Vol 79, No 8 (2012)


T-250 tractor: life and fate

Lipkovich E.I.


The problem of commercialization of heavy caterpillar class 6-8 tractor having a capacity of 270-320 hp is considered. Results of its technical and economic substantiation based on extensive comparative tests are carried out. Advices on the improvement of heavy machines' leasing are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):3-12
pages 3-12 views

Upgrading the quality of agro-engineering products

Didmanidze O.N., Legeza G.V., Sapozhnikov I.I.


Possibility of joint cooperation between agro-engineering and the «Skolkovo» innovation centre with the view of implementation of the «Regulation on food security of the Russian Federation» requirements is considered. A process of research and development and the adoption of new technologies in agricultural production, aimed at complete realization of the Declaration of 01.02.2010 are proposed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):13-14
pages 13-14 views

Customs legislation prevents investors from replacing defective equipment by a serviceable one

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Речь идет о ввезенном в Россию и имеющем статус условно выпущенного товара оборудовании, в котором обнаружен дефект или брак. Производитель обязан заменить негодный товар и готов это сделать, однако таможня не позволяет. Почему? Пояснения дает Николай Зарубин, юрист-эксперт таможенного холдинга «Группа Тарго», привлеченный эксперт ТПП РФ.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):14-
pages 14- views

Plowing unit on the basis of a small-sized tractor

Voynash S.A., Voynash A.S., Zharikova T.A.


Mechanization of plowing in farms by using a small-sized tractor is proposed. Plowing units with different types of plow bodies are analyzed. A suggestion to adjust the plow width is considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):15-16
pages 15-16 views

A tiller-seeder with deflectors-distributors of seeds for subsoil-broadcast sowing

Machnev V.A., Machnev A.V., Larin M.A.


Basic design parameters are grounded. Results of comparative tests of an experimental tiller-seeder are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):16-17
pages 16-17 views

Loading of control device of mechanical stepless transmission transformer

Blagonravov A.A., Soldatkin V.A.


Loading of control device's links as a function of the fluctuation amplitude in leading parts of mechanical rectifiers depending on the gear ratio of transformer is analyzed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):18-20
pages 18-20 views

Choosing the suspension for agricultural category 5(6) tractor with triangular tracked bypass

Kosenko V.V.


Application of independent torsional suspension on agricultural tractors of drawbar class 5(6) with a triangular tracked bypass is grounded.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):21-22
pages 21-22 views

Effect of lifting height of exhaust valve on the exhaust system

Zholobov L.A., Suvorov Y.A.


Dependences of pressure in exhaust pipe on the rotation angle and rotation frequency of crankshaft and the height of valve lift are determined.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):22-25
pages 22-25 views

Evaluation of effectiveness of the wood chips production in timber terminal

Seliverstov A.A., Gerasimov Y.Y., Sukhanov Y.V., Syuniov V.S., Katarov V.K.


Results of investigation of a mobile wood drum-type chipper driven by a power take-off shaft of agricultural tractor, operating in a timber terminal are given. It is shown that improving the efficiency of wood chips production from large-sized firewood requires more powerful chippers with 200 kW engines.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Experimental evaluation of the distribution of coated seeds

Kireyev I.M., Koval Z.M.


Modeling of coated seeds seeding on bench equipment with a pneumatic device and a piezocrystal sensor of seed number allowed to obtain the distribution of electronic pulses from the seeds of sugar beet, corn and imitators in a row. It is established that the management of seeds distribution may be accomplished by regulating the rotation frequency of drilling disk with a smaller number of seeding holes.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):27-29
pages 27-29 views

Promising trends of reducing the energy capacity in the separation of grain from ear

Ozherelyev V.N., Nikitin V.V.


A promising trend of grain crops harvesting by stripping of standing plants in combination with the use of a thresher that provides an alternating effect on the links between grain and ear is considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):30-31
pages 30-31 views

A technique for the improvement of working parts of grain combines

Berdyshev V.Y.


Influence of different working parts of grain combines on the direct losses and crushing of grain is analyzed. Dependences of grain losses and crushing on the transfer factors characterizing the design and adjustment parameters of working parts are determined.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):32-34
pages 32-34 views

Timiryazevskaya continuous flow and stationary grain harvesting technology and its agrotechnical parameters

Smirnov V.P., Bondarenko S.I., Lyadin V.P.


