
Study of methods of energy efficiency improvement considering operation modes of traction electric drive with use of the methods of virtual mathematical modelling
Klimov A.
Substantiation of the design and technological parameters of the spiral roller for the onion harvesting machine
Sibiryov A., Aksenov A.
Electronic on-board control system of operational and technological parameters of cotton harvesting units
Ulzhayev E., Ubaydullayev U., Ulzhayev Z.
Multi-objective optimization calculations to improve the efficiency of the fleet of agricultural moving power units
Zubina V., Godzhaev T., Malakhov I.
The tool of plough-type ripper for plain ploughing
Konstantinov M., Nuralin B., Oleynikov S.
The justification of functional properties of agricultural moving power units in the multi-objective scenario
Godzhaev T., Zubina V., Malakhov I.
Choosing a set of indirect diagnostic parameters for the measuring expert system of internal combustion engine
Dobrolyubov I.
Calculation of radiation protection of the wheeled and caterpillar machines' operator
Gusev S.
The quality of soil cultivation by disk working members
Kobyakov I.
Povyshenie effektivnosti predpuskovoy podgotovki avtotraktornykh dvigateley zimoy
Suranov G.
Substantiation of the design parameters of a screw for the variable pitch of a press extruder in the preparation of a loose sunflower meal
Priporov I., Kurasov V.
Analysis of design quality of tillage machines for agricultural engineering small-scale mechanization means of 0.2 tractive class
Devyanin S., Sapozhnikov I., Shmonin V.
Optimization of energy parameters of tractor gas-turbine engine
Shkrabak V., Dzhabborov N., Shkrabak R., Fedkin D.
Calculation of characteristics of grain oscillating drying in a mobile grain dryer
Golubkovich A., Pavlov S., Lukin I., Mashkovtsov M.
Substantiation of toothed disc parameters of selection seeder ploughshare
Gorobey V.
The influence of the reinforcement of the chisel-shaped area of the ploughshare on the change in the geometric parameters of radial wear during operation
Kozarez I., Mikhal'chenkova M., Lavrov V., Perepechina Y.
Dependence of the time-section of gas distribution mechanism on the valve lift height
Zholobov L., Dydykin A., Suvorov Y.
An experience of creation of agricultural trucks
Galkin S.
Identification of parameters of dynamic movement model for tractor-trailer system on the turn
Gamayunov P., Alekseyev S., Lukyanov A., Gamayunova Y.
Tekhnologicheskie parametry ochistki zerna v naklonnom kanale pnevmoseparatora
Urkhanov N., Tsydendorzhiev B., Tsydendorzhieva G.
Increase in the level of functioning of agricultural tillage machines by justifying the parameters of the column of the working body
Kambulov S., Rykov V., Bozhko I., Kolesnik V.
Study of pulse drying of grain in the S-30 dryer
Golubkovich A., Pavlov S., Lukin I.
Theoretical and experimental determination of tractive resistance of a rope and roller cultivator
Polikutin N., Telichkina N.
Power consumption of soil rotary tillage with small-size cutters having driving wheels
Kupryashkin V., Naumkin N., Chatkin M.
Substantiation of parameters of separator for small leaf part of grass plant
Abilzhanov D., Abilzhanuly T., Uteshev V.
Reliability of information during the tractors diagnostics based on the engine functional parameters
Larin N., Saksin A., Polkovnikov N.
The dependence of indicated power on the time-section of gas distribution mechanism of internal combustion engine
Zholobov L., Dydykin A., Suvorov E.
Agrotechnical and technological parameters of agricultural trucks
Galkin S., Dzotsenidze T., Levshin A., Yevtyushenkov N.
Forest fire extinguishing unit with end mill: optimization of parameters and operational regimes
Karnaukhov A., Orlovskyi S.
Features of the spectra of loads on the units of mobile agricultural machines in the field when delay in external influences
Partko S., Groshev L., Sirotenko A., Vojnash S.
Energy analysis of dual-flow hydromechanical gears
Sharipov V., Shchetinin Y., Gaev S., Troshkin O.
On the determination of design parameters of a machine for cleaning of tuberous roots from impurities
Romanyuk N., Sashko K., Pashkovskiy S., Nukeshev S., Kushnir V.
Substantiation of parameters of device for cabbage heads dispatch into vehicle body
Alatyrev S., Grigoryev A., Alatyrev A.
Efficiency of soil cultivating cutters with convertible knife approach angle
Naumkin N., Kupryashkin V., Knyazkov S.
Dependence of tubers damage on the parameters of rotary separator of potato combine
Shukhanov S., Kuzmin A., Ostroumov S.
Effect of lifting height of exhaust valve on the exhaust system
Zholobov L., Suvorov Y.
Analysis of influence of wheel machine base on the motion stability
Sanzhapov R., Balakina Y.
