crystallographic Methods in Humanitarian Sciences

Investigation of the Pigments of the Ancient Portrait Terracotta Found in the Kerch Bay

Kovalchuk M.V., Makarov N.A., Yatsishina E.B., Antsiferova A.A., Dorovatovskii P.V., Greshnikov E.A., Kashkarov P.K., Malakhov S.N., Olkhovskii S.V., Presniakova N.N., Svetogorov R.D.


The results of studying an ancient terracotta sculpture found in the Kerch bay are presented. An attempt is made to reconstruct the initial terracotta color and determine the palette composition of ancient painters using a complex of analytical methods: optical and scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, X-ray diffraction, and IR spectroscopy. A study of the terracotta made it possible to reveal a polychromatic character of the decor and determine the composition of the pigments. Iron/manganese compounds were used as a dark brown pigment for coloring the hair, beard, and moustache of the ceramic sculpture. Red ochre and gypsum were applied for coloring lips. Sandarac was used as an adhesive layer for depositing inorganic pigments, as well as a protective layer. The portrait terracotta is suggested to play a role of a ship decoration element.

Crystallography Reports. 2019;64(6):1003-1010
pages 1003-1010 views

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