The process of continuous flow and stationary (three phase) technology and its comparative agrotechnical parameters, such as performance, grain losses and number of weeds, are considered under the influence of various factors.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):34-36
pages 34-36 views

Reliability and durability of hydraulic cylinders made of metal-silica composite material

Tavasiyev R.M., Lyanov M.S., Ivanchenkov V.A., Kozayev T.S.


To reduce energy and labor inputs during the manufacture of hydraulic cylinders it is proposed to use a constructional metal-silica composite. Results of reliability and durability tests of the new material carried out on a specially constructed test bench are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):37-38
pages 37-38 views

Increasing the stability of fuel injection pump process

Burdykin V.D.


A patented construction of plunger and barrel assembly is proposed. A ball valve is placed in its axial bore to eliminate the fuel flowing into low pressure cavity during the injection process. The design of plunger and barrel assembly and its operation concept are considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):38-40
pages 38-40 views

Improving the methods of experimental research of friction units of cylinder-piston group

Kochenov V.A., Goyeva V.V., Grishin N.Y., Kazakov S.S.


Results of study of internal cylinder gas pressure change in internal combustion engines are given. An improved method for the measuring of diesel engines' compression is presented.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):40-41
pages 40-41 views

Repair control and regulation equipment for hydraulic drive and transmission systems designed by GOSNITI

Petrischev N.A., Kapustkin A.O.


The problems of quality control of tractor units' repair are considered. Experimental models of control and regulation equipment developed in 2009-2011 for the modernization of repair and service base of agroindustrial complex are presented.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):42-43
pages 42-43 views

Environmental diagnostics of tractors and self-propelled machines

Nikolayev Y.V., Nistratova N.S.


Problems of environmental safety of agricultural equipment are considered. Main factors of harmful effect of machines on nature and human are given, as well as basic parameters of environmental safety estimation.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):44-
pages 44- views

Resistance to abrasive wear of restored and hardened Lemken plow shares

Mikhalchenkov A.M., Budko S.I.


A linear dependence of wear on the lifelength is determined. Resistance to abrasive wear of restored shares hardened by wear-resistant surfacing is commensurable to the resistance of proprietary shares, though its dynamics is different for factory and restored parts.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Control circuit of the grain cleaner bucket-elevator with RM 35SO speed control relay

Mazukha N.A., Mazukha A.P.


Possibility to control the speed of grain cleaner bucket elevator as well as other transporters' speed under technological overload and failures is shown.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):48-50
pages 48-50 views

A pneumatic-mechanical scheme of hay pickup loader

Bobkov S.I.


A method for determining the rate of airflow allowing to move hay in the air duct of pneumatic-mechanical hay pickup loader is presented.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):50-52
pages 50-52 views

Optimization of structure and operation modes of machine-tractor units

Kotsar Y.A., Pluzhnikov S.V., Golovaschenko G.A., Kumakov Y.A., Leonov S.V.


Problems of completing of machine-tractor unit are considered. Its optimal operation mode in specific working conditions is determined with the use of a portable measurement system.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Current problems of agricultural mechanics

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17-18 октября 2012 г. в Винницком национальном аграрном университете (ул. Солнечная, 3. Винница, 21008, Украина) состоится Международная научная конференция «Современные проблемы земледельческой механики».
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):36-
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IV Voronezh Agro-industrial Forum

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Форум и 9-я межрегиональная специализированная выставка «Урожай» в его рамках пройдут 24-26 октября 2012 г. в Воронеже. IV Воронежский агропромышленный форум - крупнейший региональный проект, который представляет современные технические и технологические решения для всех отраслей АПК.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):54-
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Readings of Agricultural Sciences Academician V.N. Boltinskiy

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На очередном семинаре «Чтения академика ВАСХНИЛ В.Н. Болтинского» (МГАУ им. В.П. Горячкина, 24-25 января 2012 г.) были заслушаны доклады по трем направлениям: - общие вопросы использования тракторов; - исследования в области мобильных энергосредств; - исследования в области автотракторных двигателей.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):55-56
pages 55-56 views

The 65th anniversary of I.V. Gorbachiov

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Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2012;79(8):56-
pages 56- views

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