Use of integral indices in the measuring expert system of internal combustion engine
Dobrolyubov I.
Rotary pneumatic screen separator
Yerugin A., Osheyko R.
The influence of morphological characteristics of winter wheat plants on the choice of operating modes of combing header
Bur'yanov M., Bur'yanov A., Chervyakov I., Kostylenko O.
Research of movement of hexagonal and circular disk working organs of tillage machines
Kobyakov I., Yevchenko A.
Method for parameters substantiation of deflector of single-drum stripper header
Buryanov M., Buryanov A., Kostylenko O.
Engineering of vibration protection system for transport unit of a motor cultivator
Podrubalov V., Podrubalov M., Skuratnik S.
Cultivator for preplanting cultivation equipped with rope working organ
Telichkina N.
Improving the grain crops seeds broadcast seeding by a disc opener
Radnayev D., Drincha V.
Production and technological parameters of the incoming quality control of engineering products
Dorokhov A.
Method of technical state forecasting for mobile equipment
Kokorev G., Uspensky I., Nikolotov I., Kartsev Y.
Functional schema of grain combine thresher
Zan'ko N.
Analysis of the operation of a flat sieve that vibrates in a horizontal plane
Golovin A., Sabiyev U., Chupin P., Soyunov A., Prokopov S.
Sharipov V., Shchetinin Y., Gaev S., Troshkin O.
Role of soil bin in studies of processes in the “working organ - soil” system
Zvolinskiy V., Mosyakov M., Nikolayenko N.
Mathematical modeling during the reversing grain drying
Pavlov S., Golubkovich A., Marin R.
Mathematical modeling of thermal state of hollow track link pins’ workpieces
Makarov S., Zasypkin A.
Evaluation of elastic shaft dumping ratio for the research of dynamic processes in transmission
Chuprynin Y., Kotov A.
A method for calculating the maximum possible level of radiation protection of operator
Gusev S.
Optimal parameters of drum-type sprinkling machines
Kuznetsov P., Bezrodnov N., Konstantinova T., Novikov A.
Power parameters of rolling wheel in the driving mode
Romanchenko M.
Modeling a pneumohydraulic sprayer for irrigation and fertigation
Gorobej V., Moskalevich V.
Mel'nikov A., Bilyk O., Choy K., Mel'nikov A.
Calculation model of technological process of soil crumbling by means of tillage working organs
Blednykh V., Svechnikov P., Troyanovskaya I.
Calculation of grain mill characteristics for mobile compound feeds aggregates
Klychev Y., Reznik Y., Bestayev L.
Theoretical investigation of design parameters for disc coverer of seed onion sowing unit
Yemelyanov P., Sibirev A.
Geared transmissions use for grain processing
Kanayev A., Lebedev L., Ivanov A.
Improving the technological process and engineering tools for direct grasses undersowing in the sod of natural forage lands
Sokolov A., Zamana S., Patlay V., Fedorovskiy T., Kindsfater V.
Influence of engine temperature on the piston rings' parameters
Ivashentsev G., Khokhlov A.
The use of computer during the optimization of energetic parameters of machine-tractor unit
Dementyev A.
Effectiveness of the use of small-sized device for grain squashing
Mamedova G., Bagirov B.
The methodology for determining of the energy costs for the probabilistic nature of the load of a machine-tractor unit
Dzhabborov N., SHkrabak V.
Substantiation of rational design parameters of variable pitch screw of an extruder
Priporov I.
Parameter optimization of a modular diesel exhaust converter for automotive equipment
Chernetsov D., Kapustin V.
Optimization of parameters of a maize harvester snapping unit
Saprykin V.
Results of operation modelling of a brush cutter equipped with shoots supporting device
Bartenev I., Malyukov S.
Development of optimization mathematical models for making compromise decisions on the efficiency of the fleet of agricultural moving power units
Zubina V., Godzhaev T., Malakhov I.
On a promising system of agricultural tractors classification
Mininzon V., Parfionov A.
Geometrical parameters of combined working members of tillage machines
Nikonova G., Nikonov M., Stakhanov D.
Two-channel energetic chain of aggregate with electromechanical transmission
Levtsev A., Dushutin K.
Probabilistic-statistical method for determining ergonomic tolerances of machine-tractor units with a gas-turbine engine
Shkrabak V., Dzhabborov N.
Dubin D., Nakaznoi O., Chizhov D., Shmakov A.
Grain drying with variable heat supply in a tower grain dryer
Yelizarov V., Pavlov S., Marin R., Dadyko A.
Initial data for the calculation of fluid flywheel for internal combustion engine fan drive
Zakomoldin I., Budim V., Merkulov Y.
Diagnostics of resource structural parameters of geared transmissions
Dobrolyubov I.
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