Substantiation of the design and technological parameters of the spiral roller for the onion harvesting machine

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The peculiarity of harvesting onion sets is that the composition of the impurities of the onion-soil heap coming from the digging working bodies to the separating working bodies is made up by soil lumps commensurate in size with the onion-seed bulbs, which are difficult to separate at slotted (bar elevators, screens) working bodies. This problem is most relevant in the selection of onion sets from rolls, because together with the bulbs, the separating working bodies receive the soil layer, loosened by the digging working bodies in the first phase of harvesting onion sets, which are the basis of fractional composition and is hardly separable on slotted working bodies. This circumstance is explained by the fact that after the soil is digged together with commercial products, a significant amount of soil lumps, which are difficult to separate on the separating working bodies and lead to damage of root crops and bulbs during their interaction, come to the separating working bodies. In addition, the release of soil lumps on the slit working bodies (rod conveyors and screens) occurs according to dimensional signs and this does not lead to a solution to the existing problem - separation of soil lumps commensurate in size with onion bulbs. Conse-quently, to ensure quality indicators of harvesting onion sets, namely, the completeness of the separation of bulbs from soil impurities, it is necessary to ensure a reduction or complete exclusion of the receipt of soil lumps on the separating working bodies in the second phase of harvesting, which intensifies the onion harvesting roller. The article presents the design of device for onion harvesting, which intensifies the maximum completeness of separation of onion heaps from soil impurities, including comparable soil lumps during the second phase of onion harvesting. The results of theoretical studies of the device for on-ion harvesting based on the design and technological parameters are given.

About the authors

A. V Sibiryov

Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

PhD in Engineering

A. G Aksenov

Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

PhD in Engineering


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